7638 Uppsatser om Bosnien- och Hercegovina Global development - Sida 6 av 510
Internationalisering av Born Global-företag : En studie om bakomliggande faktorer vid internationalisering av Born Global-företag
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence underlying factors have in connection to the internationalization of Born Global firms. Methodology: This study has a qualitative approach in which data is obtained mainly through interviews and secondary data which consists previous theories about the internationalization in small and medium sized firms and recent theories that entitle these firms as Born Global. Conclusion: Based on the existing theories and the qualitative data, we have concluded that the underlying factors for the Born Global firm?s internationalization are abilities and opportunities to create insidership in relevant networks. The most crucial underlying factors for Born Global firm?s internationalization are the ability to create processes to break old patterns of thoughts and the ability to ally with right partners. .
Demokratisering utifrån- En fallstudie om demokratiseringsprocessen i etniskt splittrade Bosnien Hercegovina
After the fall of communism in Yugoslavia the ethnic resentment grew stronger and escalated in to interethnic civil conflict in 1992. After international intervention the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) installed peace in 1995. The treaty's aim was not only to establish peace but also to institute democracy in Bosnia. The OSCE were given the task to implement democracy within political institutions and civil society. This in a country with a lack of democratic experience and where great problems with ethnic antagonism still exists.By using democratization and transition theory this single case-study examines how democracy is implemented in Bosnia by the OSCE and clarifies difficulties that this democratization process is facing.
USA´s och Europas förhållande till kriget i Bosnien
Under 1990-talet pågick ett krig på Balkan som Europa inte har skådat sen andra världskriget. Kriget i Bosnien blev den mest omtalade kriget på TV och nyheter för allmänheten under den här tiden. ?Om de skjuter så låt de skjuta? så lät orden på en säkerhetspolitisk konferens i Stockholm i början av 1990-talet (Agrell 1994:45). Det här var bara något av det som visar hur mycket Europa och resten av världen var kunniga och intresserade av vad som pågick i Bosnien.
Teachers Perspectives on Difficulties surrounding the Teaching of Global Climate Change in Primary School
To be educated in global climate issues can be challenging for pupils. This may contribute to anxiety and feelings of helplessness. Global climate change may also be a challenge for educators to convey to young learners, f-3. Educators can experience various problems when it comes to teaching about climate issues. The subject of climate change is a broad and complex area, according to the studied material in our thesis.
Uppsalamodellens aktualitet : En granskning av påverkansfaktorer för born-globalföretag
Under de senaste 20 a?ren har born global-fo?retag, som fenomen, sta?tt i rampljuset fo?r forskning. Detta fenomen anses av vissa forskare strida mot tidigare ka?nda internationaliseringsteorier. Uppsalamodellens fo?rklaringsgrad fo?r born global-fo?retag har da?rmed blivit ifra?gasatt.Fra?gesta?llningen som denna uppsats har som ma?l att fo?rklara a?r om ett born global-fo?retags internationalisering fo?rklaras av Uppsalamodellen? Om inte, hur kan man utveckla Uppsalamodellen till att a?ven inkludera born global-fo?retag?Fo?r att underso?ka forskningsfra?gan har det genomfo?rts en granskande litteraturgenomga?ng, en sammansta?llning av born global-fo?retag samt en fallstudie.
Den reflekterande chefen - Ledarutveckling och chefers reflektioner
The essay examines managers reflection after attending a leader development program. When examining their thoughts the author starts out from the assumption that leader development programs with reflecting elements can create reflection on management/leadership and the organisations management behaviour. The examination is done whit help of a case study on a company in the paint industry. To test the assumption the author uses a combination of questioners and interviews on eight managers who has finished a leader development program. The result is analysed by bringing forward the managers general assumptions an by finding relations between opinions on needs, existing norms and preferred management/leadership.
Perspektiv på kompetensutveckling i praktiken: en intervjustudie av HR-arbete i ett globalt företag.
During the last decade working with competence has emerged as a more strategically important area. Today the human resources in a company are considered a competitive advance and the HR-units play a significant role when it comes to HR-management. Different motives for investing in strategies that promote competence development and learning also exist. The purpose of this paper was to examine how the process of competence development was managed at a large global company. The empirical material consisted of four persons who were interviewed and the analysis of the material was inspired by grounded theory.From the analysis four major themes or core factors emerged as central to the interviewed persons' understanding of the competence development process; solid preparatory work in relation to competence development, communication, awareness of responsibilities and finally the taking action and evaluation of the action.
