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Läslust i skolan : En studie om hur elever i årskurs 2 motiveras till att läsa skönlitterära böcker
AbstractThe aim of the study is to investigate what the concept of ?love of reading? means and how selected teachers act strategically to increase the love of reading in pupils in grade two. The Swedish concept of love of reading (läslust) has not always had the same meaning; in the past it was used in connection with the desire to pursue further studies, while the term is used today when talking about pupils? own will to read books. The ability to read is a significant part of a pupil?s schooling, and therefore it is important to work to ensure that pupils love reading.
Bidragsanalys av dimensioner och postningar : en studie vid Vida Alvesta
An old and well known problem in sawmilling is to determine which dimensions /products those are most profitable to produce. Existing optimization models maximize the value of the log. In other words, based upon the market prices of the dimensions the models calculate the best way to split the log. Yet there is a great uncertainty if the most well paid dimensions really are the most profitable to produce. The costs of the process from lumber to sawn products are hard to determine and are therefore often left out from the optimization process.
In this study the economic contribution of different dimensions/products are analysed.
Fröåtjärns föroreningshistoria : Utredning av hur metallbelastningen varierat över tid med hjälp av sediment som ett naturligt historiearkiv
The metal mining history goes thousands of years back. The downside of the mining industry is the large amount of tailings created during the mining operations. Drainage and leaching of heavy metals from these tailings may cause major environmental problems including acid mine drainage and leaching of heavy metals. This study examines a pond located near an old mining site, where part of the old mining facility has been recently (1990) restored. The objective was to assess eventual metal contamination from historical mining and the recently performed restoration using a sediment core as a natural archive of historical metal inputs to the pond.
?Ja, det är ju de det handlar om, det är ju kommunikation, annars kan man ju låta bli.? : -en studie om kulturhistoriska museers syn på kommunikation i utställningssituationer
Purpose/Aim: Exhibitions in cultural-historical museums have traditionally been object-centered and associated with one-way communication. The aim of this thesis is to gain knowledge about how exhibition producers ? and educationalists at swedish cultural-historical museums today relate to communication in exhibitions from a communication scientific perspective.Material/Method: The method of the thesis is interviews exhibition producers ? and educationalists at five swedish cultural-historical museums about how they work with communication issues in exhibitions. The empiricism gained from the interviews have been analyzed from a communication scientific angle, using two communication theories as idealtypes for communication processes; Shannon and Weaver´s model and Stuart Hall´s encoding/decoding-theory.Main results: Communication in exhibitions have developed, much due to the use of more channels for communicating with the visitors and the acknowledgement of the visitor as an active subject in interpreting the exhibitions and their message.Despite this development, communication in exhibitions still have features of a one-way communication. The main feature is the lack of possibilities for visitors to communicate their interpretations and point of views of the exhibition back to the exhibition producers.
Fysioterapeutiska interventioner vid ospecifik ländryggssmärta: En litteraturöversikt
BAKGRUND: Ospecifik långvarig ländryggssmärta är ett vanligt problem i dagens samhälle. Smärtan som inte har sin förklaring i vävnadsskada kan om den kvarstår leda till isolering, inaktivitet och depression. Fysisk träning används ofta för att minska smärtintensiteten.SYFTE: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka fysioterapeutiska interventioner som används mot NSLBP och att redogöra för vilka resultatmått som används för att utvärdera effekten av interventionerna. METOD: Litteratursökningen gjordes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Ämnesord för respektive databas tillämpades.
Historia i skolan utanför historieämnet : Historiemedvetande i litteraturvetenskapliga läromedel för gymnasieskolan, en studie av förändringarna mellan 1985-2007
This study describes how verbal abuse is used in schools and how it affects students. As a result of the study is a questionnaire which was distributed to 153 students at two schools in a small town in southern Sweden. Students who participated in the study were in grades 3-6 and were between 9 and 13 years old. I asked students 13 questions, which dealt with verbal abuse, some of them were check questions and some were issues that required a longer response.The results of the survey show that 108 students of 153 have ever felt verbally abused at school, slightly more girls than boys. Usually they say they have been verbally abused by their own sex and then with words like boys are more frequently offended by words of a sexual nature, whereas girls more often are offended by words that violate their appearance.The students who feel aggrieved are shown to be those students who violate others.
Byggfel på plåttak : - Bristande kommunikation eller bara slarv?
The mistakes and failures on the roof are noticed during inspection of the construction, many of the commentaries are recurring. A contractor should only need to get a commentary once and then learn from the mistake. It has in this study been brought to light that the solution is not to tell the contractors to "stop slattern", it is more complicated than that. Today, the biggest problems are found in leadership, communication, feedback of experience and that the entrepreneurs take too little responsibility.To minimize the amount of commentaries all contractors need to work with a clearer leadership where the leader is both respected and appreciated. The leader must in an effective way be able to convey all the information to all employees.
