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Myndigheter i samverkan inom e-förvaltning.

Human rights have been added to the new curriculum which came into force the 1st of July 2011 in the Swedish Upper Secondary school. The purpose with this master thesis is to compare the old and the new curriculum as part of an examination of what way they affect the Social Science education. Further the analysis focus on what is affecting discourses in the Social Science about human rights, as well as its communication and incorporation in its education. The empirical material consists of the schools steering documents and interviews with Social Science teachers. The theoretical framework is based on human rights education (HRE) and curriculum theory.

Sverigedemokraterna i riksdagen : Vilka konsekvenser får det för undervisningen?

The purpose of this study is to survey how the Sweden Democrats? success in the latest election to the Swedish parliament has changed teaching in social science. The main question is: in what way has the success of the Sweden Democrats influenced social science teaching? This leads to following sub-questions: 1) how do the social science teachers define the Sweden Democrats, 2) how do teachers relate to the Sweden Democrats in the classroom, 3) has there been a change in students? political opinions and 4) were there any discussions or proposals from the school administration which followed the parliamentary election of 2010? To answer these questions, interviews were made with four teachers. The main conclusion of this study is that the Sweden Democrats? success led to a simplification of teaching because phenomena and opinions that were previously taboo nowadays are normalized and thus have its place in the classroom.

Kartläggning av biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap i Skandinavien - En bibliometrisk undersökning

This paper aims to map and contrast the research front and theresearch base of Library and Information Science (LIS) inScandinavia during 1980-1989 and 2003-2013 from articlespublished in Web of Science.The research questions are:1. How is the research base and research front in LIS inScandinavia between 1980-1989 and 2003-2012 structured?2. What differences can be observed between the two time periods1980-1989 and 2003-2012 with regards to the research base?3.

Talmotoriska avvikelser vid Parkinsons sjukdom och vid stamning: en jämförande studie

The following study examined whether similarities in motor speech deficits in Parkinson?s disease and in developmental stuttering could be observed. Furthermore, intelligibility was examined. Assessments of 16 people with Parkinson?s disease, 35 people with developmental stuttering and 49 matched controls were performed with the tests Dysartribedömningen and the Swedish Test of Intelligibility.

Den avgränsade krisen : En gränsdragningsanalys av Lindbeckkommissionens rapport Nya villkor för ekonomi och politik (SOU 1993:16)

During Sweden's economic crisis in the early 1990s a governmental committe of prominent economic and political experts were gathered to produce an analysis of and suggestions to the solution of that crisis. The committe produced a report that became widely commented in the media and in parliment. The report anc the reception of it gives us insights in how the boundaries between social science and politics are created an how new fields of expertise is added to a science. This thesis uses a constructivist approach to explore how the techniques of the economic science were made into credible means of knowöedge production outside of the field where it traditionally holds epistemological authority. Working from the assumption that language does things to the objects that it describes I claim that the episode investigated in this thesis was shaped by the committee's ability to define the economic crissi and thus making it into a knowable object.

"...det gäller att kunna knepen" datorstöd för kunskapsutbyte och lärande inom ett tekniskt arbetslag

Denna rapport behandlar en fältstudie genomförd på en kommunal teknisk förvaltning samt en analys av studiematerialet. En tekniklösning på konceptuell nivå arbetas fram. Metoder och synsätt för fältstudien beskrivs samt relationer till forskningsområden som CSCW och CSCL. Problembilden som kommer fram rör en åldrande personalkår där kunskap och erfarenhet önskas ta till vara. Kompetensutveckling och informationsspridning ligger högt på önskelistan hos personalen.

"Det är så himla viktigt kring yrkesidentitet" : En narrativ studie av berättelser om folkbibliotekarien

This Master's thesis aims to investigate librarians' identity construction through the study of their narratives about themselves and their lives. We want to understand in what way the education in Library- and Information science contributes to shape the students professional identity and how these identities then continue to be transformed when they enter their professional lives. We assert that this construction of identity takes place through socialisation. We start with the reference work because we think this is a central part of librarians' tasks. Our theoretical starting point is constructionism, we mean that professional identity is a social construction that continuously is formed and transformed.We interviewed six former students at Library- and Information science at Lund University.

Spelutveckling, problem och utmaningar

Detta arbete ämnar undersöka problem och utmaningar relaterade till design- och produktion av ett tävlingsinriktat spel för gratis utgivning samt utforska potentiella lösningar och designfilosofier genom att påbörja utveckling av ett spel. Problem som uppstår, lösningar som tillämpas och val som görs dokumenteras varpå resultat analyseras. Undersökningen tar upp design av både spelmekaniska och grafiska element samt produktionen av spelet och dess resurser, saker som är viktiga att tänka på och några saker som kan gå fel..

