

1287 Uppsatser om Bank regulation - Sida 8 av 86

Utvärdering av viktmåttbaserad reglering av lokal- och regionnätens resursbehov

The Energy Market Inspectorate is implementing a new tariff regulation in Sweden. A small part of the new regulation concerns effectible operation costs and originally they where intended to be calculated using a modification of equivalent comparison standards, in Swedish Ekm. This thesis is intended to analyze if Fortums grid in Stockholm could be described correctly, using equivalent comparison standards. In Ekm every part of the distribution grid is designated a weighting in relation to 1 km 0.4kV over head line. These Ekm-measurements are intended to simplify comparison between different grid areas with different structure and geographical conditions.

Att skriva om händelse, tanke och känsla: en explorativ studie kring effekter av expressivt skrivande i skolmiljö på ungdomars emotionsreglering

As part of the project Self esteem and Life circumstances among teenagers (started by Johnsson, Lundh & Wångby at Lund University in 2006) results from pilot studies of expressive writing (intervention initially created by Pennebaker and Beall, 1986) among adolescents in six secondary school classes in Sweden were investigated. The study describes changes from pre-test to follow-up on adapted versions of Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and Emotional Tone Index. Different strategies for emotion regulation are focused: voluntary and involuntary engagement and voluntary disengagement (Connor-Smith, Compas, Wadsworth, Harding Thomsen & Saltzman, 2000). The study is explorative. Results show a tendency towards more frequent diary use at follow-up for participants in expressive writing.

Unga konsumenters val av bank : påverkande faktorer och lojalitet

Privatbankmarknaden är under förändring och det har skett många nyinträden under de senaste åren. Det är allt ifrån nystartade nischbanker till stora etablerade företag som bestämt sig för att satsa på att tillhandahålla olika banktjänster. Eftersom antalet aktörer ökar, och det hela tiden dyker upp nya sätt att erbjuda banktjänster på, så innebär det att bankerna måste bli duktigare på att skaffa nya kunder och att behålla befintliga kunder. Mycket forskning är gjord på bankkunder och deras preferenser, men det finns ett behov av att ta reda på vad just unga konsumenter prioriterar när de ska välja bank och vad som får dem att stanna kvar hos sin bank. Denna undersökning bygger på problemformuleringarna:? Vad finns det för olika faktorer som främst påverkar unga konsumenter vid val avbank?? Hur kan banker använda kunskapen om vad unga människor prioriterar vid val av bank?Syftet med denna undersökning är att kartlägga faktorer som är viktiga för unga människor vid val av bank.

Avgörande erbjudanden och kvalitetsfaktoerer för bankkunder ?Hur kunden väljer bank

Då stora förändringar skett på den svenska bankmarknaden de senaste 30 åren, dels på grund av den finansiella avregleringen men även som följd av den tekniska utveckligen, har konkurrenssituationen stärkts. Antalet banker som konkurrerar om kunderna har ökat och bankerna måste därför arbeta hårt för att både behålla befintliga samt få nya kunder.Kunderna utsätts regelbundet för marknadsföringskampanjer där de lockas med diverse erbjudanden samt av nya eller utvecklade tjänster. Bankerna försöker finna sätt att tillhandhålla något som kan höja värdet av tjänsten/produkten för kunden.Samtidigt är kunderna på bankmarknaden lojala mot sina banker och förhållandevis få kunder byter bank, oavsett huruvida de är nöjda med den bank de har eller inte. Konkurrensverket gör bedömningen att trots de goda valmöjligheterna för konsumenterna och den starka konkurrensen bland bankerna är konsumentrörligheten väldigt trög i Sverige.Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att undersöka vilka preferenser konsumenter värdesätter i valet av sin bank, samt ur ett kundperspektiv beskriva de viktigaste delarna i ett erbjudande. Detta har undersökts genom att kvalitativt datamaterial har samlats in samt analyserats.I undersökningen har vi arbetat utifrån två problemformuleringar som rör vilka betydelsefulla delar som bör ingå i ett bankerbjudande samt vilka kvalitetsfaktorer som är mest betydelsefulla för den enskilda konsumenten.

