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Mining for culture : performance arts center Ställberg?s Mine

This degree project summarizes five years of education at the landscape architecture program at the Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences, SLU, Alnarp and the School of architecture at Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm. The project has been carried out by Lovisa Berg and Per Crona in collaboration with DRIFT Scenkonst. This master project is based on the ongoing transformation of a former mining site in Ställberg, Bergslagen situated in central Sweden. The organization DRIFT is in the process of recreating to former industrial mining site as a green cultural center. Their field of artistic examination concerns existential questions connected to the site. The aim is to offer a place for both performing and experiencing contemporary performing arts in Bergslagen. Our objective is to contribute to the growth of the performing arts project and to demonstrate in concrete terms how a conversion of a mining area can be completed, while taking into account both its history and its new function.

Vägar till vuxenliv : Trettioåringar från Norrtälje om uppväxten, skolan och vuxenlivet

The purpose of this study is to investigate, and if possible explain, how background, childhood, and education in a municipal or regional context can affect young peoples? life trajectories.The living conditions for the population in the coastal region Roslagen with its geographical and historical specificities has during centuries largely been characterized by practical crafts-manship. With a growing share of non-permanent residents in the region with demand for help and services, this culture has during the later years been able to prosper. The social reproduc-tion in the municipality also seems to be extensive. In addition to original background, appar-ently the municipality?s service-dominated trade and industry culture has also affected the choice of education and profession of the youth in Norrtälje.

Miljöns betydelse för musikelevers musikintresse - en studie av uppfattningar hos musikklasselever och deras föräldrar

Title: The impact of environment on music students' commitment to music - a study of attitudes among music students and their parents. The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the importance of environmental influence on childrens' musical interests and factors inspiring children to play instruments and sing. The parents' opinions, regarding the extent of the effect of the environment on the musical interest of their child, are compared in the text, with the childrens' own opinions in this matter. I conducted the survey in two music classes in Malmö. I used a questionnaire, where all students participated and I also conducted qualitative interviews with four students and their parents.

Utmaningar vid implementering av intern marknadsföring i fastighetsmäklarföretags verksamhet

ABSTRACTTitle: Challenges in the implementation of internal marketing in the real estate brokerage businessLevel: Bachelor, Business AdministrationAuthor: Markus BylundAnna IsakssonSupervisor: Agneta SundströmDate: 2013, MayIntroduction: For businesses to succeed and to get satisfied customers, they need to meet their expectations. The companies make promises to customers through external marketing, internal marketing needs to ensure that personnel have the tools required to deliver what is promised. Competition is increasing and hence the customer requirements have to be met. Through the implementation of internal marketing, companies can strengthen staff skills and motivation to perform a more committed and effective work, both internal and during customer contacts.Aim: The aim of this paper is to understand the implementation and the importance of internal marketing in service companies. Through our in-depth knowledge of the subject, from a theoretical and practical perspective, we will hopefully be able to convey the challenges businesses face when implementing internal marketing.Method: This paper is to achieve a greater understanding of the studied subject.

Ägarlägenheter : - framtidens investering?

AbstractBachelors thesis, Bygg och fastighetsekonomprogrammet vid Högskolan i Halmstad Vårterminen 2009Authors: Emma Stenberg och Emma SvenssonTutor: Sven-Ola CarlssonTitle: Ägarlägenheter - en framtida investering Background and problemThe concept of owner?s apartment has been discussed in Sweden since the 19th century. It was not until the first of may 2009 that it got legislated to be allowed in Sweden. The concept that people should be allowed to own their apartments instead of owning a part of the tenant-owner?s association is a new phenomenon in Sweden.

Rätten till Norrland : nutida strider, historisk arena

An introduction to the complexity which surrounds the matters of land in the northern parts of Sweden was the purpose of this thesis. The agriculture colonization, the delimitation and the development of forestry and mining business were big events which are shown from the view of property rights. The situation of the Lappish people and how their situation has changed through the history was the main theme of the thesis. Hopefully this thesis will also serve as a support while reading for example investigations published by the government and judgments by courts. Supply to the resources of nature has always been decisive for the survival of humans.

Effekter av transport och buller på grisars aktivitet samt aggressiva interaktioner i väntan på slakt :

During pre-slaughter handling of pigs the animals are often subjected to methods that induces stress and are a threat to the wellbeing of the animals, such as mixing of groups, loud noise and transportation. A new law will be implemented in 2006 in Sweden that prohibits mechanical noise exceeding 65 dB in abattoirs. The purpose of the research presented in this paper was to examine the effects of noise and transportation on pig behaviour. The activity and aggressiveness of the pigs were examined with behavioural studies during transportation and during three different noise levels: 55, 75 and 95 dB. Before the noise treatments took place the groups were mixed and half of them were transported for approximately 2 hours. In the study 432 pigs were used.

Ett attraktivt Söder - stadsförnyelse i Helsingborg

Arbetet inleds med en teoretisk del som behandlar begreppet attraktivitet och fysisk forms betydelse för denna. Först görs några allmänna reflektioner om attraktivitet samt en genomgång av olika aspekter av attraktivitet. Därefter görs en kunskapsöversikt med kopplingar mellan olika teorier om den fysiska miljöns betydelse för attraktiviteten samt vad denna attraktivitet består i. Avslutningsvis dras några allmänna slutsatser. Därefter tillämpas på Söder det som framkommit i den generella kunskapsöversikten.

