371 Uppsatser om Barriers - Sida 15 av 25
Hur kan organisationer gå från att vara samlare av informtion till att bli nyckeltalsanalytiker? : En fallstudie på Trafikverket
In 1993 the internal market within the European Union was formed and ensured free movement of goods, services, capital and people. This led to the removal of trade Barriers between members of the European Union. When opening up for competition, price differences between countries decreased and more jobs were created. A single currency was introduced by eleven countries in 1999 with the goal of reducing transaction costs, eliminating exchange rate risk and to further simplify trade. In 2001 Greece joined the collaboration and introduced the euro.
Youtube-avtalet : Hur det nya avtalet påverkar de svenska majorbolagens konkurrensfördelar och maktposition
Purpose The purpose of this study is to explain what possibilities the new license between Youtube and Stim can have for Swedish artists and what impact this may have for the Swedish major record labels? competitive advantage. Based on this, the aim is also to describe how artists' position of power against major record labels may change due to the license.Method The essay is based on an inductive approach. The authors have used a qualitative research method to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon investigated. Primary sources have been collected using a variety of interviews from different parts of the Swedish music industry.Conclusion The Swedish major labels still hold a strong position today both when it comes to power balance and attractiveness.
Inträdesbarriärer på den svenska snusmarknaden
Under det nya seklets början har den svenska snusmarknaden karaktäriserats av en ökande konkurrens efter att under en lång period i princip ha varit en monopolmarknad för det tidigare statliga bolaget Swedish Match. Uppsatsen har syftat till att undersöka de inträdesbarriärer som uppstickarna mött i sina försök att penetrera en marknad som karaktäriseras av ovanligt hög varumärkeslojalitet, marknadsföringsförbud och i vissa fall distributionssvårigheter och därefter analysera hur dessa kan övervinnas med hjälp av marknadsföringsverktyg. Arbetet har en kvalitativ och hermeneutisk prägel och tar sin utgångspunkt i Michael Porters ?Barriers to entry?-modell, Kotlers ?Push- och Pull strategier? samt ?Marketing Mix?-modellen och fokuserar i första hand på bolagen Skruf Snus AB och Fiedler & Lundgren där nyckelpersoner intervjuats. Undersökningen visade att företagen använt sig av olika strategier för att penetrera inträdesbarriärerna med hjälp av marknadsföringsverktyg.
Datorbaserad examination: En studie om användarhinder och systemacceptans bland lärare
The aim of this thesis is to examine how teachers use computer based assessment in their work and what user Barriers they experience while working with computer based assessments. The result of the thesis is meant to provide an understanding of which factors affect the use of computer based assessments and how a company who provide computer based assessments applications can increase the rate of use amongst teachers.To investigate this, the author examined a company in Sweden who provide a computer based assessment application for both universities and high schools. The study was carried out at two different schools, a university and a high school, both located in Stockholm. In total nine teachers were interviewed. The author also conducted observations at the company whose computer based assessment application was examined.The author?s findings suggest that a lack of functions within the application and lack of costumer support from the company all negatively impacted the teacher?s use of the application.
Kunskapsöverföring i projektbaserade organisationer- En strävan efter att slippa uppfinna hjulet igen
A big part of assets in companies today consists of their employees knowledge and skills. In today?s society knowledge insensitive companies are increasing. The survival of these companies lie in the knowledge of their employees, which make it of great importance that knowledge transfer is managed properly. Knowledge transfer is important since it makes it possible for co-workers to apply old solutions to new problems that arise, using knowledge that already existing within the organization.
Betalningsmodeller för det svenska elnätet : Vilken modell kommer att fungera bäst för konsumenten?
Recent years there has been discussed how the critical situation in the housing market threatens the Stockholm region's growth. The thesis objective is to examine whether there is a scientific link between the lack of housing supply and growth. The thesis also intends to identify solutions for increased housing construction, for instance by examining the conditions for a greater regional perspective and influence on the region's housing supply. The thesis empirical study is based on semi-structured interviews with representatives from the Government, municipalities and the housing industry.In Sweden, research on the relationship between housing shortages and growth has not been conducted to that extent it can be said to exist scientific evidence regarding the growth threat. However, in Britain and the U.S, empirical studies show that a lack of housing supply has hindered growth through negative impact on countries' gross domestic product.
Trendanalys av rapporterade störningar vid de svenska kärnkraftverken
AbstractTrendanalys av rapporterade störningar vid de svenskakärnkraftverkenAnalysis of trends in reported safety-related events atSwedish nuclear power plantsSafdar KargarThis degree project was conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM)as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University duringthe spring of 2011.The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has developed a Windows baseddatabase called ?ASKEN? during later years. In this database more than 12 000 eventreports are stored sorted in three categories, category 1, 2 and 3. The databasecontains events from the start of Oskarshamn 1 in 1972 till present time.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in theirBarriers and/or the defense in depth in obedience to SSMFS 2008:1.When a failure is detected or there is reasonable suspicion of a deficiency, the eventreport should be classified as a deficiency of category -1, 2 or 3 [1].The event reports are logged and archived in the register of SSM. The SSM task forceAnalys av Störningar på elproducerande Kärnkraftverk (the ASK-group), evaluates allincoming event reports and categorizes them according to established criteria.The aim of the project is to study and analyze the event reports in the database andidentity interesting observations and trends which should be investigated morethoroughly by deeper analysis to establish any positive or negative trends of reportedevents. .
