

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 9 av 100

Att väcka läslust hos barn i förskoleåldern- En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars syn på sin egen, förskolan och bibliotekets lässtimulerande roll

The aim of our study is to gain understanding of how parentsperceive their own, the preschool's, and the library's efforts to stimulate preschoolers' enjoyment and yearning to read, as well as what types of collaborative efforts the parents seek.The study is based upon qualitative interviews with parents, both mothers and fathers, to preschool children (aged 1.5 to 6 years old). The analysis does not offer any generalizations. We have chosen to use a sociocultural perspective as the theoretical starting-point of our study, our thoughts being that we learn together with and by the help of others. We consider this perspective to be closely related to Aidan Chambers's "The Reading Circle", which we have chosen to use as our tool of analysis.It turned out that the parents perceived their own reading stimulating role as crucial, even if they did not consider all they did as reading stimulative. Some things, such as discussing the book while reading, occurred naturally but is also an important part to stimulate reading.

Motorikens betydelse för språkutvecklingen

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if the reading habits of teacher students are influenced by merit and descent. The empiric material consists of six questionnaires answered by students at the teacher training with Swedish at the upper secondary school as their first topic. The questionnaire comprised questions about reading habits in the childhood and today and information concerning merits and descent.Pierre Bourdieu?s sociological ideas about cultural capital transmitted from parent to child and the concept of habitus are used as a theoretical framework regarding descent.

Diskursanalys av elevers reflektioner om samtidskonst i finsk bildkonstundervisning.

In school today pupils come in contact with all kinds of reading books. Education of Swedish reading development sometimes contain reading books organized at different levels of difficulty, with different amount of text. The purpose of the different difficulty levels is to give the less skilled readers an easier book and stronger readers a more difficult book. The purpose with this study is to find out if the book which is classified as more difficult, in reality is the most difficult and if the book which is considered to be easier really is. To find answers to these questions I will examine previous researcher?s theories on difficulty levels in reading books.

Franchising - eller när förälskelsen kommer efter förlovningen: En kvalitativ studie om hur samarbetet mellan franchisegivare och franchisetagare utvecklas över tiden

The aim of this study is to describe how the cooperation between franchisee and franchisor evolves over time. The parties? work responsibilities are explored as an ingredient of the cooperation. Creation of relational aspects is also studied, as well as how adaptation of the concept is handled throughout the partnership. This study takes on an abductive approach and is based on interviews with franchisees of one franchise system, performed at different stages of the respective cooperations.

Läsningens funktion på sjukhus. En kvalitativ studie av sjukhusbibliotekariers syn på barn- och ungdomspatienters läsning

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how a number ofhospital librarians look at child and youth patients' reading and itspossible role in a mental and physical healing process. We alsoinvestigate the knowledge, strategies and thoughts the librarianshave on bibliotherapy.Qualitative interviews have been used and seven librarians, at twodifferent hospital libraries with children's and youth activities, wereinterviewed during November and December 2011. The analysis isbased on one theory; we use Sten Furhammar?s model whichincludes four different categories of reading.We can see, according to the librarians? answers, that the mostcommon function of the patients? reading can be explained throughtwo of Furhammar?s categories. Our respondents believe that thepatients mostly read to relax from heavy thoughts and situationswhich can be connected to the category impersonal experiencereading.

Döende böcker och levande texter : En kvalitativ studie om barns syn på läsning, text och bibliotek

This master thesis is based on the sociocultural perspective. A qualitative research study was conducted to investigate children's attitudes towards reading, texts and libraries.The theoretical background is constituted by ideas from the new sociology of childhood, literacy-studies and reader-response theory.The study was conducted with 23 children, 13 girls and 10 boys, participating in focus groups.The results of the study reveal that children's literacy-activities in school are strongly influenced and limited by adults. Children's interest in pictures and non-fiction-reading do not correspond to the school institution that favors traditional media and fiction. The study also reveals a gender division between children's literacy-activities that tends to grow with age. All the children in the study regard libraries as book-houses and wished for libraries that combine activity and serenity.The thesis shows the importance of being aware of, and engage in, children's reading-interests and reading-practices if the reading stimulating activities in schools and libraries are to be successful.

Gymnasieelevers intresse för tecknade serier

This master's thesis deals with the interest in comics among students at the social science programme in an upper secondary school. The history of comics and the reading habits of comics have also been examined. For the completion of this study 54 students, 19 boys and 35 girls, took part in a questionnaire. The results of this statistical survey shows that the department of comics at Malmö city public library plays an insignificant role concerning the interest and reading of comics for the students. The main readings of comics for the students are in the daily paper, which resembles reading habits of adults.

