371 Uppsatser om Barriers - Sida 10 av 25
Korruptionssyndrom och bekämpningsstrategier : fallet Albanien
Corruption is a very broad definition which is not easy to define. It happens due to the phenomenon?s complexity and its many different forms and syndromes. Before fighting corruption it is therefore necessary to find its roots and form. Furthermore, many countries aspire today for a better democracy but find visible Barriers on their ways in a form of corruption i.a.
Vikten av bemötande: dyslektikers erfarenheter av bibliotek
The aim of this study is to gain an understanding of how dyslexic adults experience the library, their meeting with a librarian and how they feel they are being helped with finding literature. To answer the purpose of the study I have conducted six semi-structured interviews with dyslexic adults.. Two theoretical models were used as an analytical tool in this study. One was Michael Buckland's aspects of access to information. The other is four aspects that explains the significance of personal encounter at the library.
Argus diskussionsforum: utifrån några utvalda medarbetares perspektiv
The aim of this masters thesis was to study how the members of a small non-profit organisation perceived the web forum, compared to the other information channels of the organisation. The organisation was defined as a virtual community. A literature review was conducted. The theory construction was based on the sensemaking theory. Interview questions were constructed based on the literature review and the sensemaking theory.
Läsfrämjande verksamhet för läsovana vuxna
Our aim with this Master thesis is to show how some selected actors react on the decrease in reading amongst people within the LO group the Swedish Trade Union Confederation. The methods used are interviews and literary studies. The theoretical background of our discussion is based on the theories and definitions of Bourdieu. The actors we investigate are the public libraries, some various trade unions, the adult education Organization ABF, the cultural affairs committee. We discuss from what view on their own role/obligations respective the society they act and what Barriers that prevents reading, the actors consider exists within the group of adults less familiar with reading.
Svårigheter i matematik för elever med svenska som andraspråk : Lärares syn på problem och möjligheter
In today?s society teachers will face students of foreign origin. It is up to the teachers to help these students gain the knowledge they need to flourish in society. Despite the fact that mathematics is a universal topic with high status in many countries, studies have shown that mathematics is a subject where a large proportion of foreign students fails. The purpose of this study was to see wherein the problem lies and describe teachers' perceptions of the Barriers and the opportunities in mathematics for students with Swedish as a second language.
?Tvärtom kan det gagna att vara bipolär. Kreativitet och sånt.? : - En kvalitativ studie om hinder och möjligheter för personer med ett psykiskt funktionshinder att komma ut på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden
Our aim of this study was to investigate Barriers and opportunities for people with mental disorders getting in to the labor market. This from experiences by people whose daily job contains work rehabilitation for this group in particular. On the basis of five qualitative interviews the results showed that prejudices towards people with mental disorders are a barrier for them to get a wage labor. Furthermore the results showed that low self-esteem within the target group and also high educational demands becomes a barrier to a wage labor. The results also showed that to focus on the healthy aspects may serve as an opportunity for people with mental disorders to get in to the labor market and be able to have a paid job.
EU och informationsfriheten. En idé- och ideologianalys av informationsfriheten i EU:s datalagringsdirektiv 2006/24/EG.
This master?s thesis is about freedom of information ideas in the European Union data retention directive, 2006/24/EC. The directive means that data about electronic communications services will be retentioned. The aim of the thesis is to examine what ideas related to freedom of information that appear in the directive and how these ideas belong to the ideology of freedom of information that is common within the library community and to the juridical restrictions. In the light of surveillance tendencies that have occurred over the last years, the most well-known is probably the USA Patriot Act, it is interesting to study how freedom of information ideas appears when surveillance is legislated.
Annorlunda liv : En C-uppsats om personer med svåra psykiska problem och deras syn på livet i förhållande till utanförskap och återinträde
The aim of the essay was to see how the respondents reasoned about different themes like, isolation, integration and Barriers to integration, given that they had all been diagnosed with a psychosis diagnosis. The essay takes part of secondary data that had been gathered through interviews by researchers at the department of Research and Development Psychiatric South Stockholm during a 3 year period. To work with the interview data a qualitative interview analysis method was used. The interviews were analyzed against theories of social interaction, labeling, stigma and the theory of ?role exit?.
