

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 65 av 100

Ett objekt : om arkitekturen i ett föremål för handling

This thesis is covering my design of an architectural object for the use in a pedagogical setting. The purpose is to create contextual premises for students, making possible the testing of designs, involving plants suitable for the urban environment. Hence, the main features in the object design is suggestive to the urban outdoor rooms - rooms that are formed amongst the city facades. The thesis is also about the design process set out from a technical reality, based on camera imagery. To a large extent, the thesis consists of reflections concerning the object's function towards pedagogy, perception and materials. Furthermore, the object claims to be a hybrid between architecture and landscape architecture.

"Det känns lite knepigt att kalla en skulptur för text" En studie av svensklärares syn på det vidgade textbegreppet i gymnasieskolan

This study aims to draw attention to the discourse of Swedish language teachers and their literary repertoires from a didactic perspective. This leeds to the following inquiries: ?how to define and delineate a broader concept of text;? ?how realized is this concept in Swedish upper secondary schools;? and ?how does the use of the broader concept of text effect the ability to learn.? The empirical data comprise group interviews with six teachers who work at two different schools, in different towns, located in southern Sweden. The data are transcribed and carefully analysed by tools consistent with methodological approaches. The theoretical framework consists of discursive psychology.

Alla vägar leder till fantasy: en studie av hur fantasyläsande BHS-studenter går tillväga för att få tag på skönlitteratur

Fantasy literature has a rather strong position in countries with an English-speaking population but not in Sweden. The supply of fantasy in Sweden is much smaller than that in for example United Kingdom. Does this affect the Swedish readers of this genre? If it does, how does it affect them? The aim of this thesis is to find out how a few fantasy-reading students at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science get hold of the fiction they want to read and who and/or what influence their decision of which book to read. In order to avoid confusion we are also going to try to find out how they define fantasy since it varies from person to person what is included in the genre.

The mobile phone - a resource in schoolwork?

The aim of this thesis was to investigate how students, teachers and special teachers use, or may want to use, mobile phones as a resource in everyday schoolwork. An analysis of the result was made base on two main theories. One i Säljös theory about the sociocultural perspective, where artefacts play an important part in the devolopment of human society. The other is Laurillardss thougts of social learning and the use of technology in teaching. The methods used were inquiries and semi-structured interwiews with individuals and groups.

?Jag tänker inte sitta hemma och sticka? ? En studie av sex nyblivna pensionärers informationsbehov och biblioteksvanor.

This study is about information needs and library habits among newly retired people. The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the affective and cognitive needs that come with retirement. In what way do the information needs of this group change due to retirement? In order to answer this question we make use of two theoretical models; Role theory and Wilson?s model of information needs. When it comes to library habits, we use Andersson and Skot-Hansens model to examine how newly retired people use the library now and how they could use it on basis of their needs in their new role.

Mångkulturalism i svensk barnlitteratur?

The purpose of our master thesis was to investigate how a multicultural society is reflected in childrens books picture books, books for children and young people, published in 2002. We found this issue interesting since children of today experience a change in society, where people of many ethnicities, cultures and religions live together to a greater extent than before. Since children in their everyday life are exposed to these different cultures, we think they also should be exposed to them in the books they read. In order to enhance an understanding of why such books are important to children, especially immigrant children, we have in our thesis included a passage with childrens linguistic development, identification and stereotypes. Other passages concern libraries and their roles in a multicultural society.

Hur påverkas studenters prestation i läsförståelse av klassisk musik i dur och moll? : Ett laboratorieexperiment

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det fanns en skillnad på studentens prestation i ett läsförståelsetest (TISUS), beroende på vilket tonläge (dur eller moll) på klassisk musik de fick lyssna på. Undersökningen genomfördes som ett laboratorieexperiment i en studierum på Karlstads Universitet, utifrån en oberoende mellan-grupps-design. Urvalet var ett tillfällighetsurval av studenter (N= 26), i åldrarna 19 ? 33, inom Karlstads Universitet. Oberoende variabeln var klassiskt musik komponerad av Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, vilket var uppdelat i de två olika betingelserna dur och moll.

Möten med historia : En intervjustudie om hur åtta elever ur årskurs nio möter historia i sin vardag utanför skolan

The main purpose of this paper is to examine how students in school year nine in the Swedish school come in contact with history outside of the school context. The paper also focuses on, if and how the students consider the contact with history as something different than, or similar to the history education that takes place during school hours, the student´s interest in history will also be examined. To gather the student?s opinions on these subjects, I have done interviews with eight students divided into two groups, with one group consisting of four girls and one group with two boys and two girls. The interviews took place at the students school located in a smaller city in Värmlands län, Sweden.

