

38 Uppsatser om Bible - Sida 3 av 3

"Folk brukar vilja falla här" : En studie om religiösa kroppsliga upplevelser hos kristna karismatiker

In this paper I aimed to explore the bodily experiences and expressions that Christian charismatics interpret as religious.  The so-called presence of God and the so-called gifts of the spirit were in focus in the gathering of information. My purpose was to find out how the social community of the Christian charismatics affects the subjective bodily experiences that are interpreted as religious by the individual. The main questions were:1: How do Christian charismatics describe religious experiences and their effect on the body?2: What bodily expressions of religious experience can be observed in Christian charismatic contexts?3: Is there a common way of expressing the experience of God's presence (individually or in a group) and how, in this case, can any resemblance be explained?The methods used to answer these questions were qualitative interviews and participant observations, which then were analyzed by the anthropologist Thomas J. Csordas theory of embodiment.

Konst och exil : En undersökning av Shirin Neshats fotografi och videokonst i relation till exil

The Iranian artist Shirin Neshat has been living in self-imposed exile since the late 1970s, as she chose not to return to her home country following the ?79 Islamic Revolution. Through her works Neshat examines Iran before and after the revolution and follows political and civil transformations through strong photographs of women in her country of birth.  My own use of the term exile deals with the analysis of the state of exile in relation to artistic work as a globalized and underlying motivation for art and artists. The new definition of exile is analyzed in relation with the artist?s photographs and the verbal and visual statements.

Dikaiosyne theou : Guds rättfärdighet i Rom 3:21-26

The aim of this study has been to try to understand the meaning of dikaiosuvnh qeou` in Rom 3:21-26, and how man receives this righteousness.The study has two main parts. The first part is a study of Greek terms and words, where the following terms are examined: First the iJlavskomai word group, and especially the word iJlasthvrion. Secondly the words divkaio" and dikaiosuvnh. Thirdly the word novmo" and fourthly the words pisteuvw and pivsti". The final term examined is ajpoluvtrwsi".

De medeltida djurfigurernas idévärld : med kyrkomålaren Johannes Rosenrods exemplifiering

In the medieval ruling catholic time the church walls was swarmed with programs of pictures with religious motives there the animal figures rich symbolics was significant first and foremost for the illiterate. Principally the inspiration comes from the antiquitys pagan world of fables and bestiary Christian world of symbols with the Bible as the essential source. The essay describes six of the most common animal symbols who occur; dragon, the sneak in the Paradise, mouth of hell, lion, the fox as a preacher and the devil.To attain to a discussion about why just animals are used as symbols for human characteristics in the medieval church art instead for human beings as it's actually be about, I have studied bestiary and other literature about medieval churchpainting to get an understanding about the history of ideas about the thoughts of the time and about symbolics of animals, worth and how the Christianity have had an influence on the pictures.I have used Johannes Rosenrods church pictures from Tensta church in Uppland from 1437 as an exemplification but also mentioned other unknown painters who used similar animal codes and motives.It's plausible that the purpose of the animal figures was both religious and political, which was used by both the spiritual and the worldly authority so they could keep their dominance over the peasant. The figures was simple to read and remember and they made a deep impression on the people together with the sermon. The churchgoer get so to speak a sound- and image experience, a medieval reality who impress their world of ideas.When it's about the artistic formation of religious expression and characteristics it was undoubtedly a great advantage for the artists to use an animal code like a schemata.

Från slav till son : Naefesh och den teologiska exegesen i Bibel 2000

Det här arbetet är en pilotstudie om vad införandet av en ny betygsskala och nya läroplaner hösten 2011 fick för genomslag i betygsstatistiken i en av landets större kommuner och för lärare på en gymnasieskola i en mindre kommun, med fokus på ämnet naturkunskap. Regeringens mål med den nya betygsskalan var att den skulle visa elevernas kunskaper mer nyanserat, vilket också skulle kunna öka deras motivation att sträva efter högre betyg. Ett annat mål var att minska risken för betygsinflation, ett problem som funnits både i äldre tiders betygsskalor och efter införandet av den förra betygsskalan. Resultatet av studien visade att betygsmedelvärdet för eleverna inte förändrades med den nya skalan, men andelen som fick det högsta betyget sjönk, särskilt bland eleverna på högskoleförberedande program. Däremot visade det sig att bland eleverna på yrkesprogrammen höjdes medelbetygen i naturkunskap och andelen som fick det högsta betyget ökade.

Karlstads Kyrkogårdar : En värld full av sociala och ekonomiska skillnader

 AbstractA walk at Karlstad's cemetery and burial - grounds is like a strolling in an architectural park with trees, bushes and flowers. But these parks are different; they are filled with dead people, their memorial stones and their life stories. This world is full of socially, economically and culture differences from different times from 19th century till today's society. The cemetery - and burial - grounds in Karlstad can tell you about 19th century influences just by looking at the stones and where they are placed. Influences from the religion, the Christianity, which symbols for example is the cross, the birds and the sun that rises or falls, but also phrases that is directing to the Bible.

Gränsdragningen mellan yttrandefrihet och hets mot folkgrupp : En undersökning av gällande rätt utifrån ett samtida perspektiv

AbstractThis essay begins with a presentation of the complex set of problems which relate to the interaction between freedom of speech and the ban against discrimination based on a person's race, the colour of their skin or ethnic origin, confession of faith or sexual preference (BrB 16:8, incitement to racial hatred). Can conflicts arise between freedom of speech and the ban against discrimination? To shed light on this question, we have chosen to look at the issue from a new perspective. This perspective is based on the new challenges faced by Swedish society as a result of the changed composition of our population, our membership in the EU and our acknowledgment of certain international conventions concerning human rights.Fifty years ago our population almost solely comprised of ?native Swedes?.

Trinitariskt språk hos Paulus Spänningsförhållanden i beskrivningen av Fader, Son och Ande

This essay is aiming to go through and study the most important and frequently mentioned terms and titles used in the letters of Paul to denote and describe God, the Father, the Son and the Spirit. These include ?Christ? and ?Lord? as well. The purpose has been two-fold: on the one hand I wished to study the background and meaning of the concepts in question, as used by Paul; on the other hand ? and this has been my main concern ? I specifically wanted to look at what kind of language Paul uses to denote Father, Son and Spirit in terms of their attributed characteristics, roles and theological functions.

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