

200 Uppsatser om Bibliotekarier - Sida 2 av 14

Skolbibliotek och undervisning : En studie om lärare och skolans bibliotekariers uppfattningar om skolbibliotekets roll i undervisningen

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka hur lärare och skolans Bibliotekarier uppfattar skolbiblioteket och dess roll i undervisningen på högstadiet. Studien baseras på intervjuer som gjorts med lärare och Bibliotekarier på två skolor. Vi har inspirerats av fenomenografin men använder en deskriptiv metod och beskriver i vårt resultat fyra delar: användning av skolbiblioteket, undersökande arbetssätt, skolbibliotekets roll och dess miljö och skolans Bibliotekariers roll. I resultatet kommer vi fram till att skolbiblioteket har en viktig roll och att det finns en positiv inställning till skolbiblioteket. Skolbiblioteket används till studier, arbete och skönlitterär läsning.

Hur fungerar kompetensutvecklingen bibliotekarier? En undersökning av hur bibliotekarier på ett stadsbibliotek med filialer och på ett högskolebibliotek ser på utveckling och fortbildning i sin nuvarande och framtida profession och hur utbudet av utbildni

Jeanine Basingers bok The World War II Combat Film presenterar en annars väldigt oupmärksammad genre, den amerikanska Andra Världskrigs-stridsfilmen. Utifrån den mall som Basinger beskriver i boken har jag här diskuterat och analyserat hur Saving Private Ryan håller sig till mallen som skapats av tidigare stridsfilmer. Mallen består i korthet av en mängd element som används genomgående i genren; såsom gruppen, hjälten, målet och fienden. Dessa element förekommer från den första andra världskrigs-stridsfilmen Bataan från 1943 och har konsoliderats och utvecklats sedan dess. Slutsatsen blir att även om SPR blivit känd som en nydanande och orginell film så är håller den sig nästan slaviskt till mallen, det enda som möjligt kan skilja den lite från andra filmer i genren är det ursprungliga målet, det är inte vanligt att ha ett såpass politiskt inkorrekt mål som att rädda en enda man..

Bibliotekarier i dagspressen ? En diskursanalytisk studie

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the Swedish daily press portraits librarians and the profession. I have used a discourse analytic study in my purpose to examine the image of librarians and the profession. I have analysed 34 articles between January 1, 2009 until January 1, 2010 from Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, which are the two daily newspapers with the largest circulation in Sweden. I have used three major questions to answer the aim of my study: In what context do librarians and the profession appear in the daily press?What qualities are librarians assigned in the daily press?What views and attitudes about librarians and the profession appear in the articles?My analysis resulted in three discourses; discourse about librarians? relation to literature, discourse about librarians and the labour market and discourse about librarians and information.

Tillgängligt bibliotek eller låst bokrum? : Om bibliotekstillgänglighet och biblioteksintegration i Uppsalas grundskolor

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda Uppsalaelevernas tillgång till skolbibliotek i sina grundskolor, samt hur väl integrerade skolbiblioteken är i undervisningsverksamheten. Frågeställningarna syftar till att belysa hur stor andel av Uppsalas elever som har skolbibliotek som uppfyller skollagens krav, samt i vilken grad Bibliotekarier och lärare samarbetar på Uppsalas skolor. Dessutom undersöker jag huruvida utvecklat samarbete mellan undervisande personal och bibliotekspersonal ger avtryck i läsförmågeuppgifterna i de nationella ämnesproven i svenska i åk 3 och åk 5.Aktuell biblioteksforskning i såväl Sverige som Nordamerika lägger tonvikt vid att samarbete mellan lärare och Bibliotekarier kan spela stor roll för elevernas kunskapsutveckling, särskilt vad gäller Literacy, det vill säga det vidgade läsbegreppet som omfattar läsförståelse och kunskaper om hur man använder information. Data har inhämtats med hjälp av en enkät som har skickats till 42 grundskolor i Uppsala kommun. Enkäten omfattar flera frågor med fritextsvar och de fylliga svaren från informanterna har analyserats kvalitativt.

Den nöjda och osynliga bibliotekarien : Myt och verklighet - Vad är trivsel för bibliotekarier?

The aim of this thesis is to explore the job satisfaction of librarians and try to nuance stereotypes, which the public has and which still exist in massmedia concerning librarians and their work. The study is qualitative and based mainly on semistructured interviews with ten libraries born between 1937s and 1973s of which eight are women and two men. Furthermore, I have divided them into two groups according to age in order to see if there are differencies between the older and the younger concerning job satisfaction. In addition, I have used participant observation to some extent. My assumption is that job satisfaction is effected both by individual factors and environmental factors at work.

En undersökning av folkbibliotekariers yrkeskompetenser baserad på intervjuer med biblioteksanvändare och bibliotekarier

The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine what expectations a few, adult, frequent library users have on librarians' competences at a specific library. We also aim to compare how well the library users' expectations relates to how the librarians describe their own competences.The method used to gather the empirical information in this study is the qualitative semi-structured interview. We interviewed six library users and the four librarians who are employed at the library where we placed our study. The results of our interviews were analyzed with the help of a model based on Anders Ørom?s librarian identities.