Hinder och möjligheter för bibehållande av beteendeförändringar- En kvalitativ studie på en må bra förskola
The purposeof this study was to investigate whether preschool staff who participated in a previous health project retains the good behavior change, and to explore their perceived Barriers and opportunities for this. The study was conducted on a "feel good" preschool and the selected population was preschool teachers and/or child minders. The selected method was qualitative, descriptive, and through the interviews the respondents got questions about their behavior changes and their experiences of this. The result of the survey showed that nearly all of the participants in the study had maintained the good behavior changes and most of them had implemented them in their lives. The obstacles that individuals perceived were mainly time constraints and the opportunities they saw were planning, motivation and positive experience.
Barnbokens kön Genusaspekter i litteratur och hos aktörer på marknaden
This Master's thesis examines some aspects of children's books for 9-12 year olds, and the children's books market, from a gender perspective. The main objective is to make a gender analysis of attitudes among children and other agents in the book market towards children's books of different qualities. Children's reflections on gender roles in the books and the importance of gender aspects for publishers in the field, are investigated. A combination of methods are used, including literary analyses, surveys of publication lists of the BTJ group Bibliotekstjänst interviews with children and questionnaires sent to children as well as to Swedish publishers of children's books. The analysis of children's books clearly shows that images of gender roles vary in different kinds of books which supports theories of gendered literature.
Finns det arbete för alla? : En studie av arbetsförmedlingens syn på sin roll i mötet med utom-europeiska akademiker.
The study deals with the causes of unjustified differences in pay between women and men in the banking sector. The purpose of this paper has been to examine how a gender project implemented in the private banking organizations from a gender-and implementation perspective. The aim of the project examined is to even unjustified differences in pay between men and women in the banking and finance sector. The main issues are: ? How has the project been implemented and what are the real and perceived results? ? How can the opportunities and Barriers to successful implementation course with emphasis on gender? The method used is a qualitative study, where the empirical material consisted of focus group interviews.
Item-level tagging och RFID : Förutsättningar för en ökad användning inom detaljhandel
RFID har sedan 80-talet vuxit fram inom industri- och transport-branschen som ett sätt att under-lätta spårning av tillgångar och övervakning av informationsflöden genom logistikkedjan. Tek-nologin har idag många olika applikationsområden och används inom en mängd olika verksam-heter. Item-level Tagging (ILT) är ett sätt att utnyttja tekniken genom att märka enskilda varor för att på så sätt ge dem unika identiteter, vilket erbjuder enorm potential inom detaljhandel. Givet potentialen med tekniken vill vi med vår studie undersöka vilka förutsättningar som kommer att krävas för en ökad användning av ILT och RFID inom detaljhandeln. Detta mål uppnås genom att undersöka de barriärer som tidigare har hindrat en ökad användning samt hur dessa barriärer uppfattas i dagsläget.
FN:s Barnkonvention och flyktingbarn : Hur implementeras FN:s Barnkonvention i förhållande till ensamkommande flyktingbarn?
1990 Sweden ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, with 54 rights. The Convention on the Rights of the Child does not apply as law in Sweden. However, all countries that have ratified the convention, has an obligation to implement the convention in all decision making and practical management that includes children. The purpose of the study is to examine the implementation of the convention in relation to unaccompanied refugee children on a state, municipal and non-profit level by using three actors. The actors are the Swedish immigration service, Stockholm social service and the NGO Save the Children.
Att anpassa eller inte anpassa - det är frågan! En fallstudie på hur externa faktorer påverkar anpassningsgraden av ett globalt företags marknadsstrategi. Four P's style!
The globalization of today?s society has enabled consumers to acquire products and services from all over the world. Global organizations have the entire world as a playfield and offer products and services across markets. Regardless perception and transparency of the global market, consumers are still individuals. Consumers may have different perceptions and ideas about products, their functions and usage.
Vem ser barnet? : En kvalitativ studie om psykosocialt stöd till familjen när en förälder lider av en livshotande sjukdom
The purpose of this study has been to investigate how psychosocial support for families where a parent suffers from a life threatening illness can be constructed. The intent was also to explore how the child's perspective is protected and what Barriers and opportunities there are for family oriented support. The study has a qualitative approach and includes interviews with four social workers. The interviews were analyzed with a systems theory and attachment theory. The conclusions are that the whole family suffers psychological and social pressures when a parent is sick.
Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans användande av evidensbaserad omvårdnad - en litteraturstudie.
Sjuksköterskor är den största yrkesgruppen inom hälso- och sjukvården, de har en viktig roll och potential när det handlar om att arbeta utifrån forskning samt med hjälp av den utveckla vården. Studier visar dock att sjuksköterskor utnyttjar tillgänglig forskning i begränsad omfattning. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva faktorer som hindrar och, eller främjar sjuksköterskans användande av evidensbaserad omvårdnad. Sökningar har skett i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed med sökorden Nursing practice, evidence based/Evidence-based nursing som ämnesord och Barriers, Facilitate, Implementation och Utilization som fritextord. Därigenom har totalt 14 vetenskapliga artiklar identifierats, vilka litteraturstudiens resultat bygger på.