Den globala uppvärmningen i skolans läromedel : En jämförande studie av sponsrade och förlagsutgivna läromedel
Today the talk about global warming and climate change are on top of the public agenda. There for schools and schoolbooks also debate the issue of global warming. A newcomer on the school stage is the sponsored school materials that studies show to be a growing phenomenon. In a debate like that of global warming which is filled with uncertainties and so much political and economic interest, I find it interesting to study how these schoolbooks talk about the issue.In my study I have tried to analyze and compare how school materials for primary school discuss the phenomenon of global warming. I have compared two different types of schoolbooks.
Fysisk aktivitet i förhållande till global self-esteem, self-perception och social kroppsångest
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka samband mellan global self-esteem, fysisk aktivitet och social kroppsångest. Vidare var syftet att undersöka skillnader mellan kön, ålder och fysisk aktivitet angående global self-esteem, self-perception och social kroppsångest. 171 försökspersoner deltog i studien genom att svara på en enkät, besående av instrumenten Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP) (Fox & Corbin, 1989) och Social Physic Anxiety Scale (SPAS) (Hart, Leary & Rejeski, 1989). Resultatet visade negativa signifikanta samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och global self-esteem och även mellan global self-esteem och social kroppsångest. Däremot fanns inget signifikant samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och social kroppsångest.
Implementering av Flygförbudszoner : En jämförande fallstudie på insatsen i Bosnien 1993 och insatsen i Libyen 2011
No-fly Zones have been used in three recent conflicts. For every intervention the time taken to achieve the end-state has decreased. It took twelve years in Iraq, three years in Bosnia and only nine months in Libya. NATO was part of the intervention in both Bosnia and Libya, facing almost the same size of opponent, but it took them four times longer to achieve the end-state in Bosnia compared to Libya. The purpose of this essay is to analyze this difference in the time taken to achieve the end-state with a structured focused comparison of Bosnia and Libya based on Robert Pape´s theory of coercion with a focus on No-fly Zones. The results show that the mandate can explain the difference. In Libya NATO had the opportunity, due to the mandate, to use pre-emptive strikes, which they did not have in Bosnia.
Global uppvärmning : gymnasieelevers oro och kunskap
Global warming is generally recognized as one of the major environmental challenges we have to face in the near future. The students in school today are the ones that will have to deal with the consequences of it tomorrow. That is why education about it is so important. Previous research shows that students believe that environmental issues in general are important problems to be solved. I this study I tested students in grade twelve, in four different schools in order to find out what their level of knowledge about global warming is, how worried they are about it and if there are any correlation between their knowledge and their level of worry.
Hållbarhetsreovisning : the Global Reporting Initiative, erfareheter och framtida scenarior
The history of environmental reporting began in the early 1990?s when some companies included the environmental issue in their annual report. The increased interest of ethical and sustainable investments and demands from different stakeholders conjure a change of the report design. To develop the environmental reports and create design guidance for sustainability reports an organisation called Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) was born. The GRI is environmental reporting taken to another level, a level that is according to sustainable development.
Efter krig kommer fred : att planera för återuppbyggnad i en krigsdrabbad stad
This paper intends to provide a better understanding of how to rebuild a crisis affected area and how to plan for the inhabitants of a wounded city. It will also examine the landscape architect's tasks in this work to provide a planning perspective. The discussion of reconstruction is significant because the insight and knowledge in the subject is needed in order to help nations after a disaster. Bosnia-Herzegovina's capital Sarajevo is a city recovering from a civil war where the city's situation was complicated by an ethnic conflict that has been segregating it. The restoration of the city's structure can free people from their tragedy and make them live again.
Relationen mellan självkänsla, betyg, fysisk aktivitet och social deaktighet hos gymnasieelever: en korrelationsstudie
Research has shown positive correlations between global self-esteem and physical activity, as well as between global self-esteem and school performance. However, research is ambiguous and other variables have shown importance for global self-esteem. This study aims to investigate the correlations between global self-esteem and physical activities, school performance and social participations within high-school students in the northern part of Sweden. The study also investigates gender differences regarding correlations between the variables. The study was conducted using a questionnaire that included Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and self-rated physical activity, social participation and grades in Swedish, English and mathematics.
En obekväm sanning eller en stor bluff? : En analys av den visuella gestaltningen av fenomenet "global uppvärmning" i filmmediet
En uppsats som kritiskt granskar och analyserar den visuella gestaltningen i två dokumentärfilmer. Huvudtemat i filmerna är global uppvärmning och konsekvenserna av detta. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka den visuella gestaltningen av den miljödebatt som filmerna är en del i och genom detta belysa frågor som berör visuell kultur och popularisering av vetenskap..