

70 Uppsatser om Benchmark - Sida 1 av 5

Long-Term performance of Swedish IPOs - 1990-2002

We have performed a study much similar to Ritter?s (1991) about long-term aftermarket performance of IPOs on the Swedish market during the years 1990 to 2002. The study resulted in evidence for that Swedish IPO do underperforms their Benchmark-portfolios during a 36-months period. Though, the grade of underperformance depends of the chosen Benchmark. The study is mainly focused on a particular Benchmark, a portfolio of non-issuing firms matched by size and sector.

Portning till ARM Cortex M3 och prestandajämförelse

The Anybus CompactCom modules are today using the Anybus NP30 processor. These modules are used for communication between industrial machines and larger network protocols. The communication loads on these systems are increasing every day and the limiting factor for the system is the processor.HMS, the company that develops the Anybus CompactCom, has shown interest for a Benchmark test between the old processor and a new processor, ARM Cortex-M3. This project includes that Benchmark. To be able to get results that reflect reality a test environment was created to simulate Anybus CompactCom conditions.

Enterprise Voice Simulation (EVS) för mobila enheter i BYOD miljö.

Denna rapport introducerar Umeå universitets bakgrund till införandet av Lync Server 2013 som etablerades stabilt år 2014. Det trådlösa nätverket vid Umeå universitet trafikeras av studenter och anställda med mobila enheter som smartphones och laptops. Vid användandet av mobila enheter stiger flödesströmningen I det trådlösa nätverket med olika typer av trafiker. I denna rapport omfattas närmare ?Voice UDP? och ?Lync Enterprise Voice? med fokus på trängselkontroller vid överföringar av RTP-trafik mellan mobila klienter och 802.11 för att identifiera kvalitén i Lync-samtal, ?VoIP over WLAN?.

Är det en bra strategi att investera i företag som offentliggör återköpsprogram? : En Eventstudie av Stockholmsbörsen 2000-2006

Since the year of 2000 it has been legal for companies in Sweden to repurchases their own stocks. The purpose of this study is to examine if it has been possible to make a positive abnormal return in Stockholmsbörsen by buying stocks in companies that has announced a buyback program. Our study includes 59 companies that have accomplished a buyback program throw the years of 2000 to 2006. To calculate the abnormal return we use the BHAR method with Affärsvärldens generalindex and branchindex as Benchmarks. The result shows a significant positive abnormal return of 23,56 percent the first 12 month after the announcement with Affärsvärldens generalindex as Benchmark.

Är etiska fondinvesteringar försvarbara : vad kostar etik?

Recently, the selections of ethical funds are increased; at the same time investors with social and moral preferences have increased in the capital market. There are currently debates on whether ethical funds perform better or worse than funds without ethical criteria. This also involves a vivid discussion on whether investors know about the consequences of investing in ethical funds. Therefore, this study involves theories about the rationality and decision theory, in addition to what mainly control the investment decisions. The study also discusses portfolio theory since this is one of the underlying theories behind fund management and its development.The purpose of this study is to explain if ethical limitations in the selection of securities affect risk and return in the fund portfolio.

En studie om styrkor och svagheter hos sudokulösande algoritmer

Sudoku is a popular game of logic in the form of a puzzle. Sudoku puzzles are printed daily in Swedish newspapers. The challenge of solving these puzzles have inspired many programmers to develop Sudokusolving algorithms. These algorithms use different approaches in order to quickly and efficiently solve the puzzles. One such approach is the use of logical strategies initially developed for human players.

Sambandet mellan indikatorer och aktieavkastning vid nyemissioner : En undersökning på den svenska marknaden

Syfte: Studien undersöker om det finns ett samband mellan ekonomiska indikatorer och den årliga aktieavkastningen ett år framåt på den svenska marknaden för företag som genomfört nyemission och jämförs med en Benchmark som består av företag som inte genomfört nyemission.Metod: Uppsatsen utgår från en kvantitativ undersökning där multipel regressionsanalys används för att undersöka sambandet mellan indikatorer och aktieavkastningen vid nyemissioner under tidsperioden 2002 ? 2010.Slutsats: Utifrån resultaten kunde vissa signifikanta samband konstateras mellan indikatorerna och totalavkastningen för nyemissionsgruppen. Det visade att totalavkastningen sjunker det året företag genomför nyemission jämfört med totalavkastningen året innan nyemissionen. Det kunde konstateras att marknaden är ineffektiv till en viss utsträckning i samband med nyemissioner. För Benchmark kunde resultaten dock inte säkerställas på grund av att statistisk felkälla förekom i regressionsmodellen..

