

42 Uppsatser om Autobiographies - Sida 1 av 3

Personer med Asperger och svårigheteri samhället ? en fråga om kommunikation? : - en jämförande studie mellan forskning och egnaupplevelser hos personer med Asperger

This study is about people with Asperger syndrome and their difficulties in all kinds of communication in society. Through the language we code objects and events to remember and observe the environment. The aim is to compare research with the actual experiences of people with Asperger syndrome, in relation to their difficulties in society / communication. Three questions have been given extra attention. The first is what similarities and differences there are between people with Asperger syndrome.

Upplevelser i samband med en obotlig cancersjukdom : En litteraturstudie baserad på vetenskapliga artiklar samt självbiografier

BACKGROUND: One of the nurse?s areas of responsibility is to relieve suffering. Research has shown that nurses give an indication of an emotional load in the interaction with dying patients. This means that patients need of relieved suffering gets disregarded because of nurse?s fear of the unknown.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett cancersjukt barn : en studie av självbiografier

Background:Approximately 300 children get a malign cancer diagnosis every year in Sweden, 80 % of them survive. Parents of the children who have a cancer diagnosis experienced that they didn't have mental health, nurses care of parents are to keep a mental health so they can handle their parent role. Nurses should meet families through their life-world because caring should be done with dignity and integrity.Aim:The aim of this study was to describe how parents experience the daily life with a child who has a cancer diagnosis.Method:The method used in this study was a literature study based on autobiography, which means analysis of Autobiographies. Four books were analyzed.Results:Four categories emerged from the analysis of the Autobiographies, experience of powerless, desire of a regular, experience of anxiety and fear, to experience joy and have hope.Conclusion:This study shows how life changes when a child in the family gets a cancer diagnosis and how it affected the parents. The study points out the importants to create a great relationship between the nurses and the family so they can have a good care..

Sanna av-slöjanden eller ren dikt? En analys av fyra självbiografier ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv.

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the descriptions of characters and settings in four Autobiographies. The main question is: What picture of women and men, of the West and the Orient do these books provide? To answer this question we have formed three sub questions, which are: In what ways are main and minor characters described? In what ways are the key settings, and the Western and Oriental societies described? Which themes are dealt with, and from what points of departure? The theoretical framework is based on a postcolonial theoretical perspective, where the concept of binary opposites and Edward W. Said?s ideas about orientalism are crucial.

?Man vill ju bli berörd?: En studie av sjuksköterskestudenters läsning av skönlitteratur och biografier

This Master?s thesis is connected to an interdisciplinary field between humanities and health care; ?humanistic medicine? or ?humanistic nursing?. The object of the investigation is nursing students? experiences of reading fiction and Autobiographies as course literature. In semi-structured interviews a group of students talk about their reading.

Upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande vid självskadebeteende : En studie av självbiografier

Background: Since the end of the 1990`s the self-harm among adolescents have increased. Research is needed on how to improve the ability to care for these patients. That is why it is important to investigate how patients who self-harm and the next of kin are encountered by the caregivers.Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate the experiences of encounters with caregivers at self-harm.Method: The study was based on narratives, which in this case means analysis of Autobiographies. Five Autobiographies were analyzed in accordance with a description by Dahlborg-Lyckhage. Four of these were written by self-harmers and one by a next of kin.Results: Three themes and twelve subthemes emerged which describe both negative and positive experiences of encounters with caregivers.

När livet förändras : En självbiografistudie om föräldrars upplevelse av att leva med ett barn med cancer.

Background: Cancer is the most common cause of death among children in Sweden. The disease and the treatment cause suffering among the children, which also affects their parents. Research has shown that parents of children with cancer have poorer health. It is the nurse?s responsebility to help, not only the child, but also the parents in their difficult situation.

