

4304 Uppsatser om Bankruptcy factors - Sida 2 av 287

Vinstmått: En jämförelse av marknadens definitioner och antaganden rörande vinst

This thesis investigates whether it is accordance between the different profit measures in the financial market. The first aim of the thesis is to examine if it exists a difference between the profit measures that companies publish in their fourth quarter interim report and the measures that they state in their annual report, issued some months later. The second aim is to examine whether there is a divergence in definitions and the assumption regarding the risk of bankruptcy between profit measures published by companies and analysts. The study focuses on Swedish companies listed on the OMX Stockholm Large Cap and concerns the years of 2006 and 2007. The analysts interviewed are working in Sweden with listed Swedish companies.

Konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal : när binder avtalet konkursboet?

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att beskriva gällande rätt kring om och när en konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal binder dess konkursbo samt konsekvenserna av detta. I dagsläget är rättsområdet osäkert och enbart grundat på praxis, uppsatsen utreder därför även om lagstiftning eller annan utveckling på området är erforderlig. Det har i praxis konstaterats att en konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal binder dess konkursbo då tvister gäller obligationsrättsliga anspråk och bevakningsförfaranden är aktuella. I praxis kan vidare konstateras att i tvister av sak- och föreningsrättslig karaktär är ett konkursbo inte bundet av konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal. Tvister avgörs då i enlighet med konkursrättens tvistlösningsmetoder.

Företagsrekonstruktion och förmånsrättsreformen : Vad är det som gick snett?

Sweden needs a policy that stimulates economic growth. Year 1996 the Business Reorganization Act (1996:764) came into force. The goal with this law was to savebusiness, make it profitable and avoid unnecessary bankruptcies. Shortly afterwards itturned out that the law had no positive effect. A very few numbers of companies appliedfor reconstruction and the number of applications for bankruptcies continued to increase.In 2004, in order to stabilize the situation and bring about neutrality between twoproceedings, company reorganization and bankruptcy, the government proposed thereform of priority rules.

Traditionsprincipens betydelse i svensk rätt

The doctrine of traditio is the main rule for the buyer?s protection against the sellers?s creditors in the Swedish legal system. This means that the buyer have to take physical possession of the property in order to be protected against the sellers?s creditors if the seller becomes bankruptcy or is hit by an execution. If instead the doctrine of consensus applied the buyer is protected as soon as a valid contract is formed.

Val av outsourcing-leverantör. En fallbaserad studie av hur organisationer väljer outsourcing leverantör.

This report explores how organizations act when they are choosing an Outsourcing supplier. The study was conducted through multiple interviews with managers of different organizations. The data from those interviews was then analyzed through the use of two theoretical models. Our findings indicate that most organizations share the same base factors (qualifiers) when selecting an Outsourcing supplier. What therefore become crucial are the key factors that the Organizations see as Order winning factors.

Adderande tillverkning för metall

The Swedish automotive industry has since way back been struggling with bankruptcy, abroad buy outs and staff cuts. Competition and pressure on prices are two factors that affect the automotive industry. Because of this, the companies are pressured to continuously developing their work in addition to be able to compete on the market. The aircraft industry has successfully managed to implement additive manufacturing (AM) and for motorsport has several components manufactured with AM been used. When AM is used as a manufacturing method, there are a number of advantagesthat follows.

Kan företag tvingas till tillväxt?

The purpose with this disertation is to find if there are selected factors which can force companies to grow. We have chosen five factors which we think can force the companies; market, strategy, profitability, demographic and institutional factors. We want to examine if there are differences between small and larger companies, and if there are differences between the lines of business.The intention to growth is also influenced by different factors. The organization and the board have an effect on the development. There are also factors that can obstruct the growth, for example control.

Gymnasiereformer - en jämförelse av politiska argument : En jämförelse mellan gymnasiereformerna 1963 och 2009

The purpose of this paper is to examine witch factors lays behind political decisions when reforming upper secondary school. Three major factors are used: political, economical and structural. These factors become visible by comparing the school reforms 1965 and the coming one in 2009. An analytical scheme is used to find the factors in the primary information. The study is based both political inquiries and on debate articles from newspapers and political papers.The results show that two factors are more visible than the third, and that is the ideological and structural.

