

334 Uppsatser om Beauty ideals - Sida 6 av 23

Demokrati vid sidan av kärnan : En studie av folkbibliotekens programverksamheter utifrån ett demokratiperspektiv

In this master thesis, I investigate four Public Librarys´ program activities. The purpose is to explore what the library program activities contribute to as a part of a well functioning democracy. The theoretical points, I have brought from political science. I assume three different ideals of democracy; electoral democracy, participation democracy and deliberative democracy. All have different views on what can be characterized by a well-functioning democracy.My empirical material consists of library program guides, the libraries´ target documents and interviews with staff at the libraries who work with or have overall responsibility for program activities in their respective libraries.

Folkbildning i förändring? En studie kring ABF:s och IOGT/NBV:s folkbildning från år 1894-1999.

The aim of this thesis is to see if adult education have changed in educational association of the Swedish Labour Movement ABF, and the temperance movement IOGT/NBV. We have chosen to study five periods and analyse these after four ideal of education. These are the ideals of self-education, polytechnic education, neo-classic character-moulding education, and citizenship education. We have studied the reports of the activities of the organisations during the years and the writings of anniversary. The analysis shows that the two popular movements have gone from an adult education where the ideal of citizenship education to an ideal of neo-classic character-moulding education was dominating.

När odjuret älskar skönheten : Stämningar av skräck och romantik i musikallåtar

  AbstractFredrik Nordlindh: När odjuret älskar skönheten. Stämningar av skräck och romantik i musikallåtar. Uppsala universitet: Institutionen för musikvetenskap. C-uppsats 2009.I denna uppsats visas hur vedertagna filmmusikaliska grepp för att förmedla känslorna skräck och romantik, i betydelsen lycklig kärlek, kan användas i tre musikallåtar. De antaget romantiska respektive skrämmande All I ask of you och The Phantom of the Opera från Andrew Lloyd Webbers Fantomen på Operan utgör undersökningens grund.

Franz Liszt och Julius Reubke : en studie av två viktiga orgeltonsättare, Franz Liszt och hans elev Julius Reubke, deras liv, verk och konstnärliga miljö i Tyskland vid mitten av 1800-talet

This work has treated the subject of gender, with demarcation against the norms regarding appearance and beauty, conveyed by the media and how it affects society. This is expressed through social satire cartoons. This work has also led to an exploration of the importance of a personal drawing style and how it manifests itself..

Hur lät Jenny Lind, Christina Nilsson och Signe Hebbe? : En studie av sångskolor och röstideal under 1800-talet

AbstractElisabeth Hellström: Hur lät Jenny Lind, Christina Nilsson och Signe Hebbe? En studie av sångskolor och röstideal under 1800-talet. Uppsala universitet: Institutionen för musikvetenskap, uppsats för 60 p, 2007.The aim of this essay is to, with starting point in the Garcia- and Lamperti-schools, describe the voice ideals of the 19th century, and how it may have sounded. To exemplify the last-mentioned I have studied the voices of the three singers Jenny Lind,  Christina Nilsson and Signe Hebbe (there are no recordings of any of them).The essay contains two major parts. In the first I describe the technique of the Garcia- and Lamperti-schools and their views on registers, vibrato and messa di voce, ending with a summarizing analysis of the 19th century vocal ideals.

Borgarklassens diskreta stil : Smak och samhällsklass i heminredningstidskriften "Sköna Hem"

Within media and communications studies, questions of taste have often been associated with the dichotomy of high versus popular culture. The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has also used mass media products in his studies of class determined tastes and dispositions. In this paper the author uses the theoretical framwork of Bourdieu to examine aspects of social class and legitimate taste in the interior design magazine "Sköna Hem", a market leading magazine within it's genre of lifestyle magazines in Sweden. A specific type of feature article, where a real-life home is portrayed, is studied using the critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough. The homes portrayed are predominantly affluent and display elements of conspicuous consumtion as mediated through legitimate taste and cultural capital.

Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att i palliativ vård arbeta enligt standardvårdplanen LCP

The purpose of this thesis is to identify power structures and instruments of power within the Jehovah?s witnesses and investigate how they affect the baptized youths baptized within the organization. The material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews and is analyzed with Foucault's theories of power. The results show that the participants have a very strict relationship to the rules of the congregation and also that they take great care in observing these rules carefully. It becomes evident that young members are exposed to disciplinary measures from the organization.

Religionsfrihet i Sverige : En studie om högstadielärare i religions tolkning av skolans icke-konfessionalitet

The purpose of this thesis is to identify power structures and instruments of power within the Jehovah?s witnesses and investigate how they affect the baptized youths baptized within the organization. The material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews and is analyzed with Foucault's theories of power. The results show that the participants have a very strict relationship to the rules of the congregation and also that they take great care in observing these rules carefully. It becomes evident that young members are exposed to disciplinary measures from the organization.

Hur fyra gymnasielärare möter ideal och verklighet : En jämförelse mellan främmandespråksundervisning i Sverige och Australien

This degree project shows how four language teachers teach foreign languages with focus oncommunicative competence, and how their vision of teaching correspond to their reality in the classroom. How do they motivate the students in class and are the conditions good enough tohelp the teachers reach the national goals? A teacher?s vision is formed by his or her education and experiences. However, there are a number of factors which can help or hinder a teacher to reach his or her ideal teaching. Among these factors are the curriculum, the preknowledgeof the students and available technical resources.

