

2063 Uppsatser om Basic mathematic skills - Sida 3 av 138

Ett re(el)lt hot? Om elprisets betydelse för investeringar inom basindustrin

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the correlation between the price of electric power and investments within the Swedish basic industry. Using regression analysis, the authors test for correlation between the electricity prices and the basic industry, defined as the pulp and paper industry, the mining industry, the steel and metal industry and the basic chemical industry. Moreover, five variables found in the literature on investment decisions are being used as a means of comparison. The results suggest that the electricity price affects the investment decisions within the basic chemical industry as well as the steel and metal industry. On a more abstract level, this thesis contributes to the understanding of one of the properties of the Swedish GDP..

Utveckling av kognitiva färdigheter och läsförmåga hos barn med mild och måttlig hörselnedsättning i ett ettårsperspektiv

The capacity to process and to remember information is a basic condition for language ability and for coming reading ability. Reading ability is strongly connected to phonological awareness, receptive vocabulary knowledge and working memory capacity. In what way hearing impairment in children affects development of cognitive skills and later on reading ability is an area that has attracted minor attention for research.The aim with this study was to investigate changes in cognitive skills and reading ability in children with mild or moderate hearing impairment after one year of progress and furthermore if any connections between any increases of the abilities were to be found. Comparisons were made with results from age adequate normal hearing children. Moreover prosodic ability on word-level was tested this year.

Inkludering och matematiksvårigheter : En litteraturstudie av forskning om utmaningar med inkludering av elever i matematiksvårigheter

Denna systematiska litteraturstudie upprättats av intresse att undersöka hur inkludering påverkar eleverna i matematiksvårigheter. Syftet med studien är att beskriva de utmaningar som läraren ställs inför vid inkludering av elever i matematiksvårigheter. Detta leder även till att det blir av intresse att undersöka sambandet mellan begreppen inkludering och elever i matematiksvårigheter. Resultatet visar på att många forskare ställer sig positiva till inkludering, men menar att lärare behöver mer kompetens på området. Det påvisas även att inkludering inte passar alla elever i matematiksvårigheter.

Fångade i diskursen : En kritisk analys av hur begreppet medborgarlön presenteras och inte diskuteras i dagspressen

Abstract Author: Maria StåhlTitle:  Level: BA Thesis in Media- och kommunikationsvetenskapLocation: LinnaeusUniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 51  This report is a critical discourse analysis of the attributes that surround the word basic income/medborgarlön in four Swedish daily newspapers. The study explores how the text in the newspapers attributes the word and what the consequences might be for the readers and for the political agenda when it comes to the discussion of justice and responsibility. The attributes that characterizes basic income in the media are mostly negative and there is no discussion where work strategy and basic income is seriously spoken of. Work strategy is taken for granted and is not questioned by anyone. The alternative that basic income could be is being ridiculed which becomes clear by the attributes that are chosen. The figuration of basic income in these media is characterised mostly by negative and depreciatory attributes.

En studie av slaget vid Verdun och de taktiska grundprinciperna : Är Doktrin för markoperationer applicerbar på utnötningskrig?

This essay is about the tactical basic principles as they are mentioned in the Swedish Doctrine for land based operations (2005) and the German side during the battle of Verdun 1916. The purpose of this essay is to clarify whether the used doctrine is appropriate to use on future attrition battles.        This is done by a case study of the German side during the battle ofVerdun. In this case study indicators of the basic principles are then identified and analysed with the starting point at the two questions that the essay is based around. The essay starts with an introduction where above is attended, in the second part the basic principles, the background to the battle and the battle itself is described. Finally the tactical basic principles are analysed and discussed based on the questions that the essay is based on.In the analysis and the discussion the conclusion is drawn that the tactical basic principles were present on the German side during the battle of Verdun and that they are of a general character and may be applied on both attrition warfare of 1916 and modern battles of attrition..

?Matematik finns överallt och ingenstans? : Med fokus på pedagogernas arbete

The aim is to find out how teachers apply the knowledge they get from mathematics pilots in preschool and from mathematics developer in the municipality, as well as how they work further towards the children with mathematics.The study is based on qualitative interviews with two teachers, one mathematic pilot and one mathematic developer. I used the semi-structured interview questions.The results show that teachers believe that mathematics pilots will inspire the teachers in their work with mathematics in preschool. One of the teachers who were interviewed said:?Mathematics pilots should be those that have the strongest glasses and coming up with new ideas and they push the rest of the teachers in their work with mathematics in relation to children in preschool?.The teachers use the correct terms for mathematical concepts with the children. They also stressed how important it is to point out to the kids that it is mathematics that they are doing.The conclusion of the study is that the teachers agree that it is their approach towards the children that is important and how they can lead the children?s interest of mathematics forward.

Social kompetens : -inte bara att varatrevlig och snäll

AbstractMy study is based on that I think there is a problem at the Handicraft program for hairdressers where I currently work as a hairdresser teacher. I believe that there are clear objectives and a wide range of courses focusing in craft knowledge, but the social competence goals are unclear and there are no courses on the subject. Since I have 13 years hairdressing experience and know roughly what it requires, I wonder where and how the teaching of social skills is performed at the Handicraft program for hairdressersThe purpose of this study is therefore to find out how some of my colleagues perceive the teaching of social skills. The issues I have focused on are what these teachers believe that social skills are, how they perceive their teaching of it and when they believe that teaching really should be. There is not much literature on this subject because it is a relatively unexplored area. I have therefore concentrated on literature dealing with social skills in general, and theses and essays dealing with the quality of hairdressing education. I have chosen to make a qualitative interview study. The objectives related to social skills can be incorporated in the teaching of many subjects; I chose to interview two core-subject teachers and four vocational teachers. The interviews have been based on respondents' own interpretations of social skills. They have been individual interviews of about 30 minutes. My results show that most teachers believe that social competence is about a good meeting between people and to coping with different situations in a good way.

