

1020 Uppsatser om Battle of Forms - Sida 25 av 68

Bibliotekets roll för högskolestudenter med dyslexi

The aim of this master thesis is to explore what role libraries play in the educational process for university students suffering from dyslexia. The question at issue is whether the library is able to meet the needs of students who have difficulty in using the libraries main resource, i.e. printed documents and information in written form. An often expressed view indicates that the modern library creates a lot of obstacles for dyslectic students. The method used is a literature study followed by an empirical study in which interviews were conducted with four students suffering from dyslexia and studying at two different universities and using different libraries.

Goda grannar - mellankommunalt samarbete ur den lilla kommunens perspektiv

This thesis deals with co-operation between municipalities viewed from the perspectiveof the small municipality. It poses two questions: How and why doessmall municipalities co-operate? and Which is the place of the small municipalityin a larger organization?. To examine this three Scanian municipalities have beenstudied and one Norwegian municipality is used to provide a perspective on theSwedish discussion.Four theoretical topics guide the thesis. Firstly the core values of municipalities;democracy, autonomy and efficiency.

Sprickor i planeringen. Ett utforskande mönsterarbete om en storstad

The goal with my project was to explore what it is that distinguishes Berlin as a city and then translate that into abstract patterns. The patterns are made for wallpaper and are presented in a book as a collection.After spending six months almost constantly abroad visiting many different citys I began to wonder what it is that makes a city unique. Sometimes it feels as though cities are reduced to the sum of their famous sights. But of course a city is more than that. It?s the people who live in it, the history, architecture and culture.

Många nyanser av grått : en jämförande studie av lärares och föräldrars beskrivning av läxan

Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to illuminate and compare how teachers and parents are describing the homework. The study will also attempt to answer these issues; How is the purpose of the homework described from teachers and parents? How are the effects of the homework described by teachers and parents? How do teachers and parents describe the responsibility for the implementation of the homework?Methods: Qualitative study, a comparison between teachers and parents description of the homework phenomenon. The material that forms the discussion are fetched from blog forums.Summary of conclusions: The Swedish school system is based on democratic values. This means that the students are supposed to gain equal opportunity for qualified education independent of their socioeconomic backgrounds.

Stöd om stöd : Anhörigas och socialarbetaresuppfattning om och inställning till de olika stöd som finns för anhöriga till personer med beroendeproblematik.

The study deals with the beliefs that relatives of alcohol and drug dependent persons, and representatives from social services have to the various forms of support available for the relatives. Those who participate in the study points out that there are many people who have a need for support as a relative of an alcohol or drug addicted individual, but that there are circumstances that make them choose not to seek assistance. The study shows that the relatives can experience a reluctance to seek support from social services because of how the organization looks like. The study is qualitative, where the collection of the empiric material has consisted in six semi-structured interviews. Three of them have been with relatives of alcohol-or drug-dependent persons and three have been with social workers in various professions, whose work consists of helping both the relatives of people with alcohol and drug dependence as well as people who are dependent.

Ursäkta, var står era grafiska romaner? : En undersökning om vuxenserier och grafiska romaner på svenska folkbibliotek

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the handling and shelving of graphic novels and adult-comics in Swedish public libraries, in order to find out if this type of literature is prioritized in the same way as other forms of literature. The study was conducted by photographing the Hci/uHci shelves at ten different public libraries to give an objective view of the shelving to later be analysed and compared. Inquiry sheets were sent to the photographed libraries in order to get the librarians view of their own comic book shelves and collections. We found that the state of the comic-shelves differed from library to library according to how interested and committed the librarians were. New research areas in the field of Library and Information Science are discussed and questions are raised about the future of graphic novels and adult-comic-books in libraries, about their place in the libraries and about how librarians and the users knowledge of this media can be improved..

Tre pedagogers och elevers attityd om utomhuspedagogik : En kvalitativ studie om utomhuspedagogikens plats i skolans tidiga år

The study is of qualitative research method, where the interviews are the main material for the study. This study aims to analyze teachers and pupils perspectives on outdoor education in the early years of the elementary school. The main reason for this study is that all the literature in the area tends to lift up the positive aspects of the field. While the practice of education tends to go the other way, where the majority of our children?s classes takes place inside the classrooms.

Sovjets många ansikten : En historiedidaktisk undersökning av framställningen av Sovjet i historieläroböcker för gymnasiet mellan 1917-2009

AbstractThis essay is based on a qualitative and quantitative study. We have compared history textbooks on an upper secondary level and how the books handle the Soviet Union. This study is done in Växjö as a region. Furthermore we also made interviews with upper secondary teachers and forms with upper secondary students. Our study of the textbooks has been ranges within the period from 1917 until 2009: we choose the year 1917 because the Soviet revolution started at the former date.