Vad har jag gjort för att förtjäna detta? : En studie av kvinnors upplevelser i våldsutsatta relationer

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of women who have been abused by their partners. The study also examines how violence takes shape in a relationship. Based on a qualitative text analysis of three Autobiographies and one novel, we have obtained the material for this study. The three selected Autobiographies are; "I have not told you everything" by Jessie Andersson, "The nightmare" by Maria Dahlén and "It would be a pleasure to kill you" by Magdalena Graaf and the novel "Hidden" by Liza Marklund. To gain a better understanding of this topic, we have used the following theories; the process of normalization of violence, gender and masculinity.

"En skör människas verklighetsuppfattning" : en teoretisk diskussion kring positioner, sanningsanspråk och subtiliteter utifrån Maja Lundgrens bok Myggor och Tigrar

Genom en textanalys av författaren Maja Lundgrens bok Myggor och Tigrar undersöker uppsatsen skönlitterära texters möjlighet att förändra kvinnors positioner och potentialer. I den teoretiska bakgrunden redogörs för såväl historisk som nutida självbiografiforskning med fokus på diskussioner kring sanningsanspråk, textens konstituerande karaktär och specifikt feministisk forskning på området. Med betoning på hur förtryck kan beskrivas på alternativa och komplexa sätt för att i förlängningen skapa nya förståelser för kvinnliga subjektspositioner, undersöks Lundgrens försök att skildra subtila maktutövanden..

Att drabbas av och leva med stroke : en studie av självbiografier

Stroke is a widespread disease in Sweden. Nurses play a central part for those who suffer from a stroke irrespective of where in the care chain they meet. To be able to meet the patients? need of care the nurse must understand his/her lifeworld. Each and every patient is unique and the experience of being struck by a stroke depends on personality and life situation.

Att tillfriskna från Bulimia Nervosa : vilka faktorer underlättar?

Över 80 procent av världens befolkning drabbas någon gång i livet av ryggsmärta. Människor som lever med ryggsmärta kan drabbas av sänkt livskvalitet, smärta ångest och sömnproblematik. Massage är en alternativ behandlingsmetod som påverkar kroppen på flera sätt. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa hur massage påverkar patienter med ryggsmärta. Metoden var en litteraturstudie.

Att förstå ätstörningar : En kvalitativ studie baserad på kvinnors egna berättelser om hur det är att leva med ätstörningar.

The aim of this study is to create a deeper understanding of the disease known as eating disorder. The study is based on four Autobiographies written by individuals who themselves have been affected by eating disorders. These stories have been studied using a narrative approach. To achieve the purpose, the study is focused on what participants describe as the factors underlying the onset of the disease, the factors that participants describe maintained their eating disorders, as well as what is described to be the factors responsible for their recovery. By my interpretation of the stories, I have been able to identify common factors that all participants describe to be influential in their disease course.

Att leva med en livshotande sjukdom : en studie av självbiografier

Att få en livshotande sjukdom kan vara en stor kris och är ett lidande. Tidigare forskning är till stor del fokuserad på patienters upplevelser i ett terminalt skede och visar vikten av en öppen kommunikation, att leva ett aktivt normalt liv och att människors uppfattning om döden är olika. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur det är att leva med en livshotande sjukdom i det vardagliga livet vilket har studerats med hjälp av självbiografier. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats, baserad på sex självbiografier. Resultatet beskrivs i form av fem teman, som illustreras och förtydligas med citat.

Änglabarn : Föräldrars upplevelser av att förlora ett barn i sjukdom

Background: When a parent loses its child life will change drastically and assume other conditions. The loss of a child affects the whole human existence, the grief can be very intense as well as in-depth and find expression both on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level. Aim: The aim is to describe parents? experiences of losing a child to illness. Method: Graneheim and Lundmans manifest content analysis method was used to the method based on qualitative raw material in forms of three Swedish Autobiographies.

Ett bipolärt liv : Erfarenheter av bipolär sjukdom

Bipolär sjukdom är en kronisk sjukdom där personen upplever maniska och depressiva perioder. Under manin får personen en ökad energinivå, tankarna flödar samt omdömet försämras. Depressionen kännetecknas av nedstämdhet och en dyster sinnesstämning. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vilka erfarenheter en person har av att leva med bipolär sjukdom. En narrativ analys har använts.

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