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Hur kan kundrelationer upprätthållas?: när möjligheten
till fysisk kontakt gentemot kunden begränsas
Relationsmarknadsföring består av att antingen skapa, upprätthålla eller avsluta relationer gentemot företagets kunder. Betydelsen av att upprätthålla relationer med befintliga kunder har ökat under de senaste åren, mestadels på grund av en ökad global konkurrens. Frågan är då hur ett företag upprätthåller relationen med kunden, när det väljer eller tvingas avveckla en distributionskanal vilket begränsar möjligheten till fysisk närvaro gentemot kunden. Denna uppsats syftar därmed till att utreda hur ett företag kan bibehålla kundrelationen när den fysiska kontakten gentemot kunden begränsas. I syfte att undersöka detta utfördes två fallstudier på Scandinavian Airlines System, SAS och Zytt.
Positiv särbehandling - diskriminering eller ett nödvändigt led i jämställdhetsarbetet?
To achieve the goals that the government has put in place for equal opportunities in the labour market, the Swedish law is divided into two separate regulatory frameworks. One is positive action to promote equal opportunities and the other is the prohibition of sexual discrimination. Since males, despite the measures taken so far, still have a great advantage on the labour market, the law concerning equal opportunities has an exception from the prohibition of sexual discrimination, whose purpose is to promote the progress of equal opportunities, also known as preferential treatment. The regulations concerning preferential treatment allow the employer to hire a less qualified person from an underrepresented gender in spite of the presence of higher qualified applicants of the overrepresented gender. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the meaning and the application of preferential treatment as well as to give an insight to the argumentation around its application.
Skönlitteraturens genrer: En analys av två universella klassifikationssystem
The main aim in this Master thesis is to analyse how an ideological view may have influenced the shape of hierarchies with a specific concentration on the concept of fiction genre in the latest versions of the systems SAB and DDC. Our thesis is that no theoretical classification scheme can be recognized as objective. With an ideological/institutional perspective we look at the structures behind these systems. As a vehicle we use the hermeneutic circle to show the play between part and unit by focusing and analysing three different levels: the content level the concept level the ideological level. The first level is in the shape of a historical background and an analysis of concept with focus on content.
Kommunikation med hjälp av mock-uper
In several cases, systems that have been developed have been very time
consuming and cost a lot of money, but they still do not fulfil the users
requirements and requests. To make new systems better, you have to find a way
to communicate that allows the developers to understand the needs of the user.
The aim for our thesis is to highlight the importance of communication in
system development. To investigate this we have choosen to do a study of the
real-estate system. The work methods that have been used include mock-ups and
informal conversations with the user, who is employed by the Church of Sweden
in Ronneby.
Bland prinsessor och bilar : En intervjuguide kring förskollärares användning av barnlitteratur
In the essay, the balance between being an educator and a mother of a child with autism is explored in respect to how the roles might influence the actions of a pre-school teacher. Writing is used as a method of reflection, it gives the teacher a chance to take a step back and view her practical experiences from a novel perspective; conclusions are recounted throughout the teachers narrative. The essay is based on the following questions; which problems might arise in the meeting with parents such as Adams where there is a suspicion of autism for the child? Which advantages/disadvantages might the teacher?s personal experience of autism have for the role as educator? How would the dual roles as educator and mother of an autistic child best be balanced in the future?The essay highlights special educational and parent perspectives on the matter of autism. Professor of pedagogy Claes Nilholm, specializes in special needs education.
En europeisk identitet : en studie av Manuel Castells kriterier vid skapandet av en europeisk identitet
AbstractA European identityA study of Manuel Castells criteria?s to create a European identityC-Essay in Political Science, by Helena Saagpakk, August 2007Supervisor: Björn ÅkerbergPhilosophers and visionaries dreamt early on the idea about a united Europe. This dream was destroyed by the two world wars during the first half of the 20th century. The first community was established in 1950 after the Second World War. This was the beginning of a peaceful cooperation between the member states, and the community later developed into the European Union.
Ethnicity and Politics of Exclusion in Nigeria : Employing Rawls'Theory of Justice in Plural Societies
With an estimated 250 ethnic groups, Nigeria, no doubt, has been grappling with the problem of pluralism of ethnic nationalities. It is not news in Nigeria that extreme ethnic consciousness of its citizens has led to the victimization of one ethnic group by another. This victimization has come in the form of exclusions in the distribution of both wealth and power in the country.Amidst all the exclusions, the unity of the country has been ironically regarded as sacrosanct, and should not be negotiated. It is often said that fate brought all the ethnic nationalities in order to form one great country. I subscribe to this belief that fate brought us together for the above purpose, especially now that several countries around the world are merging in one way or the other to form a formidable force to reckon with both politically and economically.
Vad påverkar en travhästs hållbarhet? : en undersökning med fokus på djurskyddsaspekten gällande träningsrutiner och behandlingsmetoder för träningsrelaterade skador bland svenska travtränare
The harness racing industry has roots hundreds of years back in time and breeders through time have changed the horses to a mix of potential, harmony and speed. Breeding has changed the conditions and created a horse that perform better and better. A risk with high-performance horses is that injuries related to training and racing may occur more often. In training and racing situations, lameness is the most common injury. There are many factors affecting the occurrence of injuries and lameness of the trotter horses, such as how the horse is trained and raced, the surface condition of the racetrack, banking and angle of the curves of the racetrack and how fast injuries are discovered and treated.
