

4317 Uppsatser om Bankruptcy factors - Sida 15 av 288

NATO: Sveriges framtida försvarsförsäkring? : En textanalys av två riksdagspartier i frågan om svenskt Natomedlemskap utifrån teorierna liberalism, realism och marxism.

The relationship between China and Japan has historically been problematic and, in some ways still is. One of the issues where both of the states cannot agree on is the island dispute. While both states are claiming sovereignty over the island and there do not seem to be an ending to it in the near future. If the island dispute continues to escalate it could have a negative impact in the Asian region and eventually rest of the world as well. However due to the complexity of the dispute a deeper knowledge is needed and a mutual understanding is needed.

Vad påverkar valet av insats? : Om socialsekreterares bedömningar i missbruksärenden

The purpose of this essay was to investigate affecting factors concerning social workers in social services assessments with cases of abuse. We wanted to see if social workers in social services tend to make different assessments of the need of substance abusers care. Our survey was carried out as a vignettesurvey with complementary interviews as means to deepen the outcome results.Our survey showed that the included social workers in social services in some senses make different assessments when it comes to choice of effort put in for the client. We shed light on different factors and circumstances, which could bear meaning for the social workers in social services assessments. Examples of factors were the social workers in social services age, gender, working experience and attitude towards substance abusers..

Kommunikation om kommunikation - medarbetares upplevelser av vad som påverkar kommunikationen mellan dem och deras chef

Our study aimed at gaining insight of co-workers experiences of different factors that affects the verbal communication and leads to dialogue and misunderstanding between co-workers and their managers. The empirical material was gained from semi-structured interviews with co-workers at various departments within the same organization. We used a hermeneutic interpretive approach and our data was analyzed concerning different factors affecting communication. The result has been interpreted using the theories of deliberative conversations and dialogue competence. We have also used Illeris theory of learning. The result shows a number of factors that affects communication between co-workers and managers.

Vården av äldre med delirium kan förbättras- en litteraturstudie i omvårdnad/ The care for elder with delirium can be improved- a literature review in nursing science

Background: Delirium is a serious condition that often affects hospitalized elder. The condition can be described as an overstrain of the brain which results in a disturbed consciousness. Elder people are particularly vulnerable since many of the risk factors develops with old age. The treatment aims to find and treat the underlying cause. Purpose: The purpose of this literature review was to illuminate factors beneficial for the nursing care of hospitalized elder with delirium.

Vilka faktorer har betydelse för ett företags beslut att underkasta sig revision?

Since 1983 all Swedish companies are legally obliged to allow themselves to be audited. Recently the question of whether small companies should be subject to this or not has frequently been discussed. Many find it superfluous and think it ought to be abolished. In England small companies no longer have to be audited. However, in a study by Jill Collis it has been shown that a large number of companies choose to be audited although there is no obligation for them to do so.

Situationer och varumärkeslojalitet : Hur återkommande köp- och konsumtionssituationer är kopplade till konsumenters varumärkeslojalitet

The thesis focuses on the measurement of situational factors affecting brand loyalty in purchases and consumption. A survey is conducted using previously developed scales and 199 respondents. Results show that for the particular product category (ready-to-drink recovery drinks), purchase frequency and the product experience have stronger effects on loyalty than do situational factors such as type of activity and perceived stress. Implications for managers are discussed and suggestions for further research is presented..

Högre krav men mindre tid : en jämförande studie av lärares upplevelser av fördelningen av arbetstiden

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence underlying factors have in connection to the internationalization of Born Global firms. Methodology: This study has a qualitative approach in which data is obtained mainly through interviews and secondary data which consists previous theories about the internationalization in small and medium sized firms and recent theories that entitle these firms as Born Global. Conclusion: Based on the existing theories and the qualitative data, we have concluded that the underlying factors for the Born Global firm?s internationalization are abilities and opportunities to create insidership in relevant networks. The most crucial underlying factors for Born Global firm?s internationalization are the ability to create processes to break old patterns of thoughts and the ability to ally with right partners. .


