

5274 Uppsatser om Blind people - Sida 18 av 352

Tio ungdomars upplevelser av stress

Stress is something that has increased in recent decades among adolescents. Several reports indicate that young people today are more stressed because of the many demands they wear. They should be good in school, achievement expectations, get an education or job, make choices and think about their future. The purpose of our essay is that we want to explore and gain an understanding of how young people in the third grade in high school looks to stress. To conduct this study, we used a qualitative approach, by doing interviews with 10 high school students attending third grade at Västerviks gymnasium. The result we got out of the interviews was that young people experience stress differently, depending on their different as individuals. We found that there are different causes of stress, such as school, media, friends, demands from various quarters and choosing education.The interviews showed that some kind of stress was possible to handle for the adolescents, for instance by making schedule. Some stress from society was, on the other hand, more difficult to avoid..

Den relativa arbetsförmågan : En undersökning av begreppet arbetsförmåga i sjuk-,arbetslöshets- och arbetsskadeförsäkringen

This paper is based on a quantitative survey. The study aims to answer the questionwhich media young people rather use to take part of the news. The results showthat young people today in Kalmar preferably and often read newspapers on theInternet and mobile phone.The questions asked was about which media they usually use, the level ofconfidence they had in various media, how interest was in different newscategories, willingness to pay for online news and background issues relatedsubjects. The survey was aimed at high school students in Kalmar and weredistributed and collected on-site at the schools. What was remarkable among theresponses was that young people largely had access to a morning newspaper athome and said that they would consider subscribing to one in the future.

Patientupplevelser vid brachyterapi mot prostatacancer

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

"Flerspråkigheten kan öppna många dörrar i min framtid" : Hur ryskspråkiga minoritetsungdomar i Estland upplever sin flerspråkighet och dess betydelse för identitet

Issues related to multilingualism and its importance to each individual and the whole society are the subject of today?s school debate. The mere fact that the aspects of multilingualism are discussed actively not only in a school environment but even in the mass media and other communities proves that multilingualism is an important and complex phenomenon in our lives.The subject that I have chosen to study into is about the importance of multilingualism for minority individuals and the conditions for their multilingualism. The aim of this research is to investigate the importance of multilingualism for identity formation among several Russian-speaking young people who were born and raised in Estonia, as well as to try to understand the factors that were relevant to these young people's multilingualism and their view on it. Six young people aged 16-19 were considered in this study.

Patanjalis Yogasutra och C. G Jungs individuationsprocess : En jämförande undersökning av två teorier kring människans självförverkligande

The aim of this bachelor thesis has been to examine and develop our own understanding about how young people in Sweden (16-29 years of age), take part in cultural activities. As librarians it is important to know what kind of activities and interests this particular group has. With Pierre Bourdieu?s theoretical framework towards habitus and capital we are interested to see if there is a connection between one?s cultural use and background, if different access to capital with or within groups has an affect or not. With both statistics and interviews with people within our target, we believe this data has been sufficient enough to conduct a good and valid study.

Livskvalitet "lika med" livsstilsförändringar : En litteraturstudie om hur människor med diabetes typ II upplever livskvalitet

Background: To suffer from diabetes type II affects peoples new situation of life and therefore even their experiences of quality of life. Aim: The aim with this study was to describe how people with diabetes's type II experiences their quality of life. Method: The method that was used was a literature study with describing and deductive approach, where people?s experiences have come forth on the basis of Rustoens (1993) definition of quality of life. In total we analyzed 16 scientific articles that were categorized in four themes through a systematic content analysis (Evans, 2003) which resulted in four themes and nine subthemes.

Några svenskars fritid- En strike för det sociala kapitalet?

The title of this study came about from the title of Robert Putnams book Bowling Alone, where Putnam mentions that less people are bowling in teams than before. Bowling is still a large leisure activity in the USA but people tend to bowl more and more in small groups and less in organized teams. This study deals with social capital and leisure time. Its aim is to find out if some Swedish people create social capital on their leisure time and also how do they spend their leisure time. Robert Putnams book Bowling Alone serves as main background material along with the work by Bo Rothstein.

