

1020 Uppsatser om Battle of Forms - Sida 53 av 68

En förlorad värld? Dialekt och andra uttryck i ett reportage från the Fens

I den här uppsatsen diskuteras en översättning av ett reportage från the Fens, på den engelska landsbygden. Originaltexten genomsyras av dialektala uttryck, geografiska egennamn och ord relaterade till landsbygdslivet. Översättningsmöjligheterna för dessa uttryck diskuteras i uppsatsen. Diskussionen kring översättningen, som görs med hjälp av exempel från källtexten, utgår från tidigare forskning, men även från personliga preferenser och val.Överföring av dialektala uttryck från ett språk till ett annat utgör den största delen av uppsatsen. Vid sidan av syftet med återgivande av talad dialekt i skrift, diskuteras även bland annat bortfall och kompensation vid översättning av dialekt.

Samspelet mellan naturbaserade arbetssätt och specialpedagogik: En kritisk studie

AbstractThis essay aims to problematize and illuminate the connection between special-education and nature-based activities. With a theoretical ground that is based upon a sociocultural perspective I consider the information from the field. Through a qualitative and critical perspective I performed individual interviews with five pupils from the sixth school-year in the Swedish elementary-school. I also performed Focus-group interviews with two educators and three teachers in the same school-form. By a Hermeneutical working-method I have found out that the informants in my survey have a common experience that activities performed in nature has a positive effect on learning.

Varför tvivlar jag? : En essä om att omsätta vetenskapliga teorier med praktisk kunskap

This essay is about the development process I have undergone during my experience-based preschool teacher education. I write about my internal process, about how I as a childcare worker go from assertiveness and believing in myself into fighting doubts, thoughts and feelings as a preschool teacher. The purpose with this essay is to make the difficulties with managing new knowledge and practicing it in real life visible, and at the same time overcome your uncertainty in a new professional role. The essay is based on two stories from my professional life where I, in the first one portray my actions and behavior as a childcare worker and in the second one as a preschool teacher. Based on my stories I try to answer questions as what does the individual learning process look like when going from one professional role to another in the same profession? What impact does theoretical knowledge have on practical knowledge?I have used reflection and writing as methods for my paper.

En intervju och enkätstudie av besökare i tre tätortsnära skogsområden i Stockholmstrakten :

This Masters thesis is made as the first of two visitor surveys of three urban forest areas. These areas are; Skutan recreational area in Haninge, Ugglevikskällan on Norra Djurgården in Stockholm and the Paradiset Reserve in Huddinge. The study is made in cooperation with the managers of the three areas operating within the European Union Life Project regarding Urban Woods for People. The goal has been to collect data through studies of visitors and close by residents in the three areas. The results are to be used as primary values for the follow-up as well as a basis for managerial decisions. The interviews and surveys are also constructed in a fashion so that they can be used for the follow-up study. For the Skutan recreational area the mode of contact was by sending forms to the nearby residential areas.

Säkerhetsstandard för ett mjukvarubaserat säkerhetselement

Researchers today anticipate that in the near future, the majority of the owners of a smartphone will use it as a wallet, i.e. for contactless payment. The technology that enables contactless payment today is ?Near Field Communication? (NFC), which is increasingly embedded in smartphones. Applications like mobile payment between a phone and a terminal use NFC.

Egenföretagande inom kultursektorn i Arvika : En jämförande undersökning av statlig, regional och kommunal kulturpolitisk syn på egenföretagande verksamhet och hur dessa synsätt skiljer sig från egenföretagarnas uppfattning.

In this study, I intend to examine some aspects of the activities of cultural companies in the town of Arvika. The study is qualitative in nature and based on in-depth interviews with self-employed cultural workers, as well as representatives from Arvika municipality. Cultural policy documents have been studied to clarify the self-employed status in the cultural sector and thus their importance to the cultural life in Arvika overall.My hope is to get a glimpse of what it means to work as a self-employed within the cultural sector in Arvika and the conditions that exist, in order to successfully run and develop their businesses.There is a shift in cultural policy, which has led to permanent forms of employment becoming fewer and self-employment to grow ( Karlsson & Lekvall, 6 ). One can say that the cultural sector has moved in the direction from a public matter, to the more privatized ( Köping , Lantz & Stenström, 3 ). The problem with this is that the policy of self-employment has not progressed at the same rate as the amount of business.

Guilty until proven? : Nanomaterial i konsumentprodukter som sociovetenskapligt dilemma.

Nano materials can today be found in a wide range of consumer products and the number of new products on the market is expected to inrease. In the shadow of hope for nano materilas potential in various applications, low awareness of its health and environmental risks is hiding. Furthermore, the knowledge about people´s risk perception of nano materials is limited. Parallel to the situation described above, the scholls meet the challenge of incrasing the scientific literacy. To achieve this goal, skills in argumentation in science studies has been emphasized and the concept of socio-scientific issues has been emerged.

Läromedel i engelskundervisningen : En studie gällande läromedels utformning, läromedlets roll i lärares undervisning samt lärares tankar kring detta.

