371 Uppsatser om Barriers - Sida 6 av 25
Barriers to market entry and EC Competition law
Hinder för marknadstillträde är viktigt i många avseenden. För ett företag som slår sig in på en ny marknad är det viktigt att veta vilka hinder det möter. För konkurrensrättsliga myndigheter är det nödvändigt att veta vilka hinder som existerar för att exempelvis kunna avgöra om ett företag har en dominerande ställning. Det är också nödvändigt att känna till hindren för att säkerställa en fri tillgång till marknaden. Det saknas dock en generellt accepterad definition av hinder för marknadstillträde.
Malmö stadsbiblioteks nya informationsdiskar : Planering, utformning, höjd och placering
This Masters thesis in Library and Information Science has the title The New Information Desks at Malmö Public Library . During the rebuilding of the library in Malmö a new information desk was developed. This desk differs to a great extent from conventional information desks used in libraries. The information desk is triangular with rounded edges which allows the librarian and the user of the library to work side by side without any physical Barriers. The aim of this thesis is to explore the requirements for the information desks formulated by the library and how they are perceived by the librarians and the users of the library.
Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kommunikation med patienter med invandrarbakgrund
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate nurses? experiences of communicating with patients with immigrant backgrounds regarding language Barriers, patient relations and use of interpreter. Method: Eight persons participated in this study. Four registered midwives were interviewed in a focus group and one clinical lecturer with a district nursing background, one midwife and two district nurses were individually interviewed about their experiences. The content was analysed using a qualitative content analysis.
Faderskap i ett nytt land. En kvalitativ studie om förändrade förutsättningar för faderskap.
This thesis focuses on immigrant fathers and the specific situation they face arriving in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to examine various systemic obstacles and eventual possibilities these fathers may encounter in the new country and how they affect their fatherhood. The paper is based on four interviews, with three men and one woman, who work with immigrant fathers partly in parenting educational programs. The informants? professional background varies.
Förlagsredaktörers informationsbeteende. En studie av förlagsredaktörer som arbetar med facklitteratur.
The main purpose of this work was to examine the information behavior of nonfiction publishing Company editors. Three problem areas were presented and expressed in the following questions:- What is the information need of the editor in every day work?- Which sources of information do the editors use when they are looking for information and how do they make use of them?- Are there any factors that have an influence on the information behavior of the editors and in what way do the factors effect the information behavior of the editors in their everyday work? And finally, do the editors experience any factors as Barriers to information behavior?Six editors, all with academical background, all employed in different publishing companies were interviewed. The result of this study have been analysed within a theoretical framework influenced by the work of Tom Wilson, Lars Höglund and Olle Persson and Block and Lagberg. The result shows that the editors had various regular needs of information in their every day work.
Arbetet med jämställdhetsintegrering : En fråga om samordning inom Stockholms läns kommuner
The main strategy of gender equality policies has since the 1990s been gender mainstreaming. Many government inquiries show how much the Swedish government, provincial governments and municipalities are working with gender mainstreaming. The purpose of this paper is to investigative how the municipalities within the county of Stockholm handle gender mainstreaming demands in relation to other demands that the municipalities face. This is in order to closer investigate the hidden factors that create Barriers to gender mainstreaming efforts. Given the study's purpose and the formulation of research question, qualitative method is the most suitable method to fulfill the purpose.
Sjuksköterskors informationssökning i yrkesvardagen: barriärer och lösningar. Intervjustudie ur ett användarperspektiv med vidareutbildade sjuksköterskor.
This thesis investigates clinical nurses? information seekingand information use through semi-structured interviews withsix nurse practitioners, nurses with further education.Previous research shows that nurses have problemsimplementing evidence-searching at the clinic because oforganization, stress and heritage of an old practice that doesnot incorporate the academic education.The theoretical framework consists of T.D. Wilson?sinformation seeking behavior model and R.H. Orr?s model ofinformation needs.
Increasing Services - A Case Study at ABS Regarding the Change Process towards Service Orientation
The main purpose of this master thesis is to identify the issues concerning the transformation process of a product oriented company into a service oriented company, and how these issues can be overcome. We will exemplify this by developing a dewatering pump rental concept for ABS, and identify the drivers and Barriers for ABS when implementing the service oriented rental concept in Sweden and Poland. This master thesis is based on the systems perspective. The reason for this is the required holistic perspective, where the system has to be regarded from different points of departure in order to be understood. The theoretical studies include services and change management.
Möjligheter och hinder för aggregerad förbrukningsflexibilitet som en produkt på reglerkraftmarknaden
Electricity production from renewable energy resources such as wind energy and photovoltaics is variable. Integration of these intermittent resources into the electricity system leads to new challenges in how to manage imbalance between supply and demand on the grid.One way to meet these challenges is to develop so-called smart grid solutions. One idea, called demand response, is to adjust the amount or timing of energy consumption, e.g. by control of household appliances, to provide flexibility that could be used to balance the grid. In aggregate, when applied to many units across the system, large volumes of energy could be made available when needed and this grid flexibility can be used as a product on the electricity regulation market.Despite the potential benefits, the number of demand response bids is currently low.