Val av plattform för IBM WebSphere Application Server och IBM WebSphere Portal - Microsoft Windows Server 2003 jämfört med Linux med avseende på prestanda ur ett tekniskt och administrativt perspektiv

Idag finns två dominerande teknologier bland operativsystemen på servrar hos företag ochorganisationer. Dessa båda är Windows Server och Unix/unixliknande operativsystem där Linux ärdet vanligast förekommande. Att välja operativsystem kan göras utifrån olika parametrar somprestanda, inköps- eller licenskostnad, driftskostnad och kompetens inom organisationen. IBMWebSphere Portal är en produkt som kan installeras på bland annat Windows Server och Linux.Uppsatsen ämnade att undersöka vilka skillnader som kunde påvisas mellan Linux och WindowsServer 2003 som plattform för WebSphere Portal och därmed också för WebSphere ApplicationServer med avseende på teknisk prestanda och administrerbarhet. Genom en förstudieidenti"erades de viktigaste tekniska prestandafaktorerna till processoranvändning, RAMminnesanvändningoch hårddiskaktivitet.

Vad bestämmer fonders prestation och avgift? : En studie på svenska aktivt förvaltade aktiefonder under perioden 2005-2014

This study analyzes 66 Swedish actively managed mutual funds investing in the Swedish stock market during the period 2005-2014. The purpose is through pooled data regressions analyze the relationship between both the mutual fund?s annual fee and risk-adjusted return to the fund?s characteristics. The characteristics of the study are the size of the fund's assets, age, if the fund is bank managed or not, Tracking Error, and standard deviation of return.By using the performance measures of CAPM, Fama and French 3-factor model, and Carhart?s 4-factor model monthly risk-adjusted returns are created for all funds over the period.

Att våga tro på elevers förmågor : Lärares erfrenheter av att arbeta med elevinflytande i grundsärskolan

This study analyzes 66 Swedish actively managed mutual funds investing in the Swedish stock market during the period 2005-2014. The purpose is through pooled data regressions analyze the relationship between both the mutual fund?s annual fee and risk-adjusted return to the fund?s characteristics. The characteristics of the study are the size of the fund's assets, age, if the fund is bank managed or not, Tracking Error, and standard deviation of return.By using the performance measures of CAPM, Fama and French 3-factor model, and Carhart?s 4-factor model monthly risk-adjusted returns are created for all funds over the period.

Framgångsfaktorer på bredbandsmarknaden ? vad utmärker en framgångsrik marknad?

This master thesis is written at the Royal Institute of Technology during the spring and summer of 2008.The assignment was to investigate what factors on a broadband market determine how well it performsin terms of how many people have access to broadband. These are the factors that determine whetheror not a country or market will be able to achieve a high broadband penetration. The purpose of thisthesis was to establish a better understanding for what a market should look like or how a strugglingone can be complemented in order to succeed.As a foundation for this investigation, a group of Benchmark countries were chosen and evaluated. Inaddition to this, a group of, developing MENA2-countries were chosen and evaluated. Finally, interviewswere performed with some of Sweden?s leading internet service providers, the regulatory agency andinfrastructure company, Skanova.Among the Benchmark countries were Sweden, France, Canada, South Korea and Japan.

God vardagsmiljö på Ringön - Att integrera ett industriområde i staden på verksamheternas villkor

This report is about Swedish statistics on work related accidents and work related diseases onboard Swedish ships. The authors analyzed collected statistics from two authorities and an insurance organization in an attempt to compare the data. In order to understand the need for statistics and why the authority publishes them; minor literature study was conducted. The results of the literature study are in the background chapter. The requirements for the different cases to be registered in the statistics have been investigated, in unity with the issue in question.

Jämförande studie av svensk statistik gällande arbetsolyckor och sjukdomar på fartyg för år 2011

This report is about Swedish statistics on work related accidents and work related diseases onboard Swedish ships. The authors analyzed collected statistics from two authorities and an insurance organization in an attempt to compare the data. In order to understand the need for statistics and why the authority publishes them; minor literature study was conducted. The results of the literature study are in the background chapter. The requirements for the different cases to be registered in the statistics have been investigated, in unity with the issue in question.

Studie av utvecklingsverktyg med inriktning mot PLC-system

Datoranvändningen i samhället växer för varje dag. Det är då viktigt att programvara håller hög kvalité, då vissa programvaror styr kritiska maskiner som exempelvis flygplan. Ett sätt att få kvalitativa programvaror är att använda bra utvecklingsverktyg. I detta arbete utvärderas fem olika utvecklingsverktyg: GNAT (Ada), Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft J++, Borland Delphi och Active Perl. Inriktningen på utvärderingen är mot utveckling av programvara för PLC-system.

The Psychology Driving&Barriers to Skunk Work Project

The Psychology Driving and Barriers to Skunk Work Projects (referred to throughout this thesis as the paper) represents a study predominantly on Tetra Pak from a selective perspective, the innovators. Innovators both past&present whose initiatives contribute to the well being of Tetra Pak as well as one from Ericsson were consulted. As with individuals, organizations possess definable characters that are influenced by the various stages of their life cycle. Theories of corporate life cycle phases and organizational character analysis were therefore employed to identify and explain organizational barriers to skunk work leaders&managers. Predicated on the Organizational Character Index survey developed by William Bridges PhD (himself a recognized leader in the field of transition management) and administered to sixty-one managers within a Tetra Pak business unit established the Benchmark.

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