

3329 Uppsatser om Beginning teachers - Sida 40 av 222

Måste det vara så komplicerat? : En undersökning av attityder till klarspråk

The purpose of this essay is to examine what literary heritage teachers communicate in the school subject Swedish at upper secondary school. The overall research question for this work is: Which authors and/or works are mentioned by the teachers in the school subject Swedish at upper secondary school? How well do these authors and/or works answer towards a multicultural perspective? Which factors affect teachers´ selections of texts? Based on this purpose and these research questions, the aim is to answer the didactic question of what.To accomplish the purpose of the study a quantitative method has been used. The survey was conducted in two medium-sized cities in central Sweden, and was answered by 17 teachers. The study shows that the teachers ascribe the Western and Swedish literature great importance.

Hur skiljer sig kunskapssynen och examinationer i Kenya och Sverige?

This paper is about how the perception of knowledge and examinations differs in two different countries, Sweden and Kenya. The purpose of the paper is to examine similarities and differences in the two countries school systems, and to study the teachers? role in students? development. In the literature study I find out what different authors explains different types of knowledge and how important the teachers? role is for students? development.

Musik och språk i förskolan ! : en intervjustudie om pedagogers arbete med musik i syfte att utveckla språket hos barn.

AbstractThe Government´s guidelines found in the curriculum for pre-schools, recommend that music should be an important resource for children. To stimulate children´s language is also an important part of this curriculum. It is every teacher`s proffessional duty to ensure that these guidelines are followed. Language is of unparallel importance in assisting an individual to grow and to function within a society. In my work about music and languages in pre-school the purpose is to investigate how the studied teachers use music to stimulate of children`s developmt in language.

?Jag tror dom går till en sökmotor och skriver ett ord??: En fenomenografisk undersökning av vuxenutbildares syn på informationssökning i undervisningen

The aim of this master thesis is to study how teachers in adult education view the phenomenon of information seeking in education. We have interviewed adult education teachers, and the method used when working with the data was phenomenography. We found three categories in our material: 1. Information seeking is the student?s responsibility; 2.

Nivågruppering i grundskolans tidigare år : Hur och varför används den i matematikundervisningen

The aim of this essay is to examine why and how three teachers who work in elementary classes choose to use ability grouping during math lessons and what they think of ability grouping as a method to individualize the activities according to the pupil?s needs.I chose one main question for this study that is the following:What is the teacher?s point of view and experience of ability grouping in teaching mathematics?And three sub-questions:What are the motives behind the choice of ability grouping?What are the advantages of ability grouping?What are the disadvantages of ability grouping?In order to be able to answer my questions, I used the qualitative method. I interviewed three teachers who work in the elementary classes (First to fifth grade) to find out what they think about ability grouping and how it is experienced in mathematic teaching.The result shows that the common thing between these three teachers is that they don?t use ability grouping as the only teaching method. They all agree that the whole class teaching has many benefits for the pupils.

Inkluderande undervisning i matematik : En kvalitativ studie av elevers och lärares uppfattning av inkluderande matematikundervisning i skolår 7 och 8

According to both national and international political regulations, the school should as far as it is possible include students with special needs in regular education. However, when implementing these political intentions regarding an including school environment, problems often arise. The aim of this studie has been to investigate the opinions of teachers and students when it comes to inclusive education in mathematics. The study has partly been based on interviews with students with special needs in mathematics. These students were included in regular mathematics groups.

Lärarperspektiv på språkutveckling i gymnasiet

According to the curriculum the teachers have a responsibility to adjust the activities in the classroom in order to suit the pupils and to give them the means of assistance the pupils need to be successful in their learning. The teachers should also stimulate the interest to learn and support the pupils? self esteem. One of the problems a dyslectic pupil faces is an often weak self esteem. Another is the weak phonological awareness which makes it hard to fully understand the context and to recognize different phonemes when writing.

Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete på förskolan : Hur förskollärarna uppfattar och hanterar det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet

Systematic quality work in preschool ? How preschool teachers thinking and working with systematic quality work The purpose of this study was to investigate how Swedish preschool teachers thinking and working with systematic quality work. All Swedish preschools are required to work systematically with quality. This involves several steps that follow each other in a specific order. It includes following up, documenting and evaluating preschool activities.

