

5274 Uppsatser om Blind people - Sida 20 av 352

24 - timmars ungdomar : ständig uppkoppling och stress?

The purpose of this study was to understand what the professionals experiences are of stressed youth. We did a qualitative study with interviewing three school nurses, one welfare officer and two recreation leaders. Research is saying that stress is increasing among the youth and that girls are more stressed than boys. It also says that medium is a big consequent for that (ex. Brun M.

Mänskligare prylar pratar. En kommunikationsplattform för äldre

Safety, its a word not commonly associated with elderly people living alone. There is however a device that is supposed to bring safety, and enable elderly people to continue living in their present household - an emergency dialer. However these devices does not serve their own purpose in terms of design. Thepurpose of this study is to create an emergency dailer that everybody would want to put on their wrist or bedside table. The market for these devices have looked the same for the last twentyfive years, despite of society´s advancements in both design and technology.

Att vara boknörd - identitetsskapande i ungdomars bokbloggar

The purpose of this study is to analyze how the blog as an arena is being used by youngpeople to discuss and reflect on reading and literature, and what purpose the blog as an arenahas for them in the forming of identity. The method used in this study is qualitative contentanalysis. Prior research is divided into two themes: young people?s reading, and young peoplein group constellations in and outside of the blogosphere. The theoretical framework is madeup of Louise M.

Media and the priming of stereotypes : Direct effect of news articles racial stereotypes on individuals judgements of people of foreign extraction.

The present research examined both automatic and controlled processes in newpapers ability of priming racial stereotypes via the portrayals of people of foreign extraction. The automatic process were examined through articles which; a) involved an illegal act or b) the act was not illegal but morally questionable. Swedish-born subject?s explicit opinions against foreign people were also measured through ?The Modern Racial Prejudice Scale?. In the experiment participants read four different articles which included; Swedish person/noncrime, foreign person/noncrime, Swedish person/crime and foreign person/crime.

En bild säger mer än tusen ord : En läroboksundersökning med ett genusteoretiskt och postkolonialistiskt perspektiv

This essay examines the theme of blindness in the Gospel of Mark. The two main questions asked are: 1) ?What is Mark?s view on blindness?? and 2) ?How does the Gospel of Mark?s view on blindness inform the current discourse of disability studies and how can we interpret Mark?s view on blindness today?? By the methods of metaphor analysis and character analysis, four passages of the Gospel are studied (Mark 4:10-12; 8:14-21; 22-26; 10:46-52). The analysis concludes that blindness is depicted by the author of the Gospel as a disability which also consist of a lack of cognitive ability and a hopeless state that is in need of healing.  The depiction of blindness in Mark originates out of the authors use of blindness as a metaphor for lack of cognitive ability (Mk 4:12; 8:18) and the lack of characterization of the blind man at Bethsaida (8:22-23). This view on blindness is, in comparison to a modern view, difficult, as it marginalizes persons with blindness as inconsiderate and not fully human.

Mottagandet i särskolan : -En kvalitativ studie på vilka bedömningsgrnder två kommuner fattar beslut om elevers rätt till inskrivning i särskolan

Author: Nancy Haglund & Liselotte IvarssonTitle: Care of older people in the future, about generations experiences and conceptions          [Translated title].Assessor: Jan Petersson This study examine generations in three different age?attitudes towards elderly care in the future. Today there is an ongoing debate in Sweden concerning the care of older people. The main focus in the debate is that there is cut down on personnel and resources in the care of the elderly. We have focused on the Kalmar region, since our intention is not to compare with other regions.

Att resa till och från Arlanda med bil: Bakomliggande orsaker och motiv

The main purpose of this study is to clarify the underlying reasons as to why people choose to travel by car or taxi, and to do so by using people´s choice of transportation to and from Arlanda Airport as an example. Furthermore it is also in our interest to see what changes are needed to make more travellers use the available public transportation.Because of the increasing pollution rate from the means of conveyance headed to and from Arlanda Airport, Luftfartsverket is attempting to decrease the amount of emission from the connecting transportation sources. Luftfartsverket has a pollution limit which is about to be reached in a few years, based on a prognosis made by Arlanda´s office of environmental issues. In order to investigate people´s travel mode choice a survey was conducted at Arlanda Airport, Stockholm. 82 travellers were interviewed on a three day basis inside terminal 4 and 5.

Tvångströja eller stödkorsett? : Kan man tvinga ett barn till framgång?

Can you force a child to sucess, and when do the supportiv corset become a straitjacket?In this essay you can read about several ways to get a child to feel worthy as a person and use its own will in several ways. It's viewed from several different aspects but most of all it's about children who play musical instruments and parents who wants there kids to get sucessful. I have interviewed four musicians and musicteatchers to see how they were raised and how it has affected the way they are teatching there own students today. My little inquiry shows that people have a stong will and that you can come far if you hade supportive people around you..

