1767 Uppsatser om Bellman Marketing - Sida 20 av 118
Sociala medier. En kvalitativ undersökning om sociala medier i Pr-verksamhet
This thesis was written by order of Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Company, a PR- consultancy firm located in Gothenburg. The assignment was to investigate social media in Pr- activities. The thesis is formed by three main categories:? What is social media?? Who are using social media?? How can you use social media in public relations?The information which is being presented in this thesis is based on academic reports, interviews and research on social media blogs and lectures. It is a qualitative approach since the purpose is to get a deeper understanding for the subject in question.
Kommunicerad Talang : Kartläggning och utvärdering av Talang 2010´s externa kommunikation
This thesis will explore how swedish Talang 2010 used their strategic communication in Kalmar and Stockholm and how the effect of this work was shown in the two cities. With a focus on how the sender was working with the external communication in the two cities, the heart of the research was studying Talang 2010?s communication strategy in these two contexts. The research was made with surveys during two audition days in Kalmar and two days in Stockholm. The competitors, the audience and the general public were answering different surveys but with the same base to study the effect.
ICAs ?Mina varor? : framgångsrik ?one-to-one marketing??
?One-to-one marketing? är en marknadsföringsidé där relationen mellan kund och leverantör står i fokus. Den kunskap om en specifik kund som leverantören får via relationen kan användas för att utforma erbjudanden anpassade för just den kunden. Erbjudandena är ämnade att påverka relationen positivt och göra kunden lojal till leverantören. Nya tekniska hjälpmedel har medfört att information om kundens preferenser kan lagras och bearbetas för att därefter användas till att utforma dessaerbjudanden.
Agent Provokation - En studie kring avsändarens påverkan på provokativ reklam
Even though provocative marketing is a widely used tool among companies to distin-guish themselves from the crowd and catch the attention of consumers, there are several variables that remain relatively unexplored. This paper aims to investigate what impact the brand has on how provocative advertising is perceived and how it affects attitudes and behavior. An experiment was conducted where several well-established measures of ad effectiveness such as brand attitude, buying intentions and word-of-mouth intentions were used to analyze the effects of brand knowledge. The results show that a provocative advert lowers attitude and buying inten-tions for the established brand while it remains unchanged for the unestablished brand. This implicates bigger freedom for unestablished brands to elaborate with provocative elements in their marketing.
Bokakademin i Östergötland AB möter framtiden : En studie av studenters köpbeteende vad gäller kurslitteratur och ett förslag på marknadsföringsstrategi för Bokakademin
Bokakademin i Östergötland AB möter framtiden ? En studie av studenters köpbeteende vad gäller kurslitteratur och ett förslag på marknadsföringsstrategi för Bokakademin (Bokakademin i Östergötland AB meets the future ? A study of students? purchasing behaviour regarding textbooks and a proposal for a marketing strategy for Bokakademin)Authors: Fabian Hamnqvist and Emma SvenssonBachelor?s thesis in business administration Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, 2013 Supervisor: Mehran NoghabaiAbstractThis paper examines the competition arising from online textbook retailers met by physical college bookstores. The paper examines the implications of college students' purchasing behaviour when buying textbooks, how a specific corporate clientele is composed and the purchasing habits of these customers to the specific company in question. The company used as a practical example is a bookstore located on a university campus of Linköping University in Sweden. Data have been collected using a paper and pen survey of 200 students from Linköping University as well as conducting interviews with eight students and the Managing Director of the company in question.
Customer Relationship Management - hur tillämpas detta i företagen?
Syfte: Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att med hjälp av enkäter och de kriterier
som finns i teorin undersöka hur långt de medverkande företagen har kommit i
deras framgång gällande Customer Relationship Management.
Metod: Vi har gjort en kvantitativ enkätundersökning där vi har tillfrågat 30
företag i Ronneby. Vi har sedan analyserat detta utifrån diagram som vi har
fått fram i Excel.
Slutsatser: De flesta företagen i Ronneby är bara i början av CRM och de kan
med enkla medel komma mycket längre.
Event Marketing - ur ett organisatoriskt perspektiv
Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva arbetsprocessen i ett event och visa på skillnader mellan de olika aktörernas synsätt. Den grundar sig på studier av två eventbyråer; en stor, marknadsledande och en liten, nystartad. I uppsatsens analys diskuteras framförallt skillnaderna mellan de som planerar eventet och de som genomför det. Här kan det ibland uppstå vissa spänningar. Utifrån två metaforer angrips problematiken de skilda synsätten och författarna diskuterar varför spänningarna kan uppstå, samt hur organisationen kan göra för att försöka undvika dem..
Utredningsregeln : en analys av betingandevillkoret
The most dominating type of company in Sweden is the small-sized business and it usually lacks its own marketing department. The purpose of this paper was to analyze several small Swedish businesses which are specialized in different sectors of the Mechanic/Technology industry but they are similar in terms of having niched products and they are leading companies in the world. The objective was to do research about how small businesses work with marketing despite its lack of resources and capital.This survey has shown that customer contacts, customer relationships and especially for those investigated companies, it was very important to focus on globalization and product development in order to build a Point of Difference..