Köpares syn vid förvärv av lantbruksfastighet i Dalarnas och Gävleborgs län
Today's real estate buyers value the purchase different today compared to a decade back. Previously it was the return value that ruled the market. This has created problems when the broker must allocate the purchase price of the property's various elements, because non-monetary values such as forest for leisure, recreation, and the feeling of owing has increased in recent years and an increasingly important part in the valuation process.
The assessed value can be a guide, but is perceived today to be stereotyped to put a fair value at the individual item.
The purpose of this study was to provide the real estate agent decision support and a guide to the likely value of accounting for the purchase price.
The report is written on behalf of LRF Konsult. The result is based on a questionnaire survey which was conducted in June 2014 among all those who had bought a farming property in Dalarna and Gävleborg province mediated by LRF Konsult in 2013.
The report was made with a split to see if the valuation and motives differ between new and previous owners. It was possible to see a big difference in the reason for the purchase, where a large share of new owner bought the land for capital investment, in contrast to previous owners whose biggest group bought for an active use.
At several points it was possible to identify a higher non-monetary value of the new owner from the previous landowner.
Visuella Effekter Inom Genrespecifik Musikvideoproduktion
Today almost every artist has a music video. With today?s technology it has become a lot easier for smaller companies or amateur filmers to produce and distribute their work. But how important is an artist?s music video and where do people find their music these days? Other questions we wanted to answer were if there is a typical way a music video looks like based on its genre.
Träningsappar som verktyg i hälsofrämjande syfte : - Användares erfarenheter och upplevelser
Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality. To prevent and change this the society need to develop good approaches and interventions to promote physical activity. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate which experience existing users have of smartphone training applications. Also to study if this can be a possible resource for health promotion. Six active users applied to participation after they had seen an ad in social media.
Indexering av skönlitteratur: En undersökning av folkbibliotek som inte köper indexerade poster från Bibliotekstjänst
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the indexing of fiction for adults looks like in the public libraries that don?t buy indexed records for fiction from Bibliotekstjänst (BTJ). The questions that I want these libraries to answer is: - Public libraries that index fiction for adults themselves: 1. What tools do they use when indexing?, 2.
Automatisk lockmekanism : från idé till prototyp
Wavecraft AB develops medical equipment for heating of organic synthesises. The heating is done with microwaves, which improves the process in both speed and accuracy compared to the more traditional methods where heating elements are used. This report discusses the developement of an automatic lid mechanism for one of Wavecraft's product prototypes. The company assumes that the final product will be integrated by customers into fully automated systems, and the upgrade from a manually to an automatically controlled lid is therefore an important step in the product's developement process.The first stage och the project was an idea generation process. The ideas generated here were organized into five different concepts of which the best one was selected through the use of a concept matrix.
Utvärdering och utveckling av nytt webbgränssnitt
Detta examensarbete, vilket utförts hos Expektra, har bidragit till design, utveckling ochimplementation av ett webbaserat användargränssnitt för en av deras produkter, Predict Demand.För projektgenomförande har projektet inneburit att ta reda på olika metoder för att utvärdera derasnuvarande prototyp med utgångspunkt i människo-datorinteraktion och interaktionsdesign. Detta ärvärdefullt när det kommer till designen- och vidareutvecklingsprocessen för generellaanvändargränssnitt. I projektet har man även undersökt olika hjälpmedel och ramverk som föreffektiv implementeringen av gränssnittet.Resultat av design och implementation har i slutet av projektet utvärderats av två användare hos enreferenskund för tjänsten. Trots att antalet svar är begränsat och därmed inte är av statistisksignifikans kan svaren analyseras och ge input till vidareutveckling av gränssnittet. Svaren vargenomgående positiva till hur den slutgiltiga designen blev och alla de olika delar som togs upp ienkäten.
En bibliotekshermeneutik : Om skrivandets förutsättningar i Martina Lowdens Allt
This paper analyzes Allt, Martina Lowden's novel from 2006, from a media discursive perspective. The theoretical framework consists of Michel Foucault's discourse analysis, Friedrich Kittler's research on hermeneutic reading, and N. Katherine Hayles's studies of pattern?randomness controlled meaning production. Various examples on how communication technology influences the narrator?s act of writing illustrate the medial discourse surrounding the body of Allt.
Föränderlig sittmöbel - att trolla fram en extra plats
The purpose of my project was to explore variability. I wanted to combine different ways of sitting and create some kind of seating furniture that could be changed to fit different kinds of situations and needs. I sought after a way to express safety and stability in the seating furniture and at the same time make it clear that it could be changed into something else or something more. It was very important to me that the furniture piece would have a long lifetime and would be something you kept for a long period of time. I decided that the changeable factor in my piece would be the possibility to change it from being a chair for one person into being a bench for two people.