1668 Uppsatser om Automatic snow depth measurements - Sida 2 av 112
Anva?ndning av markfuktighetskartor fo?r sta?ndortsanpassad plantering
Digital depth-to-water maps can be produced from a digital elevation model (DEM). Then GIS- based algorithms are used to calculate water flows and the depth-to-water index classes dry, fresh, moist and wet. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility to use depth- to-water maps for site adapted planting.The results showed that use of depth-to-water maps for site adapted planting, roughly halved the proportion of improperly planted surfaces from an average of 9 % to 4 %. The variation in the values of proper surface decreased and the result became more even.. In addition, more pine than spruce was incorrectly planted.
Sjukdomar i vallgräs : uppdatering av Faktablad om växtskydd -Sjukdomar i vallgräs (95 J)
In Sweden, 2011, ley was grown almost as much as cereals, which means that in terms of area, ley is an important crop. A lay can consist of either grass or grass combined with legumes e.g. clover. Forage grasses can be affected by many differ- ent diseases, some during the winter and some during the growing season. The diseases which do damage during the winter are called snow mold and can make large areas perish.
Snövit : från undersaga till bildberättelse
Snow White through Grimm and Disney - A Comparative StudyThis essay attempts to discern the differences regarding six Swedish versions of the fairy-tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs over a period of 150 years. Focus is placed on structural transformations through time and media according to the analytical theories of Vladimir Propp. Attention is also given to former research done on the impact of the fairy-tale on the child from a psychological and social point of view. Of interest is the historical background of the tale, commencing with oral tradition, and how this was dealt with by the Grimm brothers. Three of the versions used for this comparative study are variants of the Grimm tale, and three belong to Walt Disney productions, i.e.
Samband mellan hull, underhudsfett, levande vikt och fruktsamhet hos SRB och SLB :
After parturition the energy demand for milk production is greater then the energy provided from the diet. The cow mobilises therefore body tissues to compensate for the energy loss. Live weight and body condition scores decreases as a consequence of the mobilisation.
The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between body condition score, live weight and subcutaneous fat depth measured by ultrasound and the changes during the lactation. Possible differences between Swedish Holstein (SLB) and Swedish Red and White Cattle (SRB) were also investigated.
Skillnader i kungsörnens (Aquila chrysaetos) flyttningsmönster beroende på ålder och klimatfaktorer : En studie för skyddet av kungsörn
This study examines the factors that influence the seasonal movements of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), and can thus provide important information that helps to improve the protection of the species. There were two main purposes of this study. First, I wanted to analyze the difference between preferences of juvenile and adult Golden Eagles in their choice of southern or northern hibernation areas. Do younger eagles prefer moving longer distance to southern areas of Sweden? Second, I wanted to investigate how the climate influenced the choice of date of migration in the fall.
Läppar röda som blod : En strukturell analys av kristna symboler i Walt Disneys och Rupert Sanders versioner av Snövit
Snow White is one of the most popular fairytales to our time. There has been much research on the subject. `Lips red as blood- a structural analysis of Christian symbols´ in Walt Disneys and Rupert Sanders versions of Snow White` by Emma Svanström aims not to give a final answer to how Snow White should be interpreted. But rather the objective is to examine two versions in the search for any possible Christian influences and changes in such over time. The two versions are Walt Disney?s Snow white and the seven dwarfs and Rupert Sanders Snow White and the huntsman.
Word sense disambiguation med Svenskt OrdNät
In information retrieval there is a problem with ambiguous words. To solve this problem word sense disambiguation WSD is used. Few studies combining information retrieval and word sense disambiguation have been conducted with Swedish words. The purpose of this thesis has been divided in two. The first purpose was to examine Swedish information retrieval and disambiguation in the query phase.
Röjning på snö och röjning på barmark : effekter på produktivitet och kvarvarande bestånd
Approximately 4000-5000 hectares, of SCA´s forest land area in Västerbotten, are in need of pre-commercial thinning (PCT) every year. Within the management district, the areas annually treated with PCT must increase, in order to decrease the area with an urgent need for PCT. This can be done by employing more forest workers or entrepreneurs, by mechanized PCT or by an extended season for PCT. Positive experiences from a private forest owner, who started to carry out PCT when the first snow came and then continued for several months, gave an idea to investigate the possibilities to prolong the season of PCT.