Regionalisering idag, Väst vs Öst. Transsylvanien i EU: s regionalpolitik.

There is a clear difference between types of regions and forms of regionalization. This theoretical division can point out other division lines on different areas and levels, like the one of discourses. In this article is urged that regional political discourses may be divided in West and East European ones. To argue for West and East differences in regional discourse the article shows division lines both in the history of regionalization but also in ideologies. The regional policy of the EU is one example for today's regionalization as a West discourse and the Transylvanian in Rumania as an example for the East discourse.

Stop motion som uttryckssätt : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på de påverkande faktorerna för varför unga vuxna amatörer väljer stop motion-animation som uttryckssätt

Playfulness and curiosity in the usage of new technology and digital filmmaking has always been of great importance within these fields. There are many different media technologies that can form what the user wants to communicate in a certain context. One of these forms of expression that has increased in popularity from the early 20th century until today is the animation technique, Stop motion. Amateur filmmakers have also found an interest in using the technique. Our purpose has been to study the different aspects as to why young-adult amateur filmmakers have chosen stop motion as the way to express themselves.

?Man behöver språket för att visa sig som människa? ? Språkcaféer ? en väg till empowerment

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether publiclibraries language cafés can support or enable the empowerment of the participants. Empowerment means that the individuals ability to take control of their own lives is strengthened and that the individual becomes more independent. Empowerment also means that the individual takes part in a community. An important part of this is the language. I have developed two research questions: What forms of empowerment can be seen in the respondents' statements? What role do language cafés play for people from other countries, in terms of empowerment? The thesis empirical material consists of interviews whit five people involved in different languages cafes in public libraries in the city of Malmö.

Sen så kommer den och förklarar vid bänken; alltså bara för mig : Om elevers upplevelser av stöd och hjälp i matematik

The study's purpose is to describe students' experiences of help and support in mathematics. To investigate this, I adopted the questions: What does it mean, according to the students, to get "help and support in mathematics?" Are there differences in the description of help and support depending on the age of the students? What different kinds of help and support do students feel that they get from their math teachers? What different kinds of help and support would they like to have? The study is based on a qualitative method, group interviews, with three groups of students, one from each stage of primary school in one municipality in Sweden. The students were at the time of the interview in grade 3, 5 and 8. The interviews were analysed from a sociocultural perspective. The results show that what the students primarily consider as the meaning of help and support it is to get individual support from their teacher.

?Om dom bara säger nej hela tiden vet man ju inte hurman gör när man ska spela? : En studie om surfplattors användningsområden i förskolan

I have through qualitative interviews and analysis of previous research in the area searched answers to what tablets are used for in preschools and the reason why they are used in this way. In addition, it examines the similarities and differences there are in how teachers and children describe the use of the tool in preschool. The study is also looking for answers on whether and how the plates are used to develop children's scientific knowledge. There are six teachers and 14 children's statement that forms the basis for the analysis. The results indicate that tablets are used for two purposes.

Zenbuddhistiska meditationsträdgårdar - för ökat välbefinnande i Sverige

This paper is intended to provide a picture of which associations water can wake in the human mind from the perspectives of garden history as well as from that of environmental psychology. I hope to paint a fairly broad picture of our perception of water that can serve as a basis for discussion and as a starting point for different forms of design work in landscape architecture. The historical perspective emphasizes the importance of water as a condition for the emergence of gardens and in a wider perspective the importance of water in early cultures. Also, I describe a picture of how water has been used throughout the history of gardens from early Egypt to the baroque era. The garden history analyzed from an art historical perspective gives a picture of human associations to water, and the history behind these associations is presented. As a compliment to the art history approach, I have chosen to highlight our associations with water from the perspectives of environmental psychology and evolutionary science.

Vilken omvårdnad får den polikliniska patienten vid cytostatikabehandling för att uppleva livskvalitet

Every year an avorage of 40 000 Swedes fall ill with different forms of cancer. Chemotheraphy has an effect on the tumour cells as well as the healthy cells in the body, this causes many side effects which can be very problematic for the patient. The study was carried out in order to indicate the care measures that are taken to deal with the side effects i. e stomatit, loss of hair and sickness/vomiting, that are connected with chemotheraphy so that the outpatients will experience a quality of life. The method used was a qualitative interview with six nurses from the South if Sweden, all of whom are working with chemotheraphy patients.

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