371 Uppsatser om Barriers - Sida 8 av 25
Som man ropar får man svar. En studie om kvinnligt ledarskap inom filmproduktion
The movie industry in Sweden is seen as a tight holding cluster where the different entities are being highly dependent on each other. There are also many different Barriers to get a movie fully financed, and with the people in charged using arguments such as ?quality?, which is not objective but in fact subjective. The aim of this essay is to investigate how the leadership of five female film producers is being constituted in the film industry, an industry which is both close to the pool art and the pool commerce at the same time at it is male dominant. We have found that female film producers tend to use the strategy to adapt to the surroundings ?shouts? and ?demands?, at the same time as they adapt to their environment by becoming/not becoming entrepreneurs..
En villaleverantörs möjlighet till etablering i Finland : analys av för- och nackdelar
The construction market has, as a result of the crisis in Europe been uncertain in recent years. During the year 2013, the construction will be stabilized, in particular Finland. The geographical proximity between Sweden and Finland and similarities in cultures and climates makes Finland a coveted market for many Swedish companies.Differences in national regulations and guidelines, which are produced by the authorities in different countries, are examples of Barriers that may hamper the process, including for Swedish villa suppliers, to establish themselves on the Finnish market. It may be useful when facing a new export drive, to look up what similarities and differences there are between the countries building codes, to prevent mistakes and unnecessary costs to the project work..
Att fråga kvinnor om våld i nära relationer : En litteraturstudie
Background: Domestic violence is a major social problem both nationally and internationally. Around the world 35% of the women say that they have experienced physical and/or sexual violence. In most cases it is the woman's partner who subjected her to violence. Every year, 12,000 -14,000 women in Sweden seek medical help as a result of injury incurred of domestic violence. The healthcare in Sweden has a responsibility when it comes to detecting, treating and documenting, but also to prevent violence and its consequences.Aim: To examine the extent to which nurses and midwives asking women about domestic violence, Barriers for asking the question and making visible steps to increase the ability to ask the question.Method: A literature review, were included articles reviewed and quality determined.
Arbetssätt för elever med svenska som andraspråk : Tips på hur pedagoger kan arbeta
The purpose of the study was to examine how teachers currently working with students who have a mother tongue other than Swedish. The investigation has been carried out using three qualitative research interviews. It has been shown that some educators believe that inclusion in the regular classroom instruction has been giving the best results for students' language development. It has provided great opportunities for discussion and group work. Teachers have given tips on how to work with these students so that they develop in the Swedish language.
Gränser i Grödinge : Om hägnadsanläggningars funktion med utgångspunkt i en fosfatanalys av RAÄ 78 samt RAÄ 79 i Grödinge sn på Södertörn
This paper deals with the question of when hill forts ? or enclosed mountains ? were built and to what purpose, by examining two enclosed mountains (RAÄ 78 and 79) in Grödinge parish in the province of Södermanland. A phosphate analysis was conducted to trace anthropogenic activities. The analysis showed only a slight elevation of phosphate content in the soil. A histogram indicated that the elevations were not normally distributed, which could suggest that they were caused by anthropogenic activities.
?Vi försöker servera ett smörgåsbord? En studie om att attrahera utländska direktinvesteringar till Göteborgsregionen
Globalization allows companies to expand and establish themselves in other markets, which can have unexpected consequences for those who are not aware of the controversy or sacrifices that are required, and Gothenburg, Sweden is not an exception. The study has focused on two institutional theories that can explain whathappens when a foreign direct investment takes place, Institutional work and Institutional duality. The study was conducted at Business Region Gothenburg and the interviews took place at department of establishment and investment. The result shows that to overcome institutional Barriers they use networking, relations, and marketing of the region of Gothenburg as examples. The paper also argues that by performing some sort of institutional work, institutional duality occurs..
Kvinnlig chef i byggbranchen : faktorer som utgör hinder till avancemang
Background: Studies that have been made in male-dominated organisations shows that only few women have succeeded in advancing to the higher positions in all businesses. Statistics shows that merely 4 % of the managers in all building companies are female. The manager role has earlier always been classified as most suitable for men resulting in Barriers for women who strive for management positions. This problem is now very renowned and is called the glass ceiling. To improve the current situation, both the organization's structure and culture, have to be modernized for more women to succeed and get the courage to get into the industry.