Vindfällning, tillväxt och plantuppslag i en 13-årig granskärm i Medelpad :

The interest for alternative forest regeneration methods increased significantly during the 1990´s after 50 years dominance of the clear-cutting system (Holgén & Hånell 2000). One reason for this was that clear-cutting was being more and more questioned by different envi-ronmental organizations and because the forest sector for economical reasons wanted to find cheaper ways to regenerate forests. In the beginning of the 1990´s two shelterwood experi-ments were established in a joint effort by Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA) and the Dept of Silviculture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The experiments include various forms of cutting and shelterwood densities and represent productive spruce forests in central and north Sweden (Roggsjön in the province of Medelpad and Skikkis-jöberg in the province of Västerbotten, respectively ). The experiment next to Roggsjön has been reported earlier in three MSc theses, and is also the focus of this thesis.

Underkambriska böljeslagsmärkens bildningsmiljö : Ett försök att fastställa fossila ripplars avsättningsmiljö med hjälp av recenta sandbottnar

ABSTRACTThe fauna of the Lower Cambrian is far from fully understood, as is the environment of that epoch. Some of the most crucial moments in the history of evolution takes place during this epoch; the Cambrian explosion and the appearance of ecosystems as we know them. That makes it an important period to investigate. Doing so, the Lower Cambrian offers a lot of problems, one of which is that body fossils are seldom preserved. That has often left us with trace fossils to create an image of the Lower Cambrian life, but also some bedrock features such as ripple marks.The main purpose of this work has been to investigate the possibilities of relating the wave lengths and forms of recent wave-generated ripples to fossil ones, and also to evaluate the methods for that kind of comparison.

Irriterande TV-reklam : Vad det är i TV-reklam som är irriterande och hur påverkar det konsumenternas köpbeteende?

ABSTRACTTitle: Annoying television advertising - What is it about television (TV) commercials that are perceived as annoying and how does it affect the viewer?s purchasing behavior?Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthors: Benny Berggren and Sofie ErenlöfSupervisor: Jonas KågströmDate: 2012 ? May Aim:Advertising can be found in many shapes and forms such as on: billboards, radio stations, public transport and of course on television. The last form of advertising is possibly one of the most effective and widely used methods of advertising due to the wide percentage of households with a TV in this technological age. One of the problems TV viewers have to face is the wide variety of TV advertisements which are repetitive and can be seen on numerous occasions throughout the day. This is only one of many factors that may cause irritation to the viewer if being executed wrong.

Kulturell Globalisering : en litteraturstudie

Today we are living in a time were impulses from other places and cultures constantly grow and the contact over the boundary is getting bigger. We se satellites pictures over the world, we hear about worldwide ecological problems, we learn about other different lifestyles, we cock food that are inspired from the worlds many kitchens, we shop more and we can travel to different parts of the world. My problem was to find out how cultural phenomenon spreads to a greater extent global and how this transference take place, but also be able to se what factors that has a part in the cultural spread.What I found with help from my literature study was that trough improved communication and transports has gained mobility in the world and people can take part off others culture.The world is shrinking and this means that human beings identity is changing and this create a so-called hybrid mixture. Culture is what we human beings create. Culture can be seen as a community phenomenon for the most parts.

Maktdistansstjärnan : - En studie om hur kulturell maktdistans påverkar affärsrelationen mellan japanska och multinationella företag

ABSTRACT Title: the Power distance star ? A study on how cultural power distance affects the business relation between Japanese and multinational companiesLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor: Therese Elofsson and Anna NyströmSupervisor: Jens Eklinder Frick and Jonas MolinDate: 2015 - JanuaryAim: The purpose of this study is to compile available research regarding the cultural aspect power distance, as it is being displayed and handled in business-relations between Japanese and multicultural business contacts. The culture in Japan differs from the culture in the western world and several companies testify that the Japanese market is difficult to act and expand upon. This study aims to provide explanations to these difficulties from a power distance perspective.Method: This study has compiled the theoretical knowledge and research in a model called ?the Power distance Star? (Figure 1), which is created and designed for this purpose.

Tillväxt hos Husmossa (Hylocomium splendens) i boreal skog och växthus : effekter av ökad vattentillgång

Hylocomium splendens (Glittering wood-moss) is a common species in the Nordic countries and can be found in many different types of boreal forests. It usually forms dense moss carpets on the forest floor. The shoots grow in segments and new segments form annually on the previous years growth. The size of the segments is probably regulated in a high extent by local micro environmental conditions. Previous experiments suggest increased growth of H.

"Om jag är dålig jag slutar" : En studie av grammatiska avvikelser utifrån processbarhetsteorin i skönlitterär andraspråkssvenska

This thesis examines the way that subversivity is produced in relation to the name of the author, as understood by Foucault, and what potential for ressistance that can be glimpsed there. This from the reading of three text that in different ways relate to that theme.Firstly, throught the reading of "Isis mamma a?r genusvetare, skribent och konstna?r, min mamma a?r f.d. sta?derska, kokerska och dagisfro?ken, numera fo?rtidspensiona?r med diagnosen fibromyalgi" by Lidija Praizovic?, a text that actively work with the internal production of different exteriorities.

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