Reklam i kostym : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning av de köpta debatterna på Newsmill.se
The aim of this thesis was to explore and analyze the sponsored debates on Newsmill, so called seminars. How does the sponsor use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes? Who is allowed to write in Newsmills seminars?To answer these questions we used both a quantitative survey and a qualitative survey.To examine how the sponsors use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes we conducted a qualitative analysis which included three of the eleven seminars - a total of 26 articles. We examined how the sponsors conveyed the picture of themselves and if the written content in Newsmills seminars contained any hidden marketing. We could see that the sponsor has a great deal of influence on the seminars and also used them to market their brand with hybrid messages.
Kan företag kontrollera sitt varumärke online? : En kvalitativ studie om villkoren fo?r marknadskommunikation i sociala medier
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the conditions that prevail when companies put their marketing in social media with the purpose of creating a perception of the risks and opportunities it brings to businesses and ultimately how it may affect the corporate image and identity.Theories: The basis of the problem area are presented through a theoretical framework with the purpose of highlighting the notions of social media, communi- cation, marketing communication, groundswell, corporate identity and image.Methodology: To investigate the research questions this study adopted a qualitative approach in which the authors study the properties of a phenomenon in order to seek a deeper understanding of the problems we have presented. There is an exploratory approach to knowledge and the authors have chosen to conduct qualitative research interviews based upon three themes: driving forces, challenges and impacts.Conclusion: The study revealed that traditional models of communication are no longer applicable in social media. Companies are up for a challenge and must clarify their sole purpose when establishing communication in the social landscape. The general motivation for marketing in social media is making profit, however, building relationships is not a natural motive for most companies. The risks companies expe- rience is the exposure caused by social media and the study also reveals that this fear is firmly attached to their lack of knowledge of these new channels of communicat- ion and their primary areas of use which indicates that skilled employees plays a vi- tal role with their use of social media in their communication process.
Kunder lika lojala som fotbollssupportrar?! - En studie avseende hyperlojala fotbollssupportrars lojalitet applicerad på kommersiella företags marknadsföringsstrategi
As today, companies are facing an increasing competition; markets are expanding while customers are getting more informed and fastidious toward companies and their products. For this reason it is crucial for enterprises to create loyal customers, or at best hyper loyal customers. With today's prerequisite this creation is difficult and it is therefore of highly interest to examine possible and alternative ways for enterprises to attain this type of hyper loyal customer. In this thesis we have examine hyper loyal football supporters with the aim to identify mechanisms that create and characterize this type of loyalty. By means of a survey and a focus group we were able to identify six loyalty mechanisms; the ability to influence, vicarious achievement, self-esteem, group affiliation, family and social relations.
Den som hoppar högst är bäst? : En kvalitativ intervju-studie om gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om betyg och bedömning i idrott och hälsa
abstract buzz marketing, the phenomena Have you ever thought about why the small French pastries called macarons suddenly became so extremely popular? Soon they were seen everywhere in the media, on every celebrity party and shortly after of course on every Swedish person?s cake dish. Could it be that a trendy it-girl happened to mention these lovely creations in her blog?What (or who) is it really that decides and controls what is popular and what is going to sell? If one individual can influence a whole group of followers it is definitely something marketers should take advantage of. One cannot any longer rely on traditional advertising, one needs to be more creative and rethink the possibilities to get through the media noise.
Att sälja ett beteende : En undersökning av en social marknadsföringskampanj
AbstractCommunication and information has become a large industry in today?s society. More and more organisations use these means as tools of influence. Non-profit organization?s campaigns, which aim to change a behavior, often have a political responsibility and it is therefore important that these are carefully planned and carried through.
Miljöcertifieringar i klädbranschen - En fallstudie av Polarn O. Pyrets ekologiskt certifierade kollektion
Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att studera huruvida användandet av eco-marketing, med en miljöcertifiering, kan ha potential att stärka ett etablerat företags varumärkeslojalitet och på lång sikt dess varumärkeskapital. Med utgångspunkt i teorin om varumärkeskapital ämnar vi att titta på hur kunderna till vårt fallföretag, Polarn O. Pyret, uppfattar deras användning av miljöcertifieringar. Den metod vi använt oss av i uppsatsen är abduktiv då vi, med utgångspunkt både i teorin och i Samhällsdebatten, studerar hur kunderna uppfattar användningen av eco-marketing med miljöcertifieringar. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där vi intervjuat fokusgrupper och genomfört en intervju med en PR-konsult.
Kompetens som lockbete : En studie i lokala och centrala biblioteksföreträdares syn på marknadsföring av bibliotekariekompetens gentemot lokala politiker
The aim of this study is to explore if and how library managers market their competence in communication with local politicians. It is also our aim to find a definition of the competence of librarians. The report identifies and describes problems and possibilitieswith marketing of competence to politicians on the basis of one Swedish municipality's library managers. In order to fulfil this aim we have used a literature study on marketing, competence, the political process and the librarian profession. We have alsocarried out an empirical study where we interviewed ten library managers in onemunicipality, seven politicians in the same municipality and ten representatives for central professional organisations mainly in Sweden.The results are that most library managers don't market their competence because they don?t believe in marketing competence.