

20 Uppsatser om Believing - Sida 1 av 2

Organisatoriska mellanrum - En övergripande förklaring till ägarlägenhetens dåliga genomslag?

In year 2009, a new housing form (here referred to as "owned apartments", in Swedish called "ägarlägenheter") was introduced in Sweden. Owned apartments are in many countries the dominating form of housing tenure, but in Stockholm, to where this thesis is delimited, only four have been established in four years. There are many possible reasons for this low establishment, but the thesis writers believe the main reason to be that the owned apartment is situated in an organizational gap. With the hypothesis that the owned apartment is situated in an organizational gap and that there are opportunities to overcome this gap through interorganizational collaboration of the players on the market, this thesis strives towards examining if this is the case.By using Burt's theory of structural holes the concept of organizational gaps are elaborated to fit this context, since this area is previously unexplored.The data has mainly been gathered through in-depth interviews but also through secondary sources such as previous theses and newspaper articles. It has appeared that the majority of the central players are characterized by conservatism.

Kronisk smärta - En litteraturstudie om patienters upplevelser och tankar om sitt dagliga liv.

The purpose of this litterature review is to illustrate the nursing care to patient with chronic pain. As a theoretic frame for this study we choose Aron Antonowsky. The results of this study are based on 8 scientific articles. The findings are presented in main categories and ideas. The findings show that chronic pain is a multidimensional phenomenon that influences peoples quality of life in a physical, psychological as well as social way.

Rådgivare och Pensionssparare : - En studie av interaktionen mellan rådgivare och pensionssparare

From an investigation by Finansinspektionen and KTH (2009) it is apparent that financial advisors and their clients develop relations, Believing that they understand each other, while in fact, they do not. The media tends to notice the conflict of interests between advisors and retirement annuity clients. The aim of this study is to create a greater understanding as to why misunderstandings occur between advisors and clients. This will be accomplished by a quality study of how advisors and trade unions assess how the relationship functions. The theoretical part consists of theories concerning relations and uncertainty.

Hur kan man vara en efterföljare till Kristus i ett polyteistiskt samhälle (1 Petr. 2:18-3:6)? : Om slavars och hustrurs underordningsproblematik

This essay examines how the author of 1 Peter exhorted Christ-Believing slaves and wives in 1 Pet 2:18-3:6, a passage that invites questions about submission, questions that, in contemporary contexts, are oftentimes controversial. The essay also calls attention to the advantages and the complexities of understanding 2:18-3:6 relative to ancient Roman familial and hierarchical structures. A close exegetical analysis of the passage points out a variety of scholarly viewpoints on ?Peter?s? admonitions to slaves and wives. Following the exegetical analysis, attention is given to feminist hermeneutics and to potential uses of this biblical text in contemporary contexts.

Väl var du vred på mig, men din vrede har upphört, och du tröstar mig... : Om gudomens återvändande till god inställning och livgivande tal i en akkadisk bön och i Psaltaren.

This essay examines how the author of 1 Peter exhorted Christ-Believing slaves and wives in 1 Pet 2:18-3:6, a passage that invites questions about submission, questions that, in contemporary contexts, are oftentimes controversial. The essay also calls attention to the advantages and the complexities of understanding 2:18-3:6 relative to ancient Roman familial and hierarchical structures. A close exegetical analysis of the passage points out a variety of scholarly viewpoints on ?Peter?s? admonitions to slaves and wives. Following the exegetical analysis, attention is given to feminist hermeneutics and to potential uses of this biblical text in contemporary contexts.

Hearing is believing

Today most studies regarding marketing are made on traditional marketing channels, answering questions like which jingle is best or which TV-channel a company should focus their marketing budget on. There is also the science regarding the best way of marketing on Social Networking sites or how to get as many 'likes' as possible, and so forth. However research has also been made in the field of in-store marketing and how a retailers or brand owners can affect customers in "the moment of truth". Until now most of these studies discuss how to get the attention of the customer in the store since both time as well as level of commitment in general is scarce when a customer is in a grocery store doing the necessary weekly- or complementary-shopping. It seems like most of them make the very same conclusion; catching the attention of a customer is vital to sell them your product.

When Bad is Good

Within the last year many companies have proactively started to communicate their flaws and weaknesses, Believing that this will lead to they being perceived as more personal and human. Dominos Pizza is one of many examples of a company using this practice as a strategic tool for communication. However, the problem concerning the above arises as we found that there was a very limited amount of research defining the effects of communicating flaws, where the company's both dispatcher and initiator. Our study aims to fill the gap between this growing trend and the limited research explaining the communication effects. The study was carried out as an experiment where a total of 420 respondents participated.

Vårdpersonalens tankar och handlande kring trycksår : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Pressure ulcers have during a long time ages caused great suffering for the patients. The factors affecting the occurrence of pressure ulcers can be both internal and external, such as immobility and malnutrition. Nurses´ role is to assess risks and thus pay attention to prevent and treat pressure ulcers. The nurse may use various assessment tools to highlight and document patients at risk for developing pressure ulcers. Aim: This study was to describe health professionals´ thoughts and actions about the pressure ulcers.

Delaktighet, Dialog & Demokrati

The concept of democracy is of importance to the Swedish educational system. The best proof of that is the central position democracy has had in the education program we attended at the Örebro university. This study analyses the concept of democracy and its leading foundation, namely the so-called ?deliberative dialog?. The last is belived to be an ideal of democracy which schools in Sweden should follow.

Interaktionens betydelse mellan varuma?rken och konsumenter : En instrumentell fallstudie av varuma?rket Head and Shoulders och dess reklamfilm

In today?s society, people do not solely purchase a product for its promised use. Instead, a brand is purchased and along with that brand comes a variety of associations. The associations of a product?s brand are what contributes to the added value that, according to this study, is what distinguishes a brand?s power.

Varför tvivlar jag? : En essä om att omsätta vetenskapliga teorier med praktisk kunskap

This essay is about the development process I have undergone during my experience-based preschool teacher education. I write about my internal process, about how I as a childcare worker go from assertiveness and Believing in myself into fighting doubts, thoughts and feelings as a preschool teacher. The purpose with this essay is to make the difficulties with managing new knowledge and practicing it in real life visible, and at the same time overcome your uncertainty in a new professional role. The essay is based on two stories from my professional life where I, in the first one portray my actions and behavior as a childcare worker and in the second one as a preschool teacher. Based on my stories I try to answer questions as what does the individual learning process look like when going from one professional role to another in the same profession? What impact does theoretical knowledge have on practical knowledge?I have used reflection and writing as methods for my paper.

Emerging church : en missionerande gemenskap i en postmodern tid

The main discussion in this essay concern what the Emerging Church is, its sociological and theological context, their main critique of modernism and the consequences in theology and praxis. EC is not a new church but wants to be a new way of being church. In England much of the discussion concerning EC has found a context within the report Mission-Shaped Church (MSC). EC differs from Emergent Village which is a continuing discussion from a postmodern philosophical view.EC is born in an evangelical context with the tensions in the postmodern context, the liminal situation with among other items the disussion about a liquid culture and liquid church. Other backgroundfactors are the ChurchGrowth-movement, Willow Creek and the Gospel and Our Culture.EC critisizes its evangelical background and moves the center from justification to incarnation, from propostionalism, individualism, mission and activism to a theology of incarnational community life.Four different proponents are considered; Brian Mclaren, Dan Kimball, Karen Ward and Ben Edson.

Förtroendet till samhällets institutioner : En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Portugal

This study is about trust for public institutions and what the foundation is that builds this confidence. For this study I have used three dependent variables to define different aspects of public institutions. These are trust in the legal system, trust in political parties and state of health services nowadays.  The method that is used in the study is based on a comparative study between two countries, Sweden and Portugal.  The actual result is made up by comparing means and regressions by using 13 independent variables. Many of the independent variables that has been used is deriving from institutional theories of Putnam and Rothstein These theories points out the importance of strong traditions of civic engagement and that the success of the trust of the institutions depends in large part on the horizontal bonds that make up social capital.

Hurtiga Vasagossar och lata pojkar : En studie av manlighet och patriotism inom Vasa Skyddskår i samband med det ginska inbördeskriget 1918

Title: Jaunty Vaasa-lads and lazy boys ? a study of masculinity and patriotism in the Civil Guard in Vaasa in relation to the Finnish Civil War of 1918.This paper deals with the subject of expressions of masculinity in relation to patriotism and nationalism as a part of the mobilisation of the so called white side in the Finnish Civil War of 1918. With regards to how this was expressed in the local Civil Guard in the town of Vaasa. The focus   lies on the construction of an ideal masculinity within this specific Civil Guard as expressed            in the Guards own documents of different varieties, during the events in the spring of 1918 and at the one year anniversary of its outbreak. The study is first and foremost based on Joan W.

Hälsa i Guds namn : en kvalitativ jämförande intervjustudie av sex religiösa kristna och muslimska kvinnors fysiska, sociala och psykiska hälsa

Syfte och frågeställningarDet övergripande syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hälsan hos unga religiösa kristna och muslimska kvinnor. Syftet kommer undersökas utifrån följande frågeställningar:Hur ser unga religiösa kristna och muslimska kvinnors hälsa ut kopplad till rekommendation för fysisk aktivitet och definitioner för social och psykisk hälsa?Hur upplever unga religiösa kristna och muslimska kvinnor att religionerna påverkar deras hälsa? Vilka likheter och skillnader finns det mellan unga religiösa kristna och muslimska kvinnor då det gäller hälsan och den upplevda påverkan av religionerna?MetodStudien är en kvalitativ jämförande studie som är baserad på sex halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna var tre religiösa kristna kvinnor och tre religiösa muslimska kvinnor mellan 22 och 28 år och boende Stockholm. Intervjuerna var djupgående och mellan 30 och 60 minuter långa.

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