

2700 Uppsatser om Body-image - Sida 3 av 180

Kroppsfett, genus och queer sexualitet : en undersökning av meningsskapande kring kroppar och fett i queera sammanhang

This essay examine the meaning produced around bodies and body fat in the queer community, but also in the surrounding straight community. The author has interviewed fat activists, and are using queertehory, to examine and analyze the relationship between body fat and the understanding and construction of sexuality and gender. The author concludes that even if norms around body shape and body fat are overlapping between the two contexts to some degree, they also differ. In the straight community, people with larger body shapes and sizes are punished, and encouraged to stay, or become, slim. However, in the queer community, ?fat? or bigger body sizes are not frowned upon in the same degree.

Bröst, rumpor och kroppsstrumpor - en kvinnas självförtroende är aldrig längre bort än närmsta shoppingcenter

AbstractKarin Johansson, Institutionen för genusvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet, 2007.?Bröst, rumpor och kroppsstrumpor: En kvinnas självförtroende är aldrig längre bort än närmsta shoppingcenter?.In Kanal 5?s production Snygg naken, based on the British television show How to look good naked, eight women undergo a make-over which is said to enhance their self-confidence and transform their attitudes toward their bodies. This, in turn, is accomplished with the assistance of a stylist and an undergarment expert. However, the transformations are based on normative structures and ideas regarding the female body, which, on the one hand governs the participants? needs for a make-over in the first place, and on the other hand forms the basis of the experts? authority.

Size Hero : En attitydstudie om unga kvinnors inställning till tvärtomretuschering i magasin

Traditional retouching, where you make the body of a female model in a magazine thinner, has been common for a long time and is well known. Several studies indicates that showing ultra-thin images of female bodies in media can lower the body satisfaction of ?ordinary? women which in some cases can lead to dangerous eating disorders. But in 2010 Swedish female magazine VeckoRevyn introduced a new type of retouching: Making some catwalk models bodies bigger instead, which we decided to call opposite retouching. This kind of retouching is aiming to widen the ideal picture that is sent out of how the female body should look like, and therefore having the readers reach a higher body satisfaction and becoming more at peace with the own body.

Folkbiblioteks image på Facebook : Undersökning av fyra folkbiblioteks imageskapande och mottagande på Facebook

This essay was to investigate what self-image public libraries convey on Facebook and what image is received by the users, along with comparison of those. It was investigated if the received image corresponded with the users? previous image of public libraries. The method used was interviews with the Facebook administrators and surveys with the users. The theoretical framework was Kotler?s model for image creation.The research is mainly American and shows Facebook as an accepted marketing tool for libraries among students, but as not taken seriously by the library staff.

Bildförbättring över en bildsekvens

When SKL (Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science) gets images to analyse, the task often is to identify a person or an object. In that work it?s important to find features. Unfortunately images from camera surveillances often contain a lot of noise, so details can be hard to discern.A simple method to improve an image from a sequence is to compute the mean of some of the images. However, the part of interest in the image has to be in the same position in all images.

Litteraturstudie : Prevalens, tänkbara orsaker och konsekvenser till ätstörningar

The present work has been implemented as a literature study aimed to investigate the prevalence, possibly causes and consequences of an eating disorder. In today's modern society individuals are living with a constant reminder from the media about how a person should look and act to blend into the social norms and expectations of the modern society. This literature review has been analysed on the basis of concepts such as identity, gender identity and gender. In addition previous research has been analysed in terms of themes, history, possible causes/risk factors, media, body image and control, depression, shame and guilt as well as culture. The above themes were analysed on the basis of behaviouristic theory and role theory.

Automatisk segmentering och maskering av implantat i mammografibilder

A report on my thesis developing an algorithm to automatically classify a mammogram image as containing an implant or not and segmenting and masking any present breast implant in the image..

Kommunalstrejken 2003 : Motståndet mot en uppvärdering av kvinnodominerade sektorn

Urination is a biological need but the routines surrounding urination are culturally specific and ever changing. This makes the organization of public space an important part in deciding what actions are made possible for the people in it. This paper considers women?s public urination and the possibilities to merge the need to urinate and the construction of the female body as feminine.A number of texts that describe the construction of the female body and identity as both gendered and socially produced are analysed in relation to women?s experiences of incontinence. Incontinence as a medical diagnosis is by this becoming possible to question, and may be seen as one of several strategies used to manage both the organization of the public space and the expectations of the female body to be a docile body.The conclusion is that a woman who wants to enter public space has the following options when it comes to the need to urinate:To strive for the feminine ideal.

