

334 Uppsatser om Beauty ideals - Sida 5 av 23

"Har jag verkligen valt rätt, det var bara killar" : - en studie om elever som gjort ett könsotraditionellt gymnasieval

For centuries, the human body has been used as a mean to project the norms, moral values and aesthetic preferences that exist throughout society. It has been controlled through constrictive fashion, family and social virtues and through how we perceive gender and sexuality. This essay strives to show, not only how the body and the aesthetic values coexist, but also how they work together and influence each other, with the body as the aesthetic medium. To do this, Michel Foucault?s writings of sexuality and his theories on morality and discipline, as well as Judith Butler?s works on normativity and performativity are being used.

Ideologier i biblioteksbyggnaden ? en fallstudie av Arlövs bibliotek

Library architecture today is a complicated history. Public libraries are no longer merely a place for book storage, but also a virtual library a social meeting place and a place for study. All these diverse tasks and roles emerge in the democratic designing process of a new library and also transform into the architecture. The underlying process is the evaluation and negotiation of the libraries overall tasks and ideas, ideals and values. Multiple ideologies are incorporated in library architecture.

Kultursponsring på folkbibliotek ? en ideologikritisk analys av kulturpolitiska dokument

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study various views of sponsorship in relation to public libraries as found within three cultural policy documents. The main objective is to discover which ideas are considered relevant in the partnership between the Swedish retail chain, Åhléns, and the children?s public library, ?Room for Children? (Rum för Barn). In 2005, Åhléns provided SEK3.14 million in sponsorship to ?Room for Children? at Kulturhuset in Stockholm.

Den attraktiva stadens framväxt

The aim of this paper is to analyse how the term attractiveness is interpreted in Swedish contemporary urban planning. The focus is to analyse how the term is discursively constructed and by this highlight the conceptions that exist around what makes a city attractive. We want to emphasize the importance of a deeper understanding of how attractiveness is used in urban planning and how the term is a part of the development of our cities. Given the use of attractiveness as a part of visionary goals for Malmö´s and other Swedish cities future development, our intention, therefore, is to enhance the understanding of what the use of attractiveness means in respect of the creation and construction of power relations in time and place. The framework of our analysis is based on the discourse theory approach and used as a way of understanding how urban ideals is discursively constructed.

Glasklart? En kvantitativ studie om en inglasad exponerings påverkan på kunden

Shoplifting is a serious problem due to the fact that about 2 % of a retail store's turnaround dis-appears annually. This paper discusses the problem with shoplifting where a closed retail display of glass can prevent this kind of misbehavior. Hitherto the scientific research regarding how consumers react to a closed retail display is non-existing. With this in mind we want to investigate and enlighten the phenomenon regarding consumer behavior and product appreciation. The study is carried out at a retailer in the beauty industry in Sweden both in stores where the selection of perfumes have been displayed behind glass and in stores in which they have been displayed with open access.

En skön själ i en kontrollerad kropp : ideal och dygd i porträtt av svenska kungligheter i ljuset av Castigliones Il Cortegiano

In Italy in 1528 the famous author Baldassare Castiglione published the book Il Cortegiano. In words Castiglione portraits the ideal courtiers and provides a lot of advice on how to achieve the ultimate courtier manner. For example he introduces and explains the words sprezzatura and grazia. His advice spread from Italy and influenced the courts around Europe. My purpose with this study has been two folded. Firstly, I have analysed Castigliones Il Cortegiano in order to examine his vision of virtues and ideals.

Generalklausulen i 57 § Första stycket, punkt 4 Jordabalken och dess tillämpning med utgångspunkt i NJA 2011 s 27

Title: From inspectors to guides: how citizen journalism and participatory cultureaffect the professional identity of Swedish journalists (Swedish title: Från granskaretill guide: om medborgarjournalistikens och deltagarkulturens påverkan på svenskajournalisters professionella identitet).Number of pages: 44 (48 including enclosures).Authors: Towe Bengtsson and Matilda Källén.Tutor: Amelie Hössjer.Course: Media and Communication Studies C.Period: Fall 2011.University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics andMedia, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The goal of this paper was to answer how citizen journalism andparticipatory journalism as well as an increasing range of information today haveaffected the professional identity and professional lives of journalists. In addition tothis, study how journalists today respond to these changes.Material/Method: The study is based on Deuze?s theories about journalistic ideals,Jenkins? theories about convergence culture, and on theories about professionalizationand de-professionalization based on Nygren, Wiik and Torstendahl?s theories. Thestudy is based on eight interviews with professional journalists, four employedjournalists and four freelance journalists. The results are analysed based on a broadtheoretical framework.Main results: The results of this survey show that the role of the professionaljournalist is extremely complex, with a strong ideological basis that fundamentallyinfluences the journalist's view of the profession and of him- or herself.

Folkbibliotekens oberoende? ? En ideologianalys om politisk ideologisk påverkan på folkbiblioteken

The subject this thesis will investigate concerns the matter of how political ideologies exist within public libraries with a focus on the democratic ideal. Public libraries are part of the political system and we want to show how political ideologies take their shape in public libraries and the possible consequences of this. With the help of three major political ideologies, liberalism, conservatism and socialism we investigate how the democratic ideals of these ideologies are expressed in documents that describes activities the libraries will and have performed. In order to identify these ideologies we use discourses in cultural policy as a bridge between the investigated documents and the political ideologies. As an analytical tool we have developed a model that describes the relation between text, discourse and ideology which we use in our analysis.

