

5274 Uppsatser om Blind people - Sida 34 av 352

"Det är mesigt att läsa om musik": En studie av musikintresserade människors informationsvanor

The aim of this thesis is to investigate what information needs arise from the interest in music, which sources are preferred, how this information is sought and what part does the public library play in providing music materials. Brenda Dervin`s Sense-Making theory is what serves as a theoretic framework for this study. A qualitative approach was undertaken in the investigation and nine interviews were conducted with people interested in music. Findings indicate that different ways of acquiring information are used depending on the situation in which the information is needed and also what kinds of music people prefer. The main findings of this study suggest that people interested in music are keen to constantly discover new music to perform or listen to.

Frammatning av tvättkorg i industritvätt

For youths leisure activity the organized sport is vital. Young people become increasingly sedentaryand the healths of young people are the various municipalities responsibility. In Eskilstuna, thehandball is very popular but there are only three grounds that meet the standards of the dimensions ofa handball pitch, 40x20 meters. The same dimensions are used by floorball. Eskilstuna municipalityowns one of these, the other two is privately built and owned and the municipality rents time in thehalls.IF Guif and HK Eskil are two handballclubs in the central part of Eskilstuna.

Vem läser vad och varför i bibliotekets tidskriftsrum?: En studie av tidskriftsläsandet i Västra Frölundas bibliotek.

The purpose of this study is to determine who visits the V Frölunda Library, Gothenbug,what magazines they read and why. The data presented in this thesis are collectedusing four methods: general observation and counting numbers of visitors, interviewswith 202 magazine readers, the completion of 1308 questiomaires regarding approximately350 maghes and interviews with more than 100 library visitors.The data indicates that men are significantly overrepresented among magazine readersas compared to the female visitors. These men are primarily from the white collar sectorof the community. This leads to a pronounced underrepresentation of the blue coIlarworkers. Young people visit the magazine room in the library at a rate about twice thatexpected from the population distribution.Women are primarily interested in magazines dealing with the home whereas men aremore interested in business, cars, boats and sports.

Gatukonstens betydelse för den offentliga miljön!

Street art can be defined as an artistic expression, often anonymous and illegal, which is constructed in the public environment. The purpose of this essay is to provide a broad and balanced picture of what street art can mean. The aim is to examine street art as a phenomenon. What features has the phenomenon and in what ways is it important for the creators, spectators and place? This paper focuses on graffiti.

AS-bra arbetskraft : En studie om personer med Aspergers syndrom (AS) och arbete

The purpose of this study was to highlight the type of actions that can facilitate people with Asperger syndrome to get and keep a job in the regular labour market. Four interviews were done with people who have been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and who got a job in the regular labour market. The study shows that efforts from society and friends at work have played a role when they had got their jobs and when they managed to keep it. The study shows that these efforts have strengthened their self-image and confidence. The study also shows that adaptations in the work, the ability to control over social contacts and the importance of having a job may have contributed to the respondents stayed in the workplace.

Tillfrisknande från ätstörning - en studie baserad på kvinnors erfarenhet av ätstörningar

Aim:In this study, women were interviewed about their experiences of recovering from an eating disorder - The aim has been to investigate the factors that contributed to recovery and with guidance of these factors, find factors that can be used in a preventive intervention.Method: A qualitative approach was used to design and conduct interviews, the design of the study was descriptive and a semistructured interview was used. The local affiliation of The Swedish Eating Disorder Association was contacted and provided contact with 10 women who participated in the interview. To participate in the study the women had to be recovered from their eating disorder for at least two years. The women who patricipated in the study were between 22 and 36 years old and had been recovered for 2- 16 years. Data were analyzed and coded then categories with similar themes about the factors that were important for recovery wad etablished.

Läsa, läsa, läsa ? skriva, skriva, skriva

The period of church awakening in Sweden during the first half of the nineteenth century, has had a great influence on the Swedish society. During that time certain persons are to be noticed. Peter Fjellstedt and Peter Wieselgren, priests in the Swedish Church, are among those who were of special importance. But even the British preacher George Scott and later the Swedish layman Carl-Olof Rosenius became aware of the importance of networking. They all felt a call from God to preach a message of redemption and restoration.

Kriminaliserad kärlek : En studie av HBT-personers situation och rättigheter i Uganda utifrån ett heteronormativt perspektiv

LGBT people, in Uganda, have since the colonial time been in a vulnerable situation. When the President signed the ?Anti-Homosexuality Act? into law 2014 all forms of same-sex relationships became criminalized. The time after the law passed have been characterized by an increased homophobia and further violence against LGBT people. These are seen as deviants since they do not live according to the social norms, that the right thing to be is heterosexual.

