

2745 Uppsatser om Background speech - Sida 22 av 183

"Din jävla hora, du ska dö!" : En studie i hur näthatet påverkar kvinnliga journalister

With the expansion of the internet, the conditions for the online journalists have changed. Feedback is faster and more blatant than offline. The online abilities of anonymity and dispersion attracts people to both use and misuse. During 2013, the online expressions of hate towards women has been brought to attention in the media more than ever before. Nevertheless, the phenomenon is far from new.Our qualitative research including interviews intends to find out how the afflicted women journalists are affected in their exercise of their profession.

Valet och kvalet kring kapitalstrukturen : om kognitionens inverkan på finansieringspolitiken

Background: A company?s choice of capital structure is influenced by the access to internal and external capital but also by the opportunities and threats that the management perceives in the environment and the management?s attitude towards risk. How an individual perceives and interpret the environment depends on the cognitive structures, which are shaped by personality, background and earlier experiences. Accordingly cognitive structures can be expected to influence the choice of capital structure. Purpose: Out of a cognitive perspective we intend to study the relationship between the way a company views it?s environment and what capital structure it chooses to have, in order to contribute to an increased understanding about what lies behind a company?s capital structure policy.

Vem ska tolka? En litteraturstudie om olika sätt att tolka i omvårdnadssituationer.

The aim of the present study is to examine the experiences from different ways of interpreting in nursing of patients that come from a different ethnic background and speak a different language than the nursing staff..

Fonologiskt korttidsminne hos tvåspråkiga barn med och utan språkstörning

Repetition of Non- word (make- up word that has not some semantic content) has been proposed as a reliable index of phonological memory in children with language impairment (LI). The aim of this study was to find out the possible similarities and differences concerning phonotactic non-words and working memory in 18 bilingual Swedish-Arabic children with and without LI ages 4-6 years. The investigation was undertaken by conducting three tests including NEPSY, WPPSI-III and a Word repetition test. The results showed that there are not significant differences between the two groups regarding various parts of NEPSY. On the other hand the results showed two significant differences in WPPSI-III regarding Picture categories and Word repetition tests for Swedish Non-word.

I första hand människa : En intersektionell analys av fyra berättelser om att komma ut som lesbisk med muslimsk bakgrund

The aim of the study is to analyse the stories of four homosexual women with Muslim backgrounds about coming out as homosexuals, from an intersectional perspective. The experience of coming out as lesbian and the intersectionality are related to different social contexts. The homosexuality becomes a problem in connection to family and countrymen while the Muslim background becomes more of a problem in relationships. Heteronormativity and gender system appear to be cooperating systems of oppression.These women don?t describe themselves as oppressed, but potential oppression is still something that influences their lives.

Upphandling av partnering

The effects of social media usage in a professional context, specifically the effects on social media usage in relation to leadership have been studied in order to determine weather or not usage can be productive for leadership in general. The study concludes that there are several benefits as well as drawbacks to leadership in using social media, but has yet to conclude weather productive or not. This study gives an overview of a relatively unexplored subject.Leadership in terms of leader, communication and group dynamics have been defined and explained in accordance with existing literature. A  brief review of computer and Internet history attempts to explain the formation and evolution of social media. Risks in terms of risks related to leadership and risks related to IT-security are taken into consideration and have been briefly explained.

Taligenkänning som inmatningsmetod för naturligt språk

Att interagera med ett system genom att använda naturligtspråk görs genom att använda ett Natural Language Interface (NLI) som innebär svårigheter för både system och användare. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om taligenkänning är en användbar inmatningsmetod för naturligt språk baserat på ISO-definitionen av användbarhet. Detta gjordes genom att utveckla ett spel baserat på det klassiska textbaserade spelet Zork där användaren ger kommandon i naturligt språk som sedan användes för en användbarhetsstudie. Studien utfördes med mellangruppsdesign med två grupper av användare där den ena gruppen använde tangentbordsinmatning och den andra taligenkänning med Web Speech API. Både kvalitativ och kvantitativ data insamlades under testet om användarnas effektivitet, beteende och uppfattning av systemet.

Kan teknikutveckling i form av sociala medier vara produktivt fo?r ledarskap?

The effects of social media usage in a professional context, specifically the effects on social media usage in relation to leadership have been studied in order to determine weather or not usage can be productive for leadership in general. The study concludes that there are several benefits as well as drawbacks to leadership in using social media, but has yet to conclude weather productive or not. This study gives an overview of a relatively unexplored subject.Leadership in terms of leader, communication and group dynamics have been defined and explained in accordance with existing literature. A  brief review of computer and Internet history attempts to explain the formation and evolution of social media. Risks in terms of risks related to leadership and risks related to IT-security are taken into consideration and have been briefly explained.

