

2703 Uppsatser om Body-image - Sida 19 av 181

?Det anstår mig inte att göra mig mindre än jag är? - skönhetsidealet och den kvinnliga grotesken i textanalyser av Kerstin Ekmans Grand Final i skojarbranschen, Muriel Barberys Igelkottens elegans och Majgull Axelssons Moderspassion

The purpose of this paper is to make a feminist textual analysis of three female protagonists incontemporary novels in order to demonstrate representations of ?skeva? female bodies, deviantfrom beauty-, slender and age norms. The analysis is based on an intersectional perspective whichdemonstrates the interaction between body, sex, gender, class, sexuality and age. The theoreticalmaterial used are class theories by Bourdieu and Skeggs, performative theories by Butler, theoriesof grotesque realism by Bachtin and the female grotesque by Russo and Lundberg. The charactersall belong to the genre of the female grotesque which manifests a feminist protest and a free zonewithin patriarchal power structures.

Sker rengöring av ögon, antenner och mun hos Odonata : Coenagrion larver med hjälp av borsten på framben och fötter?

Dragonflies are fascinating. The larvae stays larvae from a couple of weeks up to 5 years, it depends on the species (Hansen, 1981). The temperature, nourishment and time of the year also play a role for the growing factor for the larvae. Both Sahlén (1985) and Begon a.o (1990) say so. My report contains information about the branched setae on the front legs from the family damselflies (Zygoptera) and the species Coenagrion.

En del av spelet : En studie av fotbollsdomarnas tillvaro i Gästrikland

There is a clear difference between the way football players and leaders regard the role of the referee, compared to the way the refereeing body looks at it. The refereeing body regard themselves as fundamental for the existence of the sport, while the other mentioned parties merely see them as functional justice makers. This view places the referees outside the field of football. This establishes a football culture, which is conflicted when it comes to the role of the referees on the field. The conflict comes to its edge in youth football, where the referees are under severe pressure.

Let´s Dance : För att utveckla motoriken?

AbstractDancing and the body`s ability to express itself has been an interest of mine for a long time. For that reason I would like to find out more on how you as a pedagogue can work with dancing as a way to develop motoric activity. The purpose of my research is to find out how pree-school-pedagogue`s and sportsteacher`s are working with dancing, and also how children in a pree-school class apprehends the idea of dancing before and after a dancelesson.My question for this paper is:How can dancetutoring in pree-school develop children`s motoric activity?To find out the answer for this question I have also chosen to use relevant litterature within the subject. Since the examination covers only the answers from four pedagogue`s and six children I can not make a generell conclusion that covers all children or pree-schools.

"Har jag verkligen valt rätt, det var bara killar" : - en studie om elever som gjort ett könsotraditionellt gymnasieval

For centuries, the human body has been used as a mean to project the norms, moral values and aesthetic preferences that exist throughout society. It has been controlled through constrictive fashion, family and social virtues and through how we perceive gender and sexuality. This essay strives to show, not only how the body and the aesthetic values coexist, but also how they work together and influence each other, with the body as the aesthetic medium. To do this, Michel Foucault?s writings of sexuality and his theories on morality and discipline, as well as Judith Butler?s works on normativity and performativity are being used.

Svensk affärskultur kontra brasiliansk affärskultur - våra förväntningar och vår självbild

We want to identify the gap that consists of the expectations we have of Brazilian / Swedish culture with the self-image of these individuals included in the culture of question. This gap, we believe, creates a problem for business across borders. The reader is therefore made aware of the issues that affect our expectations and our self-image, and how this can be used to explain cultural differences..

Identitetens transparenta gränser : Iscensättning av identitet, begär och kroppslighet inom sociala medier.

The aim for this master thesis is to create an understanding of the intersubjective processes of how individuals are experimenting with their identities in social media and the consequences for the identity and embodiment. The thesis is completed with the help of discourse analysis and a starting point in four complementary theories. Central to the implementation of the analysis is the concept of diffraction. Therefore the thesis is, which is reflected in the choice of theoretical approaches and methods, critical to many aspects of classical philosophy of science and method. The empirical material is based on interviews.

Hur anpassas stimuli i butiksatmosfären i en stor och i en liten butik inom samma kedja?

Inom ett företag är det viktigt att ha en enhetlig kommunikation utåt mot kunder. Butiksatmosfären är en del av butikskedjans helhet, vilken påverkar hur kunderna upplever butikerna. Då butikskedjorna får anpassa sina butiker efter ytan, påverkas även den enhetliga kommunikationen som butikskedjan sänder ut. Detta leder till att kunderna får en osammanhängande image som inte stämmer överens med företagets profil och identitet. Rapporten jämför en butikskedjas profil och identitet med kundernas uppfattade image av butikskedjan.