Barn kommunicerar om film

The aim of this master?s thesis is to obtain greater understanding of how children relate to the film medium and their experiences. This is obtained by listening to the children and observing their verbal and nonverbal communication in two focus group interviews. Children?s access to and selection of film are due to adult?s restrictions.

Bättre kan det sägas : Om transformation som berättargrepp i Stig Claessons författarskap

The objective of this paper is to examine narrative techniques used by the Swedish author Stig Claesson, especially his transformations of texts out of the own authorship into new stories. In order to achieve my objective, I will specifically study two novels; Rosine (1991) and Efter oss syndafloden (2002) and the method practiced will be intentional reading, as described by H. Porter Abbott. For the analysis I will, with the complementary support of Abbott and Beata Agrell, turn to Gerard Genette and his theories concerning transformation and transtextuality, in particular its sub idiom hypertextuality. As a result of my analysis, various subgroups of transformation used by Claesson are identified, but also proven is how Claesson, largely by utilizing two of them; transvocalisation and transvaluation, provides the reader with the implied author of his own choice.

Lika barn leka bäst, men olika barn uppfinner de roligaste lekarna : En studie om hur företag kan rekrytera medarbetare med samma värderingar som företaget

ABSTRACTThis thesis aims to explain how companies and organizations can form their recruitingprocess to successfully recruit people with the same values as the company ororganisation. We have conducted this thesis because we consider it to be of relevancedue to limited research on the subject. To fulfill the purpose of this thesis we havefocused on one main issue. That is how companies can shape their recruiting process torecruit people with the same values as the company. Our ambition is to describe thissubject from a recruiting perspective with the values in focus.

Infrastrukturförändringar och dess påverkan på den regionala utvecklingen : en studie av områden utmed E4 mellan Uppsala och Sundsvall

Under efterkrigstiden har den regionala tillväxten i industriländerna undergått en explosionsartad utveckling. Samtidigt skedde en massiv utbyggnad och förbättring av infrastrukturen. Dessa båda områdes avancemang avslutades abrupt med den globala finanskrisen under 1970-talet. När konjunkturen vände tillbaka och tillväxten tog fart igen var det däremot inte med samma starka stäv som innan krisen. Denna tröga utveckling förbluffade makroekonomerna, som sökte med ljus och lyckta efter möjliga orsaker såsom energipriser, social reglering och regioners näringslivssammansättning.

Snabb och säker roaming i WLAN

This thesis investigates how Ericsson AB should do to achieve fast and secure handover when roaming in a WLAN. It also provides a security analysis of the system that the wireless access point is part of. The reason for this is that Ericsson is selling an access point called the ABS 2200 aimed at the public hotspot market. The premise was that they wanted a standardized way of handling the roaming issue. At the outset the 802.11F standard looked like a good alternative (in fact the only standardized alternative).

Läsinlärning på lågstadiet : en kvalitativ studie av hur erfarna respektive oerfarna lärare väljer att arbeta med läsinläning på lågstadiet

In my study I focus on how teachers work and teach regarding reading in schools and what kind of methods they are using. The purpose of this study is to find out if there are any differences between experienced and inexperienced teachers. I examine this in three different primary schools where I interviewed two teachers with long experience in teaching children in the age of six to ten years old. I also interviewed two teachers with four or less year of experience in teaching. I have done this study through qualitative interviews with experienced and inexperienced teachers. Through these interviews my purpose was to find out how they teach the students how to read and what factors that influence the choice working strategies. The results show that teachers, regardless of experience teach the students through different approaches.

Etik och moral inom ridsporten : med fokus på fälttävlan

Eventing is often called as the formula 1 in equestrian sports and comprises three disciplines: dressage, show jumping and cross-country. The sport provides excitement, challenge and joy and is the ultimate sport for intelligent riders and horses. Many are fascinated by the challenges the sport offers while other consider it foolhardy to ride a cross-country. Eventing is not a risk-free sport and has even been given the label of being one of the world´s most dangerous sports. What do those risks mean to the horse? And particularly, is it associated with good animal ethics to use the horse for eventing? Finding answers to these questions is not easy as it probably is not a clear and simple answer.

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