1767 Uppsatser om Bellman Marketing - Sida 27 av 118
Event Marketing : En alternativ väg till kund lojalitet
Marks do not only work as an acknowledge of the effort that has been made under a long period of time, but also as a receipt for eligibility to further studies. Within the political debate, marks have often caused a big discussion among the political parties. That is due to the obvious difference between the political parties on the left, and their counterparts on the right. However, there is one thing that they all have in common. Everyone of them have plans of measure within their political agenda, regarding the use of marks.The aim of this study has been to try to understand the way pupils think about marks.
Digital marknadsföring : framväxten av nya verktyg för marknadsföring
Syfte Syftet med arbetet a?r att so?ka fo?rsta?else fo?r utvecklingen fra?n traditionell till digitalmarknadsfo?ring samt att analysera hur fo?retag praktiskt arbetar med detta.Studien anva?nder en kvalitativ metod och data har inha?mtats fra?n ba?de prima?ra och sekunda?ra ka?llor. Empirin har samlats in genom 10 intervjuer, vilket har analyserats med hja?lp av teori och det har sedan lett till studiens slutsatser.Studien visar varfo?r det finns en o?verga?ng fra?n traditionella marknadsfo?ringsmetoder till digitala marknadsfo?ringsmetoder, hur de kompletterar varandra och vilka verktyg som fra?mst anva?nds av fo?retagen i studien.Fo?rslag till fortsattforskning är Facebook-annonsering, ma?tinstrument, SEO och Web 3.0. Dessa termer ga?r att arbeta vidare med och det a?r na?got som va?r studie har pa?visat vara viktigt.I va?r studie bidrar vi till en fo?rsta?else av va?gen fra?n de traditionella marknadsfo?ringsmetoderna till de digitala marknadsfo?ringsmetoderna.
Möbelbranschen - hur små företag kan överleva på den svenska marknaden
The furniture retail industry in Sweden has gone trough large changes during the last decades. Today the industry is tough and in the maturity stage where few new companies enter, especially if they do not have a unique offer. The furniture companies have become larger and fewer, the changes have lead to difficulties for smaller and medium sized companies to grow and be profitable.Our purpose is to analyse, evaluate and compare three smaller companies in Stockholm with the intention to find what kind of marketing strategies they are using to survive on the Swedish market. First we interviewed the three companies to see what they do to survive on the market, then we asked 100 persons to fill in a questionnaire to see if they had the same opinion as the companies described.With help from theories we prepared questions which laid the foundation to the empirical part of the essay.The result from this study shows that the three companies differ from each other when it comes to using relationship marketing and placing the customer in the centre. All of them are aware of the importance of doing so, but because of different limits and possibilities they can not fully adjust everything to the customer.
Utvärdering av Skogens Dag i Borås 2005 evenemanget som informationskanal
The purpose of this thesis is to examine Skogsstyrelsens event Skogens Dag as an information channel by looking at information use and information behaviour during the communication process of the event. This is done by examining the aims of Skogsstyrelsens information distribution during the event in relation to its outcomes. The evaluation is focused on long term effects on the target group and it is restricted to Skogens Dag in Borås 2005. The question this thesis intends to answer is: How does the event Skogens Dag function as a tool for information distribution? The theoretical background gives an account of the communication process as well as the relevant aspects of marketing, social marketing, campaigns and public relations, as these are communication attempts that can use an event as a medium.
Word of mouth- Ur ett konsumentperspektiv
I detta arbete studeras hur word of mouth fungerar i praktiken. Word of mouth är passerande, verbal och informell information. I huvudsak handlar det om rekommendationer men även generell information från en person till en annan. Word of mouth är ett mänskligt fenomen som har funnits sedan urminnes tider då människor är kommunicerande varelser. På senare år har dock fenomenet word of mouth blivit mer uppmärksammat, av både marknadsförare, forskare och företag.
Hur säkerställs effekten av marknadsföring när den outsourcas?
Outsourcing is today a common phenomenon among businesses in most industries. The term outsourcing means transferring the responsibility of performing a certain function to an external supplier. There are usually certain methods to investigate the effects and the outcome of a function that is performed by the company itself. When this function is performed by an external party, the complexity of the function will increase.This leads us to our purpose: Based on different theories clarify how a company ensures a desired effect out of marketing when this function is outsourced to a certain retail- and advertising agency.In this essay we have defined us to study one of Sweden´s leading mobile operators who have outsourced their sales management to a retail- and advertising agency. To get an additional point of view, we have included one of the mobile operator´s intermediates, which is a selling agent whose sales function is led by the retail- and advertising agency..
Demografisk sammansättning samt beteende hos medlemmar i panel
The use of marketing research panels are a more and more frequently used source of information for studies within many different branches. The purpose of this report is to investigate the demographic composition of panels and compare it with the population of Sweden, a possible change in behaviour of respondents, and if the source of recruitment is the cause of possible differences in study results. The study was commissioned by Norstats Linkoping office. Sources for the data material include Norstat?s recruitment process and their two main panels with different recruitment sources.