Den bortglömda gruppen. En studie om stödinsatser för anhöriga till personer som sitter på anstalt.

The forgotten group: A study of support for relatives of incarcerated individuals. The daily lives of relatives of an incarcerated individual are affected and changed by the fact that their kin has become incarcerated. This made us want to research what kind of support these individuals are in need of and what kind of support the society is offering them today. Because of their kins behaviour, these individuals are also often exposed to feelings of shame and stigma. Therefore we have, with Goffmans theory of stigma in mind, looked into how this affects the relatives daily lives.

Hundägares och kattägares relation till sitt djur :

The relationship between the pet and it's owner is a very important and interesting issue. Unfortunately there is not so much research on this and in addition to that Swedish veterinarian education does not put much emphasis on pet's role in society or their pattern of behaviour nor treatment. This thesis is based on an opinion poll that 20 dog owners and 20 cat owners contributed. The main purpose of the thesis was to compare the relationships that the pet (dog or cat) and its owner can have. The issues such as the pet owner's attitude to his/her pet, how the pet owner percieves and interprets the signals from the animal, and what they think about the natural behaviours and needs that their pets (might) have. The results show that dog- and cat owners are people who generally love animals, that they used to have even other animal species in the past, but when it comes to choice between a new dog or a new cat they choose the one that they previously have had and that they are used to. Most of a dog owners choose the dog to be their pet because of the company while the majority of a cat owners choose cat because cats are independent and they are used to cats.

Upplevelsen av att bli diagnostiserad med ADHD i vuxen ålder : En kvalitativ sociologisk studie

AbstractWe have chosen to examine how it can be to be diagnosed with ADHD in adults. Our purpose of this study was to examine the experience of being diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood. We wanted to investigate if people feel that the diagnosis has led to a change and if so, in what way. We also wanted to investigate the impact that the participants attribute the diagnosis. We have made a qualitative study in which we interviewed five men aged 31-45 years, who have all had their diagnosis for a year or more.

Medborgarskap i daglig verksamhet : En jämförande analys av identitet och deltagande

The aim is first to identify concept of citizenship and the dimensions of the same, in the political science theory, which can be crucial, to that a citizenship may be found available for people who have a cognitive delay. Thereafter examine the prevalence and significance of these, in policy documents from two different organizational forms, through an analysis, in the form of a discussion, on the basis of political science theories in the field. The study's aim in a reflective way, highlighting key requirements for an accessible citizenship for the target audience, and thereby clarify the priorities in daily activities that can support an emancipatory citizenship process for people who have a cognitive delay..

Gränsland : var går gränsen mellan mig och en fysisk plats?

I have investigated the interaction between man and environment, between my inner reality and a physical place, using a camera as my primary tool. What conceptions do I have and how do they affect how I relate to the outer world? I am not a passive receiver of the surrounding world. Instead I actively (but usually unconsciously) choose what to take in and how I experience it. If we as landscape architects do not reflect upon our conceptions, they will unconsciously affect our decisions. Only when we accept our experiences as subjective, can honest communication take place. By means of literature studies I have connected my own conceptions with different definitions of place: place as enclosure (location, space), place as inner meaning (genius loci) and place as action (the place-creating process).

Vårdhundens effekter på äldres hälsa och välbefinnande : -En litteraturöversikt

Background: With increasing age follows higher risks of conditions and illnesses which can cause a decrease in health and wellbeing. A meaningful social environment can positively impact the physical health of older people. Dogs are increasingly being used for different purposes within health care and animal assisted therapy aims to improve people?s physical, social, emotional and cognitive function.Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of animal assisted therapy on older people?s health and wellbeing.Methods: A literature review where searches for academic articles in databases PubMed, Cinahl and PsychInfo were performed. The searches resulted in 14 articles which were selected for further review.

Med musik som försäljningsredskap : En studie av musikens kommunikationsvärde i TV-reklam

This essay examines the persuasive side of music and its affect on consumer behavior when utilized in television commercials. It includes an interpretation of twelve study cases, in which three groups of four people is presented the same commercial, with different music being the only item dividing the groups. This is followed by a few questions about the product. The aim is then to see how the answers differ from one group to another, and how they match the music?s presupposed connotations suggested in the theory part of the essay, thus, observing the communicative, and eventually persuasive, power of music in television commercials.

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