766 Uppsatser om Bounce back - Sida 45 av 52
Sustainable Construction in the Transportation Infrastructure Industry? as a vision and in practice
This study has been conducted on behalf of Vectura Consulting AB with the purpose to examine how different actors perceive the dimensions of sustainability and sustainable construction. The purpose is also to provide an understanding of existing barriers and opportunities for sustainable construction within the industry and exemplify with different directions for the actors in order to develop sustainability. The study has approach the research problem by using systems theory, developed by Checkland, to identify the relevant system. Other systems theories has been used as an theoretical framework in order to identify barriers and opportunities, which in this study are based on Hughes?s theory about reverse salients and salients.
Unga truppgymnasters rörelsekontroll beskrivet med ett screeningtest ? Performance Base Matrix : En pilotstudie
Bakgrund: Truppgymnastik är en relativt ung tävlingsgren inom gymnastik med ursprung från de Nordiska länderna. I Sverige är det den mest utövade formen av tävlingsgymnastik med flest rapporterade skador i nedre extremiteten samt återkommande besvär i ryggen. Tester i syfte att förebygga skador är efterfrågade och få studier har utvärderat tester för idrottande barn och ungdomar.Syftet med studien var att beskriva en grupp unga truppgymnaster utifrån bakgrundsvariabler, och rörelsekontroll med screeningtestet Performance Base Matrix samt att mäta förekomst av muskuloskelettala skador under en period på sju månader. Metod: Nitton unga truppgymnaster (flickor,7-9 år) genomförde screeningtestet Base Matrix i syfte att bedöma deras rörelsekontroll vid låg respektive/ low threshold och hög belastning/ high threshold. Testerna analyserades visuellt och genom videoupptagning. Resultatet av testerna dokumenterades i ett protokoll som bearbetades on-line samt för beräkning av procentuell förekomst av sämre utförd test i form av svaga länkar.
Aspekter att beakta vid beslut om gemensam säljorganisation tvärs divisionsgränser
Vid beslut om gemensam säljorganisation tvärs divisionsgränser, har jag kommit
fram till att sex aspekter måste tas i beaktande på följande sätt: 1) Att
upprätta teknikorganisationer, vilka kan vara produktledningar, som stöd för
säljkåren i tekniska frågor. Dessa ska kunna ge support till säljare ute hos
kunder, vilket är speciellt viktigt vid nykundsbearbetning och större projekt,
ta fram offerter, och allmänt fungera som en teknisk back up i olika tekniska
frågor. 2) Produktutbildning för säljkåren, för att ge den tillräcklig teknisk
kompetens, så att den kan hantera frågeställningar mellan kund och
teknikorganisation. 3) Hantera mål- och rollkonflikter, genom strukturerat
arbetssätt, med mål och planer, tydlighet med vad som förväntas av olika
parter, samt lämpligt kompensationssystem. Med hänsyn till det som framkommit i
intervjuer är detta den enskilt viktigaste punkten att nogsamt beakta,
speciellt då den kan riskera att underskattas.
Trädgårdsergonomi : om konsten att undvika de vanligaste riskfaktorerna för hälsan i små trädgårdsföretag med krukodling
This paper is based on a literature review and interviews made with managers in small-scale nurseries for pot plant production. The review helped to identify the worst occupational hazards in pot plant production. The interviews provided a way to investigate how the nurseries act so as to avoid the worst hazards and what they do to even out work intensive periods during the season in order to get a more even distribution of work over the year.
According to available statistics problems with back and shoulders are the most common of the physical disorders and the risk for occupational accidents are high for greenhouse workers. Most of the occupational injuries are connected to musculoskeletal problems. The handling of material is often manual and involves frequent lifting and carrying of heavy loads, the strenuous work postures and static muscular tensions these repetitive tasks are associated with causes straining and overloading.
Utbyte av mobil roterande omformare till statiskomriktare med mobilt utförande i Asker : En förstudie
I början av 1800-talet började järnvägsnätet i delar av Europa elektrifieras. Då klarade inte motorerna att kommutera vid nätets höga frekvens, 50 Hz, då omformades istället frekvensen till 16,7 Hz. För att växla frekvensen användes roterande omformare. Senare kom mobila omformare som stod på järnvägsvagnar. Dessa omformarstationer var ofta placerade i bergrum.
Arbetsmiljöekonomisk utvärdering av ergonomiförbättringar : Grundade i antaganden om sjukfrånvaro och förändring i arbetsbelastning efter intervention inom en avdelning i läkemedelsbranschen
The purpose of this study is to incrementally, through a combination of various methods, examine the assumptions about the working economic outcomes that can be made based on planned ergonomic intervention in a department at Pfizer Health AB in Strängnäs. The study contributes to knowledge about how assumptions on OSH financial results can be made, based on planned ergonomic interventions. These assumptions were based on biomechanical calculations made on the basis of ergonomics measurements with inclinometer. The study is important because previous research has shown that poor work environment have a bad impact on the economy of a company in different ways. It can for example be negative impact on the company's productivity and quality of the units produced or the services provided.
