

1494 Uppsatser om Better Reading partnership - Sida 6 av 100

En analys av TPL-företag och deras samarbete med kunder

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze TPL companies, and their collaboration with their customers from a TPL perspective. The paper intends to get a bigger understanding of their collaboration, advantages/disadvantages and how the collaboration can be improved. The foundation for the paper is obtained through questions that have been created from the chosen theories about supply chain, third part logistic (TPL) and lean production. We have had open interviews with five different conveyers where we have had our questions prepared and during the interviews asked new questions to get more distinct answers. When we subsequently analyzed the empirical material and by chosen theories we have been able to confirm that the collaboration between the TPL companies and their customers is more of a partnership character.

Högläsning: Ett pedagogiskt verktyg för ökad motivation och läsförståelse : En kvalitativ studie om högläsning på mellanstadiet.

The aim of this study was to investigate how four middle school teachers use and process the contents in read-aloud books, to stimulate the pupils interest in reading and increase reading comprehension. A qualitative approach was used to collect data, through interviews and observations. The findings show that all of the teachers work with read-aloud books regularly. The teachers state that read-aloud books have a positive effect on pupils language, vocabulary, reading comprehension, imagination and ability to reflect. The teachers have three distinctive purposes with read aloud-books, a moment of relaxation, create an interest in books and increase the pupils reading comprehension.

Den svarta lådans pedagogik : En studie om läsinlärning på behavioristisk grund

AbstractThe phonics is traditionally firmly established within reading acquisition in Swedish schools. The curriculum, Lpo 94 gives spacious independence regarding the question of method and we have to be aware of our own point of view when we are making the decision regarding the method of reading acquisition. Is it tradition or is it our linguistic point of view that is the determining factor? Through this study of literature, different publications from different times are being studied and the ideas and the linguistic point of view are being discussed. Through comparing between the curriculums that have been replaced of one another, and attending to linguistic discussion and research, we will be able to see a change in the linguistic point of view.

Läsinlärning i finlandssvenska skolor : En undersökning av lärares syn på läsinlärning i årskurs 1-2 vid tre finlandssvenska skolor.

Finnish student have for several years proved to be successful in reading in international studies. This interview based study aims to describe how teachers in Finnish schools for Swedish speaking children are relating to reading and reading education during the first two years of schooling. The result shows that reading, reading training and reading comprehension are natural elements in all teaching during the first two years in school and that teaching is based on students? ability and interest. The teachers claim that they provide the students with varying opportunities to practice different kinds of reading.

"Det skall vara roligt och spännande!" En studie av 9-12-åriga flickors fritidsläsning.

This is a thesis about 9-12-year old girls and their leisure reading. The purpose of this study is to examine their reading experiences. The method we use is a combination of qualitative interviews and studies of literature. The thesis shows that there seem to be four basic needs in girls that can be satisfied by leisure reading; the need to develop language skills; the need to be entertained; the need to gain knowledge of the world and the need to get help to resolve personal issues. The interviews with nine girls show that they primarily read for fun and that the knowledge and insights that are conveyed in literature come in second place.

Sex pianisters uppfattningar om a prima vista-spel

The main purpose of this study is to identify and compare classical pianists' understanding of sight-reading. Six pianists were interviewed, four professionals and two students. All of them concidered good sight-reading ability to be an advantage, especially when rehearsing, but most important is to be a good musicians performing music thoroghly gone through..

Högläsningens betydelse för barnens språkutveckling

The main thing we wanted to find out with this thesis was, can reading aloud help the natural language development. We also wanted to know how libraries in Sweden work with reading aloud and if children with reading and writing problems are being helped by being read to. We also wanted to find out what authoritarians on literature think a good reading-aloud novel should contain. To find this out we decided to do a literature study, we have taken part of a number of authoritarian opinions on this matter and we also studied some theories on this subject. We also decided to do a couple of interviews to exemplify how regular libraries work with reading aloud.

Stöd läsutvecklingen! En studie av barns reflexioner kring sin läsning och bibliotekariers uppfattningar av barns läsning och läsutveckling

This thesis is structured as a combined empirical and literary study. The aim is to investigate how children at the age of 11-12 years reflect on their readings of fiction and how these reflections relate to the librarians' perspective of a child's reading ability and reading development. Qualitative interviews with children and librarians constitute the empirical part. Research and theories are compared to the empirical part then placed into a more extensive context. How do children at the age of 11-12 years old reflect upon their reading of fiction and how do librarians relate themselves to this age? An analysis using interviews, research and theories is used to answer these questions.