Att hålla tätt : Offentlig urinering och inkontinens som könad praktik

Urination is a biological need but the routines surrounding urination are culturally specific and ever changing. This makes the organization of public space an important part in deciding what actions are made possible for the people in it. This paper considers women?s public urination and the possibilities to merge the need to urinate and the construction of the female body as feminine.A number of texts that describe the construction of the female body and identity as both gendered and socially produced are analysed in relation to women?s experiences of incontinence. Incontinence as a medical diagnosis is by this becoming possible to question, and may be seen as one of several strategies used to manage both the organization of the public space and the expectations of the female body to be a docile body.The conclusion is that a woman who wants to enter public space has the following options when it comes to the need to urinate:To strive for the feminine ideal.

Image follows structure

Background: The business market today is characterized by tough competition amongst the competitors to capture consumers? interest and money. One marketing tool companies can use to achieve this is the company?s image. The customer buys not only a product, but also the image that the company or the product is associated with.

En jämförelse av hållningen mellan kvinnor som nyligen har fött barn och kvinnor som aldrig varit gravida

The purpose of this study was to compare the body posture among a group of women who recently have given birth (subjects) and a group of women who never have been pregnant (controls). The comparison was done between the two groups using the Comprehensive Body Examination (CBE) according to Bunkan. In the study participated 24 women, 12 who recently have given birth and 12 who never have been pregnant. The results showed that the body posture differed between the two groups. The subjects differed more from satisfactory jointpositions than the controls.

Varumärkesimage ? utanför företagets kontroll

Companies spend huge amounts on communicating their brand through marketing. Many of these contact areas where the consumer comes in contact with the brand is con-trolled by the company. The brand image is also affected from outside the company. It can be from users, media, blogs etc.Burberry is an example of a company that got in trouble with their brand image after hooligans where associated with their products. If a company with a brand with a strong image is associated whith consumers that are not compatible with the target group the company wants, there is a risk of a negative affect on the brand image.Our purpose is to investigate and describe the phenomenom when a company brandimage is affected by being associated whith consumers not compatable whith, by the company, intended target group.We have chosen a qualitative research where we use a multiple case study.

Idealiserad och exponerad : Bilders effekt på unga vuxnas kroppsliga självbild

I tidigare forskning visas ett samband mellan framställningen av kvinnor i media och kvinnors självbildsuppfattning. Studier har även gjorts med fokus på män där ett samband mellan media och mäns självbild visas. Studien avser undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan medias framställning av ideala modeller och unga vuxnas syn på kroppslig självbild, samt hur mediaanvändning skiljer sig mellan könen och om användningen har en effekt på kroppslig självbild. En enkätundersökning med 90 deltagare (43 kvinnor och 47 män) i ålder 18-30 utfördes. Deltagarna fick fylla i en internetenkät med antingen ideala bilder, alldagliga bilder eller en enkät utan bilder.

Samspel mellan Identitet och Image : En fallstudie av det Svenska fo?retaget POC

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine if POC manage to keep cohort interplay between their identity and image.Theoretical framework: This paper is led from theories in area about communicating identity and image. The theories that are relevant to this paper to see the interplay between identity and image is communication theory and brand theories based on associations. From these theories we have composed a model that shows the communication led from identity throughout image in company?s with many distribution channels. It shows what associations that build identity and image and also the complication and threat that the interplay is being exposed to.Methodology: We have chosen to do this examination as a case study.

Avtryck i glas och kropp : om glasblåsning, teknik och representationer av kvinnokroppen

I am a glassblower and I am a woman. In this project I've been working with alternative representations of the female body, muscles and technology. Mouthblown objects contains traces of body and form representations.I've been using muscle sensors to collect data from my arms while I blow glass. A special has made 3D-models from the collected data and I've blown these viritual objects in glass.My work is based around issues like: What happens when I measure my muscles? Am I (and my process) affected by the data gathering? How can I create alternative representations of the female body? What is the relation between glassblowing, the objects, body and gender?.

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