

2745 Uppsatser om Background speech - Sida 8 av 183

En för alla och alla för en : En jämförande studie mellan traditionellt grupparbete och kooperativt lärande

This is a comparative study between traditional group work and cooperative learning among 9 graders at a Swedish high school. The classes did an assignment that involved translating and then both students and teachers answered a questionnaire. An example of how profitable cooperative learning is is the fact that the speech activity was more equal in the cooperative groups. All the students in the cooperative groups had to contribute to the assignment in order to fulfill the assignment. The reason for higher speech activity is the structure of cooperative learning, which involves roles suited for the assignment.

Konfrontationsbenämning av substantiv och verb hos svensktalande vuxna utan anomi

Confrontation naming is commonly used in speech and language pathology to diagnose neurogenic communication disorders and evaluate naming ability. The existing Swedish assessment instruments for adults consist of pictures depicting nouns. In this study, parts of the instrument An Object and Action Naming Battery were used, containing pictures depicting both nouns and verbs. The study?s purpose was to explore the degree of difficulty in the material, based on the naming of the participants, and examine whether different variables correlate with the results in confrontation naming.

Naturvetenskap i förskolan : Pedagoger om relevans och uppfyllandet av läroplanens naturvetenskapliga mål i förskolan

The main reason for the study was to find out how much naturscience is used in the daily situation in the preschool/school environment with the younger kids. I have studied the teacher`s educations background, if this had any role in the teaching of naturscience. To get my answers I interviewed ten teachers with different teaching background.The result showed that science was present both in the preschool and school for the early years. Everything from teamwork to outdoor play and small experiments. To play out in the woods is most important part teaching in naturscience.My study showed that a teacher`s educations background had no part in the teaching of everyday life in the nature.Keyword: experiment, primary, school, science..

Naturvetenskap i förskola/skola : Intervjustudie om pedagogernas arbete inom naturvetenskap

The main reason for the study was to find out how much naturscience is used in the daily situation in the preschool/school environment with the younger kids. I have studied the teacher`s educations background, if this had any role in the teaching of naturscience. To get my answers I interviewed ten teachers with different teaching background.The result showed that science was present both in the preschool and school for the early years. Everything from teamwork to outdoor play and small experiments. To play out in the woods is most important part teaching in naturscience.My study showed that a teacher`s educations background had no part in the teaching of everyday life in the nature.Keyword: experiment, primary, school, science..

Hon är inte arg, hon är bara stressad! : En studie om hur lärare i förskolan upplever stress i sin arbetsmiljö

In January of 2014 a newly founded company held a press conference in central Stockholm. The purpose of the conference was to inform about Lexbase, the largest database on the Internet with legal information about the Swedish general public. The aim of this particular paper is to use news reports about Lexbase as material to identify the theses and their types presented in Swedish newspapers, and to examine the ideology constructed and presented by the theses in the said news reports. The questions asked in the paper are 1. What the distribution of different theses looks like and is there a type of thesis that more often invokes an implicit argumentation? 2.

Att vara är att synas ? en kvalitativ innehållsstudie om produkt- och varumärkesexponering i Skavlan

Titel: Att vara är att synas ? en kvalitativ innehållsstudie om produkt- och varumärkesexponering i SkavlanFörfattare: Louise Bennshagen, Olivia Lindh och Anton SkoglundUppdragsgivare: Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation, Göteborgs universitetKurs: Examensarbete i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation, Göteborgs universitetTermin: Höstterminen 2014Handledare: Britt BörjessonSidantal: 65 sidor inklusive bilagorAntal ord: 18539Syfte: Att undersöka om det förekommer produkt- och/eller varumärkesexponering i Skavlan avsnitt 1-9 säsong 12, och i så fall på vilket/vilka sätt.Metod: Kvalitativ innehållsanalys ? Ethnographic Content AnalysisMaterial: AvsSVT, commercial speech,storytellingnitt 1-9 av Skavlan säsong 12Huvudresultat: Resultatet visar att det förekommer produkt- och varumärkesexponering i Skavlan avsnitt 1-9 säsong 12. Många av exponeringarna går att koppla till närliggande lanseringar och till någon av följande publicitetsstrategier ? commercial speech, storytelling eller stealth marketing. Huruvida gästerna avsiktligt använder dessa publicitetsstrategier, eller inte, kan vi inte uttala oss om, enbart att deras agerande påminner om eller rentav är användning av nämnda strategier.

Utvärdering av Komm-A, en modell för arbete med kommunikationsbok för personer med afasi i logopedisk verksamhet

The purpose of this study was to evaluate Komm-A, a model for usingcommunication books in clinical practice for people with aphasia. The studyconsisted of two group studies and one case study. One of the group studies had apretest-posttest design and consisted of nine couples; a person with aphasia andhis/her communication partner. The material used was Quality of communicationlife scale (QCL), Communicative effectiveness index (CETI), Goal attainmentscaling (GAS), and a questionnaire to the communication partner. The other groupstudy consisted of seven speech-language pathologists who worked with thecouples according to the Komm-A model.

"Ett förskräckligt missbruk av yttrandefriheten" : en uppsats om underförståddhet i svensk nyhetsrapportering om Lexbase

In January of 2014 a newly founded company held a press conference in central Stockholm. The purpose of the conference was to inform about Lexbase, the largest database on the Internet with legal information about the Swedish general public. The aim of this particular paper is to use news reports about Lexbase as material to identify the theses and their types presented in Swedish newspapers, and to examine the ideology constructed and presented by the theses in the said news reports. The questions asked in the paper are 1. What the distribution of different theses looks like and is there a type of thesis that more often invokes an implicit argumentation? 2.