Pedagogiskt samarbete mellan bibliotek och förskola i syfte att främja barns språkutveckling.

The present thesis is about how preschool children develop their language skills. The purpose is also to discuss how library and preschool can collaborate and in different ways together help the children to achieve different skills and to use their first and second language in a more appropriate way. The main problem identified from literature and own observations is why library and preschool dont collaborate to help young children to develop their language skills? Which reasons are behind a lacking collaboration? What can be done to increase collaboration between the library and the preschool? How can librarians and preschool teachers use their different professional skills in the best manner to be able to help the children to develop their skills in language acquisition? Is it possible to measure childrens language skills and how can one decide what characterizes a good collaboration? We started with a literature review and continued with collecting qualitative data by means of interviews with people who worked as librarians and preschool teachers, who were supposed to collaborate in a language oriented project. We have chosen different language theories by well-known scientists and we have only picked a few of them, which we considered relevant for the chosen topic.

Kommunikativt handlande : En fallstudie om manlig och kvinnlig chefskommunikation

One can find it problematic to communicate in today?s information society and therefore has the importance of distributing information the right way grown. Managers possess the authority to control what information is to be distributed how and that has created a big need for managers to learn how to communicate. This study was conducted in hope of enlightening the phenomenon male and female management communication. We chose to do a case study on two managers on Solna Stad in Stockholm. One male and one female.

Professionell Hästhållning : grundinformation till lantmästare

Every year, the horse industry in Sweden is growing. Because of this growth, it wouldbe most beneficial for the people involved in the agricultural business in Sweden toimprove their horse skills.I have assembled a form that includes basic guidelines for professional horse care.History tells us that Swedish horses have had a huge impact on the agricultural business.Before the arrival of the tractor, the horse played a very important role for the farmer.Today, horses are kept primarily for pleasure, mostly as a hobby for non-professionalpeople. In Sweden, we are seeing the small horse farms become more and morepopular, which is keeping the countryside open and alive.I feel it is very important to improve the knowledge among farmers and others who willwork in close proximity to horses. This will enable us to raise the standard of care ofhorses today and reduce the number of people who market themselves as professionalhorse specialists, even though they have no education or experience in the fieldIn this essay you will find information about the most common horse breeds in Sweden,including basic anatomy of the horse, feeding directions, hoof and dental care, commondiseases and their treatment. There is information relative to the safe transportation of ahorse as well as the rules pertaining to horses in traffic.

Yrkeskompetens inom offentlig- och privat sektor

Title:Professional skills in public and private sectors Date:2011-05-18 Authors:Zinajda Avdic & Binasa Jasarevic Tutor:Viktorija Kalonaityte Examiner:Richard Nakamura Key words:Competence, professional, public sector and private sector. Thesis purpose:To find out what factors are behind the company and the authority identifies  their training needs, what methods they use in the evaluation of outcomes can be integrated into the organization.Method:A qualitative study with a hermeneutic approach and an abduction approach. Theory:The theory depends substances skills, skills needs and skills assessment. Empirical data:Data collected through two interview people on the two public sectors authorities, and two companies in the private sector.Conclusion:We found that organizations put a lot of time and resources to develop, identify and plan professional skills through internal and external courses. The differences between them are determined not by the fact that they are in the public sector or the private, but from organization to organization.

Värdeförändring på butiksfastigheter och makroekonomiska variabler - en ekonometrisk studie av samvariation

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis in Economics at Lund University is to try to establish the correlation between the value change of retail real estate buildings in Sweden and macro economic variables. The principal method is the multiple regression model and it is used to estimate the basic model. The basic model is enhanced by estimating some 30 models and the result is two good models. The difference between the basic model and the two better models are small but important. In the lagged basic model, the same variables are used as in the basic model but with different time lags.

?? för alla lär ju på olika vis? : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers reflektioner och arbete med grundläggande matematik kombinerat med estetiska lärprocesser

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers work with basic mathematics combined with aesthestic learning processes such as arts and music in grades F-1. The essay will compare teachers? perceptions regarding aestethic learning processes when using art and music are used in the teaching of mathematics. We have used the following questions:Do teachers use aesthetic learning processes in the forms of arts and music in the basic teaching of mathematics and if so, how and in what way?What importance has aesthetic learning processes in the forms of arts and music in basic teaching of mathematics according to the teachers?What advantages and disadvantages do the teachers find with combinding the basic mathematics with arts and music?The study is based on a qualitative method with five interviews and eight observations.

Litteratur - varför då då? : En studie av skönlitteraturens plats, syfte och innehåll i ämnesplanerna för svenska och svenska som andraspråk 1

This study deals with the new curriculum GY11 in Swedish and Swedish as a second language, the first course at ?Swedish Gymnasium?. The subject is the status and aims of teaching literature and its contents. Eva Hultin?s thesis (2006) Samtalsgenrer i gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning.

Miljöledning för underhållsteknik : Vilken miljökompetens behöver underhållspersonal?

The purpose with this article is to give examples how to remain and in a long run develop a higher interest in maintenance activities and knowledge. First reason is the changed age-distribution with more number of older employees among maintenance personnel staff and second reason is demand for education due the increasing demand in environmental responsibility.In spite of there is a lot of knowledge of maintenance in national organizations of interests it will not be used in a sufficient extent in many companies. This knowledge is an important base to use to re-built the missing or loosed skills in companies. The national organization UTEK is involved in European projects to validate knowledge of maintenance. Lost of or bad maintenance activities will always affect on the environment.Establish a network between companies is a good way to exchange information in their common business areas.

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