Primärvårdschefers uppfattning om arbetet med patienter med risk- och missbruksproblem
The Purpose of the study was to highlight the primary care managers' perception of the Barriers and opportunities in the implementation of the national guidelines for harmful drinking and alcohol abuse in KalmarCounty. The data was collected by questionnaires which were directed to all primary care managers in the county. The response rate was low, 40%. The data collection was complemented at a later stage with a non-response analysis. To analyze the results implementation theory with following terms were used: wants to, understand and know.
Missbruksvård på lika villkor? : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens könsperspektiv i missbruksärenden
Although Sweden is considered to be one of the world?s most equal countries, studies show that social work to a large extent is characterised of stereotype conceptions about men and women. This implies that clients with addiction problems are treated by there gender belongings and not from there individual needs. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how aware the social services are regarding gender perspectives and equal opportunities among male and female addicts. The social workers that were interviewed had different opinions about what extent the gender perspective had in the treatment of the clients.
Barns lärande och meningsskapande i den fria leken : En intervjustudie om fem pedagogers syn på den fria leken och den fria lekens lärande och utveckling
The purpose of this thesis is to study five pedagogue?s view of the free play and their view of the importance of the free play for children´s learning and development. I have chosen to use a qualitative research method in the form of interviews with five pedagogue´s from a preschool. The main research questions asked were:What have the pedagogues of view on the free play? How important believe the pedagogue that the free play is for children?s learning and development? What has emerged in the study is that educators have a positive view of the free play. They believed that the free play is important for children´s skills.
Svensk vård i export : En empirisk studie om företag inom vård- och omsorgsbranschens internationaliseringsprocess.
The international requirement of Swedish healthcare today is high and due to a good reputation and a long history of reliable methods through extended experience. For those Swedish companies within this business, the process of internationalization is often a attractive option.This study aims to describe, analyze and translate how minor Swedish companies within the care keeping section establish their business on the international market.The study is based upon a qualitative approach and is an empirical study carried out through semi-structured interviews.The result presented in the study shows that internationalization of companies within this business does often require a lot of time and money, is based upon establishments through networks and were learning-by-doing often is used as a strategic approach for the companies penetrating a new market.The study also accounts for major entry Barriers, which declares for being to some part of political nature, but mostly of cultural nature.Differences in language and culture are shown in the study to be a major entry barrier and host-countries different cultural levels are very conclusive for the success of internationalization. .
Fysisk träning för ordningspoliser : Har fysisk träning någon betydelse för den stillasittande polisen?
Research shows that policing is mostly sedentary but physically and mentally demanding tasks occur and that policing includes factors like police inherent stress which may impair the health of police officers. Research has also found that physical exercise can play an important part for coping with these negative elements associated with policing. The overall purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about the importance of physical exercise for policemen. The study is based on five semi-structured interviews with police officer?s working with emergency response.
Skolsituationen för elever med betyget MVG i matematik : En fallstudie av fyra elever i grundskolans årskurs 9
This thesis has been focused around the Diels Alder reaction with the goal to design an enzyme catalyzed reaction pathway. To achieve this goal computer aided enzyme design was utilized. Common traditional methods of computational chemistry (B3LYP, MP2) do not do well when calculating reaction Barriers or even reaction energies for the Diels Alder reaction. New calcu- lation methods were developed and tested. This was the focus of the first part of the thesis, by choosing a small system, extensive and heavy calculations could be done with CBS-QB3.
Inträdeshinder på eftermarknaden
Det har visat sig att avregleringar på monopolmarknader inte alltid skapar total konkurrens då det fortfarande kan förekomma hinder efter avregleringen. Den totala konkurrensen motverkas av aktörer som sedan tidigare varit ledande på denna marknad och som vill försvara sin marknadsposition. De hinder som dessa aktörer uppsätter kallar inträdeshinder. Eftermarknaden för bilbranschen har nu avreglerats för att främja konkurrensen. Finns det inträdeshinder som motverkar fri konkurrens? Syftet med vår undersökning är att se vilka inträdeshinder som går att identifiera på eftermarknaden för bilbranschen samt vilket specifikt inträdeshinder i denna bransch som är mest svåröverkomligt.