Bibliotekarier och biblioteksassistenter. Två yrkesgrupper som krockar?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship between librarians and library support staff in public libraries regarding status, distribution of work and working climate. We were interested to know if there is a conflict between the two occupational groups and how it can be explained. We also wanted to learn what the future holds for the library in terms of professional categories and tasks according to library staff of today. This study is based on twelve qualitative interviews with four heads of libraries, four librarians and four library assistants. Three theoretical approaches were used in the analysis of the interview material: professionalization strategies, conflict theories and theories from group psychology.

Bibliotekarien som detektiv : Representationer av bibliotekarier i detektivromaner

This master's thesis is a study of how librarians are depicted in crime fiction. 12 American and English mysterynovels featuring librarians in a central role were studied and analysed using character theory. Recurring traitswere identified and organised into themes. A number of prominent traits and themes emerged that show librariansas orderly and organised bibliophiles, but with a taste for adventure and excitement. They are keen problem solverswho enjoy a challenge, at work, or in the form of crime detection.

Bibliotekarier och användare i sociala medier: en diskursanalys

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how librarians talk about users in social media. Using a method of discourse analysis based on Ernesto Laclau?s and Chantal Mouffe?s theoretical concepts it seeks to answer the following questions: How do librarians describe and comment on users in social media? In which contexts do librarians talk about users in social media? Which ideas of the relationship between the librarians and the users do the user discourses present?The study focuses on a Facebook page called ?Arga Bibliotekstanten? (The Angry Library Lady) and all its posts and comments during the period of January to June 2013. This is an ?open? page available for anyone to follow; at the time of the study it had approximately 1800 ?followers? and 4000 ?friends?, both librarians and users.The results show that librarians talk about the users in a variety of ways, but mainly concerning money, behavior and task.

Det fiktiva bibliotekets vindlande gångar

Libraries exist around us and for most of us they are a part of our every day life. But how often do we stop and think about their meaning?Libraries in fiction are usually not the center of the narrative, they play a role quietly in the background and offer a backcloth to the story. Yet they are a vital part of the story. Without them a big part of the magic in the stories would be lost.And what is their role in our lives? What do the libraries mean to the books they harbor, the readers who seek them out and society in which they have their axiomatic role?This essay?s focus is my story ?Between the shelves?, which is about the young girl Julia and the mysterious passageway she discovers in her local library.

Marknadsföring av bibliotek via sociala medier ? Hur ser bibliotekarier på det?

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how librarians view marketing of the library using social media and how this can be used in a marketing strategy. The theoretical framework for this thesis is based on the 7 Ps of the marketing mix, SWOT-analysis and SWOT/TOWS Matrix. The theory is based on planned elements that make up a product or service offered the market. We have used our own interpretation of the theories to analyse our material. Our main method has been a web-based questionnaire, the questionnaire was sent to 523 librarians active at ten large public libraries and its related branches.

Bibliotekariers och ungdomars bild av sociala medier En kvalitativ studie av bilden av sociala medier hos bibliotekarier och ungdomar, och hur man kan förbättra bibliotekarieprofessionens förmåga att förmedla sig själv inom ett digitalt rum

Social media have become a bigger and bigger aspect of daily life for many ages and especially within the youth culture growing from digital interactions. At the same time libraries seems eager to use this medium to reach out to the youth to inform and to educate. But do we know enough about how these two groups? views each other to be effective at this work? And is it even something that is wanted? What?s the image of social media from their point of view?The goal of this study is to investigate the image of social media from the point of view of two groups, librarians and youth. The study is based on a qualitative approach with a random selection of candidates.

Bibliotekarier i Film ? en analytisk studie om stereotyper

This paper discusses how librarians are being represented infilm. Is it through stereotypes or with a more modern andrealistic approach? This is something that is examined byreviewing a number of movies based on various stereotypesas previous research has addressed. This work describes whystereotyping of occupational roles are a problem andtherefore examining how well research on the subject isconsistent with films from various years and genres..

Bloggtider för bibliotek och bibliotekarier? - Studie om bloggars användbarhet i bibliotekssektorn

The usability of the Internet increases for every year. The Weblog phenomenon makes it possible for anyone to easily publish, find information and get in touch with other people through the net. This Essay treats the possibilities the Weblog medium offer Swedish libraries and librarians in library contexts. The purpose of the study is to examine the Web phenomenon: Weblogs, and their significance for a total of eleven Library Heads and librarians together with their view on the Weblog activity at each library connected Weblog, to get comprehension and new knowledge on the usability of Weblogs in the library sector. The foundation for the Essay consists of a qualitative interview study, built on asynchronous e-mail interviews and telephone interviews with blogging librarians and Heads of libraries.

Twittrande bibliotekarier: informationshantering 2.0?

The present study is embedded in the research field of Personal Information Management (PIM) and its goal is to contribute to this research area by showing information management aspects in untraditional contexts, as in the social networking site Twitter. The aim and purpose of this two year's master thesis was to investigate the beha-viour of librarians within the context of Twitter. The objectives of this thesis focus on the query of the informa-tion management aspect of Twitter, and on the investigation into whether Twitter offers the possibility to reach a state of flow while using it, as well as inquiring into the relationship between Mihaly Csikszentmihalyis flow theory and PIM. The theoretical framework of this thesis is centred upon the flow theory and the conditions that are necessary to reach a state of flow. To fulfill the purpose of this thesis a directed content analysis is applied as an investigative method, where its in-depth research aspects will be applied upon the empirical material, which contains 429 tweets.

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