

63 Uppsatser om Bore hole - Sida 2 av 5

Nystartande av nötköttsproduktion med och utan bidrag :

Many dairy farms doesn?t keep their bull calves and cross cow calves, they sell them to breeders instead of raising them their self. It should be possible for the dairy farmers to do it them self?s. There is also a possibility to bread one calf from the cross heifers. The purpose of the investigation was to see if there is any economic possibility to breed beef cattle. I have used the same sample farm trough the hole study, because it would be easier to fallow the study.

SocialSurf: ett verktyg för social navigering i webbläsaren

Today, we can see that social navigation is embedded in different kinds of websites, but there is still little support for social navigation in the web browser. Our main concern has been how we construct a tool that fills this hole in the web browser. By letting the theory, the prototype and the focus group serve as input/output to each other we could create a better overview of how the different pieces were intertwined. This has been a crucial mental model for us to obtain since it has helped us to understand how we could realize the theory through our prototype and thereby come to the conclusion of what aspects of the theory that we should put forward to further development. After constructing the prototype we thought that it would support social navigation, but realized after analyzing the discussion of the focus group that we are not there yet.

Klätterladan -en rumsgestaltning för klättrare

I design a service building for the climbingcompany Klättertorpet.Klättertorpet is a small company that is situated outside Lysekil.Klättertorpet o!ers courses in climbing and campingsite."e new building will include kitchen, room for socialmeetings,gym, a small shop and safety lockers. "e starting point revolvesaround how to capture the companys values and philosophyin the design. "e purpose was to add value to the companythrough the design and for myself to get more experience ofworking with a client. During the project questions developedin to how to work with the hole lifecycle of the inertial in mindand how to make the place attractive to climbers. I worked withmodels, moodboards and sculptures to explore the form.

Bildskapandet i den indiska kulturen

This paper is built on a studytrip to north India i made under the autumn 2005. The purpose for this trip was to give me as a teatcher an experience and insight how to work with art in another culture. I´ve been in ?Upper Dharamsala? even called Mcleod Ganj and visited art schools and a great artist . Too implement my investigation i have made interviews and observations in schools and i also hade the chance to spend a hole day with a great artist in India, my impresions was many, and i learned so mutch with this yourney.

Webbsida med interaktiv banguide

This degree project is made for Sundbyholms Golf&Country Club in Eskilstuna. The aim of the report is to produce a website which include a golf course interactive guide and an online game. Programs that have been used during the project are Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Director, Discreet 3DS Max and the plug-in 3DS Max Exporter. The choice of programs are based on experience and knowledge from the university education Media and Communication Engineering at Linköping University. The golf course guide contains a 2D-guide (image) and a 3D-guide (interactive image).

Empirisk studie av den radiella förspänningskraftens variation i klassiska skärskruvförband

In this study, the pre-tension force in an insert screw connection are examined in order to establish a greater understanding of the system and to facilitate the process of making new metal cutting tools. Certain especially significant design variables such as the offset, the length of the contact thread and the shank length above the threaded hole, are selected to be closely examined. A comparison of the influence on the pre-tension force between threaded holes made with a worn, versus new, threading tool is also involved in the experiment. The study is limited to handling the screw sizes M2,5 and M3,5. The results show that a regression model, with good approximation, can be fitted to the measured values.

Konstruktion av UPS-modul

This master thesis describes the development of an UPS module. UPS is an acronym for Uninterruptable Power Supply. The UPS module has been developed at the company AerotechTelub AB. The UPS module delivers the necessary voltage and current in case of a power interrupt. If a power interrupt occur, the computer system has one to three minutes available to store data and shut down correctly.

Arbetstidsdirektivets implementering i svensk lag : En studie om byråkratisk drift

The aim of this master-thesis is to investigate the emergence of bureaucratic drift in connection with implementation of EU-legislation in Sweden. To narrow it down I have chosen to look at the Swedish implementation of the Working Time Directive, directive 93/104/EG. To be able to fulfil the purpose of this master-thesis I have used two research questions; [1] How did Sweden implement the Working Time Directive into Swedish law? and [2] Why did Sweden omit to correct implement the Working Time Directive? To be able to understand and explain the situation I have used the principal-agent perspective as a theoretical framework. An analysis of motives has been used as analytical method.The results from the analysis show that Sweden, in order to keep the contractual model used on the labour market, which is a part of the well known Swedish model, shirked while implementing the directive and implemented as to be able to fulfil its own agenda.

