

547 Uppsatser om Axis Communications - Sida 11 av 37

Analys av leksaksrobot, skapande av monster

During spring 2009 a three meter tall and laughing robot was developed in collaboration between Royal Institute of Technology and Royal University College of Fine Arts. The robots function and esthetics is based on an existing toy robot called Elmo. Elmo is 30 cm tall but now the goal was to make it 1000 times bigger in order to present it on the spring exhibition of Royal University College of Fine Arts. Due to only four months of developing and building time a demand of fast determination and good planning was required. In order to make a good structure for the project it is divided into five phases: Analysis of Elmo, planning, concept development, detail construction and finally product development and testing.In the first phase valuable knowledge is obtained according to the movements and geometry of Elmo.

Beräkning av rotationscentrum för knä-och höftled. : En kinematisk modell för kroppens rörelse baserad på experimentell data.

This report is part of a Bachelor?s degree corresponding to 15 creditsat the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. The work hasbeen carried out by Max Wikander, author of the report, supervisedby Lanie Gutierrez-Farewik and Erik Dijkstra.Gait analysis includes measurement, characterization and assessmentof human movement and is used to assess kinematic or otherabnormalities during gait. Center of rotation and the axis of rotationof a joint are fundamental parameters in motion analysis. However,the ability to create individualized analysis is limited by the lack ofaccuracy when these parameters are calculated.

Anhörigstöd : Betydelsen av stöd och hjälp till anhöriga som vårdar en person med demenssjukdom

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how family members perceive family support, and to gain a deeper understanding of how the relatives' part is affected by the dementia ill person. The result has been produced by semi-structured interviews with five respondents interviewed individually. The respondents who participated in the study, care for the dementia sufferer husband / wife at home, or the husband / wife has moved to a special housing. The result includes the perception of being a relative of a person with dementia, how they experience support from various parties, if there are any differences between men and women as well as the importance of communication and attitude. Overall it was shown that relatives often felt a sense of security and that they were satisfied with the support they received from the various parties.

Kvalitetssäkra Planförslag - Kriterier för gångtrafiken

Faktorer och kriterier som har betydelse i den reella miljön, men som även är möjliga att läsa i planförslag är fokus för detta examensarbete som syftar till att undersöka huruvida gångmiljön kan kvalitetssäkras i planförslag genom analys av kriterier. Detta görs genom litteraturstudie av forskning, vägledande dokument och utvärderingsmetoder för befintliga miljöer, med innehållsanalys som metod. Vilket därefter analyseras för att prövas på den fallstudie som görs på en stadsdel i Karlskrona. Undersökningen visar att hantering av faktorer och kriterier varierar stort i forskning men även i vägledning för planering samt att analys av kriterier i planförslag kan vara problematiskt. Uppsatsen påvisar att kvalitetssäkring av planförslag har en rad fördelar i den fysiska planeringen.

Delårsrapporter-Hur viktig är granskning för trovärdigheten?

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Delårsrapporter- Hur viktig är granskning för trovärdigheten? Seminariedatum: 17 januari 2002 Ämne/kurs: Kandidatuppsats i redovisning, 10 poäng Författare: Mats Eriksson Mary Johansson Caroline Karlsson Gustaf Sandberg Handledare: Fredrik Ljungdahl Företag: Active Biotech, Andersen, Aspiro, Axis, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Switchcore Sex nyckelord:Informationsgivning, delårsrapporter, översiktlig granskning, regleringar, utveckling, assurance Syfte: Vårt syfte med uppsatsen har varit att besvara följande frågor: På vilka grunder tas beslut om granskning? Har granskade delårsrapporter högre trovärdighet? Finns det någon alternativ metod, förutom granskning, som kan garantera tillförlitlighet i delårsrapporter? Metod: Vi har valt att genom abduktion behandla granskning av delårsrapporter ur revisorers och företags perspektiv. För att samla in empiri har vi gjort intervjuer med båda grupperna. Denna har vi sedan analyserat tillsammans med annan primär data för att komma fram till våra slutsatser. Slutsatser: Vi anser inte det nödvändigt med utökad reglering av granskningen av delårsrapporter.

Implementering av ARINC429 testutrustning med 16 kanals kommunikationskort och dataSIMS

This bachelor thesis includes two different manuals and design of an interface box between a test object and a general test station (computer) with ARINC429 communication.There are three different purposes with this project:The first is to setup a general test station with ARINC429 communication using a communications card from DDC (DD-42916i3-300) and software from Ampol Technologies (dataSIMS).The second is to design a new interface between the test computer and the test object. As well as implementing two components in the equipment.The third is to write two separate manuals to guide the users of this equipment. There are two different kinds of users of this equipment, technicians and system engineers. Technicians use the equipment to test and repair flight components. System engineers will implement new components in the equipment.The result of this project is a working test station with a new interface and two manuals..

Kommunikationens betydelse vid implementeringsprocesser

Discussions started on how to handle liquidity problems crises in credit institutions and investment with the financial in 2008 as a research background. This led to the establishment of a new legislation regarding the current managing of liquidity risks which involves major changes in organizations. The changes will address the problems on how a successful implementation work could be completed and what is required of the organizations. Good communication is essential in order to have a successful changing process when everything an organization undergoes requires clear and ongoing communication.The purpose of this paper was to examine if Organization X application communications to the same extent as a deployment model shows. Organization X was the company we chose to investigate as they are one of many banks that are facing the upcoming change.Communication Concepts such as understanding, dialogue, discussion, open mindness, transparency and participation, have been key words during our work.