En värld i brand : - En pressundersökning om vad som skrevs om krisen i Polen 1939 och Norge 1940 i två svenska dagstidningar
Background and aim: Media development and digitalization has expanded the PR industry's working area. More participants are on the media market and it is becoming more and more difficult to define what PR really is and what the PR agencies/departments really do. Is PR marketing, information, event marketing or maybe propaganda? We believe that the complexity to define the term PR can lead to a loss of critical approach to the business, especially among young people. Has the PR industry managed to eliminate their negative image among students in upper secondary school and what do they associate with PR today? The aim of this essay is to examine what a selection of students associate with the term PR and if they are critical to the PR industry or not.Method/Material: The method is a quantitative survey.
Den digitala strategin : En rapport om arbetet med en digital strategi för ett litet, nystartat företag
Social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, have become popular platforms for social communication, and, increasingly, also important channels for business marketing. For a business intending to use social media for marketing, however, developing a strategy and building a trademark can be a challenge. This report describes how a small, newly established business enterprise can develop a digital strategy with clear goals and practical guidelines. The report describes a digital strategy for Gelato Scarfó and shows how this strategy is made concrete through a set of guidelines. The guidelines develop a trademark for identification and loyalty, and give advice on how new materials can be made consistent with the trademark..
?Ett beslut taget med hjärtat eller hjärnan?? : En beskrivande studie om donationsbeslut och processen bakom.
Throughout the years more and more charitable organisations have appeared and the competition between them has increased. This has forced the charities to use more marketing strategies in their work in order to strengthen their competitiveness. Research in philanthropy in terms of economy and marketing has been neglected in Sweden and the research that is done today is mainly focused on why individuals donate to charity. A donation, according to the writers of this thesis, has been seen as an economical activity and can therefore be explained and understood through economical models and theories. This thesis aims to see how a contributor to charity makes the decision to donate money, consequently see how the donation decision process actually works from a theoretical model of a buying decision process from marketing literature. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to from a buying decision process concerning products describe the donation decision process for contributors to charity. By achieving this purpose the writers aim to compare if a donation decision process go through certain steps similar to a buying decision process.
Längtar du också till Fairadise : En studie om att ta emot och tolka en social marketing kampanj om hållbar turism
The basis for this study is the question of what happens at the point of impact between receiver and message in the case of a social marketing campaign on Facebook promoting sustainable travel. Hence the aim of this study is to analyse the reception of the social marketing campaign Fairadise in a sample of 19 individuals. The design of the study is therefore reception analysis with the help of four focus groups and thematic analysis to later identify patterns and themes in the gathered material. The theoretical approaches were collected from the field of media and communication and focused on public communication campaigns, public understanding of public communication campaigns as well as decoding of messages. The questions posed were; how is the Facebook campaign Fairadise received by the focus group participants? How do the participants read (decode) the campaign; dominant, negotiated or oppositional? And what assessments do the participants have regarding the visual versus textual information in the campaign? Previous research has shown that visual and emotional attributes are of great importance when it comes to interpreting messages about sustainable tourism and that rational information attributes are of less importance. The findings in this study agree with this previous research except when it comes to rational information.
Sociala medier : Marknadsföring och innehåll
The purpose of this study is to highlight the opportunities of using social media as a communicative tool to attract and engage customers on different social media platforms. In recent years social media has become an important way for business to communicate with people both national and global. The idea behind this thesis was found when we saw different approaches of how companies used social media as a marketing tool. Through a qualitative approach we did eight interviews with six different companies and two social media consults which have given us a basis of what companies really want to achieve with social media. With these interviews we were able to analyze and discuss the abilities to interact with people and how companies distribute content that engage users and increase their credibility to the company..
?Biblioteken vill bara vara hippa? ? en studie om ungdomars attityder till bibliotekens marknadsföring på sociala medier.
The aim of this thesis is to examine young adults? attitudes towards libraries marketing in social media. Libraries mainly use social media to reach out to young adults. However, young adults mainly use social media to communicate with their friends. The question that arises is if young adults are interested in communicating with organizations such as libraries on social media.
Cause Related Marketing - En strategi för en Rosa framtid
I ett samhälle där det råder allt större konkurrens mellan företag och produkter, och då kunderna blir allt mer krävande, har Cause Related Marketing (CRM) blivit något av en unik win-win strategi. CRM innebär att ett företag tillsammans med en välgörenhetsorganisation skapar ett samarbete för att marknadsföra och sälja en produkt för välgörande ändamål och därmed nå ömsesidig vinst.Syftet med uppsatsen är att se vilka effekter CRM kan ha i jämförelse med traditionell marknadsföring. Vi har valt att undersöka varför företag väljer att engagera sig i välgörenhet och om man kan använda ett sådant samarbete som ett marknadsföringsverktyg.Den metod vi använt för studien är en kvalitativ metod. Till vår hjälp har vi använt oss av tidigare forskning inom ämnet samt genomfört intervjuer med företag som varit relevanta för studien. Företagen som medverkar är verksamma inom detaljhandel eller dagligvaruhandel och samtliga har valt att engagera sig i Rosa Bandet.Slutsatser som dragits genom studien är att CRM är en strategi som alla företag inom detaljhandel och dagligvaruhandel kan använda sig av.
Differentiering och framgångsfaktorer på en ständigt växande marknad : Undersökning av bemanningsbranschen
Today it is mandatory for every college or university student to pay a union fee to their student?s union. The fee is mandatory and is a payment for writing examinations, receiving grades. The fees purpose is also intended to secure the education quality and student influence. In the presence of the abolishment of the union fee the Swedish student?s unions stand before an uprising competition between themselves and most likely a decrease in membership.