This study is about the use of textbooks in teaching English as a second language and about teachers? attitudes and opinions of using textbooks during lessons. The aim of the study is to receive a deeper understanding of the use of textbooks in English teaching and to learn about why teachers choose whether to use the textbook approach or not. The study contains an analysis of the textbooks the teachers in our study used. The analysis shows the actual content and the types of texts together with the design and the structure of the textbooks.

Scenografi för en landskapsarkitekt :

Stage Design is design for action and contains décor, side-scenes and properties, as well as costume and grease-paint. The one responsible for this is the Stage Designer, who together with the Director, creates the best conditions for the actors to perform in. The stage, where the play takes place, could be either in a theater, an auditorium, or in another sort of room, at another place, inside or outside, and where the place itself inspires to theatrical performance and expressions. This type of theater is called Site-specific theatre. Two examples of this is the workshop ?Skogen sjunger? (eng.

Solenergi på Nordvästra Kungsholmen

The energy that the earth receives from the sun hourly has potential to cover a year?s energy demand in the world. Further, this type of energy is environmentally friendly, natural and free of cost. This report covers solar energy in an urban environment and consists of a case study of installations of photovoltaic cells in a part of the city of Stockholm. It is mainly the economic aspects that are covered but there is also a discussion about the practical consequences and the sustainability as a result of integration of solar energy in an urban environment. The aim of the study is to present results from economic calculations for utilization of solar energy in chosen buildings in Kungsholmen in Stockholm.

I mötet mellan tradition och förändring : Om Wikipedia som encyklopedi

This study is about Wikipedia which defines itself as a free online encyclopaedia. Our chief interest lies in the debate and the controversy which has arisen around Wikipedia. After reading critical articles concerning Wikipedia we found that the debate for most parts had one identifiable theme namely the question whether Wikipedia is an encyclo-paedia or not.Encyclopaedia as a term and a phenomenon has a long tradition. Wikipedia, despite calling itself an encyclopaedia, functions differently in comparison to more traditional encyclopaedias. These traditional views involve encyclopaedic structure, its organiza-tion and its functions.

Bland prinsessor och bilar : En intervjuguide kring förskollärares användning av barnlitteratur

In the essay, the balance between being an educator and a mother of a child with autism is explored in respect to how the roles might influence the actions of a pre-school teacher. Writing is used as a method of reflection, it gives the teacher a chance to take a step back and view her practical experiences from a novel perspective; conclusions are recounted throughout the teachers narrative. The essay is based on the following questions; which problems might arise in the meeting with parents such as Adams where there is a suspicion of autism for the child? Which advantages/disadvantages might the teacher?s personal experience of autism have for the role as educator? How would the dual roles as educator and mother of an autistic child best be balanced in the future?The essay highlights special educational and parent perspectives on the matter of autism. Professor of pedagogy Claes Nilholm, specializes in special needs education.

Storstadssame, fusksame, halvsame eller lappjävel? : En religionssociologisk analys av samisk identitet inom nutida skönlitteratur

Research regarding the maintenance of the Sami language shows that the Swedish society has a big influence on the development of the Sami identity and also the maintenance of the Sami language. The assimilation of the Sami language and the traditional Sami religion was forced mainly by the Swedish education form and the Swedish church. In modern times many different forms of Sami identities have been developed due to the scattering of the Sami people, and also because of the urbanization of the Swedish society. The Sami nature religion is still alive in the Sami group, thanks to the mythological stories told and preserved by their oral  tradition. The purpose of this assignment was to make research of how the Sami identity is being presented in three current Swedish books.

Hur effektiv och säker är rekombinant och renad plasma faktor VIII-behandling för hemofili A patienter?

Haemophilia is an inherited disease which causes increased bleeding due to defect clotting factors VIII and/or IX. There are two forms of haemophilia, A and B, which both are X-linked and due to mutations of the genes of factor VIII and factor IX respectively. This study focuses on Haemophilia A and thereby factor VIII.The drugs that are available on the Swedish market today for patients with haemophilia A include Factor VIII(FVIII), which has been purified from human plasma and recombinant factor VIII(rFVIII). The main goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of the effects of treatment of haemophilia A with either purified plasma factor VIII or recombinant factor VIII on reducing or preventing bleeding and on side effects.  The study was designed as a literature review and searches were carried out in PubMed at the Linnaeus University library.  The criteria for selection of articles were: patients with haemophilia, treatment with plasma derived and/or recombinant factor VIII as well as clinical studies.

Dubbel problematik kräver dubbel kunskap. : En kvalitativ studie i hur samverkan mellan socialtjänstens missbruksvård och psykiatrin sker kring personer med dubbeldiagnos, med fokus på hur deras respektive kunskaps- och förklaringsmodeller påverkar samver

People with severe mental illness and co-occurring substance abuse are an especially vulnerable group in society as health care for those is shared between municipality and county council. There is an associated health need of this target group so the interaction of the social services and the psychiatric care is of great importance. However, there are shortcomings in this interaction with results in that people with dual diagnosis do not always receive adequate care. Diverse knowledge and explanatory models may create problems for the interaction as they include different ways to define, understand, explain and deal with a problem. The purpose of this study was to examine how the interaction between the social service addiction treatment and the psychiatric care is, concerning people with dual diagnosis, focusing on how their respective knowledge and explanatory models affect the interaction.

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