Har bilden av maskulinitet åldrats med värdighet? : En kvantitativ inneha?llsanalys av manlighetsideal i reklamannonser fo?r manliga sko?nhetsprodukter under 2000-talet

Purpose: This study has been conducted with the purpose to examine representations of men and masculinity ideals in advertising for male grooming products. This study also aims to investigate how the male representation has changed during the 2000?s.Theories: The theoretical framework of this study is based on established theories and past research about gender, masculinity, advertising and visual communication.Methodology: The study has had a quantitative approach and is based on content analysis of print advertisements published in the Swedish lifestyle magazine Cafe? during the years 2003-2012.Conclusion: The result of the study suggests that the representation of men was not versatile, many of the advertisements showed the same representation pattern, which indicated that the metrosexual was the most common depicted masculinity. Past research shows that the notion of men and the male representations in media has gone through major changes during the last decades. However, the results of this study did not find any signs that the male representations were going through any significant change in the examined advertisements.

Burning Beauty & Konstkritiken : David LaChapelle på Fotografiska museet 2012-2013

Syftet med undersökningen är att analysera hur svensk dagspress framställer Fotografiska museets utställning Burning Beauty med fotografier av David LaChapelle genom hur konstkritikerna framställer konsten och konstnären som person. Undersökningsmaterialet består av artiklar, konst- och kulturtidskrifter, nättidskrifter och radioreportage i Sverige under eller inför utställningen. Jag har genom att närläsa artiklarna undersökt vilka ord och formuleringar som förekommer vid beskrivningen av utställningen, konstnären och konsten.Konstkritikerna framställer utställningen som välgjord och ett unikt tillfälle att få se en konstnärskarriär under ett och samma tak då den innehåller över 250 bilder från 1980-talet fram till 2012. Det är den största utställningen som Fotografiska museet visat och den största utställningen som LaChapelle haft. Den liknas vid en neonlysande regnbåge som följer väggarna på Fotografiska.

Angående Individualismen : ? Facebook: Individualistens Kollektiv

Author: Jonathan Wanér HedbergTitle: Angående Individualismen ? Facebook: Individualistens KollektivYear: 2014/2015Abstract: This essay seeks to understand how the expression of individualism can be seen in different ways in people?s use of the social network Facebook. Ten interviews with Facebook users have been performed. The analysis of these has been able to illustrate how Facebook users through Erving Goffman´s impression management prepares and presents their individualism to a collective, i. e.

Man och kvinna till salu : En studie av manliga kontra kvinnliga modemagasins framställning av genus och konsumtion

Due to the developments in today's gender discussions, this essay aimed at investigating the gendered constructions and encouragements to consumption. As a former fashion student I have a special interest in the commercial constructions featured in fashion magazines, especially since advertising, fashion and perceptions of gender have long walked hand in hand. Just as feminism studies have shown femininity being a fluid identity, recent studies of masculinities, media and culture are also showing changes in the depictions of men.The aim was to clarify how fashion magazines encourage men and women to consume products and ideals, and also discuss the gender constructions occurring in the junction of editorial and commercial text (articles and advertisements). The analysis was thereof based on three main questions:-       How is consumption encouraged in male and female fashion magazines?-       What kind of gendered pattern appears in the junction of advertisement and editorial text?-       With regard to the gender constructions, what is the reader encouraged to consume?The theoretical framework of the analysis was based on gender studies and political economy, mostly describing a commercial perception of feminine journalism and a new metrosexual expression in men?s fashion and lifestyle magazines.By using a combination of quantitative (content analysis) and qualitative (semiotics) approach two fashion magazines, Elle and King Magazine (published in May 2013) were used as representatives of fashion magazines in general.The results showed clear differences between the sexes.

Religion och vetenskap i läromedelsböcker : En studie av vilka bilder av religion och vetenskap som förmedlas i läromedelsböcker i religionskunskap för gymnasieskolan

The purpose of this thesis is to identify power structures and instruments of power within the Jehovah?s witnesses and investigate how they affect the baptized youths baptized within the organization. The material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews and is analyzed with Foucault's theories of power. The results show that the participants have a very strict relationship to the rules of the congregation and also that they take great care in observing these rules carefully. It becomes evident that young members are exposed to disciplinary measures from the organization.

Kakelugnar : en studie av Emil Petterssons kakelugnsmatriser

In recent centuries the Swedish Tiled Stove has varied in its design with an aesthetic evolutionary history that has not only followed the architectural and artistic ideals but also the taste in stove design. The heat source has varied depending on the regional traditions and where it was located within the country, but the inside of the construction was of a similar five channel system. The purpose of this paper is to study and compare the design of tile matrices made by Emil Petterson with other Swedish stoves. The following questions will be addressed:What characterized the production of a small scale tile stove workroom during the years 1900-50? Which main styles can be described as Emil Pettersson?s ideal while producing his matrices? And finally, is it possible to study the tile stove matrices as objects of historical and cultural significance, and what difficult methodological issues might occur in the doing of it? To answer these questions I will present the results of the documentation of Pettersson?s tile matrices with detailed historical categorizations and schedules. The conclusion shows that Pettersson as a stove builder and -producer was characterized by eclectic ideals and a design shape based on more liberal interpretations of contemporary trends.

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