

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 66 av 100

Barn med språkstörning möter svenskämnet i skolan : föräldrars berättelser

The overall aim of this study is to clarify the situation in school for children with language disorder from the parents? perspective.Data were collected through five interviews with parents who have children of different ages and with various diagnosis within the language disorder spectra. A qualitative method based on a narrative inquiry was used and each interview was based on a interview guide with the following themes: the child?s difficulties, starting school, the school?s pedagogy, homework, action plans, participation and the future.Each story has its own themes, but there are also themes that are common in all interviews. One common theme in the parents? stories is that school has a lack of knowledge when it comes to language disorder.

?Läsa för livet!?: En studie rörande sambandet mellan presentation, genomförande och uppföljning av fiktionstext i gymnasieskolan

The object of this study has been to establish whether there is a correlation between a teachers efforts in presenting, working with and creating a connection to ?real life? when working with fictional texts. A further hypothesis is that presentation, realization and the follow up activities has a correspondence to how well the goals for the lesson are achieved. In order to achieve the presented objects the methods of observation and interview are chosen. Firstly classroom observations are made and subsequently interviews with teachers that struggle with these questions on a regular basis are conducted.

Fotodynamisk terapi vid behandling av skivepitelskarcinom hos katt :

Photodynamic therapy is a relatively new treatment for superficial squamous cell carcinoma in cats. There are no publications indicating that the method is being used in veterinary practice in Sweden at the present time. The method uses the interaction between a photosensitive agent which has been administered to the tumor area, light of a wavelength that can be absorbed by the photosensitiser and the presence of oxygen. In this study photodynamic treatments were performed at the Queen?s Veterinary School Hopital of Cambridge University between 1998 and 2002.

?Självklart att man skall läsa högt för barn!? En studie av läs- och högläsningsvanor hos småbarnsföräldrar som inte använder bibliotek.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate reading habits among parents of preschool children who do not use the public library. Another aim has been to investigate why these parents don?t use the library and if there is anything the library can do to change this. Little research had earlier been done on this subject. The theoretical framework consists of two different models.

Rollspel som verktyg : Ett försök att träna mentaliseringsförmågan

Barn använder låtsasleken för att undersöka samspelet mellan människor och göra det mer begripligt. Rollspel är en typ av låtsaslek för vuxna. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om rollspel förbättrar vuxna människors mentaliseringsförmåga, samt metodutveckling och generellt utökande av kunskap. En undersökning genomfördes där rollspel användes som verktyg för att försöka förbättra mentaliseringsförmågan. I grupper om fem personer genomfördes en intervention bestående av tre träffar om vardera tre timmar.

Har ni någon bra bok?: Om biblioteksanställdas användning av readers advisory verktyg

Studies have shown that library employees often choose not to use readers? advisory tools but to instead rely entirely on their own experience, often doing the library user a disservice. However, very few have looked at why this is so. This thesis looks at to what extent thirty individual employees in thirty Swedish public libraries use readers advisory tools when helping a patron find a good book, with the major focus on what motivates them to use these tools and why some choose not to use them. It was found that readers? advisory tools where not used with any consistency and that many things influence the library employees? use of these tools.

"De är ett väldigt nyfiket släkte, barnbibliotekarierna". En kvalitativ undersökning av hur 1990-talets samhällsförändringar påverkat barnbibliotekariernas arbetsuppgifter, kvalifikations- och fortbildningsbehov

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate what the work situation of children's librarians looks like in the year 2000, after the changes in society which took place since the 1980's. Did the tasks of children's librarians change during the nineties, and if so, in what way and why have they changed? Which new knowledge needs emerged for children's librarians during the nineties, and what was the cause of these new needs? Finally I want to know which needs for professional development arose, and how these needs are fulfilled. The thesis is based on qualitative interviews with children's librarians, library managers, library consultants, one representative of the Swedish school of Library and Information Studies and one member of SAB's children and youth committee. The study reveals that the identity of children's librarianship is strongly associated with the stimulation of language and reading.

"Det var synd att Süleyman Efendi måste dö" : En introduktion till den turkiska litteraturhistorien och presentation av Orhan Veli Kanik

The paper directs to introduce the turkish literary tradition to an fairly unknown european audience, as well as to present a turkish poet called Orhan Veli. Since there is hardly any literature written within this subject in either swedish or english I have come to the conclusion that the europeans have not yet been subjected to a discussion of this nature. For this reason my main task has been to gather and compose all that has already been written within this matter. I have chosen not to dig deep into such an unexploared subject, but rather offer different types of entries with which further research can be pursued and built upon.The early literature in Turkey consisted mostly of imitations of the well established arabic- and persian traditions. Because of that the turkisk modernism came, in comparison to the rest of Europe, relatively late.

