1287 Uppsatser om Bank regulation - Sida 54 av 86
Dubbelprövningsförbudet avseende skattetillägg och skattebrott : - en utredning av införandet av regeringens förslag gällande en spärreglering samt ett samlat sanktionsförfarande ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv
A tax penalty is an administrative penalty and is levied when the tax obligated provides false information for the guidance of their own taxation. Further can the taxpayer also be punished for tax evasion for the same false reporting. However, this is contrary to the European Convention that we should not be tried or punished twice for the same crime. The Supreme Court has through practice from 2013 ruled that the right not to be punished twice for the same offense shall include the system in force concerning tax and tax offenses. The Supreme Court has by this judgment determined that the system of penalty and tax evasion is not compatible with the dual test ban.In the light of the judgment the Government submitted in November 2014 a draft to the council regarding double test ban regarding penalty and tax evasion.
?-galaktosidas assay för studie av promotorregion i kloritdismutas från Ideonella dechloratans
Oxochlorates are anions with a partially naturally occurrence in nature but are also spread by human activities, including the paper industry. These compounds are harmful to both nature and humans, which makes it necessary to find a good way for their degradation. There are two different kinds of bacteria that can use oxochlorates as electron acceptors in their metabolism, bacteria that break down perchlorate and bacteria that break down both perchlorate and chlorate. A bacterium that can break down chlorate under anaerobic conditions is Ideonella dechloratans which holds the genes for chlorite dismutase and chlorate reductase which are enzymes for the degradation of chlorate. Gene expression and enzyme activity of chlorite dismutase are induced under anaerobic conditions, which makes it interesting to find out how this regulation functions in order to better exploit these bacteria in biological wastewater treatment.
Värmning av avloppsvatten med spillvärme för att förbättra kvävereningen -Temperaturens inverkan på kvävereningen
The goal for this master thesis project has been to investigate the power quality in adistribution grid, which has a high fraction of dispersed power production due towindmills. The study has been done on a grid in Laholm South of Halmstad, whereapproximately 45 windmills are connected to the distribution grid owned by SHKEnergi. The investigation has been focused on to two radialy fed 20 kV lines, wheretwelve windmills are connected.Voltage variations have been studied by creating a model of the grid in the simulationprogram SIMPOW. The largest deviation that has been found in any point of the gridis ±1.9 % of the nominal voltage. This deviation is a result of varying powergeneration from the windmills and the voltage regulation at the connection point ofthe line.
Synen på revision i icke revisionspliktiga handels- och kommanditbolag: revisionens vara eller icke vara
För handels- och kommanditbolag krävs inte alltid revision. Det finns dock företag som väljer att använda sig av revision eller revisor trots att det inte behövs. Vårt syfte med denna uppsats var att identifiera motiv för och emot användandet av revision som tjänst och revisorn som person i små handels- och kommanditbolag som inte är revisionspliktiga. Vi valde att göra en telefonenkät med 36% av de aktiva handels- och kommanditbolag i Skellefteå stad. Vi utförde även personliga intervjuer med tre företag som antingen använde sig av revision, revisor eller inget av dem.
Lönsamhet i svenska banker - En tidsserieanalys av de svenska storbankernas lönsamhet och risktagande
This study aims to scrutinize the four major banks in Sweden on how their profit havedeveloped over a time span of 15 years, whether stricter regulations have had anyimpact on financial key ratios and if there is any correlation between the banksprofitability and their risk taking. The period covered is the years 2000-2014. Thefigures are annually and the four major banks are; Handelsbanken, Nordea,Skandiviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) and Swedbank.The findings are that financial key ratios that include net income are pro-cycle whereSwedbank has the biggest volatility over the period and that the three other banks areless, but clear pro-cycle. There are also indications that stricter rules have madeimpact on the volatility of the profitability even though the period covered is notenough to ensure this claim. Nordea has had the lowest and most stable capital ratiothroughout the period and the other three banks lowered their debt-to-equity ratiosignificantly after the financial crisis in 2008.
