

3325 Uppsatser om Beginning teachers - Sida 3 av 222

Att fråga eller inte fråga, det är frågan : En studie av frågor mellan lärare och elever under kemilektioner

This report presents the use of questions by both teachers and students in chemistry class. Both students and teachers have been observed during 24 lessons, both theoretical and practical. In addition, interviews have been made with the teachers and the students have answered a questionnaire. The result show that a high number of questions are asked, more than one per minute and that both teachers and students ask the same amount of questions. This contradicts earlier findings were teachers questions dominate.

Ämnesövergripande undervisning i läsförståelse : Mellanstadielärares kompetens och undervisningsstrategier i olika ämnen

In this study, six teachers have been interviewed about their vision and teaching of reading comprehension, both for pupils who has cleared the reading code and those who have not. The aim is to illustrate if teachers in middle school spend time to exercise reading comprehension, or if this is left to the Swedish teachers. Thus only according to the subject Swedish, the students are entitled to be given the opportunity to develop reading strategies.The interviews are semi-structured based on qualitative research. The informants are three teachers of Swedish and three teachers of other subjects. Two different interview guides were used containing three questions.

Inkludering eller exkludering. : En attitydsstudie av lärares syn på inkludering.

In this study the overall aim is to find conditions for greater inclusion of pupils with SEN in X county by investigating teachers' attitudes and views on inclusion. What are the variables that may affect teachers' attitudes towards inclusion. The variables that will be studied include gender, workexperience, what age of students teachers work with and teachers' subjectknowledge. It is based on a system theory perspective with a pragmatic approach to explore how groups of activities involving or affecting each other. It is a quantitative study with a surveys selected as the method.

Fingerräkning : Lärarerns roll och betydelse för att ge elever en god taluppfattning

 AbstractThe aim of this essay is to look into how teachers view pupils who use finger arithmeticduring mathematic classes. How do these teachers help them to move on with their learning,what information and problem-solving material do they use?I made qualitative interviews with grade two- and grade three teachers, in three schools.The interviews showed that the teachers find it difficult to adopt a suitable attitude towardsfinger arithmetic. In addition, lack of time for planning and lack of knowledge about variousexperimental methods caused further predicaments. The teachers were aware that arithmeticexperimental material was attainable at the schools, but time to learn about it and how to useit was lacking.

Att uppleva historia : eller publik arkeologi i Sydafrika

My thesis is based on a qualitative study in which I have selected six professional teachers in a school in Greater Stockholm, and their views on the phenomenon of conflict management. My questions were the following.How teachers perceive the phenomenon of conflict in the world of school?What strategies do teachers use to resolve conflicts with students?In order to analyze my informants, I have chosen different books that deal with conflict man-agement, policy documents and books on the teaching profession meaning. Through my investigation I found that some teachers used tools and strategies through expe-rience and reflections, and resolve conflicts together or individually. My informants described that there are some teachers how choose to hide and pretend not to see the problem.

?Matematik finns överallt och ingenstans? : Med fokus på pedagogernas arbete

The aim is to find out how teachers apply the knowledge they get from mathematics pilots in preschool and from mathematics developer in the municipality, as well as how they work further towards the children with mathematics.The study is based on qualitative interviews with two teachers, one mathematic pilot and one mathematic developer. I used the semi-structured interview questions.The results show that teachers believe that mathematics pilots will inspire the teachers in their work with mathematics in preschool. One of the teachers who were interviewed said:?Mathematics pilots should be those that have the strongest glasses and coming up with new ideas and they push the rest of the teachers in their work with mathematics in relation to children in preschool?.The teachers use the correct terms for mathematical concepts with the children. They also stressed how important it is to point out to the kids that it is mathematics that they are doing.The conclusion of the study is that the teachers agree that it is their approach towards the children that is important and how they can lead the children?s interest of mathematics forward.

Lärares uppfattning om yrkets statusförändring under 30 år : En intervjuundersökning om åtta lärares uppfattning om yrkets statusförändring

This paper is about how the teaching profession have got a changed status from the perspective of the teachers. The papers cause is to find out how the teachers think that their status have changed in a period of 30 years. Interviews have been done with eight middle school teachers from two schools in the municipality of Södertälje. The answers from the interviews have been put in relation to theories in research of professions. Three hypotheses have been put up to apply the theories on the answers.