En gnutta läslust : Fyra lärare och deras arbetssätt för att främja de yngsta skolelevernas läslust

This project investigates how four teachers work to encourage their pupils? love of reading. The study was conducted with the focus on teachers working in grades 1?3. The teacher?s view of their own role in furthering love of reading is also considered.It is hoped that other teachers will gain inspiration and ideas about how to work to motivate their pupils to read.To ascertain the four teachers? opinions and thoughts I conducted qualitative interviews which I then analysed with the help of sentence concentration.The study shows that the teachers work in similar ways, but what they all have in common is that they further love of reading through methods that include conversation and communication with classmates and teacher.

En bok kan berika livet om man får ta del av den: En intervjustudie med bibliotekarier och läsombud om utvecklingsstörda och läsning

The aim of this master thesis is to discuss the access to literature and reading by mentally retarded persons, and how this is affected by library and care taking staffs awareness of mentally retarded persons needs of literature and reading. The reason why we decided to choose this essay topic, is that there is a lack of research about mentally retarded persons relationship with libraries, literature and reading in the field of library- and information science. This groups needs must be brought to sight, so that they can take part in the literature just as anyone else, on their own conditions. Our study involves interviews with four librarians, three reading representatives and a co-ordinator at the Easy-to-Read Foundation. We can establish that all of our informants prove to have significant knowledge about mentally retarded persons and their needs of literature and reading.

Hur läsinlärning kan utvecklas för elever med Cerebral pares

To find useful methods of reading instructions for pupils with Cerebral palsy is a complex but at the same time very challenging work. The main focus of this research lies in studying the pupils work focusing on special adaptation of educational materials and means of assistance for pupils with Cerebral palsy. In trying to get a complete picture of the work with the reading instruction I don?t think that it can be described only by studying the work, it also demands an inside look at the job the working group performs. My overarching purpose of this research is to try out measures to further develop the work with reading instruction for pupils with Cerebral palsy.

Framtida förändringar i det förebyggande diskrimineringsarbetet : Med utgångspunkt i gällande rätt

The purpose of this study is to investigate the reading methods that pedagogues, active in classes 1-3, use in the first stage of learning to read and how they consider their own choices of methods. In the theoretical background I sort out the basic differences between synthetic and analytic methods of acquiring the skills of reading. The analytic reading method means that the skills of reading starts with the complete text in order to later analyze the parts of the text. The synthetic method approach is based on a reading method where the parts are linked as a whole. The two methods are considered antipodes but can also be looked upon as complements in the current governing documents.

Bilders Betydelse för Barns Läslust : En studie av bilderböcker och barns läsning

This study is about the importance of pictures to children's pleasure in reading. The aim of this study was to investigate pupils ' thoughts about the pictures in picture books. I wanted to find out if the pictures in the books are of importance to children's pleasure in reading and why. Also what types of pictures that create the pleasure in reading and why. Through literature, I see why it is important to read books and how teachers can create encouraging reading among children.

Bibliotekspersonalens arbete med boksamtal för barn i 9-14 års ålder

The main aim of this thesis is to study how and in which way the library personnel works with reading groups and their view of reading groups. I also want to study which role the governing- and policy documents have in the library personnel?s work. The following questions were asked.Which similarities and differences between the different library personals outlooks and acting can be interpreted from the following aspects:? Promoting reading, book selections and the leader's role?? To talk about personal subjects and to create possibilities for personal growth and increased empathy?? To promote language development and reading comprehension?The methods used in the study are a combination of interviews and observations.

Det känns som jag försvinner in i böckerna. Barns favoritböcker, läsupplevelser och läsning från barns och barnbibliotekariers perspektiv

The aim of this master thesis is to obtain a greater understanding of childrens choice of favourite books, insight in their reading experiences and their thoughts about the reading of these books. We also want to investigate if, and if so, how childrens librarians obtain knowledge of the childrens reading preferences and reading experiences and how they use this knowledge in their work to stimulate childrens reading. To reach our aim we have been carrying out quantitative interviews with six children aged nine to ten years and three childrens librarians working in public libraries. As a theoretical starting point we use the reader-oriented theory and Chambers Reading circle, which states that support from adults is the most important factor in the childs reading process. The empirical results are linked to theories and earlier research and are analysed under four different themes.

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