"Välsignad vare illusionen" : Normer och ideal i Karin Boyes Astarte

In this essay I analyze Karin Boye?s first novel, Astarte, focusing on her views concerning norms,ideals and female liberation. The novel is written in a tone of irony, allowing for many of thecharacters to be viewed as caricatures. The theories and methods I use are drawn from genderstudies and queer theory. Queer theorist Judith Butler, and the concepts of performativity, interpellation, genealogy and the heterosexual matrix, are of central importance for my analysis.

Delaktighet som pedagogik : Föreställd ras och publikpositioner i den svenska folktypsutställningen.

Participation as Pedagogy ? Imagined Race and the Exhibit of Swedish Peoples-Types.This essay will analyse and give a deeper picture of the ?The Exhibit of Swedish People-Types? by focusing on the pedagogical ideals that formed the exhibit as an participatory media. The exhibit was led by the famous race-biologist Herman Lundborg and toured Sweden in 1919 displaying the racial constitution of the Swedish population using material gathered by the public itself. The exhibit has been described as an important tool in popularising eugenics in Swedish society during the early 20th century with the ambition of gaining funds to create the first race-biological institute and to influence policy-making. Nevertheless there has not been a single study which has focused solely on the exhibit and how the pedagogical ideals that permeated it affected the relation between the public and the media itself nor the political implications of this relation.

Hur retusch påverkar skönhetsannonsers attraktion : En studie om målgruppens åsikter och köplust

Tidigare studier som gjorts inom området visade att kvinnor anser att kvinnors skönhet inte är värderad enligt rimliga normer i vårt samhälle. Hård retuschering motarbetas på många håll, bland annat genom att organisationer som ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) och politiska partier som Liberaldemokraterna i Storbritannien arbetar för att missledande retuschering ska försvinna. En studie har visat att det, för att öka annonsers attraktionskraft, är viktigt att den ökade skönheten hos en modell är relevant för produktens användningsområde, då betraktaren anstränger sig intellektuellt vid betraktandet av bilden. Det finns dock inga tidigare studier som bevisar om en retuscherad modell faktiskt ökar målgruppens köplust av skönhetsprodukter vid rådande samhällsattityder och skönhetsideal. Två enkätundersökningar gjordes därför med sammanlagt 1480 deltagare.

Från granskare till guide : om medborgarjournalistikens och deltagarkulturens påverkan på svenska journalisters professionella identitet

Title: From inspectors to guides: how citizen journalism and participatory cultureaffect the professional identity of Swedish journalists (Swedish title: Från granskaretill guide: om medborgarjournalistikens och deltagarkulturens påverkan på svenskajournalisters professionella identitet).Number of pages: 44 (48 including enclosures).Authors: Towe Bengtsson and Matilda Källén.Tutor: Amelie Hössjer.Course: Media and Communication Studies C.Period: Fall 2011.University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics andMedia, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The goal of this paper was to answer how citizen journalism andparticipatory journalism as well as an increasing range of information today haveaffected the professional identity and professional lives of journalists. In addition tothis, study how journalists today respond to these changes.Material/Method: The study is based on Deuze?s theories about journalistic ideals,Jenkins? theories about convergence culture, and on theories about professionalizationand de-professionalization based on Nygren, Wiik and Torstendahl?s theories. Thestudy is based on eight interviews with professional journalists, four employedjournalists and four freelance journalists. The results are analysed based on a broadtheoretical framework.Main results: The results of this survey show that the role of the professionaljournalist is extremely complex, with a strong ideological basis that fundamentallyinfluences the journalist's view of the profession and of him- or herself.

Ett sökande efter stadsideal : En fallstudie om stadsideal i Karlstad

This study shows how city planners and politicians in Karlstad plans different parts of the city, what type of model/ city ideals they use when planning, and how it is expressed. The study was made using a qualitative method, were a discourse analysis was vital for the elected planning document and blog posts. Qualitative interviews were also made with five people with significant meaning, who hold different positions in the city planning of Karlstad. In the produced material, it appears that the city planners and politicians in Karlstad are planning for traditional city ideals as a foundation in the planning, with influence from new ideas as for example sustainable planning and economic growth. In some parts of the city a modern and rational planning remains.

Fetisch, mode, performativitet : en studie av relationen mellan kropp och estetik

For centuries, the human body has been used as a mean to project the norms, moral values and aesthetic preferences that exist throughout society. It has been controlled through constrictive fashion, family and social virtues and through how we perceive gender and sexuality. This essay strives to show, not only how the body and the aesthetic values coexist, but also how they work together and influence each other, with the body as the aesthetic medium. To do this, Michel Foucault?s writings of sexuality and his theories on morality and discipline, as well as Judith Butler?s works on normativity and performativity are being used.

Hälsobudskap i hälsotidningar : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys

The aim of this study was to categorize and analyze articles in health magazines, how health messages about health is being described. Using a qualitative content analysis the researcher answered the aim by three research questions: What kind of health messages about health factors do the magazines describe? Do the health magazines talk about risk factors for unhealthy behavior? What kind of commercial messages do the magazines provide? The result from the content analysis showed that health magazines presented social support, self-esteem, acceptance, equality and strategies as health factors. They tried to change readers? perceptions to get a healthy lifestyle.

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