Problembaserat lärande i historia och elevers motivation

Syftet med denna rapport är tvådelat. För det första görs ett försök att på ett djupare plan studera stödet för användandet av problembaserat lärande som metod inom den gymnasiala historieundervisningen. Det föreligger en stor likhet mellan den problembaserade arbetsmodellen och den metod som historiker i allmänhet använder sig av. Det går också att finna stöd för metoden ur ett samhällsperspektiv. Den snabbt växande, och skiftande kunskapsmassan kräver ett problematiserande, och kritiskt förhållningssätt.

Ansvarsfulla män och omoraliska kvinnor : En narrativ analys av det politiska mediedrevet rörande Borg, Billström, Borelius och Stegö Chilò

In October 2006 the media began investigating the four ministers Billström, Borg, Borelius and Stegö Chilò who were all being accused of miner tax fraud. The two women, Stegö Chilò and Borelius became the primary victims of an extensive media hunt where the media already had made their minds up; the women had to go. The more the women tried to explain themselves, they only seemed to be digging themselves into a deeper hole and ten days into the ?hunt?, the media got their way, the women resigned while the men, even today remain on their positions. What was it then that made the outcome so different regarding the four ministers when the only thing to really set them apart was their genders?With support of theories from Giddens, Habermas and Thompson as well as theories regarding media, gender and the medias ethical responsibility we have in a qualitatively narrative analysis studied 20 articles from Dagens Nyheter and Expressen.

Ett nytt växtsortiment - för inglasade miljöer :

A new project has developed at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp during the spring of 2006. The garden design students has, during the course Interior Garden Design designed and built an construction with a new range of plants for Swedish conservatories. The plants are mainly from the cool temperate areas, instead of the tropical which often are the most common in public spaces. This means, among other things, that the cost for warming is very low. The working process and the construction carried on as workshops in the conservatory at Trädgårdslaboratoriet in Alnarp. During a few weeks the hole construction is completed.

Olika metoder och tekniska hjälpmedel för att bestämma bevattningstidpunkt :

This examination work on studies and research in articles is mostly from other countries. The purpose of the examination work have been to find out if there are any means you can work with to find out when its time to start irrigation, how they works and if they are credible. In Sweden there is not many means for decide when it?s time to irrigate and how much water you should appear. Swedish farmers think they have so much experience that they don?t need techniques like this.

'Jag vill bli alldeles vansinnigt älskad' : en närläsning av Line Knutzons dramatik

This essay investigates the function of fictional space and thematics in Line Knutzon?s dramatic works.My main theoretical concept is thematic unity, factors that unite several plays by one author.I have found three major themes: the encounter, identity and childhood, which I study in five of Knutzon?s plays: The Splint In The Heart, The Latest Thing, First You?re Born, The Air Others Breathe and The Time Will Soon Come.I study three aspects of space: fictive space, where the play is set, the characters? inner space and exterior space, that which is outside fictive space: society. Fictive space is shown mainly via dialogue and context.It is evident that the themes, most clearly visible in the five chosen plays, are very important in Line Knutzon?s dramatic works. Most typical is the way she portrays childhood memories, in monologues showing that her characters exist in a ?hole?, in the void between childhood and adulthood.My investigation leads to the conclusion that Knutzon deals with existential matters: there is a kind of constant chaos, within her characters, expressed in actions and thoughts.

Spänningsanalys av axel-länkmekanism på borr-rigg

This master thesis is intended to give an increased understanding of the stress state in an axle, which is assembled in one of Atlas Copco?s mountain drilling rigs. The main problems investigated were how the axle is affected when the bearing is worn, when the pretension is varied, and how to dimension the axle. Answers to these questions were found by using hand calculations, practical testing and with Finite Element analyzes. The dimensioning of the axle is currently based on the bending stress, but the author?s opinion is that the axle should be dimensioned considering the equivalent stress.

Ögonbehandling av häst med lavage system och infusionspump Omvårdnadsaspekter : omvårdnadsaspekter

Objective ? To study the requirement of nursing care of the equine patient during eye treatment with a lavage system together with a constant rate infusion pump. Procedures ? Three veterinary nurses at ATG: s Hästsjukhus in Skara were asked nine questions at individual interviews. Inclusion criteria for participation in the interview were that the nurse should have treated equines with and without the infusion pump to the lavage system, but also traditionally with eye drops. Results ? The equine had a higher well-being since it experienced less stress during eye treatment with the infusion pump compared to treatment given by hand through the lavage system. The treatment would be more effective with constant rate infusion and save costs for the owner.

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