"Det är en bra idé att börja med det lättaste" : En studie av lärares uppfattningar av metoden "att skriva sig till läsning"

The aim of this study is to investigate teachers? experiences of working with Writing to Read (WTR), and their perceptions of how pupils develop in reading and writing when they write on computers or similar devices. Another aim is to study teachers? motives for using the WTR method. The material used for analysis is four interviews with teachers who use WTR.

Listening Strategies in the L2 Classroom

The purpose of this paper was to investigate how some teachers interpret, teach and assess listening strategies. Our investigation was based on interviews and a questionnaire answered by some year 9 English teachers. Furthermore, the aim was to study whether awareness and teaching of listening strategies are important for teachers in their everyday practice. The results indicate that the teachers interpret listening strategies as purposes for listening, such as listening for detail or the whole. The teachers do not explicitly teach listening strategies, and they do not assess them.

Så använder jag boken : Fyra SO-lärares syn på - och användning av läroboken

AbstractThis degree project focuses on the questions how teachers´ within the four socially oriented subjects? history, geography, religion and social science use the textbook, and their attitudes towards textbooks. The method used in this project was interviews with teachers. Previous research shows that teachers use the textbook to a great extent. Studies also show that teachers? way of educating depends upon their individual educational attitudes.

Vem är motiverad? : Åtta kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare om motivationsbeteende i religionskunskapsundervisningen

The purpose of my study is to explore teachers reasoning regarding the motivation of students in religious education. I investigate the teachers' expectations of the students' behaviors which are being judged by the teachers, in order to assess whether the students their classes are motivated or not.                      In order to present views of the teachers? reasoning, the study uses qualitative method and is based on interviews, conducted with eight different high school teachers.The results show that teachers tend to expect the motivation of the students to contradict their own expectations before starting a course or they presume that the expectations are going to be confirmed in class. Furthermore teachers seem to have preconceived ideas regarding how motivated or un-motivated students behave in class.

Kommunalt klimatarbete - exempel från Strängnäs och Sala

 The aim of this essay was to examine the way preschool teachers and children converse during school meals, and also the way preschool teachers start and develop conversations during meals. The conversations were analyzed from the topic of conversation and the teachers' ways of using language acts such as questions, remarks, exhortations. The study was based on observations, tape recording and contact schedule. The result shows that the topic of conversation is significant for how involved teachers are in conversations during meals. The result also shows how conversations develop or end depending on what language acts teachers use.

"Det finns möjligheter med allt och i klassrummet finner man svaren." : En studie av lärares arbete i ett mångkulturellt klassrum

Our intention with this study is to investigate teachers work in a multicultural classroom. For the purpose of this study, a web survey was constructed. The investigation was carried out among teachers on three different multicultural secondary schools in Sweden. 53 teachers informed us about their own experiences and thoughts concerning their work in a multicultural classroom. Conceptions as multiculturalism, methods in teaching, the climate in classrooms, teacher cultures and interculturalism has been used in the study.

Elevdemokrati och elevinflytande i vardagen : En kvalitativ studie om lärares föreställningar om demokrati och inflytande i klassrummet

Through qualitative interviews with six teachers at a school an understanding of teachers´ conceptions of, and conditions for their work on pupil democracy and student participation are sought.Formulation of questions were as follow:What does pupil democracy and pupil influence mean for selected teachers?How do selected teachers´ work with pupil democracy and pupil influence?What opportunities and complicatedness?s do selected teachers see with this work?Through this the selected teachers views on children and their thoughts on their role as a leader also are investigated.According to the curriculum the Swedish school should aim to transmit primary democratic values and pursue the education through democratic work models. Further the pupil should acquire influence of their education. The theory exposes several approaches on democracy and influence. These approaches are further on applied on the school.The result of the study evinces that selected teachers´ practice both pupil democracy and pupil influence.

Pedagogers sätt att bemöta barnens initiativ i förskolan

The aim of this research is to develop a better understanding of how preschool-teachers respond to children in preschool, when they show that they want to have some influence. I have concentrated this study on how the preschool-teachers respond to the children in the gatherings and when the children are playing freely indoors, where the questions at issue are:How do the preschool-teachers respond to the children?s initiative for participation in the gathering and while playing freely?There have been four preschool-teachers and 14 children who have taken part in this study. The children who took part are in the ages of three to five. The study was done at a section in a preschool in middle Sweden.The method used in this study is unstructured observations.

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