Gröna broar : ekologiska, sociala och estetiska tillgångar
The visions of the United Nations concerning sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity can only be realized if the human population succeeds in creating coexistence between human and wildlife. Landscape architects are able to influence on how landscapes are to be maintained and developed. The negative impact of infrastructure on wildlife has become a critical problem in Sweden and other parts of Europe. Wildlife crossings has been developed as a solution for the problems of road Barriers in the landscape. The crossings are made to give animals a better opportunity to cross roads.
Samverkan, värk eller mästerverk? : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan vid ett Barnahus.
This is a qualitative study based on interviews with professionals who are cooperating at a children advocacy center, in swedish called ?Barnahus?. The center, Barnahus, pulls together law enforcement, criminal justice, child protective service, medical and mental health workers in to one coordinated team. Children suspected to be victims of any kind of violence or sexual abuse shall, at Barnahus, be offered coordinated efforts and support all the way from suspicion to possible intervention. The aim of the study is to examine how the participants involved relate to collaboration in Barnahus. The study will also present the success factors and Barriers to collaboration that identifies by the participating actors, who are mentioned above.The study will provide insight and understanding of how collaboration can be represented in multiprofessional activities in practice..
Kostansvarigas uppfattningar om införandet av ekologiska livsmedel i skolmåltidsverksamheten
The purpose of this study was to examine how food managers of Östergötland County disucss around their possibilities of reaching the government´s orientation towards 25 per cent of the food - procured, prepared and cooked in the school meal - coming from certified organic production. The study was a cross-sectional study in wich a qualitative approach was used. The sample consisted six food managers in Östergötland. Data processing was done through a semantic content analysis. The result showed that involvment and intrest were significant factors for the introduction of organic food in the school meal. The three municipalities with the highest percentage of organic food used the SMART - concept.
Läs- och skrivsvårigheter och alternativa verktyg i skolvardagen
The purpose of this study was to investigate how two students at intermediate level in reading and writing disabilities and two special education teachers perceive the use of assistive tools in school. The questions used to answer the purpose was how assistive tools are used based on students´ perceptions, the purposes for which assistive tools are used based on special education teachers´ perceptions, what opportunities and/or Barriers pupils and special education teachers experiences with assistive tools and how it works when assistive tools are implemented based on students´ and special education teachers´ perceptions. Data were collected by interviews. The results show that the assistive tools are mainly used for writing assignments and to ?read-with-ears?, primarily to facilitate the learning process in the classroom.
Giganters Kamp - en undersökning av konfliktlösning och förhandling i handelskonflikter
This paper is an attempt to distinguish the specifics of the conflict resolution process and the negotiations during trade conflicts. First of all, this kind of conflict almost always contains some kind of protectionism which doesn?t make sense economically. Imposing trade-Barriers decrease the overall welfare of your own nation and the only winner is the protected sector. These policies can be introduced since the political pressure from threatened industries is usually much stronger than the pressure from the consumers who will bear the burden of protectionism.
Konstruktion av efterbehandlare
The purpose of this report is to examine various roof structures that can operate in a warehouse with large spans. The building that is examined in the report is currently under construction, and the roof construction has already been selected. The selected roof system will therefore be compared with some other structures and materials that have been possible. The report will evaluate three different frame materials, two insulating Barriers and two overlaying materials. Another important part in major construction projects is the roof safety.
Prevention of diabetes type 2 among children and adolecents : Literature rewiew
The objective of this literature study was to describe the nurse?s preventive actions to prevent diabetes type 2 among children and adolescents in school age. It emerged from the analysis that the nurse is working according to three pillars; screening, lifestyle changes and counselling/education. This result showed that what often increase difficulties when working with screening are: undefined guidelines, lack of time and resources. Overweight/obesity is one of many indicators to develop diabetes type 2, therefore it is important that both BMI and waist are measured.
EC Legal Regulation of the Insurance Market; Challenges of Integration
Over the last decade, the private insurance market has undergone a stable growth in turnover and growing demand for insurance products in all Member States of the European Union. Therefore, the creation of a single market in insurance will enable consumers to have access to wider choice of insurance products, and insurance companies to gain access to markets in various Member States and compete effectively.
The EU legal framework for the insurance industry embraces the Treaty freedoms of services, establishment and capital, the EC Directives and the ECJ case-law. The present thesis identifies numerous factors that hinder the Community insurance market integration and offers possible remedies. The summary of the market obstacles is all-inclusive and reflects the responses to the questionnaires and the Commission surveys.