Att förstå ätstörningar : En kvalitativ studie baserad på kvinnors egna berättelser om hur det är att leva med ätstörningar.

The aim of this study is to create a deeper understanding of the disease known as eating disorder. The study is based on four autobiographies written by individuals who themselves have been affected by eating disorders. These stories have been studied using a narrative approach. To achieve the purpose, the study is focused on what participants describe as the factors underlying the onset of the disease, the factors that participants describe maintained their eating disorders, as well as what is described to be the factors responsible for their recovery. By my interpretation of the stories, I have been able to identify common factors that all participants describe to be influential in their disease course.

Entrepreneurs? work with Factors for Success in a Start-up Business

The purpose of this study is to examine whether there are any key factors for success to look for in launching a new business that affects the subsequent performance of the venture. Further on, the study will examine if there are any differences between believed and actual factors for success for an entrepreneur and the key factors for success given by existing theory. The purpose of looking in to the assumed gap between existing theory and entrepreneurs? believed and actual factors is to distinguish factors that make start-ups evolve. It is then important to investigate how they have worked with their business start-up and how they have worked with key factors for success in order to understand the impacts of their decisions.

Lika bolag leka bäst - En studie om betydelsen av likhet vid sammanslagningar av bolag

This study addresses the issue of mergers between consulting firms. Previous research has shown that there are specific factors that determine the outcome of a merger and that success is more likely if companies are more similar. The purpose of the study is therefore to define relevant factors and understand when resemblance matter and under what conditions disparity may cause problems. Furthermore, the aim of the study is to find a pattern of which factors are more important in a successful merger. The problem of the study is addressed through a qualitative research approach and is conducted on six different mergers.

Ungdomar och narkotika : En litteraturstudie om varför en del ungdomar prövar/använder narkotika

The purpose of this essay was to study factors that influence some youth to use narcotics. I wanted to increase my understanding and knowledge about these factors. I believe it is good to have such knowledge when you are working with youth who are using narcotics but also for a good drug-prevented work. It is a literary study, which covers the most frequently quoted results in the field of research.The questions for my study were:· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a individual level?· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a group level?· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a society level?My conclusion of this study was that youth often use narcotics because of many different factors and it is youth from all social groups in the society who are testing and using narcotics..

Going concern utlåtande i revisionsberättelsen : En studie om svenska konkursdrabbade aktiebolag

In the beginning of the 21th century several successful companies filed for bankruptcy. These bankruptcies have been known as large accounting scandals and the largest scandals did Enron and Worldcom stand for. These bankruptcies arose without any warning signal from the auditors about the companies? financial problems and their inability to continue as a going concern. The bankruptcies damaged the reputation of auditors and broad criticism has developed at the auditors? inability to discover companies? financial problems and their unwillingness to reveal a going concern opinion in the audit report.

Konsumenters Kontantanvändande : Varför använder konsumenter kontanter som betalningsmedel?

On November 1st 2010 the obligatory audit was removed in Sweden for small companies. What factors influence such companies to have their financial reports audited, and what factors exert the strongest influence. Purpose: The authors would like to investigate factors that affect companies with voluntary audits in Skåne län to continue with the audit. The authors also wish to examine the factors that have the strongest impact on the choice to adopt auditing. Method: A quantitative study has been conducted in which aquestionnaire was sent to companies in Skåne Län Conclusion: The factors that affect smaller companies to continue with audit are as follows: Accounting quality, cost, creditors (loans), suppliers / customers, the tax office and distort competition.

Som att flyga utan fallskärm. En systematisk litteraturstudie av faktorer som kan gynna respektive hindra den nyutbildade sjuksköterskans utveckling

The aim of this study was to illuminate critical factors that facilitate respectively obstruct the novice nurse's development during her first year in the profession. The method used was a systematic literature review according to Goodman's model. The 8 qualitative scientific articles were scrutinized by using a form developed by Pedersen and Sigling (2002). The result shows that cognitive factors, stress, social factors as well as affective factors are critical during the novice nurse's first professional year. The results are related to Antonovsky's concept sense of coherence..

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