Motstånd till förändring

The aim of this study is to compare attitudes to change among innovation and economics students and teachers at one of the universities in Sweden.Data about students? and teachers? attitudes to change was gathered using a survey.Keeping in mind that knowledge can lower ones resistance this study is based on a hypothesis that individuals from the innovations program have a lower resistance to change. The study is also based on earlier research in regards to comparisons between students and teachers.The results of the study show that teachers have less resistance to change than students. Individuals in the innovation program are however less resistant to change than individuals in the economics program.One can discuss whether or not results of the study show that the hypothesis is correct.The difference between individuals in the economics- and the innovation program are statistically significant and has moderate effects in reality. The differences between teachers and students are statistically significant but only have a small effect.It is however a starting-point for future studies that will possibly explore the subject more profoundly..

Kommunikation mellan hem och förskola : En studie om samarbete mellan pedagoger och föräldrar i två förskolor belägna i ett mångkulturellt område

The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers and parents are communicating with each other in a foreign area. In case of obstacles in the communication, this study will examine how the preschools create opportunities to solve the problem. This study will also look closely at this relationship from an intercultural communication.This study is based on interviews. My informants are four teachers and four parents, one of the parents is Swedish and the other three have different ethnic and culture backgrounds.This study has reached to several results. The interviews with the teachers have shown that they are unsatisfied with their relationship with the parents because there are two factors that result to their communication difficulties.

Förortsslang : En kvalitativ studie om förortsslang i grundskolans tidigare år

Purpose: The purpose of this study is mainly based on teachers and students attitudes towards multiethnic youth language in primary school. The study will answer two questions; what are teachers and students attitudes towards multiethnic youth language used among young people? And what significance does the multiethnic language have for its identity? This study will also research whether the slang shows signs of group membership.Method: In order to investigate this, five structured qualitative interviews were made with fifteen teachers and pupils from primary schools. The study is based on the participated teachers and students attitudes views of the multiethnic youth language. This study cannot give an overall view of the teachers and students answers of the languages that are spoken among young people.Result and conclusions: The result of this study showed that multiethnic youth language is used mostly among children and teenagers growing up in multilingual urban neighborhoods in south of Stockholm.

Arbeta med åtgärdsprogram : Två lärares uppfattningar om arbetet med åtgärdsprogram

The aim of this study is to describe the variation in two teachers perceptions of their work with individual developments. The study begins with a review of the Swedish National Agency for Education?s guidelines for working with individual developments. With this I want to give the reader an insight into the teachers working conditions and the responsibilities the school authorities have against their students. Using phenomenography, I have examined the differences between two mathematic teacher?s perceptions in working with individual developments for student?s in need of special education.   My questions are: How do mathemathic teachers perceive their work with individual developments? What support and what information do the teacher?s feel that they have been given in order to use individual developments as a tool? How do the teachers perceive that their work situation has influenced their work with individual developments? The two teachers I have interviewed showed different perceptions both in how they understood the guidelines for working with individual developments and how they chose to work with them.

Pedagogers arbete med språkstimulering i förskolan. : En fallstudie.

The purpose of this essay is to describe how preschool teachers think about language stimulation and how they work with it when it comes to small children in preschool. My research questions were:? What kind of methods do the preschool teachers use? And what kind of work procedure do they have?? Is there any difference in the work procedure when it comes to daily routines and playtime?? How do the preschool teachers describe their work procedure with language stimulation?To be able to reach my purpose and answer my questions, I decided to make a case study. I have made observations of the preschool teachers and how they work and I have made interviews. The material that I have used, beside observations and interviews, is literature that is about earlier research about this matter.The result of the study shows that the preschool teachers considers their work with language stimulation as part of everything they do.

Lärares val : En studie om undervisningsformer ur lärarperspektiv

The background to this study is an interest for teacher?s thoughts about choices and teachingmethods and motives for these choices. A question is about the meaning of professional experience and the importance of choices in teachingmethods according to the teachers. The purpose of the study is thru a qualitative study examine teacher?s thoughts and statements about choices of teachingmethods to shed a light on different teachingmethods in early years in school.

Ordning och reda!

The purpose of this studie was to use qualitative methods to find out how teachers perceive what a good classroom environment means for students with ADHD. Know the teachers what to do with the physical environment for students with ADHD? My research questions I wanted to answer was how support or hinder classroom environment children who have ADHD? What can educators how classroom environment to be adapted for students with ADHD? I have presented three different themes based on my interviews, Structure / classroom environment, placement and traditional teachings. Has compiled my answers from informants and analyzed the responses by prior research and theory. The results show that teachers have good insight into what is good for students with ADHD, but what is it that goes wrong?.

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