Cupsystemet : En kvalitativ fallstudie av en mobil webbtjänst

The thesis describes the following main question: Will the administrative labour during football tournaments be made easier with the help from a mobile web service or will it convey to unnecessary extra work? To be able to give a good and qualified answer to this question, the thesis will in the beginning describe how the technique for such a system might look like and also describe the existing administrative moments during a football tournament, this is too give the reader a deeper understanding for further reading. The thesis then goes on to describe a concrete system which is tested on three football tournaments. On the basis of the tests, interviews and through analysis of these the thesis will be able to answer our questions. The result which we present in the thesis have unfolded through testing of the system on three chosen football tournaments.

Datorbaserad bedömning i språk forskningsläge, erfarenheter och implikationer

To support uniform and fair assessment of Swedish students? English language competences, mandatory National tests are provided both for secondary and upper secondary education. The current thesis may be seen as a contribution to the further development and validation of these tests, with regard to the likely introduction of computerized testing methods. The aim is to gain further knowledge from current research in the field, to study and elucidate international experiences of implementation, and to gather and analyze feedback from students and teachers. Based on my findings, some tentative conclusions will be drawn, and recommendations made concerning future developments.

Alarmerande eller förväntat? : En studie av hur ett screeningtest kan tolkas ur ett andraspråksperspektiv

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extent LS ? a standard screening test for dyslexia ?is also relevant for the purpose of finding second language students with dyslexia. Starting with an overview of recent studies in the field, I have analyzed texts from parts of the chosen material. After a brief presentation of the test, I have presented it from a second language point of view. Furthermore, I have analyzed the way in which the test measures phonological awareness, lexical accessibility and correctness in language.

Change or die Bilden av folkbiblioteket i den nationella bibliotekspolitiken i Sverige och Danmark utifrån teorier om det postmoderna samhället.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate how the image of the Public library is described in the Swedish national library politics, and compare it with the image given of the public library in the Danish national library politics. The method used for this analysis is a comparative discourse analysis of the homepages produced by the Swedish central government Regeringen and Kulturrådet and its Danish counterpart Kulturministeriet and Biblioteksstyrelsen. Theories on postmodernity have been used to analyze how the Swedish and the Danish central governments image of the Public library corresponds with a changing society and the changing behaviour of the public library users. Our analysis concludes that the traditional view of the Public library as an institution mainly concerned with literature and reading still is of great significance in the discourse of the Swedish central government. In contrast, the Danish central government presents a more postmodern view of the public library as an institution that is part of the Information- and the Knowledge society.

Vilka typer av texter möter elever på gymnasiesärskolan : Ett samspel mellan text och läsförståelse

The aim of this bachelor thesis has been to examine and develop our own understanding about how young people in Sweden (16-29 years of age), take part in cultural activities. As librarians it is important to know what kind of activities and interests this particular group has. With Pierre Bourdieu?s theoretical framework towards habitus and capital we are interested to see if there is a connection between one?s cultural use and background, if different access to capital with or within groups has an affect or not. With both statistics and interviews with people within our target, we believe this data has been sufficient enough to conduct a good and valid study.

McDonalds CSR-arbete : Utvecklingen och orsakerna

CSR - "Corporate Social Responsibility" is a concept that in recent years has become of bigger importance for companies. Even at McDonald's, which quickly grew into today's 217 restaurants, with up to 430 000 visitors daily. We have investigated how the McDonald's CSR work has evolved over time, how it looks today and what has influenced this development. Things that have influenced McDonald's and led to their CSR work proved to be scandals and changes in legislations. The PR value of working with CSR has also increased and a lot of the CSR work has shown to be economically viable.

Det är vi som ska läsa: En studie av skolelevers syn på delaktighet i ett skolbiblioteks beståndsarbete.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how students in a Swedishjunior high school (grade 7-9) view their possibility to participate in thecollection management of their school library, and how the schoollibrary works to involve the students when purchasing media. The studyhas resulted in a model for easy and effective involvement of studentsin the collection development.To achieve this aim both quantitative and qualitative methods are used.A survey in three classes in the school, observations at the schoollibrary and a qualitative interview with the library assistant have beenperformed. The collection management at the school library isdescribed using the School Library Taxonomies developed by DavidLoertscher and two models for participation developed by Roger A Hartand Harry Shier. In the survey, the students are asked about their libraryand reading habits, their perception of their own participation in thecollection management of the library and their opinions of theimportance of student participation in the library.The results show that all students view the possibility of participation as something important, but not all of the students are willing to be active themselves. The proposed model for effective involvement of students in the library focuses on simplicity, voluntariness, distinct information and visible results..

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