I Normalitetens Gränsland : hur närstående berättar om en kvinnas övernaturliga förmåga

My essay explores how people talk about a woman´s supernatural ability in relation to normality and abnormality. In order to find this out I´ve made interviews with people inclose relations to Hildur Lawergren. Hildur lived all her life in Fole on Gotland where she was often interviewed in local papers and on the radio about her predictions on the coming weather. She used melted candles to make her predictions. The candles were melted down on Christmas eve.

Äldres sexualitet - hinder och möjligheter i vårdgivarens främjande arbete. : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe how elderly?s sexuality can be expressed and to describe factors that affect older people's sexuality. The aim was also to describe the opportunities and barriers to health care providers to promote older people's sexuality and to describe the articles quality based on the methodological aspect of selection. A literature review with a descriptive approach was conducted on four qualitative and ten quantitative articles. The included articles were published between 2003 and 2013.

Funktionshindrad sexualitet? En kvalitativ studie om personer med fysisk funktionsnedsättning och sexualitetsfrågor i vardagen med personlig assistans

Aim. The aim of this study is to analyze the living conditions of physically disabled people from the viewpoint of sexuality issues with regards to personal assistance services, identity and attitudes in society on disability and sexuality. Background. Not much research is done on sexuality issues for physically disabled people. Even though we live in a society where sexuality takes up a lot of space in the media, the culture and is acknowledged to be of great importance for every person?s wellbeing, the sexuality of disabled people is often not recognized and discussed.

Hiv/Aids : Vad rör det mig ?

Over 40 miljon people in the world suffer from hiv/aids today. Africa is the continent that is worst affected by hiv/aids but how is the situation in Sweden? Why is it so quiet concerning hiv/aids in Sweden? Our aim with this work was to find out about the hiv/aids situation in Sweden and particulary in Malmö. The result of our research was that hiv/aids have increased since the year 2000 and most of the people had caught the infection in other countries than Sweden. This raised our curiosity concerning how immigrants/refugees are being treated when they arrive in Malmö and what are being done to stop hiv/aids from spreading further.We became very disappointed when we realised how little that is actually being done and how poorly the collaboration between the institutions are working.

Den sökande är en man : Hur språket påverkar bedömningen i en rekryteringsprocess

Svensk arbetsmarknad är snedfördeladmellan män och kvinnor. Tidigare forskning har visat att könsstereotypiskt språk (agentic/communal) kan bidra till att upprätthålla denna snedfördelning, skapa statusskillnader mellan kvinnor och män samt leda till diskriminering av kvinnor redan i en rekryteringsprocess. Med ett flerfaktoriellt experiment (N=194) av dubbel-blind-design med randomiserade deltagare undersöktes, huruvida bedömningen av en arbetssökande påverkas av könsstereotypiskt språk, samt vilken attityd deltagarna hade till pronomenHen. Deltagare betingades med agentic eller communal platsannons samt en av fyra personbeskrivningar.Sedan skattades den sökandes agentic och communal egenskaper. Deltagarna svarade på frågor gällande sexism samt uttryckte sin åsikt om Hen.

Romer i samhällsdebatten : En kvalitativ studie om framställningen av romer i debattartiklar

The purpose of this study is to investigate the medial portrayal of Romani people in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter from 2013 and 2014. In the theoretical chapter the concepts of new racism is used to speak of what is considered racist in the Swedish society today. Other concepts that are used are type and stereotype which are used to explain how our context is depending on distinctions to understand what surrounds us. Concepts such as myths and binary-oppositions are other theories that are used in this study.  Six debate articles have been selected to investigate how the Romani people are represented.

Att offentliggöra döden. Vad påverkar utformningen av dödsannonser?

Since long time ago people have announced in one way or another when one of the membersof their family had died. In the old times ?oral? messages were used, e.g. people went to theirneighbors and told them what had happened. In church the priest announced the death of amember of the parish from the pulpit.When newspapers came into use at the end of 1800 and announcements became customary,this eventually turned out to be the ?proper? way in Sweden for announcing death.

Dynamisk styrketräning av M : Quadriceps femoris hos personer i övre medelåldern

AbstractElderly people are going to be a growing number in Europe. Between one third are going to be 60 years or older at 2025. For Sweden the situation is going to be similar. A reduced muscle function could lead to complications for the individual to perform daily tasks and will lead to a higher rate for falling and getting bone fractures. The positive sides are that for men and women there are a possibility for maintaining physical function and strength even in older years.

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