

1020 Uppsatser om Battle of Forms - Sida 50 av 68

Minecraft i klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie om elevers och lärares upplevelser av Minecraft i undervisningen

The purpose of this study was to investigate pupils' and teachers' experiences of using the simulator computer game Minecraft in connection with the Swedish school competition Future City. The study examines how students (ages 14-15) and teachers have experienced the use of Minecraft, what the students have learned in relation to everyday education and the different forms of education during Future City and also examine which patterns that exists in the experiences of the students, with personal interest of and knowledge of Minecraft as a benchmark. The study was conducted through individual semi-structured interviews with both students and teachers. The analysis of the results is based upon a theoretical perspective that includes a socio-cultural view of learning, as well as the lines of reasoning in previous research about computer games and learning. As a general approach towards the study, and in a way, a justification of the chosen research method, a hermeneutic approach was used.

Det surrealistiska psykodramat : Dionysiska och apolloniska krafters möte

This essay describes my work as a director in a specialized orientation within psychodrama, surrealistic psychodrama. Using the language and performance techniques of theater and under the guidance of a director, psychodrama creates an improvised narrative or story. The essay describes several dramas I have directed, reflecting on my actions and choices as a director and group leader. I examine whether my working method has allowed me to be spontaneous and creative, which I believe the example of "The dangerous bear" demonstrates. The process enabled me to establish trust and receptivity so that a newly constituted group dared to investigate conflicts in symbolic ways associated with illness and death.

Slussning in i Sverige. En kritisk diskursanalys av integrationspolitik i valrörelsen 2002

Today, Sweden is to be regarded as a country formed by the influences and effects of immigration. The government is considering integration as a process aimed to influent all forms of welfare politics and as a project working both at an individual and at a social level. The aims of integration policies are to guarantee equal rights and opportunities, to form a public community characterized by diversity, and to mobilize all citizens to participate in and to be jointly responsible for a social development characterized by mutual respect and tolerance. During the Swedish election campaign of 2002, integration policies became one of the most reported and discussed political questions in the media. The aim of this essay is to study and analyze discursive statements on integration policies made by politicians during this election campaign.

Genus i svensk sportjournalistik : En studie om hur kvinnor och män gestaltas på bild och text i svensk sportjournalistik åren 1928, 1956 och 1984

Det här är en studie i hur män och kvinnor avbildas och  beskrivs i bilder på sportsidorna under tre olympiska spel, OS i Amsterdam 1928, OS i Melbourne 1956 och OS i Los Angeles 1984, mot bakgrund av Anja Hirdmans uppsats Male Norms and Female Forms. Hon har i sin studie endast studerat nyhetsplats och inte idrottssidor och den här uppsatsen är ett försök att problematisera hennes resultat. I uppsatsen har vi valt att studera de båda svenska tidningarna Dagens nyheter och Idrottsbladet genom att använda semiotisk analys och textanalys. Vi kan visa att det råder en dikotomi i beskrivningen och avbildningen av män och kvinnor men att resultaten skiljer sig i detaljer mot Hirdmans studie eftersom sportsidor har en annan nyhetslogik än övriga sidor. På många sätt avbildas män och kvinnor på sportsidorna över tid mer jämlikt än på övrig nyhetsplats. Män och kvinnor får ungefär lika stor bevakning i förhållande till antalet deltagare, beskrivs ofta efter sina resultat och avbildas som ungefär lika aktiva och ungefär lika ofta som individer. Men på andra sätt är det tvärtom; kvinnor omnämns oftare med sitt kön, de ler oftare mot kameran, avbildas oftare som poserande och det saknas helt kvinnliga ledare under vår undersökningsperiod. Män avbildas oftare i helkropp, oftare som narcissistiska och begrundande på ett sätt som förefaller ikoniskt, i det att bilden av en allvarlig man som funderar är en viktig del av vår bildkultur och ofta återkommer som manligt ideal. .

Utbyte av massaved och biobränsle i några typbestånd av Contorta :

The aim of this study is to describe a number of type stands of lodge pole pine in Norrbotten with respect on stem volume and total biomass. Further questions to answer is if there is stand characteristics that make the stands more suitable for pulpwood in early thinning, or if it is better to apply whole tree harvest. The study shall also give an indication if bio energy can be an economical interesting alternative for Sveaskog. Sampled trees represented the variation in the different stands. Five trees were selected from each stand to represent that stand. Stem volume and biomass (kg dry weight (DW) per hectare) for each fraction was calculated.

Tillämpningar i kemiundervisningen : en studie av strategier för att presentera och synliggöra tillämpningar

The aim of this study is to investigate how and in which form students come in contact with practical applications in the upper secondary school course Chemistry B. The study is based upon the assumption that all learning is situated in a social environment. The theoretical framework is the design theory perspective, which entails an assumption that the pedagogical tools affect the knowledge content.The empiric materials in the study are collected through three methods: textbook analysis, classroom observations and questionnaires. Two groups of students and their teachers were observed during a section of the relevant course. The textbook analysis focuses upon the same course section in the textbooks of the two groups and compares these books with the relevant section in a third textbook.

Vilka stöd finns det för elever med ADHD i skolan? : What forms of support are available at school for pupils with ADHD?

