

5274 Uppsatser om Blind people - Sida 61 av 352

Tystnadens väggar. Oviljan att erkänna och diskutera sexuella övergrepp på män i USA:s fängelser

In 2008 USA was the one country that had the most people behind bars, both in numbers andpercentage, 2,3 million people. Of all the male convicts that were being held in custody aroundthe country's different detention facilities, thousands of them were being exposed to sexualabuse, such as rape. This essay will try to understand why there hasn?t been a bigger public outcryin the American community concerning this. It does so by studying the view of rape as a crime ofgender, by examining religion in USA and the Christian view on homosexuality, looking into thepublics thoughts on prisons and the penalty's purpose plus studying theory's of the publics viewon the prisoner.

Stress och alkoholbruk : En studie om manliga och kvinnliga chefer på en socialförvaltning i Skåne

Occupational stress and the use of alcohol to reduce stress are both separately common in our society. A few researchers have combined the two factors.The aim of this essay was to obtain an increased understanding of how male and female managers estimate their alcohol habits in relation to their occupational stress.We have interviewed nine managers who work at a social services department in Scania. Our main theories were the theory of psychosocial work environment of Lazarus, Karaseks demand/control model, epidemiology- and cultural perspective.Our results were;· Psychosocial work environment contributes to if the interviewed people experienced stress at work.· The grade of control has great influence if the interviewed people experience stress.· There weren't any correlation between stress and increased consumption of alcohol..

Klara färdiga gå : en gestaltning för ökad fysisk aktivitet i urbana rum

The title: ?Klara färdiga GÅ? can be translated as ?Ready steady GO?, and is ment as a request to start move. In this project I want to invite people to walk more by creating creative, demanding and playful walkways and paths, where the body can be allowed to work just a tiny bit harder.It?s because walking means exercise and fresh air, for free and without spetial equipment. Walking can also be fun, it allows people to stop, change direction and experience things.I think activity should be fun, inspired by children playground my project is a contribution to how adults might stay healthier in a city, where too often healthy activity is solely confined to the gym or sports fields.

Återvändarna : en undersökning av hur det svenska samhället påverkades av återvändande emigranter 1860-1940

Between 1860 and 1940 approximately 1,1 million Swedish citizens emigrated to North America. But over 200 000 of them returned to Sweden. In this essay I have tried to estimate the impact of these people on the Swedish society. To make a deeper analyze possible, I have studied the parish of Glima?kra in southern Sweden and tried to trace the immigrants? lives after their return to Sweden and thus estimate their impact on society.By statistical analysis of migrants between Sweden and USA and between the parish of Glima?kra and USA I have concluded that the result can be used as a model for Sweden on a national basis.

Internet - en plats där du inte behöver vara annorlunda : En kvalitativ internetstudie om personer med Asperger syndrom, om svårigheter och möjligheter som de möter genom samhällets konstruktion.

This study is based on a qualitative internet research about people with Asperger syndrome and their thoughts and opinions about the difficulties that occurs in the environment outside the home and their experiences of Internet. We have analyzed Internets social influences for those with Asperger syndrome, as a consequence of the difficulties that they meet in other environments. The constructed communities in the environment outside the home and the social interaction that occurs there is not adjusted for those with the diagnosis. This leads to difficulties to be there for those with Asperger syndrome. By doing a content analysis of the assembled data from a community site on the Internet, we found out that the environment on Internet is more comfortable for those with the diagnosis in several ways.

Om kommunalt beslutsfattande kopplat till bostadspolitik. En jämförande studie av två Socialdemokratiskt styrda kommuner.

Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.

Utforskning av ungdomar med problematisk bakgrund och deras syn på möjligheter och hinder för att förbättra sin hälsa : Samhällsinsatser riktade mot ungdomar

Gistrand, C. has studied ?Explore young people's problematic backgrounds and their views on the opportunities and obstacles in order to improve their health?, University of Gävle in the course theory and method of application and thesis work.The object of the study was to give young people space to make their voices heard. Further on to make unemployed youths perceptions of perceived opportunities and obstacles in their way to get a job, internship or study, visible. The object of the study was also to show youths? views of health and what they thought about the contributions to society.The method was qualitative, with three semi-structured interviews with men between 20-24 years old (and problematic childhoods, for instance alcohol and drug use) was conducted..The result shows that unemployment increases the risk of illness and unhealthy habits.

