

5274 Uppsatser om Blind people - Sida 5 av 352

Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos partner till personer med afasi : En undersökning baserad på hälsoenkäten SF-36 och semistrukturerade intervjuer

Around 30,000 people in Sweden suffer stroke every year, out of which about 12,000 end up with language difficulties, aphasia. Behind every person with aphasia there are significant others whose lives are also affected. Studies of how aphasia affects the health of these people are few. The overall aim of the present study was to examine how significant others of people with aphasia perceive their life situation, and how their quality of life is affected by the illness of their partner. Spouses of people with aphasia were contacted through aphasia groups and the Swedish Aphasia Association.

En studie om ungdomars uppfattning kring demokrati, rättvisa & framtidstro i Värnamo kommun

In the end of the last century the interest for youth politics increased in Sweden. The causes for the increased interest were the more obvious youth politics questions and problems, for example the increased youth unemployment. In 1998 the government wrote down national goals and instructions for the youth politic work in a government bill (1998/99:115). This government bill describes how the youth politic work should be carried at a local level in the municipality.The purpose with this study is to investigate young people, in Värnamo kommun, view of their own situation. The study´s focus lies om three main concept; democracy, justice and faith in the future.

Socialt stöd till ungdomar med kroniska sjukdomar

Social support is important for adults well-being, quality of life and self-esteem. The nurse should respond to the patient's care needs, knowledge of social support for young people with chronic diseases is therefore important. The purpose was to investigate who or which ones provide social support for young people with chronic diseases and what social support contributes to. A descriptiv design where used. The literature search in the database Medline via Cinahl resulted in twelwe articles.

Åtta röster om kristendomens framtid : med utgångspunkt i Österbotten

The future of Christianity is something that has been, and still is, discussed all over the world. Atthe first sight it can look like this religion, that has former been so big all over Europe, isdiminishing. More and more people are leaving the church and the church-benches are very seldomfilled. In our society it is the individual that is important and the moral life is changing. But, this donot still have to be the end of Christianity, which some people believe.

Förebyggande arbete mot depression bland äldre personer : En kvalitativ studie om hur enhetschefer för särskilda boenden ser på förebyggande arbete mot depression bland äldre personer.

Studies show that 10-15 percent of Sweden's population, 65 years or older are estimated to have depression or depression symptoms. The symptoms of depression among elderly people are less than symptoms of young people. This could cause that elderly people with depression are not always discovered. Studies show that elderly people who live in residential homes show more signs of depression than elderly people living at home. If elderly people live in a supporting environment, can it prevent that a depression developed.The prevention of depression among elderly people is a topic that is not discussed among previously research.

"Hellre vara smutsig en dag extra än att inte komma ut" : En kvalitativ studie om fyrtiotalisters sociala behov

People born 1940-1949 will be more demanding regarding help from the elder care than previous generations. The explanation often proposed is that people born in the 1940?s grew up after the Second World War when cultural changes took place in society. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe the social needs of people born in the 1940?s today, in order to make cautious assumptions about what type of social needs elder care is likely to face in the future, when the older people becomes in need of elder care.

Att komma tillrätta med "sinnesslöhet" : En studie på barnavårds- och fattigvårdsstyrelsens definition av ?sinnesslöa? i Växjö stad under åren 1934-1941

This study is based on the child welfare agency and social welfare board definition in Växjö City about the people who were defined as feebleminded and which solution they choose for this ?social problem?, with focus if they used sterilization as a solution to this ?problem? during the years 1934-1941. The individuals who were regarded as feebleminded were alcoholics, unemployed, people who were feeble in their mind, people who had mental diseases, people who were vagrants and poor people. According to earlier research these people were categorized in a subclass and their behavior were not regarded as ordinary like a human who had a healthy mind, according to that period believes.The boards in Växjö defined the feebleminded people with mentally deficient minds, mental retardation, poverty and in some cases disturbed self-activity. However the most common definition of the feebleminded was mentally deficient minds and mental retardation.