Läsning är inte min grej: en undersökning av några tonårspojkars attityder till läsning

This study is about fourteen-year-old boys, who are not interested in reading. It deals with what thoughts and feelings some boys have around books, reading and libraries. Further the study investigates the boys' leisure activities and their making of identities. The study is built on interviews among twelve boys in a secondary school. The result is compared to earlier reports and research.

Arbete med läs- och skrivutveckling i grundskolans tidigare skolår : Två pedagoger berättar om sina arbetssätt

The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers choose to work with the teaching of reading and writing skills, how teachers justify their choice of teaching method and how the documentation of student development is being used. This paper also discusses the definition of reading and writing, phonological awareness and how different reading- and writing educational methods can be combined. The gathering of information has been done through a literature review in which I have looked at past research on reading and writing. I have also conducted qualitative interviews with teachers involved in literacy learning. The result of my research shows that it is not possible to determine which literacy learning methods that are most effective.

Läsutveckling utifrån ett sociokulturellt och mångkulturellt perspektiv

The purpose of this investigation is to compare the teaching in reading of three pedagogues in form 2 in three different schools from a second language perspective. Among other things it implies to investigate how the pedagogues think of teaching in reading and the reading field to be compared with if these fields are adjusted to a diverse cultural perspective. This investigation is carried out through observations and interviews. To compare the schools they have been picked out from the number of pupils and the number of second language pupils, that is 15 %, 67 % and 95%. The investigation also includes how the pedagogues weigh the pros and cons within reading and working methods.The further reading is built upon theories and previous research that have an attachment to the view of the sociocultural and the diverse cultural perspectives of teaching.

Normalt i läseböcker : Föreställningar om kön, kultur, klass och "ras"

This paper aims to examine what reading books convey as normal for first grade children. The question at hand is to find out what children's reading books convey as normal within the context of intersectionality with a focus on sex, class, culture and "race". Text analysis of two reading books has been conducted, using discourse analysis with an intersectional perspective. In analysing the texts, selected sections from the books have been examined using the method of close reading. Within the context of intersectionality, classifications have been made and selected according to the categories sex, culture, class and "race".

Il Padrino - The Godfather : Etnicitet i anknytning till Gudfadern

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if the reading habits of teacher students are influenced by merit and descent. The empiric material consists of six questionnaires answered by students at the teacher training with Swedish at the upper secondary school as their first topic. The questionnaire comprised questions about reading habits in the childhood and today and information concerning merits and descent.Pierre Bourdieu?s sociological ideas about cultural capital transmitted from parent to child and the concept of habitus are used as a theoretical framework regarding descent.

Ungdomar läser - om läs- och bokvanor i årskurs nio och gymnasieskolan

This thesis investigates young people's (16-21) preferences in reading through a surveyincluding interviews and questionnaires. The groups attitudes towards reading and libraries,their reading and library habits, and to what extent eight libraries had bought the preferredliterature were also examined.Some reports from the 80's were used to find the changes. The result shows that youngstersread and visit libraries somewhat more frequently. Trivial literature is not as dominant, moreteenage-books were read. Popular themes are love, history, reality, fantasy/sf, and detectivestories.

Läsning i omedelbarhetens tidsålder. Diskurser om läsning och litteratur i mediariktad till barn och ungdomar

This two years master?s thesis in Library and Information Science examines book reviews and articles aboutbooks and authorship in media directed to children between the ages of 8 and 14. The aim is to increase knowledgeof children?s reading choices and view of reading. This is motivated by the decrease in literacy and sparetime reading among Swedish children and adolescents.

Bokprat pågår. Läsmiljö vid bokprat i samband med ett läsprojekt i skolan

This masters thesis examines the reading environment during "booktalk", with special reference to a reading project in compulsory comprehensive and upper secondary schools in Stockholm. The main question is: What does the reading environment look like during booktalk? Three questions are asked: Which factors affect the reading environment? Which are the conditions concerning book selection and book availability? How do the librarians perform as enabling adults? Different groups of pupils, together with their teachers and the librarian, are studied during booktalks in five schools. The study uses a qualitative approach, which takes the form of open observations during 15 booktalks and one interview with the two librarians involved in the project and studies of literature. The theoretical framework is Aidan Chambers theory relating to reading environment and its effects upon the reading process.

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