Den informella organisationen : Jämställdhetsutredning inom bank-och finansbranschen

Hösten 2007 genomfördes denna jämställdhetsutredning inom bank- och finansbranschen.Syftet med utredningen var att belysa hur informella aspekter inom Bank AB kunde förstås i relation till jämställdhet. Den konkreta och övergripande frågeställningen är: Vilka hinder och möjligheter framträder för jämställdhet i Bank AB:s organisation? För att besvara den övergripande frågan ställdes följande frågor till mitt material: Framträder det några skillnader inom organisationen som är relaterade till kön/genus? Hur framställs kvinnor och män i interntidningen? Vilka föreställningar finns om kön/genus i organisationen?Utredningen utfördes via enkäter, därefter undersöktes personaltidningen och slutligen genomfördes intervjuer. Teoretisk utgångspunkt är organisationsteori med genusperspektiv uppdelat i begrepp som gäller strukturer, ledarskap, symbolism och förändring. Även teoretiska resonemang om systemförändrande/systembevarande jämställdhetsarbete applicerades på materialet.

Hur ser dagens bankkunder ut med hänsyn till den allt mer konkurrensutsatta bankmarknaden? : En surveyundersökning av bankkunder i Stockholmsområdet

Den svenska bankmarknaden har förändrats radikalt sedan avregleringen i mitten av 1980-talet. Konkurrensen har blivit allt hårdare då nya aktörer har etablerat sig på den svenska marknaden och de redan etablerade finansiella företagen har utvidgat sin verksamhet. Den välutvecklade tekniken och den ökade konkurrensen har medfört att privatpersoner på ett enkelt sätt byta bank eller skaffa en till bank. Men då allt fler aktörer befinner sig på marknaden har valet av bank även blivit ett allt mer komplext val. Därmed ska privatpersoners bankvanor, nöjdhet och relation till banken kartläggas.

Säsongsvis avverkning : det operativa traktvalets påverkan på den säsongsmässiga uthålligheten i ett bolagsdistrikts traktbank

Due to soft grounds in combination with seasonal variation in soil humidity, there is a lack of stands that are possible to cut during spring and autumn in some geographical regions. For Holmen Skog this sometimes means that a large proportion of the contracted private forest is cut during the winter when the ground is frozen. One consequence of this is that the proportion of winter stands in the stand bank of own forest increases while spring and autumn stands becomes a scarcity. This in combination with milder winters, especially when there is a long period of reduced bearing capacity in spring or autumn, means that the situation rapidly can become critical. The overall goal with this study was to generate basic data for decision support in the work to achieve a sustainable distribution between own forest and contracted private forest in the stand bank. The study took place at Holmen Skog, district of Umeå, during autumn 2007 and was based on interviews and an analysis of harvest planning and delivery data. The study showed that there is a problem with how the cutting is distributed between own and contracted private forest during the year and that it foremost is the proportion of winter thinning of own forest that has increased in the stand bank.

Verkställighetsföreskrifter, uppdragsarkeologi och konservatorer - Konservatorns integrering inom uppdragsarkeologin

To increase the quality and the cost-efficiency of contract archaeology in Sweden a revisedregulation for contract archaeology was established the 1st of January 2008. By including findstrategy as a concept with special demands in the regulation the Swedish Heritage Board is nowhoping that the conservators will be integrated earlier in the archaeological process and that theunpremeditated find accumulations will stop. This is making the competition between thearchaeological companies even harder. The questions are how the regulation have affected therole of the conservators in the field of contract archaeology today, what is affecting theintegration and the situation, and what can the different stakeholders do to make the collaborationbetween archaeologists and conservators more professional? The conservators are now hopingthat this is the change that will increase the collaboration with the archaeologists, which isimportant for the finds prosperity and the drive of information.To get an updated and generalised view of the impact of the regulation so far, phoneconversations and questionnaires were carried out with archaeologists, conservators, employees atcounty administrative boards and the Swedish Heritage Board.

Vad kostar det?: Fallstudie av en banks kostnadsallokeringssystem

This paper investigates the internal product costing system in one of the Swedish banks with the purpose to evaluate the quality of its product costs and possible implications on decision making. The study shows that the current system distorts product costs by, among other things, using relative allocation of costs and time and by allocating all costs to individual units of products. We therefore propose an alternative product costing system, which mainly draws on ABC theory but is also adapted to the specific needs of service companies and of the Bank. This proposal is intended as a solution in this particular case and not to be generalized in other contexts. We hope however to add to the understanding of why more complex costing systems, such as the ones based on ABC theory are, according to previous studies, not widely used in practice.