Textila cylindrar - experiment kring solljusreglering

Working with a three-dimensional shape that adjusts light seemed exciting. Venetian blinds became a basis and source of inspiration in my project. What is a Venetian blind? I arrived at the de?nition ?a surface of angleble pieces for sun adjustment?. From that simpli?ed meaning I started making sketches of what an alternative model could look like.

Vem tar du på dig idag? : - En studie i ungdomars syn på kläder som kommunikationsmedel

This essay aims to investigate young people's vision of clothes as a means of communication. Focus lies on what message the clothing we have on sends out and how they are interpreted by our surroundings. Do other people interpret us the way we intend to through our clothes? The theoretical frame of reference that applies is Thomas Ziehe?s theories about Clothing and Identity, Anthony Giddens? Reflexive Identity Processes and the Uses and Gratification?s theory. The researches were carried out with a comprehensive questionnaire survey among high school students, at Lars Kaggskolan in Kalmar, with an associated image, and two personal interviews.

Ungdomars väg från individuella programmet till arbetslivet

The interest in the subject of this study was raised during our education when we read about thedifficulties for young people to find a place at the labour-market.The aim of this study was to find out what the view of the possibilities to find a place on the labourmarketis for young people, 16 - 18 years old, who don't follow a national program but follow theindividual program.Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used through a survey questionnaire and agroup-interview. The results show that young people know that education is important to get a jobbut at the same time the majority says that they would leave school if they got a job-offer. Theyoung people think that they have a relatively good knowledge about the labour-market but at thesame time they can't describe what it imply. This could mean that there is a gap between school andworking life. .

Säkerhetshot och lösningar för privatpersoner med bredband

As more and more people gain access to broadband in their properties, the security threats get bigger. A lot more people also have computers that they carry home from work where they store important information concerning the company. The information stored on theese computers can be very easy to retrieve if you have the will and the skill to do it. Very few people have any knowledge how to protect themselves from theese threats..

"Aspergers syndrom är jag" En kvalitativ studie om hur det kan vara att leva med Aspergers syndrom

Asperger´s syndrome is a state with certain difficulties in social relations, communication and perception. People with Asperger´s syndrome often have a special interest for a certain topic. The main purpose of this study was to describe how grown people with Asperger´s syndrome make sense of living with Asperger´s syndrome. The inquiry was based on semi-structured interviews with eight persons with Asperger´s syndrome. We reached those subjects trough interest organisations for people with Asperger´s syndrome.

Att tala för döva öron. Döva och hörselskadade studenter om bibliotek, information och kultur

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the attitudes of deaf and hear-impaired people towards libraries, information, and culture. The issues are: What are the attitudes of the informants towards libraries and culture? What do reference group theory and the theory of information access-/avoidance implicate concerning the information behaviour of the informants? In-depth interviews with five deaf and hear-impaired university students have been carried out in this qualitative study. The world of deaf and hear-impaired people is presented as well as a survey of political guidelines to make, for example, libraries and theatres more available to disabled people. The research overview analyses scholarly studies on deaf and hear-impaired people.

När det talade språket inte räcker till. : AKK-användning inom Daglig Verksamhet

AbstractThis essay investigates what knowledge members of staff in day care centres for grown up people with disabilities have about Alternative and Augmentative Communication, AAC (in Swedish, Alterantiv och Kompletterande Kommunikation, AKK). Day care centres are working places for people with disabilities who do not have the possibility, caused of their disability, to work in ordinary works in the open market.To communicate with other people is a human right for all people even if you have a disability, even if you don?t have a spoken language or if you, because of your disability, have difficulties to understand a spoken language. When you don?t have a spoken language you need different ways to be able to communicate, make choices and take part in activities in the community.

FALSKA MINNEN OCH SJÄLVKÄNSLA - med utgångspunkt i DRM-proceduren

Does a person´s self esteem contribute in the process of creating false memories? Previous studies show that mood is related to false memories as well as to self esteem. This led to the focus of this study, to examine the relationship between false memory and self esteem. The question is examined by comparing the amount of false memories produced in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) procedure with people´s scores on Rosenberg´s self-esteem scale. 59 people participated in a test with three different elements, a self esteem test and a memory test with both recollection and free recall.

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