Utilizing the potential resources of elderly people : An interview study about the potential resources of elderly and young (40+) people, what those resources consists of and how they can be defined.

The overall purpose of this master essay is to investigate whether there is an interest among people near retirement to contribute with their knowledge and experience after they reach the defined retirement age. Furthermore, I would like to investigate if they want to continue with their old jobs, full time/part time or to do something else, which is beneficial to the society. I also want to find out how the older people view themselves to continuing to work. Also which types of social and structural barriers that might exist for them and why. The aim is also to investigate what types of knowledge and experience they believe could be used in the future community.

"Då var det dags igen." En litteraturstudie om livskvalitet och copingstrategier hos personer som behandlas med dialys.

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge about and deepen our understanding for people who are treated with dialysis in aspects of quality of life and coping strategies. The research questions were: How does the scientific literature describe quality of life and coping strategies from people?s perspective who are treated with dialysis? How does dialysis affect patients and their lives? How/what can the nurses do for people who are treated with dialysis to keep or improve their quality of life. The result is based on eight scientific articles and after interpretation of the result we found six themes that describes how patients have to restructure their lives to a new normal life, how they adapt to a life with dialysis treatment, how dialysis affect their physical condition, witch meaning does the family and others have, how they keep their self-esteem in relation to the dependence of dialysis treatment and which factors are associated with a long life with dialysis..

Läromedel och läromedelsanvändning- : En kvalitativ studie av gymnasielärares didaktiska reflektioner kring läromedel och läromedelsanvändning.

This paper is based on a quantitative survey. The study aims to answer the questionwhich media young people rather use to take part of the news. The results showthat young people today in Kalmar preferably and often read newspapers on theInternet and mobile phone.The questions asked was about which media they usually use, the level ofconfidence they had in various media, how interest was in different newscategories, willingness to pay for online news and background issues relatedsubjects. The survey was aimed at high school students in Kalmar and weredistributed and collected on-site at the schools. What was remarkable among theresponses was that young people largely had access to a morning newspaper athome and said that they would consider subscribing to one in the future.

Vi gör det för vår överlevnad : En kvalitativ studie om tre personer medtillhörlighet inom svensk organiserad brottslighet.

The objective of this thesis was to research and gain knowledge about people involved in organized crime in Sweden. By conducting interviews we were able to analyze what factors played a role in an individual's choice to become a member of a criminal gang, as well as to gain an overall picture of these people. The qualitative research was carried out in three different cities in Sweden. Three people, aged between 30 and 60, who are currently members of a gang, were interviewed. In these interviews they shared their life stories in terms of childhood, youth, gang involvement as well as their hopes for the future.The results were then further analyzed to explore any similarities and differences among the participating individuals.

"De tycka emellertid av gammal vana att det smakar gott, och tro dessutom att det är bra för hälsan" : samiskt växtutnyttjande från 1600-talet fram till ca 1950

Meat and fish was the most important food for the Sami people in northern Scandinavia until the beginning of the 20th century. It is not so well known that the Sami people also used a lot of wild plants as food and medicine although that kind of food was relatively common among them until the end of the 19th century. The purpose of this master thesis has been to describe which plants the Sami people used in general and also which plants were the most commonly used, and when and how these plants were harvested. I also wanted to measure the quantities of Angelica archangelica and Rumex acestosa within traditional harvest sites. Furthermore I wanted to find out if the plant use differed among Sami groups geographically.

Talet hos femåriga barn med läpp-käk-gomspalt: En jämförelse mellan internationellt adopterade barn och svenskfödda barn

This retrospective study aimed to examine differences at age fivebetween twenty-six internationally adopted and twenty-six Swedish-bornchildren with cleft lip and palate regarding age of surgery, speech andintervention. Correlation between age of surgery and speechvariables andgender differences was examined. Blind assessment of audio recordedsentence repetition or naming of words was performed by two speechpathologists. Soft palate was closed significantly later for the study groupthan the control group. Age at closure of hard palate did not differ.

Hur Internet används i konsumentens köpprocess vid handel av kläder

A study based on the consumer buying decision process to discover the typical use of the Internet in the consumer buying decision process when buying clothes. The matter is researched through an Internet survey which discovers how the consumer use the Internet in each step of the buying decision process by using predetermined options. As a result, the conclusion is that people most commonly use the traditional alternatives in the buying decision process of clothes. However, information about a product is often collected on the Internet, mostly on different webshops. The main reason, for people to buy clothes on the Internet, is that the consumers consider it is more convenient and time saving.

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