

2063 Uppsatser om Basic mathematic skills - Sida 12 av 138

Läsinlärning och läsinlärningsmetoder : En kvalitativ studie om verksamma lärares val av läsinlärningsmetoder för läsinlärning hos barn i klasserna Fk-3

This study centres on learning to read and methods for teaching reading skills. The aim is to provide a survey of the concept reading skills and the methods developed on the basis of different theories and the methods preferred when teaching children in primary school and why. The study is based on interviews with eight teachers who are working on a dailybasis teaching Swedish in preschool class or lower primary school. The result of my study is that the majority of teachers do not use a specific method, but rather combine several different methods, thus adapting instruction to each individual pupil. .

Kappor inom damkonfektion - från grund till modell

Bakgrunden till rapporten var att det företag som medverkat i studien ville utveckla ett grundmönster för damkappor. Syftet med arbetet blev därför att utarbeta ett grundmönster med två ärmtyper som graderas mellan storlek 32-50, samt konstruera en kappmodell från samma grund. Utöver detta skulle även detaljkonstruktioner och specifikationer utformas. Frågeställningarna som styrde arbetet kretsade därför kring hur man på bästa sätt tar fram detta.All konstruktion utfördes i Lectra´s Modaris. För att ta fram grundmönstret jämfördes två arbetssätt för att sedan välja en av de grunder som konstruerats.

FN:s Milleniemål och deras påverkan på den svenska biståndspolitiken

The purpose of this thesis is to study to what extent the UN millennium development goals have influenced Sweden?s development policy. The research method that I have used is a qualitative text analysis and I have studied the ideas in governmental texts and millennium development goals reports from 1995-2008.My hypothesis is that the basic ideas that has symbolized Sweden?s development policy has not changed much since the adoption of the millennium development goals in year 2000. This hypothesis is based on different ideas that the basic perspectives in international development policy are rather constant.My conclusion is that many of the areas that are affected by the millennium development goals already are prioritized areas within Swedish development policy, for example poverty reduction and gender equality.

Ordningsbetyget : för och nackdelar

The main aim of this essay was to find out what kind of advantages and/or disadvantages giving marks in pupils order and behaviour can cause for their development of knowledge and emotional and social skills. We let teachers answer a questionnaire about giving marks in pupils order and behaviour. We have also interviewed one person that was involved to prepare the latest curriculum in 1994, Lpo 94, and they decided that Swedish teachers do not have the right competence to judge ones order or behaviour. We have also looked at different theories about: mark as motivation, mark as information, mark as control, self-fulfilling prophecy, emotional disorders and gender, with whom we analyse the fact to give marks in order and behaviour.What we can establish is that giving marks in pupils order and behaviour seems to bring more disadvantages than advantages. Boys mature later than girls and have there for, in general, not as good behaviour as the girls have in the classroom.

Sannolikhetsbaseraddimensionering av geotekniskbärförmåga för pålar i grupp : En jämförelse mellan gällande normer och ensannolikhetsbaserad metod

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if users of digital music games may acquire skills from the games that may be of use in learning to play a real instrument, that is a non-digitally simulated instrument like an acoustic piano. We have used Gee?s theory regarding a possible interconnection between different semiotic domains, and how this connection may enable a transfer of skills between related domains. In this thesis we examine possible skill transfer between the domains ?digital games? and ?non-digital instruments?. To examine our question formulation we chose to conduct a pilot study from which we collected both quantitative and qualitative data.

Prognostisering av sättning frånhög uppfyllnad i Högbytorp : Numerisk?analytisk jäföelse samt uppmäta sätningar

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if users of digital music games may acquire skills from the games that may be of use in learning to play a real instrument, that is a non-digitally simulated instrument like an acoustic piano. We have used Gee?s theory regarding a possible interconnection between different semiotic domains, and how this connection may enable a transfer of skills between related domains. In this thesis we examine possible skill transfer between the domains ?digital games? and ?non-digital instruments?. To examine our question formulation we chose to conduct a pilot study from which we collected both quantitative and qualitative data.

Entreprenörskap i skolan : en studie av lärarroll och entreprenöriella förmågor på gymnasiekurser med konceptet Ung Företagsamhet

During the recent years the interest in entrepreneurial education has increased both in terms of research being made in the subject, but also in the extent of entrepreneurial courses in Swedish secondary schools, where as the concept Junior Achievement (JA) is particularly being used. A common goal of the entrepreneurial education is apart from teaching the students how to start and run a business, to develop the students? entrepreneurial skills and competences. The main purpose of the essay is to describe and illustrate the role of the teacher in the entrepreneurial pedagogy being used in courses with the JA concept and to investigate which entrepreneurial skills are being developed by the students participating in these courses. There is also the purpose of investigate what the characteristics are of this entrepreneurial pedagogy being used in the courses using the JA concept.