Strategi för utvecklande av reglerbudata

This Master Thesis discusses the development of bids for regulation power with consideration of change of discharge. The study was initiated by Vattenfall PD and is a limited part of a substantial development project at the same division. The background of the project is the new demands from SvK, which among other things includes more detailed regulation bids. As from the 1st of November 2008, the regulation bids are supposed to be calculated regarding each specific regulation object, something that is defined by SvK. These new demands changes Vattenfall?s conditions and will increase the need for detailed knowledge about available regulation power and costs for regulation.In this study a strategy for regulation bids was developed.

Läsplatta som hjälpmedel för dyslektiker

Denna uppsats tar upp frågan om en teknisk artefakt, i detta fall läs- och/eller surfplatta, kan ses som en bra lösning för dyslektiker i deras svårigheter med läsningen. Studien har fokus på läs- och surfplattans funktioner som kan vara en möjlighet att hjälpa personer med läsning. Uppsatsens experiment beprövar en redan etablerad metod, läsa och lyssna samtidigt, genom att sätta samman ett antal funktioner och tekniker som finns idag i en enhet. Vi har undersökt om man kan öka läshastigheten och läsförståelsen hos dyslektiker med hjälp av sådan teknik på en läs/surfplatta. Resultatet visar en trend på att metoden fungerar.

Att umgås eller inte umgås, det är frågan! : Socialt umgänge och utveckling hos människor med psykosdiagnos

Background: A common view about people with diagnosed psychosis is that they are socially withdrawn and that they neither cope nor want to engage in social relationships. Newly published specialist books on this subject also support this view.Aims: To unveil further dimensions of the phenomena by explorative analyzing consumers? own depictions about their ?social relationships".Method: The material is taken from a larger study that followed consumers regularly during a lapse of 3 years. Within this material 15 interviews from three respondents were chosen, a selection which gives maximal spreading concerning age, sex and background. The interviews where analyzed by methods based on Grounded Theory.Results: Three main dimensions were identified: supportive relationships, difficulties and social withdrawal.

Vad har Gandhi med familjeterapi att göra?

Introduction: In this study an innovative and multimodal method in family therapy called NVR, Non-Violent Resistence, is examined. NVR is an approach developed by Haim Omer, professor in psychology at the University of Tel Aviv. This approach is described as coming from the ancient ideological roots used by Gandhi in the Nonviolent resistence of oppressive regimes. NVR advocates that the parents give up the desire to control their children. Instead parents should take control of their own lives by actively resisting any behaviors of the child that are damaging.

Biblioteket, öppna förskolan och föräldrar i samarbete kring flyktingbarns språkliga och kulturella utveckling en undersökning bland flyktingföräldrar i stadsdelarna Hässleholmen och Norrby i Borås

The main purpose of this master thesis is to investigate in what ways library and public preschool cooperate with families with immigrants background in developing and protecting children's languages and cultures in two districts, Hässleholmen and Norrby, in the community of Borås. I want to investigate the parent's meaning of view according to which roles the libraries and public preschools involvement play. The study is based on qualitative interviews. Nine interviews were undertaken with parents who live in these two districts and five interviews with the librarians and preschool teachers who work in the libraries or the public preschools. The study of relevant literature, which describes topics such as psychological aspects of immigration, facts about children with immigrant's background and their language development and multicultural librarianship, provides a basis for the discussion.

PReklam? : En kvantitativ studie som undersöker vad gymnasieelever i årskurs 3 förknippar med begreppet PR

 Background and aim: Media development and digitalization has expanded the PR industry's working area. More participants are on the media market and it is becoming more and more difficult to define what PR really is and what the PR agencies/departments really do. Is PR marketing, information, event marketing or maybe propaganda? We believe that the complexity to define the term PR can lead to a loss of critical approach to the business, especially among young people. Has the PR industry managed to eliminate their negative image among students in upper secondary school and what do they associate with PR today? The aim of this essay is to examine what a selection of students associate with the term PR and if they are critical to the PR industry or not.Method/Material: The method is a quantitative survey.

Diagnostiseringsålder på barn med hörselnedsättning under åren 2002 till 2006 på Island

The society today is more aware of the importance of early diagnosis of children?s hearing impairment. Neonatal hearing screening is used in many countries today, that is to be able to start habilitation at as early age as possible. Studies have shown that if children are diagnosed early enough will their language ability follow the age group of normal hearing peers.This is a journal study where journals form 99 Icelandic children, diagnosed in the Hearing and Speech Institute of Iceland during a period of 5 years, between 2002 and 2006, were inspected and analyzed. At the same time as the age of diagnose was analyzed the influence of gender, type and degree of hearing impairment was inspected.The age of diagnose of hearing impairment in Iceland was found to be between 5 and 6 years of age which looks higher than in other counties.

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