Pallhantering på Findus - Flöden , problematik och alternativ
The purpose of my task was to map the pallet flows at Findus and put together as well as analyze the problems. My work has also included finding out what alternatives there are to the present pallet exchange system and suggest measures to reduce the problems.The problems can be divided into poor quality and hygiene issues. The poor quality, for instance poor strength is due to arbitrary judgements and the fact that there are companies that make a system of manufacturing forged pallets of an inferior quality compared to the EUR-pallets. These pallets are marked with stamps more or less similar to the EUR-mark and taken into the exchange system. Of course there are rules how to judge a pallet but these rules are many and sometimes indistinct and there are a lot of marks to keep track of.The most dangerous part is when the pallets lack the prescribed carrying capacity.
NORMER OCH NORMALITET - En normvetenskaplig textanalys av argumentation runt homosexuellas adoptionsrätt
SV: I januari 2003 fick homosexuella registrerade partners rätt att prövas som adoptivföräldrar i Sverige, i enlighet med en proposition från 2001. Beslutet kom först efter en lång debatt; redan 1986 lades en proposition fram som behandlade frågan och avslog den. Denna uppsats är en studie av de argument som förkommer i propositionerna. Syftet har varit dels att beskriva och analysera de argument som använts i debatten, dels att tematisera upp dem och ta fram bakomliggande normer. Uppsatsen har för avsikt att ta reda på vad i normerna det är som har förändrats.
Ekologisk landskapsplan för fastigheten Götebo 1:5 :
This thesis constitutes a long term (100 year) ecological landscape management plan for the estate Götebo 1:5. The estate is situated close to Gothenburg and is owned by Skogssällskapet. The planning has been made by dividing the estate into different areas (zones). In each zone one of the goals nature conservation, recreation or economical yield has been prioritized. Nature conservation is one of the main goals for the forest management plan.
The Green Evolution of the Car Industry
This Master Thesis covers the concept of Green Cars. The background to the research area is the high and rapidly growing number of cars, which together with other factors ad to the pollution of the environment. Under the Kyoto agreement the signing members agreed to lower the emissions of green house gases, further on the EU has a 3-pillar strategy on carbon dioxide and cars. Included in the EU strategy is a voluntary commitment from the car industry to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from new cars. The easiest way of lowering the emissions is by using alternative fuels and engines.
Flerpartslogistik med fokus på rutter, fyllnadsgrad och miljö
The globalization has increased the trade between different places and countries. Products are now available from all over the world, but this requires transports that have consequences in the environment as well as the economy. New professions are creates that do formality, organize, administrate and implement other businesses transports. Their operations are between the business and customer and they are called logistics companies. The purpose of this report was to study third-party logistics and why more and more companies use this logistics services.
Inmätning av formeringssko : och snedställda maskinelements kvalitetspåverkan
KM8 på Stora Enso Skoghall som producerar kartong har länge haft ett problem med deras fuktprofil. Problemet har inte drabbat kunderna på något sätt men ändå så har ledningen velat hitta orsaken till problemet. Fuktprofilen är sned och har varit det en längre tid. På KM8 produceras en rad olika kartongkvalitéer. Exempelvis vätskekartong, liner och Coated Kraft Back.Målsättningen har varit att ta reda på ifall sneda formeringsskor kan vara orsaken till den sneda fuktprofilen samt att finna ett lämpligt mätsystem som mäter formeringskorna online.
Outsourcing ? Ett verktyg för resurseffektivitet?
AbstractOutsourcing is a business strategy that has developed over the last 40 years. Outsourcing means to let another company do some activity within the company, for example production.The thesis for this paper is: How is outsourcing used in a manufacturing company today and how is the resource efficiency affected by it? The research is divided into two parts, a theoretical part and an empirical part. The theoretical part consists of a study of literature. The works in this study is books, text books, bachelor thesis paper and scientific articles.
Ordning och studiero i klassrumme : En studie om lärares och specialpedagogers uppfattningar om arbetet
Teachers and special education teachers play a vital role in the creation of a study environment that fosters productivity in students. The current study aims to further expand the knowledge regarding teacher?s perception of common work with developing an optimal study environment within the classroom and the educational institution. In order to achieve this, qualitative interviews have been performed and study results analyzed according Nilholm´s model of the three different perspectives on special education: The critical perspective, the compensatory perspective and the dilemma perspective.The study results show that the concept of order and study environment is not clearly defined among the interviewees. However, the concept appears to presuppose the teacher?s responsibility to create the sense of security and effective study environment to those students who express the wish to educate themselves (Children make the things right only if they have been shown the correct way to do it).
Health added-value food : the Swedish retail market
Diet and lifestyle are closely interrelated and believed to have a significant influence on four major public diseases - cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension and obesity, but also affects functional deficiencies like gluten- and lactose intolerance. Health added-value foods are thought to reduce health-related risks or delay the onset of these major diseases. Therefore, interest among scientists, researchers and the public in general has been growing remarkably over the last decade regarding these special foods.
The Swedish market seems to be a good target for health added-values food. However, as there are many risks and cost factors involved for companies to enter the market or invest in R&D, it is important to take a step back and analyze the current market situation.