

1020 Uppsatser om Battle of Forms - Sida 20 av 68

"Det är skönt att komma bort ibland" : En studie som utifrån olika aktörer belyser barns perspektiv på kontaktfamiljsinsatsen

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze IntimatePartner Violence (IPV). How does contemporary science illustrate men as victimsand women as perpetrators in these relationships? Ten articles were presentedand analyzed in a systematic literature study. The results show that men beingabused by their female intimate partner, do exist and that they in many ways doconform to abused women. There are many underlying causes to the violence inclose relationships.

Shame on you! A study of how individuals handle the feeling of shame.

The aim with this thesis was to acquire an understanding for how individuals handle the feeling of shame in connection with cultural consumption. In order to capture the feeling of shame we developed an interview method called the Backstabber interview technique. We found that the Backstabber interview technique successfully triggered feelings of shame in connection to cultural consumption, which made it possible for us to study the handling of shame. We found that our respondents tended to use different forms of accounts in order to handle the feeling of shame. We categorized them into five accounts with relating sub-accounts.

Hur formas ett inlärningsklimat som är framgångsrikt över tid? : En observationsstudie om fotbollstränares beteenden och träningsaktiviteter

Aim and research questionsThe over-all aim of this study was to gain insight info how two male coaches of a specific soccer team behave in a practice environment with regards to educating the players.More specifically, the study sought to map the extent to which said behaviour matched two specific methods of learning; these being Teaching Games for Understanding (TgfU) and Enhanced Guided Discovery (EGD). Research questions: (1) Do the coaches employ the methods and guidelines, which are outlined in the educational plan provided by the soccer association? If so, what form does this application take in practice? (2) To what extent and in what ways do the coaches utilize feedback and questioning techniques in the education of players? (3) What similarities and differences in behaviour can be identified between the chosen soccer team?s two coaches?Method: The data for the study was collected through field observation. The subjects were two youth elite soccer coaches and observation of these coaches took place during five regular practice sessions on the soccer field. All data gathering and analysis were carried out using a modified version of the Coach Analysis and Intervention System (CAIS).

Att finnas eller inte finnas : En läromedelsanalys i svenska som andraspråk och engelska med fokus på bias och porträttering av minoriteter

The content of teaching materials considerably affects pupils? attitudes and worldview. This paper is an analysis of textbooks used in 7th through 9th grade of the Swedish School system in Swedish as a Second Language (SSL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The purpose of this paper is to look at which minority groups, the five official national minorities as well as other minorities, are included and portrayed in the textbook series Tre gånger svenska and Wings Mini as well as to see if there is any bias in their portrayal. The seven types of bias investigated; invisibility, stereotyping and generalizations, unreality, imbalance and selectivity, fragmentation and isolation, linguistic bias and cosmetic bias are an adaption of the framework to detect bias in curriculum materials presented by Sadker and Zittleman (2002/2003).

Det politiska i författningspolitiken - en idéanalys av riksdagsdebatten i anknytning till Grundlagsutredningen

This essay revolves around two questions: what is the nature of politics, and what kind of political order ensures a high rate of citizen participation? By using Cantal Mouffes theory on the political this essay shows how different understandings of the nature of politics can lead to diverging views on what forms democracy should take. Two such understandings are identified; one that sees the nature of politics as characterized by conflict and power, one that sees it as a space for cooperation in search for the common good. I trace these different ideas about the political in the parliamentary debate concerning Swedish constitutional reform. I conclude that the left-of-centre parties hold a view of the political closer to the conflict-perspective, while the green party together with the liberals/conservatives lean closer to the opposite view..

En studie kring den Interna kommunikationen i Arla Foods Svenska Division

Aim: My aim with this study is to investigate whether the co-workers in the company Arla Foods is satisfied with the communication between the company and the employees. If there are any changes to be made or if it works well as it is now.Method: I have sent out invistigationforms to 85 co-workers within Arla Foods. This forms included questions about Arla Foods internal communication and how the co-workers apprehend this. I have also made 7 interviews over the phone with co-workers on the dairys around Sweden. Including in these 7 interviews have I also talked and posed questions to representatives for the trades-union within Arla Foods.

Han var ett jävla svin som hatade kvinnor : En komparativ analys av kvinnosynen i Män som hatar kvinnor och The girl with the Dragon tattoo

In this essay I?ve chosen to do a comparative analysis of the two films Män som hatar kvinnor (Niels Arden Oplev, 2009) and The girl with a Dragon tattoo (David Fincher, 2011) based on feministic theories. I have done this with the intent of comparing the two versions way of viewing the woman. The analysis is based on my own questions, observations and interpretations, and has a hermeneutic approach.My conclusion is that ?The girl with at Dragon tattoo? is closer to Stieg Larsson?s original story that both films are based upon, though the Swedish film Män som hatar kvinnor has got more of a feministic purpose.