Bankers identifieringsmetoder : Nu och i framtiden

Keywords: ID-method, internet, security, digitzing, bank Background: The digitizing of our society continues to grow and more parts of our lives is spent on the internet. The banks are one of the institutions that is at the forefront of this development since they established themselves on a early basis. The banks meeting points have since this establishment moved from the regular bank office out on the internet. A problem that has occurred during this transfer is the possibility to positive ID a customer in a virtual world. It is essential to offer the customer methods to identify themselves that are both safe and easy to use.

Rebranding in the service sector

Thesis purpose: This thesis will through a case study of a recently rebranded bank ?Jyske Bank?, seek to research deeper within the field of service sector rebranding. The internal communication used in connection to the rebranding, will be analyzed in order to investigate what initiatives Jyske Bank?s organizational leaders launched to implement the rebranding and furthermore whether the initiatives have worked. The research questions are: - What are the critical initiatives behind the re-branding process, and have these initiatives been successful?- Furthermore, to determine the success: To what extend does the intended image, created by the organizational leaders of Jyske bank, in relation to the rebranding, correlate with the identity held by the organizational members? Methodology: This thesis employs a mix of quantitative questionnaires and qualitative semi structured interviews.Theoretical perspectives: Corporate rebranding framework (Daly & Moloney, 2004) and a conceptualization of the employee branding process (Miles & Mangold, 2005)Empirical data: The empirical data was collected from in depth interviews with management and questionnaires from employees.

Smartphoneapplikationer ? ett värdeskapande verktyg? : I bank- och livsmedelsbutiksbranschen

The smartphone market is growing rapidly, between Google Play and App Store more than 25 billion apps have been downloaded since 2008. Today many companies develop their own smartphone applications (apps) for their customers. We believe that many apps are developed without much consideration about the actual value it brings to the customer, and through them, value for the company. Instead they create applications with hope of keeping the company modern. Developing and implementing apps in a business is neither easy nor free and must therefore add value to the business in some way.

Gränsöverskridande arvsrätt : Gemensamma lagvalsregler inom EU

When someone dies there will always be an inheritance, an inheritance that earlier has been seen as a national concern. However, every year there are about 450 000 deaths within the European Union linked to more than one country, either when the deceased has changed his state of residence or when he has assets in another state, for example a Swedish national with a summer house in Spain. The problem is to determine which na-tional law that is supposed to be applicable to the inheritance.There are two principles that can be applicable on the choice of law, the principle of na-tionality and the principle of residency. If the principle of nationality is used the inherit-ance will be regulated by the deceased`s citizenship while the principle of residency takes aim on the deceased´s last domicile instead. Conflicts can occur between the two principles so that the legacy must be divided between two different legislations.In October 2009 the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate of Succession was presented, a regulation that will try to create harmonized rules on in-teralia the inheritance matters.

Guds Banker : En jämförande studie av finansiella system och religiösa uttryck hos fyra islamiska banker

The concept of a Sharia compliant financial system has been a frequently discussed topic among scholars, bankers and media since the 1960th. It origins from the prohibition of interest, riba, which is stated in the Quran. Islamic banking is spread across the Muslim world and also exists in some western countries. This paper will try to create an image of what Islamic banking is in theory and in practice. This will be done by looking into the different methods of interest free banking, the Quran and the annual reports of four Islamic banks in different countries.

En Elektrisk Kris : En studie om en kommun och dess lokala aktörers krisförberedelser vid ett omfattande elavbrott

Title: The mortgage limitation and its impact on the mortgage marketLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor: Mattias Arnkvist and Magnus Vitasp PerssonSupervisor: Lars SteinerDate: 2011 ? MayAim: We have conducted this report to find out what effect the mortgage limitation has had on the mortgage market since its introduction in autumn 2010. The mortgage limitation has both before and after the introduction been a topic of discussion as it affects many and above all makes it diffucult for certain customer groups.Method: This report was written by a qualitative method. The report uses qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative data we have in the report are printed literature in books, articles and journals as well as data taken from Internet.

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