

139 Uppsatser om Boreal streams - Sida 10 av 10

Developing Dynamic Outsourcing - Bringing continuous added value to the ABB Full Service partnership

Executive summary This master thesis was originally based on a specific assignment given to the authors from ABB Full Service, a unit specializing in providing maintenance outsourcing: ?How can ABB Full Service expand its offering of providing fundamental maintenance by seamlessly incorporating the business concept with competencies and solutions from other ABB divisions?? The academic issue was developed throughout the thesis, resulting in the following formulation: ?From an organizational perspective; how can service providers bring continuous added value to intra-organizational outsourcing partnerships?? Many of the key findings of this thesis are reflected in the issue. The term intra-organizational outsourcing is a proposed addition to the terminology in the academic discourse on outsourcing. The definition of the term is: ? Where an organization outsources a business process interlinked with the physical operations, requiring the service provider to take over a preexisting unit and its employees.This is an accurate description of the form of outsourcing that ABB Full Service is engaged in.

Problem och policy: - hänger de ens ihop?

För att dagens företag ska fortsätta att vara konkurrenskraftiga behövs ett ständigt arbete med att minska utvecklingstider, utvecklingskostnader samt säkerställa en hög kvalitet. För att tillfredsställa konsumenterna behövs också konstanta produktförbättringar, nya varianter och funktioner. En trend i dagens industri är ett ökat behov av avancerade IT-system för att nå dessa mål. En typ av IT-system kallas Product Lifecycle Management PLM, vilket är ett kontrollerat och systematiskt sätt att administrera och utveckla produkter. Kärnan i PLM är skapandet, bevarandet och lagringen av produktrelaterad information, vilket kan göra det lättare att hitta, dela, modifiera samt återanvända data.

Kan risken för spontan contortaföryngring elimineras genom hyggesbränning? :

Sweden has almost 600 000 hectares planted with lodgepole pine, and large areas are soon ready to be clear-felled. The provenances that have been planted are producing high level of permanently closed, so called serotinous, cones. In their natural setting, the Canadian boreal forest, these cones are opened mainly after crown fires when the heat make the resin between the cone scales melt, which releases the seeds. This is viewed as an adaption to the fire regimes that prevail over the natural distribution area of lodgepole pine. Because of the short flame-exposure that occurs in a crown fire, the seeds can survive.

Transit Objekt

Transit Objects In the Master Essay I argue around two existing levels in the works presented at the graduation exhibition. On the one hand, it is about influence; on the other hand it is about the phenotypes of purpose-ness. In the introduction, I describe the relationship between the shapes that I have come to call Transit objects, and their on the one hand ideological superstructure; on the other hand, the different aspects of their shapes regarding the imitation I, in creating the objects, performed. In the case with the objects shape-aspects, I stand on the thoughts that I found during my bachelor's work, that is, to express the phenotypes of purpose-ness.When it comes to influence, I speculate about how linguistics, and particularly a branch called neuro-linguistics, illustrates how the arguments that make up our world can be transformed. I use a meta-model and a conversation model as a tool to illustrate this. When I, like that, illustrate the plasticity of meaning, and cognition, I note Catherine Malabous taught (in her book What Should we do with our brain?) on the plasticity of the brain in relation to the neo-liberal systems of capitalism. She argues for how the brain has come to stand model for the organization of different types of networks. I hint the link to a future scenario where the desire to influence takes new forms and uses the latest brain research challenges, more specifically the use of ultrasound for the treatment of pain and other similar conditions. This also can be used as generating various types of seizures, pleasant or unpleasant.

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