Varför tror vi att vissa företagär mer hållbara än andra? : - En studie om hur företags motiv och kommunikation kringhållbarhet är relaterat till konsumenters uppfattning

The number of elderly in Sweden is increasing due to improved living conditions and better medical care. It is important that society adapts to the increase and begins to work preventively to reduce the costs of the increase. An important aspect is the elderly accommodation, the cost of health care in specific accommodation is almost twice as high as those for ordinary housing. Therefore, it is important that we availability adapt dwelling to allow older people to live in ordinary housing for as long as they wish, instead of moving to assisted living before they need it. If we can fulfil the elder?s needs with home care instead, society can save a lot of money.In this report, three different forms of housing has undergone accessibility increases and been inventoried and analysed.


The aim of the thesis is to explore how the human subject is depicted in contemporary posthumancinema and how these films effect our comprehension of human subjectivity. The object of analysis isJames Cameron?s Avatar (2009) and the method of analysis is cybernetic and intermedial. The conclusionis that Avatar is a film that depicts a posthuman network society where existence and subjectivity in a greatvariety of forms is possible. The film presents posthuman subjects in symbiosis with avatars, terminals,extensions and prothesis.

De klassiska sekulariseringsteoriernas arv : En kvalitativ, komparativ litteraturstudie om Weber och Durkheims sekulariseringsteorier och deras giltighet idag.

The secularization theses has over the last decade been a central issue within the sociology of religion. The two classic theses has been criticized for being one-sided and only focus on the change from traditional to modern society. The intention of this study is to evaluate this critique and to discuss what is defendable in the early secularization thesis in our contemporary world.This essay?s primary purpose is to compare the secularization theses Weber?s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism and Durkheim?s The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. I use two analytical models, posing three levels and three categories of secularization, in order to make the comparison explicit.

Ett viktigt ämne, men inte för skönlitteraturen? Mottagandet av fem skönlitterära skildringar av anorexi och bulimi

The aim of this thesis is to examine how five works of fiction about anorexia and bulimia have been received in Swedish daily press reviews. The investigation is based on 60 reviews, which are analysed with a qualitative method consisting of close-reading and where a feministic perspective is used. The main question concerns how and to which extent the basis of valuation in the reviews is effected by the fact that the books describe a primary female world of experiences. The investigation shows, among other things, that many reviewers consider the books about eating disorders to be too many. They categorize the books about anorexia and bulimia as a genre of its own and place the books into the literary system principally by referring to other books about anorexia and bulimia.

Kundsupport via Facebook

This study analyses how different companies offer customer support through social media andthe customer experience of it.Facebook emerged in Sweden during 2008 and today it has more than 800 million user acrossthe globe. Initially Facebook was created for individuals. However, over time, Facebook hasincreased its functionality to support the presence of companies as well. Today most companieshas got a Facebook page and through it, they can easily communicate with their customers.Customer support is one of the communication forms that Facebook is used for.1A questionnaire that received a hundred responses together with a survey of the differentFacebook pages was done in order to determine how the companies work through socialmedia. The results from the questionnaire and the survey was analyzed with different theoriesregarding corporate presence on social media and Facebook.The results shows that only a few people actually used Facebook for customer support butamongst the ones who did the majority thought it worked well.

Värnpliktens vara eller icke vara : En argumentationsanalys av riksdagsdebatten om försvarsproposition 2008/09:140, angående Svenska försvarsmaktens framtida personalförsörjning

Sweden's government says in the bill 2008/09: 140 that military service should be suspended and replaced with a system based on voluntary recruitment. In the essay, I will make an argument analysis of the parliamentary debate on the bill from the 12th of June 2009 with the following questions: On what is the different side?s argument based on? Are the arguments essentially and factually substantiated? Is there a clear political party tendency among the for-/counter arguments? The method is a "Pro et contra" analysis, a logical systematization of the arguments. The analysis will take start in the headline; Conscription should be suspended in favour of a voluntary system based on contract employed soldiers. The presentation of arguments in the analysis will be guided by the chronological order.

Bilder av genus. : En studie om gymnasieelevers föreställningar om genus.

Studiens utgångspunkt var att beskriva och analysera vilka föreställningar som ungdomar på gymnasieskolans omvårdnadsprogram har om genus. I bakgrunden beskrivs hur skolan utvecklats ur ett genusperspektiv, samt ges några nedslag i den aktuella forskningen som bedrivs inom området. Den teoretiska ramen består av Pierre Bourdieus (1998) vetenskapliga analys om mäns makt över kvinnor, samt Berit Ås (2004) härskartekniker. Studien var av kvalitativ karaktär och metoden som använts har varit kvalitativ intervju. Antalet intervjuer som genomfördes var åtta.

Rapportering eller kopiering : En kvantitativ studie av inkomna pressmeddelanden till P4 Kalmar

The aim with this study is to investigate how Swedish public service local radio uses information subsides in the form of press releases. In terms of which entrants gain entrance to the news feed, in which forms and in which subjects. Also we wanted to study how the journalist uses the content in the press releases. To do this we cooperated with the public service radio channel Sveriges radio P4 Kalmar. For 28 days, four weeks, we collected all incoming press releases to the newsroom of P4 Kalmar.

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