Genom statistisk analys utvärdera geometriska parametrars påverkan på ett XPI- cylinderhuvuds snurrtal

This Master Thesis is a product development project that has been carried out in cooperation with Scania CV AB. The purpose has been to find the relationship between geometric parameters and the swirl number for an XPI- cylinder head in order to improve the design specification.The increased focus on environmental issues from society leads to tighter emission legislations for the truck manufactures. In order to drive the development forward considerable resources are spent on research and development on diesel engines and its combustion process. The inlet air has a significant impact on the formation of emissions and the flow that is desired is called swirl. Swirl is achieved by making the air rotate around the vertical axis of the cylinder.Earlier cylinder heads that has been developed at Scania CV AB have shown clear relationships between geometric parameters of the cylinder head and the swirl number.

Ett bankkontors präglade kommunikation : Arbetet med ett kontors interna kommunikation

The purpose of this study is to investigate two Handelsbanken offices and how they work in similar ways when dealing with internal communication. The goal is to answer if and in what way the managers` and the employes perceive their internal communication at the two bank officies. By a comparation between the two decentralisized officies the aim is also to study what differences and/or similarities that exists in internal communications?Are managers and employees satisfied with the communication that flows in the organization? I find it interesting to investigate in wheather there exist a similarity in the internal communication between the managers and the employees since it is a decentralized organization.I have made five semi-structured interviews with two managers at two different Handelsbanken offices. Additionally two interviews with two employes at one of the offices and also one interview at the other Handelsbanken office.By the study I have found that all respondents have a positive impression according the internal communication.

Mötesindustrin : samarbete, nätverk och värdeskapande

Background: The meeting industry has had undergone a extensive changes due to a number of factors. The globalization has meant that supply increases and congress organizers have more options to choose from. Development in communications, for instance internet, means that meetings can take place without a physical presence. Congress organizers as clients have also changes. Stockholm as position as a leading city to hold congresses in has also changed for the worse, in 2006 Stockholm dropped of the top-10 list.

Informationsmäklare i Sverige marknadsföringsstrategier och konkurrensmedel i en outvecklad bransch

A new line of business has arisen on the Swedish information market. The information broker is still quite an unknown actor but the future seems to hold a prosperous outcome for this kind of alternative information service. The information broker has many definitions but can generally be described as an intermediary between information sources and users. The Swedish market for this kind of information professionals has not yet developed into a big, well-established and lucrative branch as for example the one in the USA. The Swedish actors are still coping with resistance in form of insufficient support from the government, competitiveness from other more established information services and the clienteles lack of understanding the brokers purpose and utility.

Stråket - Utveckling av gång- och cykelförbindelse mellan Kungsmarken/Marieberg och Amiralen i Karlskrona

Det pågår en diskurs om att reducera bilismen och det blir därför allt viktigare att skapa hållbara gång- och cykelstråk. Detta eftersom bilismen påverkar staden negativt ur ett miljö- och trygghetsmässigt perspektiv. Då Karlskrona kommun avser att etablera ett nytt resecentrum med 450 närliggande bostäder i området Gullberna ökar behovet av ett väl fungerande gång- och cykelstråk för detta och omkringliggande områden. Det är därför av stor vikt att utveckla det gång- och cykelstråk som sträcker sig mellan bostadsområdena Kungsmarken och Marieberg via framtida Gullberna stationsområde och vidare mot halvexternt handelsområdet Amiralen för att tillgodose den nya befolkningsökningen i och med nybyggnation av bostäder och resecentrum..

Mötesindustrin : Kongresser : samarbete, nätverk och värdeskapande

Background: The meeting industry has had undergone a extensive changes due to a number of factors. The globalization has meant that supply increases and congress organizers have more options to choose from. Development in communications, for instance internet, means that meetings can take place without a physical presence. Congress organizers as clients have also changes. Stockholm as position as a leading city to hold congresses in has also changed for the worse, in 2006 Stockholm dropped of the top-10 list.

Att gestalta offentliga rum - Stortorget Karlskrona

Stortorget i Karlskrona är ett centralt beläget offentligt rum som idag förlorat sin funktion som en plats med ett rikt offentligt liv och en trivsam plats i staden. Detta arbete tar tag i den problematiken och presenterar ett sätt på vilket man kan förändra torget och göra det attraktivare för stadens befolkning. Förslaget går ut på att göra torget mer anpassat för oskyddade trafikanter genom att bilarna får ta ett steg åt sidan men samtidigt göra det lättillgängligt med en ny kollektivtrafiklösning för Trossö. För att göra torget attraktivare har dess storlek försökt tonas ner och därmed göra det mer anpassat till den mänskliga skalan. Detta har skett bland annat genom att plantera träd men även genom nya byggnader som bättre integrerar med det stora torget..

Internet : som kompletterande kommunikationskanal till Event Marketing

The aim of this essay is to examine how the Internet functions as a communication channel to Event Marketing. We have investigated what makes the Internet unique as a communication channel for events and how Internet has been used for event marketing. We have mapped fundamental theories within marketing, media, communications and human-computer interaction, which together describe event marketing. We have carried out case studies on two event-marketing projects where the Internet has played a major role. The first project was XCT which is a project developed by the company Eventum AB.

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