"...tradition, tenniskungen, världsspelare och vackra människor" -Imagens påverkan av en ökad kommersialisering

Syfte:Studiens syfte består i att belysa hur företagen som sponsrar ett idrottsevenemang anser att deras image kan påverkas och förändras via den ökade kommersialiseringen av idrotten. Metod:Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod och det empiriska materialet samlades in via kvalitativa enkäter. Arbetets utgörs av en blandning mellan induktiv och deduktiv ansats. Teoretiska perspektiv:De huvudsakliga teorierna i studien utgörs av Jiffer & Ross (1999) A-ERIK modellen, Rushall & Barnes (2005) sju värdeskapande anledningar till ett sponsorsamarbete och Gwinners (1997) modell över image creation and image transfer in event sponsorship. Teorierna tillämpades för att undersöka hur en ökad kommersialisering av idrotten kan påverka företagens image.

Beyond Petroleum : Strategier i BPs pressmeddelanden och dess avtryck i svensk morgonpress

Denna uppsats behandlar ämnet kriskommunikation. Olika kriskommunikationsteorier presenteras och tillämpas i fallet med oljejätten BPs oljekatastrof i Mexikanska golfen, våren 2010. Pressmeddelanden från företaget analyseras för att urskilja strategier utifrån teorin image repair och även svensk morgonpress granskas för att se hur väl BPs kriskommunikation återspeglas i nyhetsrapporteringen. Teorin image repair som vi använder oss av i vår studie är utformad av William L. Benoit.

Individers erfarenhet av icke farmakologisk behandling vid långvarig smärta : En litteraturöversikt

Aim: The aim of this study was to highlighting the experiences of individuals of non-pharmacological treatment for chronic pain.Method: The study was designed as a literature review with aim to review andcompile the articles results. This study has been based on a systematic literature search of supplementing out of an unsystematic search were 11 articles were found.Results: The participants in the studies had experienced a good effect out of non-pharmacological treatments for their pain and a improved quality of life. Based on participants´ experiences of treatment two categories occurred: body awareness and relaxation. Body awareness arose through treatments like yoga, mindfulness meditation and CBT. Relaxation occurred through treatments, like music, heat, massage and meditation.Conclusion: This study highlights how non-pharmacological treatments is experienced by individuals with chronic pain and two key areas have been identified.


AbstractWhen I, at the age of 20, started working in home care service, I had an idea of what it means to age, a view witch I quickly realized was not true at all. The essay begins with a search for the images of aging you come in contact with, when you do not have a deeper interest in the matter.I take a closer look at how aging is described and how the concepts of aging and dignity are often interconnected, and debate about which images of aging that is outdated and where from they originated.I also show that that image is in for a change, much is happening right now, and there are many like me, who want to change and broaden the view of what aging can mean.Finally I describe my sculptures ?Beatrice? and ?Rosmari?, and reflect on how they relate to the image of what old age looks like.As a sculptor, I want to create an alternative to a widespread image of old people as a problem or idealization of the olf lady as a kind, cute and cookiebaking creature, as well as an alternative to the traditional sculpture tradition, that often show men in positions of power, and sweet passive women/girls.I tell of the strong, stubborn, eccentric and absolutely ordinary lady.

Matting of Natural Image Sequences using Bayesian Statistics

The problem of separating a non-rectangular foreground image from a background image is a classical problem in image processing and analysis, known as matting or keying. A common example is a film frame where an actor is extracted from the background to later be placed on a different background. Compositing of these objects against a new background is one of the most common operations in the creation of visual effects. When the original background is of non-constant color the matting becomes an under determined problem, for which a unique solution cannot be found. This thesis describes a framework for computing mattes from images with backgrounds of non-constant color, using Bayesian statistics.

Föräldrarnas uppfattning av barnets vård vid leukemi

AimThe specific questions in the theoretic part were:What is contained in the terms "balance and balance skill" and how can this skill be measured?The specific questions in the empirical part were:How does balance skill in different age categories of children correlate with biological and physiological parameters such as age, gender, body height, weight and level of physical activity?MethodsLiterature search based on books and scientific papers related to the questions posed above. Selection was made at libraries and on?line through "Pubmed". Specific search words were used.

Brist på själslig insikt? : Utomjordingar och deras forskning kring människan i Dark City

The paper examines how human inner properties and the interpretation of the external worldare explained and presented in Dark City (Alex Proyas, 1998). Aspects as the relationship between the body and soul/consciousness, body snatching, memory transferences and dystopian cities are analyzed. The field of study is compared to a general science-fiction film perspective regarding the aspects. Dark City contains an alien race with a common mind, but who lacks soul and individuality. They represent what humanity can become if the scientific development goes too far.

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