Energieffektivisering av skolbyggnad från 60-talet : Studie av Hållsta skola i Eskilstuna
In June 2006 the Swedish government decided that the use of energy in buildings should be reduced by 20 percent until 2020, compared to the level of energy used in 1995. To contribute to this goal, the real estate company ?Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB?, set up own goals for their buildings. In 2009, the goal for schools was to have a maximum energy use of 118 kWh/m2year for heating and hot water.The school ?Hållsta skola?, just south of Eskilstuna, exceeds the limit since it used 270 kWh in 2008.
Nutritionsproblem för cancerpatienter i palliativ fas.
Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad mellan personer med ländryggssmärta (LS) som klarar eller inte klarar att utföra en korrekt aktivering av Transversus Abdominis (TrA), mätt med ultraljud, utifrån självskattad smärta, funktion och aktivitetsnivå. Frågeställningen är vilken skillnad som finns mellan personer med ospecifik LS som korrekt respektive inkorrekt aktiverar TrA gällande deras självskattade smärta, funktionsnivå samt aktivitetsnivå.MetodDetta är en pilotstudie av kvantitativ tvärsnittsart. Studien är en sekundär analys av redan insamlad data där 53 personer ingick, 37 personer med ländryggssmärta och 15 friska personer. Urvalet för aktuell studie var gruppen från den primära studien som hade ländryggssmärta. Det var 24 kvinnor och 13 män i åldern 18-65år.
Föreställningar, kunskap och information om ländryggssmärta hos patienter med långvarig ländryggssmärta
I Sverige drabbas 60-70 % av befolkningen någon gång i livet av ländryggssmärta, av dessa blir 90 % besvärsfria inom tre månader medan resterande får bestående eller återkommande problem. Patienters föreställningar om ländryggssmärta är viktiga för hur de förhåller sig till och hanterar sin smärta, föreställningar i sin tur har visats kunna påverkas av information. Syfte: syftet med studien var dels att undersöka och beskriva aspekter av föreställningar om ländryggssmärta och dels kunskap om ryggens struktur/funktion samt erhållen/sökt information om ländryggssmärta, hos patienter med långvarig ländryggssmärta som har sjukgymnastkontakt. Metod: i studien inkluderades 49 patienter med långvarig ländryggssmärta som sökt sjukgymnastkontakt på öppenvårdsmottagningar. Mätinstrument: svensk version av Back Beliefs Questionnaire (S-BBQ) användes för att mäta föreställningar om ländryggssmärta och dess konsekvenser för det fortsatta livet.
Flerbarnspappors erfarenheter och behov av föräldrastöd på Tjörn
Background: The health of children and youth has decreased the last two decades. The Swedish government has decided to back a national plan for parenting support. The municipality of Tjörn is a part of national parental support project to identify the need and to improve the parental support in the municipality. Purpose: The purpose with this study was to identify experience and need of parental support among fathers with more than one child on Tjörn. Method: Five individual qualitative interviews were conducted with the fathers.
Cancerbloggar : Bloggförfattares upplevelser av sin sjukdomssituation och sitt bloggande
Syfte: Att undersöka vad personer med cancer skriver i bloggar om sina upplevelser av sin sjukdomssituation och sitt bloggande. Metod: Deskriptiv kvalitativ studie omfattande tio bloggar. Strategiskt och maximalt varierat urval gällande kön, ålder, cancerdiagnos samt botbarhet. Bloggsökning genomfördes i sökmotorn Google. Datainsamling skedde med egenutvecklad granskningsguide omfattande två huvudfrågor med delfrågor.
Framtidens elnät : Hur elbilar och solceller påverkar på det lokala elnätet
The purpose of the project is to determine the impact of solar cells and electrical vehicles on the future electricity grid and distribution network. Future electricity grids will be affected differently than it does today. Therefore, it is important to determine the impacts so that the current electricity distribution system can be developed and redesign to achieve the future demand. In Sweden, government has changed rules and laws in order to make it easier for private sector to invest in renewable energy sources. Our project focused on the impact of the solar cells and electric vehicles on the low voltage electricity distribution.
Alla barn är lika mycket värda : En kvalitativ studie om hur barn framställs i KappAhls reklamfilmer
I have written an essay called ?All children are equally worth - A qualitative analysis of how children are produced in KappAhls commercials?.The purpose of this thesis is to do a study of the swedish clothing company KappAhl?s commercials. My purpose is divided into three questions: With which clothing colours are girls and boys represented in the commercials? Is there any difference in the making of ?non-white? and ?white? children in the commercials? and What is being transmitted in KappAhl?s commercials, where the focus should lay on the clothes?My material consists of three selected video clips from KappAhl?s Youtube channel. The three commercials are named: 1, Back to school, 2, Children?s christmas and 3, KappAhl 3 för 2 på alla överdelar för barn (translation: KappAhl 3 for 2 on all children?s tops).