Komponentuppdelning av elnätetpå lokalnivå
Sweden will, in accordance with the EU-directive 2003/54/EC, move from post-regulating the electricity power grid-tariffs by using a fictitious grid, to a regulation in advance which uses the actual power grid as a starting point. For this purpose a component breakdown of the grid needs to be made to determine the value of the network and by that the tariff price that is reasonable for the network business in question to charge.The primary breakdown criteria is the voltage-level and type of region. Voltage-level is crucial for the cost and complexity of a grid-part, because the higher the voltagelevel is, there are more and stricter laws and rules to follow. This work is limited to the distributionpart of the grid, in other words voltage levels from 20 kV and below.The type of region is crucial to the type of components you can and want to use. In city environments both overhead-wires and independent substations are undesirable for both practical, safety and aesthetic reasons.
Arbetstidsdireketivets påverkan av den svenska arbetstidslagen : I vilken utsträckning kan parterna på arbetsmarknaden stifta kollektivavtal?
Sweden became a member of the European Union in 1995. When Sweden entered the Union the government also agreed on implementing every law, regulation and directive the Union have and will have in force. One directive the Union wants every country to implement is the Directive (93/104/EG) concerning certain aspects of the organization of working time. This directive includes regulations concerning the relationship between employer and employees. The regulations in the directive must be in force before January 1 2007.One of the main points in the directive is the possibility for the parties on the labour market to reach agreements through collective agreements that deviate from the legislation concerning work hours.
En banks lokalkontors arbete för hållbar utveckling : -Swedbank i Hofors
I denna studie undersöker jag på vilket sätt ett lokalt bankkontor arbetar för en hållbar utveckling. Jag har genomfört en förstudie för att öka min förståelse om regionen och det lokala näringslivet som bankkontoret verkar i. Jag genomförde en semi-strukturerad intervju med kontorschefen och företagsrådgivaren på deras kontor. Efter den intervjun skickade jag ut enkäter till små företag i det lokala näringslivet för att ta reda på om bankkontoret och företagarna kommunicerade på ett liknande sätt med varandra. Jag gjorde en grundlig teori sökning och fann intressant forskning på området på KTH Centrum för bank och finans.
Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten : Utifrån tre olika intressenters perspektiv
SAMMANFATTNINGTitel: Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten ? utifrån tre olika intressenters perspektivNivå: KandidatUtgivningsår: 2010Författare: Emanuel Vardi, Oscar Larsen och Thomas KarlssonHandledare: Per JanzeSyfte: Syftet med den här studien är att ta reda på vilket sätt revisionsbyråerna (GrantThornton och KPMG), Skatteverket och bankerna (Handelsbanken och Nordea) skulle kunnapåverkas av avskaffandet av revisionsplikten. Vi ska även diskutera kring vilka förändringarsom kan komma att ske.Metod: I den här studien har vi utgått från den kvalitativa metoden och vi har genomförtmuntliga intervjuer med revisionsbyråer, Skatteverket och banker.Slutsats: Resultatet som vi har kunnat konstatera i den här studien är att det kommer att ske enförflyttning angående efterfrågan från revision till redovisning. De tre intressenternaförbereder sig för framtiden genom att ta fram nya riktlinjer i sitt arbete med aktiebolagen.Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Uppföljning efter avskaffandet hur intressenterna har påverkats.Ett annat förslag är att undersöka huruvida aktiebolagen som inte kommer omfattas avrevisionsplikten valt bort revisionen eller inte.Nyckelord: Revision, revisor, revisionsplikt, avskaffande, banker, revisionsbyrå, Skatteverket..
Arbetsmiljöansvar vid uthyrning av personal
As the staffing agency business is rapidly growing and suffering from accidents resulting in higher sick leave than in other businesses, it is of great interest to analyze which responsibilities prevail between the customer companies and the staffing agencies, when it comes to working environment for hired staff.The purpose of this essay is to clarify the distribution of responsibilities between customer companies and staffing agencies, regarding working environment. I would also like to analyze which consequences this distribution of responsibilities may lead to.To be able to answer these questions, I have chosen to use the legal dogmatic method together with the sociology of law method. I have studied legal sources, literature and also interviewed three persons who are active within the staffing agency business; one person from the Swedish Work Environment Authority, one person from the employers? side and one person from the employees? side.The conclusion of my survey is that the SAM-responsibility is divided equally between staffing agencies and customer companies, since the customer company who hires staff is equated with an employer. The employer must also ensure that there is an organized work adaptation and rehabilitation function within the company.