A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Kulturarv som begrepp och realitet : En fråga om val, värde och politik i den offentliga sektorn

This paper examines the concept of heritage and which factors that determines how we evaluate and select what should be considered cultural heritage. This has been examined using a qualitative study involving interviews with seven people working within different parts of the cultural heritage sector. The purpose was to get a picture of what the public sector?s cultural heritage consists of and why so. The research question was: What gives the status of cultural heritage? This was examined by looking at further questions: What defines the concept of cultural heritage? Who decides what should be considered cultural heritage? What is significant when discussing cultural heritage? One conclusion is that the concept itself is experienced as diffuse but that the meaning can be summarized as the traces we leave behind to be preserved by future generations.

Värdeskapande i samband med förvärv: - om nyckelfaktorer i en förvärvsprocess

The acquisition process as an object for research and empirical studies have increased in importance during the past decade. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate this process further. This was done by reviewing previous research covering the area of mergers and acquisitions. Seven key factors that should be considered in an acquisition process emerged; acquisition project management, planning, communication between the acquirer and the potential target, goal alignment within management, company-cultures, a trade-off between a certain speed in integrating the companies and consideration of the employees, and finally the follow-up. These factors have been shown to increase the likelihood of value creation in acquisitions.

Minimering av saldodifferenser och ledtidsvariationer genom processförbättring : En fallstudie på Kockums lager i Karlskrona

Inventory management is a key part of a company?s logistics function and is of great importance to companies as it is a substantial cost. It is of high importance for a company to make sure that the warehouse is efficient as possible. In this thesis two factors that hurt a warehouse?s efficiency are introduced; inventory inaccuracies and lead-time variations.This thesis has been dedicated to analyze how inventory inaccuracies and lead-time variations arise and how to eliminate them.To be able to solve this question we have used a qualitative research method.

Olika motiv till samma ämne?! : En studie om motivation till deltagande i Idrott och hälsa A bland gymnasieelever på studie- och yrkesförberedande program.

Aim and question at issue: The aim of this study is to compare the motivation to participate in the course Idrott och hälsa A between students studying vocational and further education preparatory programs at upper secondary school.What level of motivation do the students of the two programs have towards participation in the course Idrott och hälsa A.What kind of motivational factors are important for students in the two programs concerning participation in the course Idrott och hälsa A According to the students of the two programs, what type of motivational factors would increase the motivation to participate in the course Idrott och hälsa A. Method: A quantitative study has been carried out using a questionnaire. Thirteen randomly chosen upper secondary school classes were included in the county of Stockholm, 7 of them in the vocational program and 6 of them in the further education preparatory program. The questionnaire was filled out by 278 students, 120 in the vocational program and 158 in the higher education preparatory program. The response frequency for the study was 92 %.Results: The results of this study show that the majority (77%) of all students in the population are highly motivated to participate in the course Idrott och hälsa A.

Casha in - En studie av nyblivna entreprenörers inställning till exit

Entrepreneurship is a subject of growing attention, especially within public policy, media and research. Many studies have been done, but the subject of entrepreneurial exit has to a large extent been ignored. The aim of this study has been to investigate how entrepreneurs at an early stage in their career think about exit within a near future, and what factors influence their attitude towards exit. The study was conducted through a survey answered by 253 entrepreneurs active within business incubators in Sweden. Based on previous research on entrepreneurial intentions, a model of exit intentions was developed, and tested against several other factors.

Analys och beräkning av emissionsfaktorer för växthusgaser

An increased awareness about the global warming has created a demand for more information on how the climate is affected by different activities.This master thesis was initiated by Tricorona, a Swedish company that offers its customers analysis and calculation of their climate impact. Tricorona also supplies climate neutralisation with CERs, in accordance with the Kyoto protocol and controlled by the UN. This work demands updated emission factors for greenhouse gases. An emission factor gives information about the greenhouse gasintensity of a service or a product [kg CO2-eq./ functional unit].The purpose of this thesis is to examine how electricity, district heating, hotels, taxis, food and materials affect the climate and how emission factors for these areas can be calculated.This was done by reviewing and comparing different studies and by interviewing experts. The information was evaluated and recommendations on calculations and emission factors were made.The consumption of energy is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions for district heating, electricity, hotels, taxis and materials.

Utformning av sättverktyg

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

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