Naturvetenskap i förskolan : Pedagoger om relevans och uppfyllandet av läroplanens naturvetenskapliga mål i förskolan

The main reason for the study was to find out how much naturscience is used in the daily situation in the preschool/school environment with the younger kids. I have studied the teacher`s educations background, if this had any role in the teaching of naturscience. To get my answers I interviewed ten teachers with different teaching background.The result showed that science was present both in the preschool and school for the early years. Everything from teamwork to outdoor play and small experiments. To play out in the woods is most important part teaching in naturscience.My study showed that a teacher`s educations background had no part in the teaching of everyday life in the nature.Keyword: experiment, primary, school, science..

Naturvetenskap i förskola/skola : Intervjustudie om pedagogernas arbete inom naturvetenskap

The main reason for the study was to find out how much naturscience is used in the daily situation in the preschool/school environment with the younger kids. I have studied the teacher`s educations background, if this had any role in the teaching of naturscience. To get my answers I interviewed ten teachers with different teaching background.The result showed that science was present both in the preschool and school for the early years. Everything from teamwork to outdoor play and small experiments. To play out in the woods is most important part teaching in naturscience.My study showed that a teacher`s educations background had no part in the teaching of everyday life in the nature.Keyword: experiment, primary, school, science..

Mänskliga rättigheter i samhällskunskapen: Utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

Human rights have been added to the new curriculum which came into force the 1st of July 2011 in the Swedish Upper Secondary school. The purpose with this master thesis is to compare the old and the new curriculum as part of an examination of what way they affect the Social Science education. Further the analysis focus on what is affecting discourses in the Social Science about human rights, as well as its communication and incorporation in its education. The empirical material consists of the schools steering documents and interviews with Social Science teachers. The theoretical framework is based on human rights education (HRE) and curriculum theory.

Sjuksköterskors dilemma när patienten motsätter livsavgörande vårdinsatser : en litteraturstudie

Background   The patient's rights to self-determine their own health care is described in Swedish legislation and guidelines. However, due to infancy, unconsciousness, severe brain damage or certain diseases, some patients might be unable to make such decisions. Ethically difficult situations do occur, not infrequently associated with culture. Since the patient is vulnerable, there is a risk that the patient in the treatment and care can not be bothered to maintain right to autonomy and that the nurse violates patient integrity.Aim                 The aim of this study was to illustrate the nurse's dilemma when the patient refuses vital caring efforts.Method           A literature review of eight scientific articles with a qualitative approach was performed.Results           The results revealed the following domains to describe the nurse's dilemma when the patient refuses vital care interventions: patients? reasons for treatment refusal, the nurse's understanding of the patient's refusal of care and contradictory legislationConclusion     More knowledge and discussion of the patient's decision-making competence is needed for both the nursing profession and those who make decisions on legislation..

IPv6 - Inte längre frågan OM och inte så mycket NÄR utan snarare HUR!

Problemområde: Idag har Internet blivit var mans egendom. Detta innebär tyvärr en hel del problem. Det tydligaste vi står inför idag är att IP-adresserna håller på att ta slut. För att bli av med problemet används olika temporära lösningar ("lappningsteknik") men även en permanent lösning utvecklas, nämligen Ipv6 (Internet Protocol version 6).Det nya protokollet löser adressbristen men har även många andra funktioner så som säkerhet och bättre routinglösningar. Vi ställde oss då frågan varför har ingen övergång skett trots dessa fördelar. Frågeställning: Var i övergången mellan IPv4 och IPv6 står vi idag? Varför har inte övergången mellan IPv4 och IPv6 redan skett? Vilka är de största anledningarna och vilka fler möjliga finns det? Slutsats: Arbetet visar att tiden för en övergång ännu inte är inne.

Musik- ett verktyg för språkutveckling : En jämförelse mellan skola och förskola

Abstract The purpose of this essay is to compare in what way pedagogues in pre-school in comparison to pedagogues in school use music as an implement to stimulate children?s language development. The essay is built on qualitative written interviews on four pedagogues, two pre-school teachers and two class teachers, along with relevant literature concerning music in relation to language development.In the interviews it was shown that music is used in a greater extent by the pre-school teachers, compared to the class teachers. Activities containing elements of music is situated on a daily basis in preschool, where the two interviewed pre-school teacher?s works.

Från frö till planta : En studie om hur elever i årskurs ett och fyra tänker om fröet och dess utveckling till planta

Abstract The aim of this study was to explore and describe the pupils' thoughts on seed and its development into seedling. Twenty nine Swedish pupils at the age of 7 and 10 years old were interviewed about their knowledge of seeds.It turned out that pupils often have so-called everyday belief to describe the natural science phenomenon by connecting their explanations to phenomena in everyday life to which they are familiar. To describe the process of seed developing into seedling is something that most of the pupils believe to be difficult and this resulted mostly in the answer ?it is growing.? Children have some knowledge about what seeds need in order to germinate but they do not mention the importance of oxygen as a component of seed to be able to germinate and grow. They mean instead that it is sufficient with soil, water and sun.The older pupils, however, are more often than the younger pupils able to connect their reflections to a more scientifically correct description based on terms belonging to the phenomena, though these terms sometimes are wrongly used.

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