Samspel mellan miljo?politik, innovation och teknikutveckling : Fallstudier om svenska avlopp, kylska?p och bilar
Within process or manufacturing industries, the production of goods and services or the products themselves may have negative side effects such as pollution. An important task for environmental policy is to control and limit these pollutions, for example via regulatory measures. Although, the efficiency of such measures vary greatly between different industries and an increasingly important task for environmental policy is then to encourage companies to engage in environmentally motivated innovation. Governments can utilize other measures than regulation to indirectly decrease pollution. This thesis aims to analyze such activities and how it affects the innovativeness of wastewater treatment, refrigeration and automobile manufacturing industries.
Felsökningssystem för bankomat
NMD 100 is a notes and media dispensing machine, manufactured by De La Rue Ltd, located in Flen, Sweden. The customers, mainly bank offices, have expressed a need for a more comprehensive description of errors occurring from time to time in their machines. In order to acquire a BSc-degree in Computer and Electronics Technology at the University of Linköping I have carried out a diploma work, regarding new computer programs to fulfil the customers? wishes. The machine NMD 100 is connected to its PC through handshaking.
Basel II - Riskbedömningarna inom Pelare II
Denna uppsats ämnar ge en inblick i Basel II-reglernas pelare II och undersöka hur dessa reglers utformning uppfattas dels av storbankerna och av finansinspektionen, samt hur de ser på det utökade samarbetet med varandra. Vidare ämnar undersökningen också försöka ta reda på hur det kommer att påverka stabiliteten på finansmarknaden och vad de nya sätten att arbeta får för effekt på förutsebarheten i den information som lämnas. Vi använder oss av en induktiv ansats metod där vi går från teori till empiri. Forskningsansatsen är av den kvalitativa metoden då vi intervjuat tre banker och Finansinspektionen. Kapitlet börjar med att ge läsarna en introduktion av Basel II reglerna, därefter presenters den institutionella teorin.
Samhällets syn på fattigdom : En jämförelse av begreppen "nödtorftig vård" och "skälig levnadsnivå"
The purpose of this bachelor's thesis in social work has been to examine whether society's perception of poverty and poor people has changed over the more than 160 years have passed since the first national Poor regulation was enacted in Sweden. With a social constructionist approach and inspired by the critical discourse analysis we have conducted two studies to find answers to what differences and similarities between the concepts of scanty care (1847) and standards of living (2002). A study based on previous research was conducted to examine how society's perception of poverty has changed and designed in a historical perspective. We also conducted a textual analysis of relevant legal texts and legislative history to show how these texts reflect the society's official view of poverty based interventions targeted to poor people.The two sub-studies show that the concepts at different times in history has been crucial for the community support poor people were entitled to. Our overall conclusion is that despite today's advanced social policy there are many obvious similarities between the concepts of scanty care and standards of living.
Privatrådgivarens förhållningssätt till risk vid rådgivning
Syftet med den föreliggande studien är att utifrån konvertiters egna berättelser om sin väg till islam nå en ökad förståelse för vilken innebörd valet att konvertera till islam får för deras identitet och känsla av mening. Studiens frågeställningar är: Hur beskriver konveriter sin egen resa till islam, vilken betydelse har den nya religiösa identiteten för dem i deras vardag samt vilken mening finner de i sin religiösa tro idag. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter har varit Rambo och Farhadian's teori om konversionsstadier, Bauman, Johansson samt Berger & Luckmann's resonemang kring identitet som en process samt McGuire utifrån religion som meningssystem och konversion som omformulering av självet. Metoden som valts för att kunna uppfylla syftet och besvara frågeställningarna har varit hermeneutiken. Undersökningen har baserats på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer.