

444 Uppsatser om Behavioural Finance - Sida 29 av 30

Fastighetsbolagens finansiering : En studie om fastighetsbolagens nya finansieringsalternativ

Författare: Narina Bengtsson och Victor Friis-LibyHandledare: Eva BerggrenTitel: Fastighetsbolagens finansiering ? En studie om fastighetsbolagens nyafinansieringsalternativBakgrund och problem: Kapitaltunga bolag som fastighetsbolag är ständigt i behov avkapital. Bankkredit som alltid varit det vanligaste och mest använda finanseringsalternativethar i större utsträckning ersatts med företagsobligationer och preferensaktier. Marknaden försvenska företagsobligationer har växt de senaste åren och fastighetsbolagen står idag för tvåtredjedelar av de totala preferensaktierna på Stockholmsbörsen. Efter den senaste finanskrisensvarade myndigheterna med att ta fram Basel III ? regelverket, som ställer striktarekapitaltäckningskrav för bankerna.

AKTIEINVESTERINGAR : Ur privatpersoners perspektiv

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera vad som påverkar privatpersoners risktolerans och vilka informationskällor som används i samband med aktieinvesteringar. Studien ska även undersöka vilken syn privatpersoner har på ägarstruktur i börsnoterade bolag och huruvida ägarstrukturen påverkar investeringsbeslutet. Utifrån detta vill författarna skapa teoretisk och empirisk kunskap.Metod: Studien genomfördes med hjälp av flermetodsforskning. Detta skedde genom att både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod användes för att samla in empiri. Den kvalitativa metoden användes för att samla in empiri genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med analytiker, privatrådgivare och aktiemäklare.

Shelter use of horses during Swedish summer in relation to weather conditions and insect abundance

Outdoor housing of horses? best fulfils the horses? need for physical activity and it is an alternative to the more cost and energy demanding indoor housing in stables. Furthermore, if outdoor housed horses have access to shelter they can generally cope well with adverse weather conditions such as high or low ambient temperature, heavy rain or strong winds. In this study, the daytime shelter-seeking behaviour of three groups of horses housed outdoors was studied during the summer. The aim was to evaluate whether shelter use is related to weather variables (e.g., ambient temperature and wind speed) and insect harassment. The shelter-seeking behaviour was studied for three different groups of horses: Group 1) eight individually housed horses in paddocks that had access to three different shelter types (C: closed on three sides with roof, R: open on three sides with roof, W: closed on three sides without roof), Group 2) 25 group housed mares with foals on pasture with access to shelters C, and Group 3) ten mares without foals on pasture without access to shelter. Each group was studied for eight days.

Toxoplasma gondii som orsak till beteendeförändringar hos människa

Toxoplasma gondii är en obligat intracellulär parasit med kattdjur som huvudvärd och de flesta varmblodiga djur, inklusive människa, som mellanvärd. I mellanvärden bildas vävnadscystor, främst i nerv- och muskelceller, innehållande långsamt delande bradyzoiter. Smittan sprids framför allt via föda kontaminerad med oocystor från kattens faeces, otillräckligt upphettat kött innehållande infektiösa vävnadscystor eller via kongenital överföring. Infektionen är livslång och det har länge antagits att endast immunsupprimerade individer och gravida kvinnor uppvisar allvarliga kliniska symptom. Studier som visat beteendeförändringar hos infekterade immunkompetenta möss har dock lett till forskning gällande eventuella beteendeförändringar hos människa orsakade av T. gondii. Infektion med T.

Aktiv dödshjälp : en studie de lege lata och de lege ferenda

?Liberal Democracy? is a common term in political theory, and it is used as if it had a commonly accepted referent, with both normative and descriptive content. This is certainly the case in democratic theory, where it on the one hand seems to refer to a normative democratic model; on the other hand it is used descriptively, to refer to real-life democracies. The deliberative democratic sub-field is not an exception; on the contrary, the term is frequently used albeit rarely defined; yet the concept it refers to is supposedly developed enough to allow detailed propositions about its citizens?s political behaviour.This essay is an attempt to analyze how Liberal Democracy is used by three deliberative democrats (Jürgen Habermas, John Dryzek and Stephen Elstub), in order to understand the democratic model (or models), whether normative or descriptive, they refer to.

Miljöcertifierade kommersiella byggnader : Undersökning av ekonomisk ansvarsfördelning mellan hyresgäst och fastighetsägare

The Swedish commercial real estate market is in the current situation globally affected and is actively interacting with the rental and capital markets through international tenants and investors who are setting new demands on the property owners. The European Union has set new requirements as well in purpose of reducing humanity?s negative effect on the climate and therefore the international real estate market has introduced Green Building-certificates in order to decrease the real estate industry?s environmental impact.Certificated buildings with low energy consumption are a more common sight in Sweden these days. The development, however, could go even faster if there was not certain difficulties between property owners and tenants. Previous research has revealed that tenants do not always have knowledge about, or may have access to the economic benefits that a green building can provide.

Den aggregativa demokratin : Hur Jürgen Habermas, John Dryzek och Stephen Elstub använder termen liberal demokrati

?Liberal Democracy? is a common term in political theory, and it is used as if it had a commonly accepted referent, with both normative and descriptive content. This is certainly the case in democratic theory, where it on the one hand seems to refer to a normative democratic model; on the other hand it is used descriptively, to refer to real-life democracies. The deliberative democratic sub-field is not an exception; on the contrary, the term is frequently used albeit rarely defined; yet the concept it refers to is supposedly developed enough to allow detailed propositions about its citizens?s political behaviour.This essay is an attempt to analyze how Liberal Democracy is used by three deliberative democrats (Jürgen Habermas, John Dryzek and Stephen Elstub), in order to understand the democratic model (or models), whether normative or descriptive, they refer to.

The role of relationships in lending to farmers : a study from the loan officer?s perspective

There have been significant changes in the agricultural sector during the past 20 years (Jordbruksverket, 2008). The development of today is towards deregulation and adaption to global market conditions. As farmers try to adapt to the changed and more competitive market conditions investments are often necessary (LRF Konsult et al, 2012). Loans to agriculture and forestry businesses have increased to record levels and debt has doubled over the past years. The financial turbulence of the past years has contributed to an increase of the meaningfulness and willingness of the banks to be able to understand and handle risks associated with agriculture and forestry (Breiding, 2010).

Torvströ till svenska mjölkkor :

Peat litter is a soft material with high absorbency. About hundred years ago many farmers in Sweden used peat litter to their dairy cows. After the World War II the use of peat litter decreased and the farmers used more straw. Nowadays (year 2007), when it is harder to find straw and sawdust to buy, peat litter is advancing again. The purpose with this study is to investigate peat as a litter to dairy cows.

Företrädaransvar enligt SFL

This thesis, in the field of healthcare logistics, has been carried out at Hjärt- och Medicincentrum (HMC) at the University Hospital in Linköping during the fall and spring of 2012/2013. The thesis is done by two students at Linköping University at master?s level within the framework of Industrial Engineering and Management.As Sweden's county councils should not make a profit or loss, it is important that the councils are aware of how much care processes cost. Kardiologiska kliniken at HMC in Östergötland?s county council is one of the clinics that are profitable.

Tillåtligheten av drogtester i arbetslivet

This thesis, in the field of healthcare logistics, has been carried out at Hjärt- och Medicincentrum (HMC) at the University Hospital in Linköping during the fall and spring of 2012/2013. The thesis is done by two students at Linköping University at master?s level within the framework of Industrial Engineering and Management.As Sweden's county councils should not make a profit or loss, it is important that the councils are aware of how much care processes cost. Kardiologiska kliniken at HMC in Östergötland?s county council is one of the clinics that are profitable.

Amortera eller inte? : En applicering av psykologiska faktorer på svenska hushålls amorterings-och sparbeteende

De svenska bostadspriserna har fortsatt att stiga och tillsammans med det la?ga ra?ntela?get har a?ven husha?llens skuldsa?ttning stigit. Uto?ver detta har husha?llens amorteringsvilja minskat vilket lett till en oro o?ver att husha?llen inte kommer klara av framtida sva?ngningar i ekonomin. Denna oro visar sig i info?randet av bola?netak och nya amorteringsrekommendationer.Hur svenska husha?ll beslutar kring amortering och sparande a?r en outforskad fra?ga.

Att lämna en kriminell livsstil : En studie om ungdomars motivation och friskfaktorer efter en dom om institutionsplacering eller samhällstjänst

ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesC-essay in Social work, Advanced course2006To give up a criminal life styleA study of motivation and protectional factors of juveniles after a sentence of institutional care or community workEmma Henriksson & Karin TengnäsABSTRACTThe purpose of the study was to investigate the factors that juveniles sentenced to institutional care or community work perceive as important for their decision to give up a criminal life style. The study approach was based on a few specific questions: (1) What aspects of the treatment have contributed to a motivation to abandon the criminal life style? (2) What have motivated the juveniles to make a decision to leave the criminal life style? (3) Are there any specific internal or external protectional factors that have been decisive for the rehabilitation process and, if so, are they linked to intrinsic or extrinsic motivation? The study rests on the theoretical foundation created by earlier research on institutional care, motivation and protectional factors. Interviews were chosen as a method to secure qualitative data and the interview manual was designed on the basis of themes that reflect the questions of the study. Six young people?s perception of their treatment is documented in the study, as well as their opinion on the effectiveness of the treatment.

Human-cattle interactions and attitudes within dairy farming in Sweden and The Netherlands

Human-animal interaction is suggested to be a main feature within livestock production. The quality of handling, for instance, appears to be greatly depending on the attitudes and behaviour of the stock people. Various studies have been conducted on relationships between human and animals, but few have looked upon differences in human-animal interaction and attitudes between countries. Two countries often discussed in livestock production are The Netherlands and Sweden. It would be of interest to compare these two countries to find out whether (assumed) differences are reflected in the attitudes between animal handlers.

Hur och av vad påverkas skuldsättningsgraden i finanskriser? : - En studie av sex branscher på Stockholmsbörsen

Titel: Hur och av vad påverkas skuldsättningsgraden i finanskriser? - En studie av sex branscher på Stockholmsbörsen.Nivå: C-uppsats i företagsekonomi, kandidatnivåFörfattare: Gabriella Karacsonyi och Carl HelinHandledare: Peter Lindberg och Arne FagerströmDatum: 2014 - majSyfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur svenska företags skuldsättningsgrad ser ut vid finanskriser och vilka samband denna variabel uppvisar med variablerna branschtillhörighet, tillväxt, företagsstorlek och materiella anläggningstillgångar.Metod: I denna studie har en deduktiv ansats använts. Författarna har genom kvantitativa undersökningar kommit fram till sina resultat. Teori har insamlats genom vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker. Gällande empirin har data främst inhämtats från databasen Retriever, för att sedan bearbetas i huvudsakligen genom Excel.

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