Utlandsetablering av små svenska IT-tjänsteföretag
This master of economics paper discuss that the globalization has lead to increasing internationalization among small Swedish IT- companies in the service sector. Sweden has a long history of foreign trade but in the beginning of the industrialization only large companies that produced goods answered for the foreign trade. Before, the Swedish companies begun their operations abroad in fairly nearby markets and only gradually penetrated far-flung countries. Now this is no longer possible. When small companies nowadays seek growth in other countries there is no time internationalize with the same approaches as before, especially when the company offers a service.
Finansiering via Crowdfunding : En kvantitativ studie om ägarbilden i små företag
One year Master's thesis, Degree of master in Business and Economics, School ofBusiness and Economics at Linnaeus University, Management, 4FE10E SpringSemester 2014.Author: Johanna Björklund and Sarah Gustafsson.Mentor: Magnus Forslund.Title: Lean in the public sector - Potential Barriers to a long-term Lean work.Background: Organizational changes are something that is constantly done inorganizations, and in the last decade, there has arisen a plethora of different changemodels. A reorganization that is popular among companies today is Lean. Lean is aconcept that was developed within the Japanese automotive industry, but has evolvedfrom the Japanese shop floor and is now a concept that can be found in, for example,several Swedish municipalities.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of why the conceptLean may have difficulty getting a hold in the in the long term.Methodology: The study was done with a qualitative research approach and through anabductive approach. As we intended to create an understanding, of what potentialBarriers that may affect that a Lean work, in some cases, does not become a long-termcondition, it seemed natural to choose a hermeneutic approach to knowledge. Theempirical data collected via individual unstructured interviews, through a groupinterview, and by non-participant observations.
"Det måste finnas lite jävlaranamma" En litteraturstudie om kranskärlspatienters upplevelser i samband med livsstilsförändringar.
The purpose of the literature review was to examine Barriers and facilitators to life style changes experienced by patients with coronary heart disease. This knowledge could be of use to the nurse in her role as a support to the patient in the process of life style change. The result from this study shows that family support, knowledege about the disease and motivation are important factors when changing life style behaviors..
Lean inom den offentliga sektorn : Tänkbara hinder för ett långsiktigt Lean-arbete
One year Master's thesis, Degree of master in Business and Economics, School ofBusiness and Economics at Linnaeus University, Management, 4FE10E SpringSemester 2014.Author: Johanna Björklund and Sarah Gustafsson.Mentor: Magnus Forslund.Title: Lean in the public sector - Potential Barriers to a long-term Lean work.Background: Organizational changes are something that is constantly done inorganizations, and in the last decade, there has arisen a plethora of different changemodels. A reorganization that is popular among companies today is Lean. Lean is aconcept that was developed within the Japanese automotive industry, but has evolvedfrom the Japanese shop floor and is now a concept that can be found in, for example,several Swedish municipalities.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to create an understanding of why the conceptLean may have difficulty getting a hold in the in the long term.Methodology: The study was done with a qualitative research approach and through anabductive approach. As we intended to create an understanding, of what potentialBarriers that may affect that a Lean work, in some cases, does not become a long-termcondition, it seemed natural to choose a hermeneutic approach to knowledge. Theempirical data collected via individual unstructured interviews, through a groupinterview, and by non-participant observations.
BIM Building Information Model : Hinder & Drivkraft
The construction industry is a costly business such in respect of capital for most construction defects which then require rework, tear down and rebuild again. This study is meaningful awareness of tools that can reduce this best through communication and information sharing between the parties. The construction industry is known as temporary projects organizations, where the construction project consists of several actors who have to communicate and share information between them to avoid mistakes later in the build time. These actors are bounded together thus for the duration of the project, then broken when the project has reached its end. The challenge here is for these actors to apply a tool that can help and simplify communications, information sharing, and perhaps the most important aspect is to create a routine for the association and the shattering of these actors. To implement such behavior using a tool such as BIM in the industry whose size perhaps is indescribable may be a very hard task. BIM (Building Information Model) could be seen as the solution to this problem because it acts as a portal where the actors involved must sign in and communicate, share information, and eventually create a behavior, a routine for this association and division of the actors following the end of the project. The technology could help the involved from the beginning of the project, already in the model stage, break down and prevent any construction Barriers when the building has been placed in the works.
Vägvisning för säker logistik vid hästtävlingar : att vägleda nybörjare och erfarna inom ridsport
This report describes how I worked with a spatial information problem, where the focus was to produce clearer Barriers between horses and spectators at equestrian competitions. My background as a competition rider, combined with my knowledge of the spatial design, has caused me to react to how the information on riding and racing facilities deficiencies. Experienced people in the riding know how they should act with the horse. But novices who are unfamiliar with the situation is not aware of the risks it may pose to move among horses. The study was conducted on the national facility Strömsholm which both experienced and novice equestrian visits.