The purpose of this experiment was to compare PCT carried out when there was snow on the ground with PCT performed when there was no snow on the ground.
Automatisk indexering på webben - en studie av sökmotorn HotBot
The web has made an incredible amount of unorganized information available to anyone. There are search engines that help us structuring the information, but it is still difficult to find what you search for on the web. The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate whether the already existing techniques for automatic indexing are suited for the new information retrieval context on the web and how the choice to support these techniques, or not, affects the search results. This is examined through a literature study on automatic indexing and other related concepts, such as information retrieval and information searching on the web in order to get a theoretical frame to the work and by an observation of the search engine HotBot to approach the purpose of the thesis. The observation is carried out by searching HotBot's database and investigating the search results in order to try to identify patterns that can reveal something about how HotBot's automatic indexing is done.
Optimering av databasinformation
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att med avseende på Snow Softwares databas försöka att effektivisera samt omstrukturera de procedurer som hanterar deras regelverk. Den är ej inriktad på att utvärdera eller förändra de algoritmer som redan finns i Microsoft SQL Server.Ett flertal olika prototyper framställdes och utvärderades. Dessa var ej specifika för just denna databas och kan därför vara intressanta även i andra sammanhang. Den prototyp som visade sig vara mest effektiv implementerades så att den enkelt skulle kunna tas i bruk i det nuvarande systemet. Prototypen gav en ungefärlig förbättring i söktid på 18,8 %.
Svensk vindkraft
Sweden's drinking water quality is considered to be high partly due to a high quality of the raw water and a well developed sewage infrastructure. Despite this, there is water contamination that could be prevented by installation of a sophisticated early warning system. Some of the major players in the production of drinking water have already invested in different types of early warning systems to ensure drinking water of high quality. There are various forms of early warning systems where automatic monitoring of E. Coli is an interesting alternative.
Impact of Eucalyptus plantations on pasture land on soil properties and carbon sequestration in Brazil
Soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and fluxes in forest ecosystems are influenced by natural and human disturbances. In the tropical regions the highest impacts on disturbance in forest C cycles are related to human activities such as conversion of natural lands to cropland and pasture areas and to forest plantations. The disturbances in the forest C cycles will release CO2 emissions to the atmosphere triggering global warming. In this study the focus was set in subtropical soils in Brazil, south extreme region of Bahia. The aim of the study was to investigate whether reforestation of Eucalyptus plantations under former pasture areas will help mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration.
Automatic Trimmerhead
Automatic trimmerhead is an examination project for making an automatic trimmerhead for grass trimmers with the user and functionality in focus. Our perception is that a happy user is a user who can pick up his or her trimmer, use it and put it back to its place when the job is done. It should not be necessary to interrupt work and perform maintenance on the machine just to make it work as promised.The project has been made in collaboration with the company Husqvarna, which is one of the biggest actors dealing with garden machinery on the market. Together we determined the project goal, ?To invent, construct and test a brand new concept for how an automatic trimmerhead can look and function?.At this day there are several different automatic trimmerheads on the market, both semi and fully automatic.
Underkambriska böljeslagsmärkens bildningsmiljö : Ett försök att fastställa fossila ripplars avsättningsmiljö med hjälp av recenta sandbottnar
ABSTRACTThe fauna of the Lower Cambrian is far from fully understood, as is the environment of that epoch. Some of the most crucial moments in the history of evolution takes place during this epoch; the Cambrian explosion and the appearance of ecosystems as we know them. That makes it an important period to investigate. Doing so, the Lower Cambrian offers a lot of problems, one of which is that body fossils are seldom preserved. That has often left us with trace fossils to create an image of the Lower Cambrian life, but also some bedrock features such as ripple marks.The main purpose of this work has been to investigate the possibilities of relating the wave lengths and forms of recent wave-generated ripples to fossil ones, and also to evaluate the methods for that kind of comparison.
Automatisk trimning av drivsystemreglering från MATLAB
This master thesis covers the development of an automatic tuning process for the existing speed controller for drive systems. The drive systems are resonant two-mass systems where a motor is used to drive a load connected by a shaft. The developed method relies heavily on system identification and the construction of a complete mechanical model of the process. With this approach, the common problem with poor load speed control that derives from measuring only the motor speed can be addressed and solved for a majority of such processes.The automatic tuning method has along with general test functions been implemented in a complete tool for automatic tuning, testing and performance evaluation and reporting for drive systems..