Parkplan för Kungälv med förutsättningar för sociala värden :

To work with environments outdoors for people, animals and plants is the main topic for the landscapearchitect. On several occasions the work is about public places that is to be in relation with other parts of the town. It is about the activities and the life that take place. The physical environment and the interpretation of it gives possibilities or obstructions for people who moves around or spend time in it.Since public places, parks and places for movement are used in daily life they strongly effect the people who use the places. The concequences of this effect can be positive or negative experiences.A positive example is a passage over a brook on the way to school while a negative one is to be afraid while passing a tunnel when it is dark outside. Other examples of concequences are stress effect from traffic noice or calming environments with twitter of birds. The physical environment is also a part of the total interpretation of a town.

Fysisk aktivitet och etniska minoriteter ? Faktorer som påverkar fysisk aktivitet bland medelålders och äldre personer

BACKGROUND: The relationship between physical activity and health versusphysical inactivity and poor health are well known. Ethnic minorities are generallyless physically active than the residence country's majority population andgenerally have a poorer health status. The study has a health promotion perspective.PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to describe factors that influencephysical activity among middle-aged and older persons, belonging to an ethnicminority. METHOD: The method used to answer the purpose is a literature-basedstudy. The searching for literature has been carried out in a systematic way.Scientific articles to base the results on, has been gathered from various databases.Included articles were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis and identifiedsimilarities and differences in the content were divided into themes and categories.RESULTS: Recurrent themes in the literature, that influence physical activity inmiddle-aged and older people that belong to an ethnic minority, was support, healthand illness, external factors, internal factors, community related and socioeconomicfactors and ignorance and beliefs.

En studie av Växjö stadspark : med fokus på rekreation och sociala värden

Many people choose to live in urban environments. Since everyday life in many cities is characterized by a high pace it is important that good recreational areas, with the possibility of recovery, are available to the population.This paper is based on a case study of Växjö city park, which is the area surrounding the lake Växjösjön. The park and the lake are of great importance to the citizens. The lake Växjösjön has for a long time been affected by eutrophication, which has caused major problems as algal blooms and fish mortality. An extensive lake restoration was carried out in the 1990s in order to save the lake.

Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter att vårda och ha vårdansvar för personer med demenssjukdom i hemsjukvård : - En intervjustudie

The number of elderly in society is increasing and therefore the number of people with dementia. They continue to live in their homes longer, which also increases the responsibility of district nurses. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of district nurses to care for and have responsibility for the care of people with dementia in home care. The method chosen was a qualitative interview study. The method chosen was a qualitative interview study and content analysis was used for data processing.

Vatten- och avloppssystem i klimatförändringarnas tidevarv : - en studie om VA-situationen i Karlstads kommun, dess sårbarheter och anpassningsförmåga

This report is about the impact climate change has on the water and sewage systems in general, and the situation in the municipality of Karlstad in particular. Which vulnerabilities are linked to water and sewage systems with regard to climate change and extreme weather situations, what are the possibilities to adapt the system to this and what significance does climate adaptation of the water and sewage systems have in relation to sustainable development?To answer these questions I have studied literature on the subject and interviewed several people who work with these types of questions. The answers I have received state that there are a multitude of vulnerabilities linked to the water- and sewage systems, but that there are also many strong interests which strive to take measures and adapt to a changed climate. I have also come to the conclusion that the starting points and views of the possibilities to act differs between the people that I have interviewed, but that theses problems are built into the concept of democracy..

Måltidsmönster och livsmedelsval i södra Indien : En fallstudie med fem deltagande familjer

This is a qualitative study with a hermeneutic and partially inductive approach. The study?s purpose is to enhance the understanding of young adults experiences of unemployment and the importance of being employed. In this study, eight young adults participate in the project Framtid Kronoberg. The youths are 19-25 years of age.

Barns och ungas livsfrågor och ämnet livskunskap : Existentiella tema på BRIS diskussionsforum

Normal children acquire the necessary social habits without being consciously aware of this, they learn instinctively. (Author?s translation from Swedish to English) (Asperger & Frith, 1998, s. 21) This essay is about people who do not learn to socialize, the social habits, instinctively but through conscious learning. We have interviewed three adults with the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome with the aim to let them tell us about what it means to have a neuropsychiatric disability.

Kultur ? en förmån eller en rättighet? ? Kulturförmedlares tankar kring kulturutbudet i nordöstra Skåne

This Master?s thesis explores the staff responsible for children?s culture in the south of Sweden, in north-east Scania. This thesis seeks to answer the following questions: What kind of culture is offered to children in their spare time? Can children influence culture in the investigated region, and do the people in charge listen to the children?s ideas? How are children in the region informed about cultural events? In my research I used enquiries and worked with the investigation program Query & Report to collect the material. The study consists of the staff, i.e.

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