En studie om sambandet mellan självskattad astmakontroll och en inflamationsmarkör hos barn med astma

Background:Due to a more open climate in society for homosexual people several lesbian couples have given birth to children in their relations. Research has shown no differences between children in lesbian families and children in heterosexual families considering mental and social health. International research has also shown that lesbian parents often have bad experiences from meetings with healthcare providers.Theaim of this study was to describe lesbian child families/familyplannings and the lesbian parents experiences and expectations of the healthcare.Themethod for the study was qualitative interview with 9 lesbian parents. The data was analysed by the queer theory heteronormative concept.Theresults of the research was that lesbian families considered themselves as a nuclear family and at the same time distanced themselves from the nuclear family concept. The findings showed that lesbian couples are involved in a very long process when they try to become parents.

?Eh, tack och förlåt? : en retorisk situations- och genreanalys av tacktalen under Grammisgalan 2015 med fokus på samband mellan verbalspråk och actio ur ett mottagarperspektiv

This essay examines the epideictic genre by using qualitative method to analyze acceptance speeches from the Swedish Grammy awards. These speeches and their speakers are often described as rhetorically mediocre and there seems to be a notion within the music community that an acceptance speech is personal and without deeper meaning. From a functionalistic perspective on genre, these speeches can be seen as working together with other genres that carry information about the winners. Why would skilled performers who know how to entertain an audience choose to repeat rhetorical mistakes? This essay uses different perspectives on rhetorical situation and genre as well as multimodal analysis of verbal- and nonverbal communication, to argue that these particular speeches in this particular situation come with their own set of expectations and values that the speakers have to acknowledge if they are to meet the epideictic purpose: To unite the audience around common values and create an enjoyable collective memory.

Lesbiska barnfamiljers möten med hälso- och sjukvården

Background:Due to a more open climate in society for homosexual people several lesbian couples have given birth to children in their relations. Research has shown no differences between children in lesbian families and children in heterosexual families considering mental and social health. International research has also shown that lesbian parents often have bad experiences from meetings with healthcare providers.Theaim of this study was to describe lesbian child families/familyplannings and the lesbian parents experiences and expectations of the healthcare.Themethod for the study was qualitative interview with 9 lesbian parents. The data was analysed by the queer theory heteronormative concept.Theresults of the research was that lesbian families considered themselves as a nuclear family and at the same time distanced themselves from the nuclear family concept. The findings showed that lesbian couples are involved in a very long process when they try to become parents.

Stökiga, bråkiga, ouppfostrade och störande elever

I vårt examensarbete skrev vi allenast om elever som redan har diagnos ADHD. Vi valde att undersöka och studera de pedagogiska strategier som lärare använde sig av gällande läs-, skriv- och talutveckling hos elever som har ADHD. För att anpassa skoluppgifterna till elever som har ADHD fanns det många fakta, tips och idéer. Våra frågeställningar handlade om läs-, skriv- och talutveckling, undervisning, klassrumsmiljö och utbildning. Litteraturen som vi har läst poängterar vikten av att vuxna, såsom lärare och föräldrar, skall utbilda och vidareutbilda sig.

Venezuela under Hugo Chávez - en mätning av demokrati

The present state of politics in contemporary Venezuela portrays a country of polarization, a chase for power and accusations of authoritarian and even undemocratic rule. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the democracy in Venezuela, in order to clarify the sometimes vauge perception of the political situation. By applying the theories of polyarchical democracy put forth by Robert Dahl, one of the most highly regarded theorists on the subject, accordingly the discussion will therefore follow a theoretical framework. Dahl requires seven nstitutions to be guaranteed in a democracy, amongst them the possibility to vote, run for public office and the practise of freedom of speech. Measuring Dahl's levels of institutions in Venezuela, it is made clear that the level of democracy vary in different areas.

Varför personalekonomi?

Chapter 6 of the Ch?ndogya Upani?ad has often been treated in works on early Indian philosophy, as well as in some comparative studies on color symbolism. Attempts to place it in a larger framework against the background of late Vedic religion are, however, few, the rationalistic and ?tradition-challenging? appearance of the text having repeatedly been emphasized. But the doctrine contained in the text ? a cosmologic teaching on the three elements constituting the universe, each being characterized by a color (red, white, black) ? and their microcosmic counterparts in the human body, does have some clear affinities to the worldview of the Br?hma?as and ?ra?yakas, which posits a series of similar correlations (bandhu-) between macro- and microcosmos.

Järnburens renodlade revsion.

Chapter 6 of the Ch?ndogya Upani?ad has often been treated in works on early Indian philosophy, as well as in some comparative studies on color symbolism. Attempts to place it in a larger framework against the background of late Vedic religion are, however, few, the rationalistic and ?tradition-challenging? appearance of the text having repeatedly been emphasized. But the doctrine contained in the text ? a cosmologic teaching on the three elements constituting the universe, each being characterized by a color (red, white, black) ? and their microcosmic counterparts in the human body, does have some clear affinities to the worldview of the Br?hma?as and ?ra?yakas, which posits a series of similar correlations (bandhu-) between macro- and microcosmos.

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