

444 Uppsatser om Behavioural Finance - Sida 5 av 30

Det förbryllande sambandet mellan risk och avkastning : En studie av de nordiska finansiella marknaderna

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to in a comparative and causal way explore whether there is a relationship between risk and return and also how it is perceived on the Nordic financial markets.Theory: The theoretical frame of reference applied in the thesis is considered relevant inthe perspective of the study?s purpose and research questions. We have among other theories used The Capital Asset Pricing Model, The Efficient Market Hypothesis and various Behavioural Finance theories.Method: The study has its starting point in a quantitative approach with a quantitative data analysis supported by secondary data extracted from Thomson Reuters.Empirics: The empirics contains regression analyses made from calculated secondary data of 240 randomly chosen companies from Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, NasdaqOMX Copenhagen, Nasdaq OMX Helsinki and Oslo Bors.Conclusion: The study conclusions show that there are both a negative and positive relationship between volatility and actual return on the investigated markets. Considering this prior statement we can conclude that the Capital Asset Pricing Model can?t correctly describe the actual relationship between the parameters investigated on the current sample.

Livet efter en viktminskningsoperation : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med kvinnor som genomgått en viktminskningsoperation

Background: Sleep-disturbances in persons with Alzheimer´s disease are prevalent. They are characterized as increased frequency and duration of awakenings, decreased slow-wave sleep, REM-sleep and increase of day-time napping. Depression and lower quality of life are associated with sleep-disturbances. Altogether a significant source of stress for caregivers and an important factor in institutionalization. Non-pharmacological treatment alternatives are rare.Method: Single-case A-B-C design, with non-concurrent multiple baselines, a pilotstudy.Aim: To explore if an educational program on sleep, sleep disturbances and behavioural change directed towards caregivers improved sleep, depression and quality of life in persons with Alzheimer´s disease living at home.

Lagstiftningens inverkan på Private Equity-marknadens storlek

Syftet med uppsatsen är att se hur den svenska lagstiftningen skulle kunna förändras för att öka investeringarna på PE-marknaden. I uppsatsen undersöks om det föreligger en statistisk signifikans genom linjär regression hos ett antal lagregler och går kvalitativt igenom den befintliga svenska lagstiftningen för att finna orsaksvariabler och deras påverkan. Det teoretiska perspektivet utgår ifrån LaPorta et.al. Law & Finance-studier samt EVCA:s årliga rapporter gällande den europeiska private equity-marknaden. Resultaten påvisar att de legala frågorna inverkar på PE-marknadens storlek.

Uppnotering av kinesiska bolag : En studie i kinesisk bolagsvärdering efter en upplistning från OTC-listan till Nasdaq OMX huvudlista

Bakgrund: Kinesiska bolag på den amerikanska OTC-listan är idag ofta associerade med bluffar och dålig kommunikation gentemot aktieägarna. Detta gör att den amerikanska marknaden inte har ett förtroende för dessa bolag. Denna opålitlighet från marknadens sida har resulterat i att många av de kinesiska bolagen blivit felvärderade. För de legitima bolagen leder det till att de blir undervärderade. Frågan som uppstår här är: Kan ett bolag få en mer rättvis värdering genom att noteras på en marknadsplats utanför USA exempelvis i Sverige?Syfte: Denna studie har till syfte att undersöka hur en övergång för ett kinesiskt bolag från en OTC-lista i USA till en senior lista på den reglerade börsmarknaden i Sverige påverkar värderingen av bolaget.Genomförande: Studien är utformad till en kvantitativ undersökning.

Vad staten bör göra. En deontologisk och en preferensutilitaristisk analys av beskattning och statliga verksamheter.

This essay is a normative analysis concerning the question of whether the government should be allowed to use taxes to finance the state. What kind of ethical problems arise when the government use taxation? If it is possible to justify taxation, despite potential moral issues, then what should the government do with the funds they have collected? What kinds of government functions are morally justified? Is it merely the kinds of functions that are supposed to uphold negative human rights; or should the government provide health care, education and even culture for the citizens? This analysis aims to answer those questions and also formulate a principle about what the government should be occupied with, if anything at all. In order to achieve this I mainly use the terms freedom and justice to analyse ethical problems. The ideas of John Rawls and Robert Nozick are essential in this project.My answer is that taxation is justified as long as the purpose is to maintain the most fundamental human rights and also under other special circumstances such as if an individual cannot find a way to finance basic education or necessary health care.

Aktiemarknadspsykologi : En studie om hur psykologiska faktorer påverkar aktieägare

Problem: Det har funnits många diskussioner kring traditionella finansiella teorier vad gäller den effektiva marknaden och investerares rationalitet. Den effektiva marknadshypotesen talar för att marknaden är effektiv och att aktiepriserna återspeglar all tillgänglig information, vilket resulterar i att det inte är möjligt att göra bra investeringar. Behavioral finance anser däremot att marknaden påverkas av beteenderelaterade aspekter och därför inte är effektiv. Vad är det egentligen som ligger till grund för aktieägares investeringsbeslut?Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att, ur ett aktiemarknadsperspektiv, undersöka de psykologiska faktorerna bakom investeringsbeslut.

Odour-mediated behaviour in codling moth, Cydia pomonella : do fermentation odours affect the attraction and oviposition behaviour in codling moth?

The codling moth, Cydia pomonella is a common pest in apple orchards and can be found worldwide. Feeding by codling moth larvae can cause a substantial decrease in apple yield. Control methods comprise for example the use of pesticides, viruses and pheromones. As a sustainable control method, pheromones have been successfully applied to disrupt moth mating behaviour. Other behaviours like foraging, search for mating sites or host finding could be potential targets for additional odour-mediated behavioural manipulation but need further investigations of the underlying odour stimuli and behavioural plasticity. Many insects are attracted to the smell of fermenting fruit and associated microorganisms.

The Incentives Behind Capital Structure Decision - A Survey of the Swedish Market -

The aim of this thesis is to investigate which the main determinants of capital structure in Swedish listed firms are and to identify which incentives lies behind managers choice of capital structure determinants. Further, the study investigates whether the Post Keynesian theory and theories which incorporate behavioral aspects can be used to explain the capital structure decisions or if the traditional Neoclassical theory give an better explanation. We have used a qualitative method to analyze the determinants of capital structure and the managers incentives behind capital structure decision. We conducted a survey which was sent to 83 Chief Financial Managers and financial executives in Swedish firms listed on Mid Cap or Large Cap. The questionnaire was on-line which enabled for the respondents to quickly and convenient respond.

Sömn, depressionssymtom, livskvalitet och Alzheimers sjukdom

Background: Sleep-disturbances in persons with Alzheimer´s disease are prevalent. They are characterized as increased frequency and duration of awakenings, decreased slow-wave sleep, REM-sleep and increase of day-time napping. Depression and lower quality of life are associated with sleep-disturbances. Altogether a significant source of stress for caregivers and an important factor in institutionalization. Non-pharmacological treatment alternatives are rare.Method: Single-case A-B-C design, with non-concurrent multiple baselines, a pilotstudy.Aim: To explore if an educational program on sleep, sleep disturbances and behavioural change directed towards caregivers improved sleep, depression and quality of life in persons with Alzheimer´s disease living at home.

Användning av smärtskala på marsvin ? experimentell studie i klinikmiljö

Assessing and measuring post-operative pain in all animals is a challenge, but doing it in small mammals, for example guinea pigs, presents an even larger difficulty. Validated pain scales developed for use in dogs in clinical practice are currently available, but no such scale has been widely accepted for use in guinea pigs in the veterinary setting. In this experimental study, six guinea pigs that had undergone surgery and anaesthesia were observed for behavioural changes that could be associated with pain. The six guinea pigs were also given pain scores with the use of Colorado State University Feline Acute Pain Scale (CSU-APSF), a scale which uses both behaviour when not handled, body tension and response to palpation to evaluate pain intensity. The six guinea pigs showed a number of different behaviours, for example rigid posture, fixed stare and ?wet dog response? (the body is vigourosly shaken), that could be associated with pain.

Utvärdering av kognitiv beteendeterapis (KBT) effektivitet : En systematisk replikation

AbstractA systematic replication study was conducted at the training site at the University of Karlstad. Student therapists performed cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) as a part of their master?s degree in psychology.  The systematic replication that took place was based on the work of Hiltunen et al. (2013), who evaluated the efficacy of CBT treatment conducted at the training site previously mentioned.

De djupaste ärren är dem vi inte ser: en kvalitativ studie av några professionella behandlares tolkningar av självskadebeteende, med fokus på kroppen

This study will focus on how patients that suffer from self-injurious behaviours experience the relation between their self and body according to some professionals. The purpose is to enlighten why a person who has mental problems chooses to injure his or her body. We believe that the reason behind this is based on the early attachment between the parent and child. We also believe that a person only continues with this behaviour if he or she gains from it. The research questions this study raises are:· How does a person with self-injurious behaviour experience the relationship between their body and their self?· What is the effect of self-injurious behaviour on the body and what is the effect on the relationship between their body and their self.· How did the relationship between body and self evolve?This study is qualitative and is based on interviews from our respondents of whom all work or have worked with self-injurious behavioural patients.

A comparison of group housing and individual housing for dairy bulls kept for breeding

This study was conducted at VikingGenetics' bull breeding station in Falkenberg, Sweden. The bulls waiting for the results of their progeny testing at this station are either kept in group housing or individual housing. Since both of these housing systems have advantages and disadvantages, it was in the interest of VikingGenetics to know which of these housing systems is the best. The aim of this study was to investigate the welfare of the bulls in these two housing systems through behavioural observations and the use of activity monitors. In the preparations for the study 16 bulls, 8 in each housing system, were chosen.

Risk i Fondsparande : Är finansiella aktörers information angående risk i fondsparande förenlig med investerares riskuppfattning?

Denna uppsats har skrivits i syfte att undersöka om finansiella aktörers information angående risk i fondsparande är förenlig med investerares riskuppfattning. Idag följer finansiella institutioner EU-direktiv och svensk lagstiftning när de riskklassificerar sina fonder. Konkret används 5-årig historisk volatilitet mätt med standardavvikelse. Vi har därför ämnat undersöka om det riskmått och teorierna som ligger till grund för det är tillfredställande i sin nuvarande form. Vi har undersökt detta med hjälp av så väl traditionell som behovsfokuserad finansieringsteori.

Aktierekommendationers värde för privata investerare

Antalet aktiva investerare har under senare tid ökat på de finansiella marknaderna. I takt med detta har ett växande intresse för börsen gett rum för nya informationskanaler. Den kostnadsfria information och de rekommendationer som en investerare har möjlighet att ta del av har kritiserats. Kvaliteten och objektiviteten har betvivlats som ett resultat av ett växande antal rekommendationer i media och uppmärksamhet bland investerare.Många som investerar har någon gång oroat sig över att investera rätt. Därför kan man fråga sig själv om de rekommendationer som vi intar från affärstidningar och Internet har något värde för investerare.

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