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka vilka stöd det finns för barn med ADHD i skolan. Studien bygger på intervjuer med två klasslärare, en speciallärare, två rektorer samt en observation av en elev med diagnosen ADHD. Skolorna i undersökningen har varit en kommunal f-5 skola samt en f-9 friskola. För att belysa detta ämne ur en ny synvinkel har jag valt att undersöka lärarnas erfarenheter av sambanden mellan språkutveckling och ADHD. Intervjuerna visar att lärarna underströk att barn är olika och att man därför måste arbeta utifrån den enskilde individen.

Marknadsföring via internet : ett reklammedium i frammarsch eller mättnad?

Internet has since the beginning of the nineties gone through an enormous growth in size, and with this big increase in numbers of users, a new, lucrative advertisingmarket was created with webbased marketing. This market has grown in the same tempo, and has now reached some sort of a breakpoint. There is no doubt that internet will be a marketingmedium to count on in the future, but how will development continue to progres and what shape will it have? Will this development keep on growing in the same tempo as earlier or will we see factors that put a break on this development?With this study, I have wanted to give a picture of internet as a marketingchannel today and how it is understood by consumers, spokesmen for the bransch and branschauthoritys. Further, I have tried to give a picture of how the future could look like, judging from the data that was collected from interviews, a big poll and those written sources on the subject that are available today.To be able to give answers to my questions at issue and reach a conclusion for the partproblems that I had initially, I have made a group of interviews with spokesmen of the bransches marketing, netportal, netanalysis amongst others.

Medialisering i det politiska systemet: en kvalitativ studie om en politiskt styrd organisations medialiseringsprocess

AbstractPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine to which extant the politically governed organization, Swedish association of local authorities and local regions (SALAR), has been mediatized. Furthermore the purpose was to examine how SALAR being a Meta-organization affected the mediatization process. To accomplish this the thesis studied how SALAR organized themselves internally in order to form opinion through the media in one of their prioritized issues. A further purpose was to equalize SALAR?s mediatization process with the mediatization process for the whole political system. Method: This is a qualitative study which the gathered material has been collected through two types of methods, semi structured interviews and field observations.Material: A total of eight interviews were made distributed over three departments inside SALAR.

Nina på nätet : En netnografisk studie av politisk kommunikation i de sociala medierna

The Swedish election year of 2010 has just begun and the political actors are mobilizing their communication efforts to win the votes of the public. The political campaigns of 2010 have the potential to be the first where a new channel for political communication has the potential to make a difference ? the social media. This paper aims to describe in what ways a Member of Parliament, Nina Larsson (FP), together with the PR-agency Hello Clarice are using social media to conduct political campaigning on the web. It also aims to study if the professional consultants of Hello Clarice have any influence over Nina Larsson?s political communication.The theoretical framework which is the base for this study are theories of an extended public sphere in the age of mediation.

En farmakokinetisk pilotstudie av olika beredningar av bensylpenicillin intramuskulärt till häst :

Penicillin G (benzylpenicillin) is the most commonly used antimicrobial substance used in equine medicine today. Two forms of penicillin G are available for equine use; one form is the poorly soluble penicillin G procaine and the other is the very soluble sodium salt. Although penicillin has a wide safety margin and is considered to possess a good tolerance, reactions due to side effects are sometimes encountered, which commonly is named ?penicillin-shock?. The etiology behind penicillin shock in horses is not completely understood, but the most common reason is believed to be procaine toxicity.

Att ge beröring i omvårdnad : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Touching exists in different forms and can be experienced through the skin. By touching oxytocin is released like a relaxing hormone which counteracts anxiety and depression. Therapeutic contact and healing touch are methods nurses? uses to give positive feeling of serenity, warmth and wellbeing for the patients. Touching can be a method for communication and happiness when word is not enough.

Varför ska vi spela handboll i skolan? : Lärares syn på handboll i grundskolan

AimThis qualitative study will provide an insight to different teachers view on handball in two elementary schools. Handball is a competitive sport and has been played for over 100 years in different contexts in Sweden. Are there qualities in the sport that belongs in the school´s non-competitive education? How do they justify this sport according to the governing documents Lgr-11 that gives a lot of room for interpretation by the teachers?How do teachers justify handball based on the curriculum?What kind of qualities do the teachers highlight with this sport in the education?Do teachers perceive any differences with the new curriculum?MethodThe method has a qualitative approach. The interviews in this study had a semi structure character.

Tänka utanför boxen : Målkort och löneboxar som motivationsfaktorer

Titel: Thinking outside the box: Goals and Salary boxes as motivational factorsAuthors: Anna Ceder and  Karin Barwinger PlogareSeat of Learning: Uppsala UniversityPurpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate if the imposition of salary boxes in Uppsala municipality has had any influence on the organisation?s employees? to improve their work motivation. The reason for the study was to look deeper into employees? motivational factors, this with a focus on salary as motivational factor in structures of salary boxes where it is possible for the employee to work towards goals which affect their salary. The primary purpose of the study was to look into if employees? ability to advance their performance had any connection to the impostion of salary boxes.Methodology: In order to collect as much data as possible for the measurements one of the largest occupational groups in Uppsala municipality was chosen, which represents the group of pre-school teachers.

Dalsland som turistisk produkt : Föreställningar om turistifierade rum

Market capitalism sets the conditions for how the world is conceived, experienced and organized at various spatial scales (global to local). Currently, competitiveness, entrepreneurship and economic growth are key values that shape how the world is conceived, experienced and organized. Discourses of place marketing, place branding, and the construction of places as (economic) products, are part and parcel of the heightened commodification of space. Tourism has been a major factor in the commodification of place and space. More often than not, tourism has been seen as a possibility for peripheral places, in their struggle finding new ways towards development.

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