?Som ny var jag nog för snäll? - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefers syn på faktorer som påverkar rollen som chef

This study is about being manager in social care and social welfare organisations. Ten women managers participate in the study and share their thoughts about management. Such organisations are an area where women are most frequent, so we wanted to take part of experiences women managers in this area obtain. The study concentrates upon factors these women encounter and which they feel can affect them in their daily work. The study shows that the women we interviewed have a basic interest in humans and a strong commitment to working for human well being.

Det könade handledarskapet

The aim of this study is to research images of the academic world that is presented, incorporated and reproduced within the frames of the mentorship in the basic level. Can these images derive to the view upon science as a traditionally male area? Is mentorship gendered? Can the mentorship on the basic level be viewed upon as a milestone of a academic career where men and women have different opportunities to succeed?By interviewing seven mentors, working in a social sciences institution in a larger Swedish university, I have come to the conclusion that knowledge is coded male and that this affect mentors mental images of what male and female students are expected to do. The male student represent the scientist, while the female student represent what the scientist is not.Depending on the work of, among others, Kerstin Norlander, Dorothy Smith and Eva Erson I have come to view upon the university as a patriarchal organisation witch produces knowledge based upon male values, experiences and concepts. This precludes the female within this organisation from relating to the knowledge she is supposed to incorporate.

Students' interest for the subject mathematic

Uppsatsen handlar om vilka faktorer som kan påverka elevernas intresse eller ointresse för ämnet matematik och vilka likheter samt skillnader det finns mellan elevernas svar. Sex elever i årskurs fem och sex ingick i intervjuundersökningen. Faktorer som kan påverka elevernas intresse för matematik är bland annat matematikuppgifternas svårighetsgrad, kännedom om matematikens relevans, tilltro till sin förmåga, lust att lära, klassrumsklimat samt undervisningsinnehåll. Som lärare behöver man forma ett undervisningsinnehåll som stimulerar och motiverar eleverna. Det är bra att lära känna sina elever och försöka utgå från elevernas individuella förutsättningar..

Musik i förskolan

The objective of this graduate work is to gain a better understanding in how pre-school educators are able to work with music in their pre-school activity to promote child development. We also want to enlighten possible factors for the development of children based on music and to form our own ideas of whether teachers choose to apply music in their didactic practice or not.The point of this essay has been to attempt answering on what importance music makes for children's development and learning in pre-school, and how teachers could work with music in pre-school in order to promote children?s development. Our data consists of six interviews and two observations realized at a pre-school in Södertälje.We took heed from the theories laid out by Lev Vygotsky's which describe four different levels of development that includes educational development in social interaction between teacher and child. Our choice of this theory is inspired by our seeking deeper understanding of Vygotsky's theory´s application to the aesthetic approach in the interaction in meaning making and learning.The result of our study confirms previous theory and research in that music as a form of expression has a major impact on children's development.

Unga ledares ledarskap - en kulturell fråga

Culture is seen as an abstract phenomenon, not easily defined. It is cathegorized as something that affects every person, though it is seldom described how. This study adress how culture, in the form of basic assumptions and accepted behaviors and ways to think affected how young coaches formed their leadership under the influence of their organization. The possible implications for the importance of knowing about ones culture in an organization affect both the recruitment process in organizations and what the organization stands for and what is conveyed through values and ways to act in the organization. The purpose of this study was, through the use of semi-structured interviews with young coaches and organizational leaders and a review of policys, to get the perspective and experiences of young coaches regarding cultural influence on their leadership.

Dagsländor eller bestående värden? En studie om urval av musikfonogram på folkbibliotek.

This paper discusses normativity in selecting musical phonograms in public libraries. The purpose is to gain an increased understanding of music activity in public libraries. To do this I have interviewed five music librarians about their visions, ideals and goals with their work. The questions discussed concern ambitions with the music activity and how to keep up to date with current record releases. For the theoretical frame I use two kinds of material.

Kvinnligt Ledarskap eller ledarskap på kvinnors villkor En fallstudie av föreställningar om ledarskap och genus i Womentor

The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of leadership and gender issues circulat- ing in Womentor leadership development programme, and to have a discussion around what conse- quences they may have on participants' careers. To answer the question I have used a qualitative approach in the form of 10 interviews and non-participant observations. The theories in this study are based on gender and leadership issues.The problem which forms the basis of this study is the underrepresentation of women at senior posi- tions. A basic assumption in this study is that notions of gender and leadership affect the individual's ability to act. The circulating concepts identified in Womentor are: The leader who wants to be a manager, The leader who gets things done, The communicative leader, Change leader, The motiva- tional leader and The leader as a role model.

Det professionella samtalet : en studie av kommunikation under föräldramöten

The aim of this paper is to define and analyze how the teacher and parents communicate during a parent conference, to acquire knowledge about how the professional conversation can be used during a parent conference. Our study has focused on the teacher?s professional skills during the parent conference. Parent conference has traditional been a time for teachers to inform the parents about the classroom work. It has always been a one- way communication (Alfakir, 2004), but the curriculum stats that parents should have more influence and be a part of the school.

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